The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7784: Buddha’s help


Ye Linyuan’s shocking sword slashed all the demons in his heart, allowing many people to take advantage and pass the test smoothly.

Seeing this scene, the Zen master had no opinion. . .

Because, the first level is just an appetizer, and there are two more levels after that.

Those who pass the level by chance, face the next two levels, it is impossible to have such good luck.

“I announce that there are seventy-two people who have passed through the inner demon!”

“Next, is the second test, the calamity of truth.”

The Zen master’s voice was high, and as his words fell, layers of mist appeared on the steps extending from the mountainside to the top of the mountain.

Mist shrouded the steps, making it impossible to see what was real and palpitating.

The Zen master said: “Step into the fog, listen to the Buddha’s decree, and answer the Buddha’s questions. As long as you pass the Buddha’s test, you will pass the test.”

Everyone was shocked when they heard that they had to answer the Buddha’s question.

Marven Ye was secretly overjoyed. If there is a chance to face the Buddha face to face, it would be the best.

“Then come in, and good luck to you.”

The bell of the assessment rang, and the fog on the steps became more intense, as if something indescribable was hidden inside.

Ye Chen, Demon Emperor, and Gui Chen looked at each other, nodded, and stepped into the misty steps side by side.

However, the mist seemed to have some kind of strange power, which abruptly dispersed the three of them.

Many candidates, after entering the fog, were also scattered one by one.

The guests outside watching the ceremony could not see anything, and there was a commotion and whispers.

Afterwards, they heard a desolate and magnificent voice in the fog, like Hong Zhong Dalu:

“What is truth?”

That’s the voice of the Buddha!

Marven Ye walked through the fog, drew out the Heavenly Sword of Samsara, and remained vigilant.

However, along the way, he did not encounter any monster attacks.

Just suddenly, a voice sounded in the void, and the voice asked him: “What is truth?”

Marven Ye was taken aback and asked, “Who are you?”

The voice said: “Lao Na is the realm king of all living beings, the ancient Buddha of truth.”

Marven Ye was pleasantly surprised: “It turns out that the senior is the Buddha of Truth, disrespectful, disrespectful!”

Marven Ye hurriedly bowed and wanted to ask about the incarnation of the demon ancestor Wutian Shannian, but it seemed that it was not yet time.

The voice continued to ask: “Lord of reincarnation, let me ask you, what is the truth?”

Marven Ye froze for a while, and murmured, “What is the truth?” He didn’t think of this question.

The voice gave an “um” and said, “Yes, what is the ultimate truth of this world? Is there an eternal truth in this world that can distinguish between right and wrong?”

Marven Ye was at a loss, he never thought about what the truth was.

The voice said: “Don’t you know?”

Marven Ye said calmly: “I don’t know.”

The voice was silent for a while, then said: “Perhaps, you can see how other people responded.”

As the voice fell, the mist in front of Ye Chen’s eyes distorted, and pictures emerged.

The first scene that appeared was Su Daoguang.

Su Daoguang didn’t think much about the Buddha’s question before he replied, “What is the truth? The truth in this world is that the weak eat the strong, and the strong reign supreme! Whoever has the bigger fist is the truth! “

“For example, Emperor Yu Huang, a mean and merciless old fellow, is cruel and cruel, but he can sit in the heavens and become the supreme of the heavens, that is, his strength is strong enough!”

“This world, the ultimate truth, is always the strongest, the winner takes all, and the loser eats the dust!”

The tone is full of unwillingness, enthusiasm, anger, etc.

The weak will eat the strong, and the strong will dominate. This is Su Daoguang’s answer.

Marven Ye nodded, this does make sense.

The screen turned again, and Ye Chen saw again that the Demon Emperor who covered the sky was also facing this problem.

The Devil Emperor pondered for a while, then replied: “If there really is eternal truth in this world, then I think it is reincarnation.”

“Reincarnation is the supreme truth. As long as the order of reincarnation is established, life and death will be both good and evil.”

When Ye Chen heard the Devil Emperor’s answer, he was stunned for a moment, but he was grateful again. It seemed that the Devil Emperor was firmly in his camp, and even thought that reincarnation was the highest truth.

The screen jumped again. Ye Chen saw the young man named Gui Chen. After hearing the question from the Buddha, his eyes rolled and said:

“Buddha, are you asking me the truth? That’s naturally compassion. I heard the abbot say that a long, long time ago, a Lord of compassion was born. Her compassionate breath can make the evil one put down the butcher’s knife, and make the People in the world let go of fighting, everyone is compassionate, benevolent, righteous, courteous and kind, and the world is at peace.”

“So, if there is any truth, I think it is the way of mercy.”

Finally, a few more pictures turned, and the Buddha showed Ye Chen the answers of the others.

Finally, the Buddha asked: “So, Lord of Reincarnation, do you have the answer in your heart? What is the ultimate truth in this world?”

Ye Chen lowered his head and pondered, thoughtfully, and finally shook his head and said, “This problem is too big and too complicated, I don’t know.”

The Buddha said: “You don’t know?”

Marven Ye said: “Yes, I haven’t even cut off the shackles, how do I know the ultimate truth?”

The Buddha was silent for a while, then said: “Then the old man will cut off the shackles for you and break through the entrance of life and death.”

When the voice fell, Ye Chen felt that there was a majestic and terrifying power pouring into his body.


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