The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7615: Alert


Ancient Emperor Yu Huang pointed his fingers and captured Ye Chen at this time, who was cutting the flails in the world of Wuyuan.

His eyes froze, and with a wave of his palm, an enchantment cage appeared on the ground.

In the cage, a handsome young man is trapped.

The boy only had half of his face, and the other half had been beheaded.

“Wan Ye, I’ll give you a chance to atone for your sins. You give me a trip to Wuyuan World and bring back that kid Ye Chen!”

“If you can’t catch it alive, then kill it!”

Emperor Yu gave the order in a cold voice.

The beautiful young man in the cage is the ancestor of the Emperor Shi’s family, the master of the Nine Heavens Magic Manzhusha Hua Sutra, the Emperor Shi Wanye!

The ancestor of Emperor Shi, Emperor Shi Wanye, always looks like a handsome young man, and his appearance is even more handsome than Emperor Shitian.

He once competed with Ren Feifei for the 33-day Supreme Artifact, the second-ranked Snow Burial Stardust, and Ren Feifei had half of his head beheaded.

Later, he colluded with Di Shitian, trying to help Di Shitian cultivate the ninth level of inner demons, but he failed.

Di Shitian’s body was destroyed, and his soul was imprisoned.

Emperor Shi Wanye was also suppressed by the ancient emperor Yu Huang and imprisoned in a cage.

At this moment, the reincarnation was shattered, and the weather was so majestic, the ancient emperor Yu Huang re-activated Emperor Shi Wanye and wanted to arrest Ye Chen.

Emperor Shi Wanye, after all, was one of the ten great ancestors of Heavenly Sovereigns in the past, and his cultivation was naturally no trivial matter. He was a master of the Infinite Realm.

Di Shi Wanye was overjoyed when he heard that there was an opportunity to redeem his sins, and said, “Thank you for the forgiveness of sins, I will definitely arrest the Lord of Reincarnation!”

Ancient Emperor Yu Huang’s face was indifferent, he waved his hand lightly, and a wisp of water from the Bamboo Immortal Pond flew from the void and poured it on half of Emperor Shi Wanye’s head.

The half of Emperor Shi Wanye’s head that was beheaded grew out again, and the avenue was restored to perfection.

He was even more surprised and knelt down to thank him.

Emperor Yu just waved his hand and said, “I haven’t said that I want to forgive your sins, I’ll talk about it when you catch the Lord of Samsara back!”

Di Shi Wanye said: “Yes!”

After a pause, he hesitated again: “However, the Lord of Reincarnation is in the world of Wuyuan, and the world was built by the ancestors, and has always remained neutral, never intervening in external causes and effects. Rules, in case Martial Ancestor is disturbed…”

Emperor Yu snorted and said, “I just know it’s tricky, so I asked you to take action. If you can’t solve it, then bring your head back to see me!”

Di Shi Wanye’s heart froze, and he said in a deep voice: “Yes! Patriarch, please rest assured, I will definitely live up to your trust!”

At the moment, Emperor Shi Wanye took a team of elite disciples to the Wuyuan world, preparing to arrest Ye Chen.


Inside the Mountain Gate of Wish God Cult.

Two women, naked, bathed in a pool.

That pond is the Wishing Immortal Pond, and there is a faint mist of smoke filling it.

The two women in the bath, one is the goddess of the gods, and the other is Ye Luoer.

The two were immersed in the pool water, and suddenly saw the reincarnation atmosphere spreading out in the sky, all of which were shaking.

“Brother Ye, are you going to start cutting the flail?”

Yeluoer murmured in a low voice, feeling incredible.

If Ye Chen started to cut the flail now, the breakthrough speed would be too fast.

“Hehe, this kid is really capable.”

The corner of Taishang Tiannv’s mouth also evoked a smile. She took the Ice Phoenix Heavenly Sword placed by the pool with her slender hand, rubbed it gently, and whispered like a dream:

“If you can really cut the shackles, I can lend you this sword.”


Jianmen, the world in the painting.

The vast reincarnation atmosphere, even spread to the world in this painting, is simply outrageous!

Jianmen headmaster Zhang Qingyu was preaching to the seven sons of Jianmen when he suddenly felt the arrival of the reincarnation, and he was immediately shocked.

At this time, the seven sons of Jianmen, Song Yanjun, have been beheaded, leaving only six people.

Behind the seven sons of Jianmen, there are their respective masters, all senior elders in Jianmen, and some servants, serving by the side.

This time, the weather of reincarnation is coming, and the world in this painting is rippling with golden light everywhere.

Headmaster Zhang Qingyu, many elders, the seven sons of Jianmen, and all the servants were shocked.

A servant whispered: “Could it be that the Lord of Reincarnation has already killed the Supreme World and established a ruling order?”

Headmaster Zhang Qingyu’s eyes froze, and with a flick of his finger, a ray of essence shot out, and he beheaded the servant on the spot.

The rest of the servants were startled and fell to their knees, shivering.

Zhang Qingyu said in a deep voice: “The demonic words confuse the public! What are you panicking, the Lord of Samsara has not yet reached his ascension, he is just hitting the shackles of martial arts.”

An elder came out and said, “Headmaster, look at the weather of this reincarnation, it has all come to us, and the momentum is no trivial matter.”

Another elder said: “It seems that the Lord of Reincarnation is about to slay a hundred paths!”

Another elder said: “Slaying a hundred ways, such an extraordinary achievement, really achieved by him, our Jianmen and the old alliance will surely die!”

“The Lord of Reincarnation killed Elder Song Ji and took away the heavy treasure Ting Yujian from his sect. It is a heinous crime, and he must not be allowed to succeed in beheading!”

“That’s right! Be sure to stop him!”

Many elders were filled with righteous indignation, and the seven sons of Jianmen stood up again and invited Ying to fight to wash away the humiliation of the past.

Zhang Qingyu’s eyes turned, and many thoughts passed by in an instant, and finally said:

“Three elders, you and Xuantong go to Wuyuan World to bring back the Lord of Reincarnation.”

“Be careful of everything, the world of Wuyuan is the place opened up by Wuzu, don’t disturb the cause and effect.”

Among the sword gates, the third elder is named Li He. He is a boundless powerhouse. He immediately stood up and said, “Yes, head teacher!”

After a pause, Li He said again: “However, what if Wuyuan Palace refuses to hand over someone?”

Zhang Qingyu sneered and said, “If you don’t want to make a deal, then just grab it! Although the rules are broken, there may be causal punishments, but as long as the Lord of Samsara can be caught, all the costs are worth it!”

Li He said: “Yes!”

At the moment, Li He took his disciple, Li Xuantong, one of the seven sons of Jianmen, to leave Jianmen and rush to the world of Wuyuan.


In the world of reincarnation, Ye Chen hit the shackles of his legs many times, but he was never able to break through.

“It seems that my martial arts accumulation is still not enough. If I try harder, my legs may be paralyzed.”

Ye Chen let out a long sigh, opened his eyes, and stopped the impact of the martial arts shackles.

The reincarnation of the sky also dissipated.

Wu Tianqi and Wu Anguo rushed up.

Wu Tianqi hurriedly asked: “Master of Samsara, how is it?”

Marven Ye smiled helplessly and said, “My martial arts accumulation is not enough, I just broke the shackles of my hands.”

Wu Tianqi said: “Being able to break the shackles ahead of time is already an extraordinary gesture! Lord of reincarnation, it is better for you to leave as soon as possible. The atmosphere you just burst out is really too vast, and I am afraid that it will disturb the enemy.”


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