The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7616: Tian Shi Wan Ye


Ye Chen’s heart froze, that’s true, the weather he just broke out was so terrifying, it must have spread to the Taishang World, maybe it would disturb the Wanxu Temple and Jianmen.

“Then I’ll go first.”

With the palm of his hand, Ye Chen wanted to tear the void and leave.

But suddenly, he was surprised to find that the surrounding void was blocked by a powerful force and could not be torn apart.


A strong wind blows between heaven and earth.

In the strong wind, the red maple leaves fluttered in the sky, revealing a touch of Buddhist Zen.

“The maple leaf dance in heaven and earth, Manzhusha Huajing! Emperor Shi Wanye is here!”

As soon as Wu Tianqi saw the maple leaves fluttering in the sky, he was shocked.


In the distant sky, a team descends.

The head is a handsome young man, surrounded by maple leaves, with boundless aura blooming. He is one of the ten great ancestors of the past, the ancestor of the Emperor Shi family, Emperor Shi Wanye!

Beside Emperor Shi Wanye, there were more than a dozen elite disciples of Wanxu Temple, murderous.

“Emperor Shi Wanye, he was re-used by Wanxu?”

Marven Ye’s face changed, as far as he knew, Emperor Shi Wanye had been imprisoned.

But now, Emperor Shi Wanye has come here, and his state has even recovered to its peak.

In the dark, Ye Chen has captured the secret, and the Emperor Shi Wanye has indeed been reactivated. This time, he is to be arrested and brought back, and he will be blamed for his merits!

Wu Tianqi’s face sank, and he said to Ye Chen: “Master of Samsara, stay here and don’t move around, I’ll deal with it.”

As he spoke, he released a ray of spiritual energy, enveloped Ye Chen, and concealed Ye Chen’s breath, and then he took his men, Yufeng flew up, and went towards Emperor Shi Wanye.

Di Shi Wanye is a strong man in the immeasurable realm, and his talent is a god.

The ten shackles on Ye Chen’s left hand and right hand have all been broken away, and his future achievements are limitless. He is still a descendant of Wuzu, and Wu Tianqi must not watch him be taken away.

Ye Chen just saw Wu Tianqi fly into the sky and face off against Emperor Shi Wanye from afar.

At this time, the Emperor Shi Wanye had a very magnificent atmosphere, with strong winds all over his body, and maple leaves fluttering.

In the entire Wuyuan world, there are maple leaves floating everywhere, and all kinds of cause and effect are shrouded in the induction of Emperor Shi Wanye.

Fortunately, Ye Chen was in the slashing martial arts field, and he was covered by Wu Tianqi, but he was not exposed immediately.

“Ancestor Emperor Shi, stay safe! I don’t know what kind of wind blows you into my Wuyuan world?”

In the sky, Wu Tianqi bowed his hands to Emperor Shi Wanye and asked in a slow voice.

Di Shi Wanye smiled and said: “Master Wu, Ming people don’t speak secretly, the master of reincarnation has a deadly feud with my Wanxu Temple, others are here, please hand him over, I Wanxu will not treat you badly. you.”

Wu Tianqi said bluntly: “The Lord of Reincarnation is a descendant of the ancestors of Wu, and he has inextricable ties with my Wuyuan world. Please forgive me for not being able to give people to you.”

He didn’t hide it, because he couldn’t hide it at all. The weather caused by Ye Chen’s shackles just now was too vast.

Now everyone knows that Ye Chen is in the world of Wuyuan!

However, Wu Tianqi will not hand over Ye Chen.

Di Shi Wanye sneered: “You want to be my enemy in Wanxu?”

Wu Tianqi said: “The Temple of Ten Thousand Ruins dominates the world, how dare you offend it? It’s just that my Wuyuan world has always been neutral and never interfered in the grievances and grievances of the outside world.”

“You have a grudge against the Lord of Reincarnation, and I, Wuyuan Hall, will not help each other.”

Di Shi Wanye said with a smile: “Since the two are not helping each other, then please ask the Martial Hall Master to hand over the people, and don’t make it difficult for me, brother, you know the temper of the ancestor, if we return empty-handed, I am afraid of life. No guarantee.”

Wu Tianqi said: “If you want to fight, you will fight in the outside world. In my Wuyuan world, please be quiet, otherwise it will disturb the deep sleep of Wuzu Supreme. That is not a joke.”

Di Shi Wanye’s face changed slightly and said, “Wu Tianqi, what do you mean?”

Wu Tianqi said: “In short, in my Wuyuan world, private fights and use of force are not allowed. If you want to kill the Lord of Samsara, then wait until he goes out.”

Di Shi Wanye laughed and said: “It’s rare to find the Lord of Reincarnation. If he escapes and tries to find it again, it will be harder than reaching the sky! Since the Lord of the Martial Hall refuses to make friends, don’t blame him. Brother, I’m welcome!”

When the voice fell, Emperor Shi Wanye’s body suddenly flashed, killing Wu Tianqi’s back.


The monstrous red lotus fire, mixed with rolling snow, burst out from Emperor Shi Wanye, and attacked Wu Tianqi fiercely.

“Manzhusha Huajing, Red Lotus Jingxue!?”

Wu Tianqi’s expression changed. He didn’t expect Emperor Shi Wanye to suddenly act.

The magical power of Emperor Shi Wanye is exactly the magic of the Nine Heavens, the secret method in the Manzhusha Huajing!

Manzhusha Huajing has three realms.

The first floor, Maple Leaf Dance!

Second floor, Red Lotus Jingxue!

The third floor, beyond the boundless sky!

This red lotus still snow is the red lotus karmic fire and the blizzard, rolling in, like a song of ice and fire, the fusion of ice and fire, scorching people’s bodies, freezing people’s souls, extremely powerful .

Wu Tianqi instantly felt that his body was on fire, but his soul had a feeling of being frozen.

The difference between the ice and fire almost made him vomit blood.

His cultivation is obviously one step behind Emperor Shi Wanye!


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