The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7608: The ultimate in martial arts (please ask for a ticket!)


In the ancient prehistoric era, Martial Ancestor did slay the shackles here, and there is also a mysterious atmosphere.

But whether it was Emperor Yu, the goddess, the demon ancestor Wutian, and others, when they cut the shackles here, they did not arouse the thoughts of the ancestors.

However, Ye Chen directly led to the mystery of Martial Ancestor’s shackles!

Wu Tianqi and Wu Anguo looked at each other and were deeply shocked.

The Lord of Reincarnation in this life is worthy of being the descendant of Martial Ancestor!

Neither Wu Tianqi nor Wu Anguo dared to look directly at the scene of Wu Ancestor slaying the shackles.

Even Wu Tianqi is an immeasurable powerhouse.

However, Martial Ancestor’s thoughts are too powerful, and he cannot bear it at all.

Neither of them dared to look at it. In the presence of Ye Chen, only Ye Chen was qualified to comprehend Martial Ancestor’s thoughts.

Marven Ye stared at the ancient and faint picture in the wind and snow.

He caught a glimpse of the majestic figure of Wuzu.

The Martial Ancestor’s shackles are completely different from Hongjun’s shackles.

Hongjun cut the flail, step by step, step by step.

But the Martial Ancestor’s shackles were too domineering, and he actually exploded his own spiritual energy in an instant, hitting him with a hundred martial dao shackles!

In other words, Martial Ancestor slashes the shackles, it is a hundred shackles!

“Hey, as expected of the Martial Ancestor, he is really domineering.”

Marven Ye sucked in a breath of cold air and deeply felt the strength of Martial Ancestor.

One hundred flails are cut at the same time, which is a very heavy load on the body.

Meridians, bones, eyes, head, and heart all suffer great pain.


As soon as I heard Wu Zu’s whole body, there were bursts of explosions, and the whole person seemed to be about to explode.

The five senses of the ancestors were twisting violently, obviously suffering great pain.

The pain of being slashed at the same time was unbearable even for Martial Ancestors.

“Break me!”

Suddenly, Martial Ancestor let out a loud shout, and his whole body swirled with spiritual energy.

In the midst of great pain, he still endured it without flinching at all, showing an overwhelming domineering.

Bang bang bang!

His body, one after another shackles were broken.

Ninety-nine shackles, almost all of them were impacted in a few minutes!

His eyes shot out a dazzling golden light, crushing the laws of heaven and earth.

Marven Ye felt the mighty atmosphere of Martial Ancestor, and his heart became more and more shocked.

One hundred flails cut at the same time, this is crazy!

Even after a long time, the powerful thoughts left by the ancestor Wu at the beginning of the shackles still deeply impacted Ye Chen.

Marven Ye could only feel his head buzzing, and with the remaining thoughts of Martial Ancestor, his spirit was a little unbearable.

Ye Chen snorted and almost vomited blood. The Hongmeng Starry Sky that was just released was also cracked inch by inch.

The idea of ​​the ancestors is so powerful!

Marven Ye felt a little tear-like pain in his internal organs.

“I just felt the secrets of the past, and it was so painful. When the Martial Ancestor cut off the shackles, how severe would the pain be?”

Marven Ye was extremely shocked, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, supported him, and continued to stare at the picture in the snow.

Ninety-nine shackles have all been severed.

At this moment, the Martial Ancestor is still missing the last step, the shackles of the heart, which cannot be cut off.

“The shackles of the heart are so strong…”

In the picture, Martial Ancestor tried to hit the shackles of the heart, but it seemed to fail. He made a low voice, a little dazed, and a little melancholy clutching his heart.

“Is the shackle in my heart Hongjun?”

Ancestor Wu murmured in a low voice, his whole body dissipated, and he sat cross-legged on the ground like a mortal.

“No, no matter who it is, the shackles in my heart must be broken!”

Wuzu suddenly gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, and his spiritual energy was pouring into his heart.


The shackles of the heart began to charge, but it didn’t go well.

Ancestor Wu spat out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the picture, Ye Chen was also shaken, and the infinitely fierce aura seemed to impact his heart.


Marven Ye also spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale.

“The Lord of Reincarnation!”

Wu Tianqi was shocked and took two steps, wanting to go to the rescue.

Marven Ye waved his hand, indicating that he should not panic, he could still hold on.

Wu Tianqi stopped and looked at Ye Chen very nervously, really afraid that Ye Chen couldn’t bear Wu Zu’s thoughts and would explode and die on the spot.

Ancestor Wu cut the flail, different from ordinary people.

He slashed the shackles. He slashed all the shackles together. He was extremely domineering and almost crazy.

Since time immemorial, no one has been as crazy as Wuzu.

The pain of being slaughtered with a hundred flails is simply not something that people can bear, and I don’t know how Martial Ancestor survived.

In the picture, Martial Ancestor failed to attack the shackles of the heart, and whispered unwillingly:

“Hongjun is the only one in my heart, and I can’t let go of this dear friend. Is it impossible to break this shackle after all?”

“No, I don’t believe it!”

“The ultimate in martial arts is not to abandon all affection!”

Ancestor Wu took a deep breath, the spiritual energy gathered again, and attacked the shackles of the heart again.

This time, however, he still failed.

The intense pain of the failure to cut off the flail caused Wuzu to spit out another mouthful of blood, and his burly body fell to the ground.

Marven Ye’s heart is also twisted, almost torn apart.

“Master of Reincarnation, Martial Ancestor’s thoughts are too powerful, and now your cultivation is not enough, you can’t watch it any more!”

Seeing this scene, Wu Tianqi couldn’t bear it any longer, and rushed up immediately to pull Ye Chen out.

He was afraid that if Ye Chen continued to watch, he would be crushed by Wu Zu’s thoughts.

Marven Ye gritted his teeth, his body was covered in cold sweat, his heart was in severe pain, and he was in unprecedented pain, unable to say a word.

Seeing Wu Tianqi, Ye Chen was about to be pulled out, but at this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly vibrated violently, the wind and snow whined, and the sky turned iron black and iron black!


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