The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7605: Killing Heart


The surrounding guards, as well as the onlookers and believers, were shocked when they saw the Martial Ancestor Taoism and Tianwu Wolong Sutra exposed by Ye Chen.


“Wuzu Dao Heart!?”

“Tianwu Wolong Sutra!?”

“Who exactly is this guy? How can he have the atmosphere of Martial Ancestor!?”

Countless astonished discussions sounded.

Ye Chen’s martial ancestor Taoism, and the weather of Tianwu Wolong Jing, became more and more majestic and powerful, and the rumbling and turbulent sky.

“Could it be that he is the reincarnation of Martial Ancestor?”

Some people guessed again, and the surrounding voices were even more surprised.

The guards looked at each other in dismay.

After a while, a figure dressed in battle armor and dressed as a general came to the square, bowed his hands to Ye Chen, and said, “Young Master Chen Ye, in Wu’anguo, the great commander of Wuyuan Hall, please also ask Take a step to speak.”

Marven Ye nodded and followed Wu Anguo to a military camp in the ancestral city.

In the barracks, the two sat down as guest and host.

Wu Anguo asked: “Young master has the Tianwu Wolong Sutra, and he has also cultivated the Taoist mind of the Martial Ancestor. I don’t know what is the cause and effect with the Martial Ancestor?”

Marven Ye said: “I’m considered… a descendant of Wuzu.”

Wu Anguo and his left and right men were all shocked when they heard the words “the descendants of the ancestors”.

Wu’an Guodao: “Is the son from the world of the world?”

Marven Ye said: “No, I am from outside the domain.”

Wu Anguo was even more surprised and said, “Not a high-ranking person, you can actually get the true inheritance of the ancestors of Wu, dare to ask the young master to inherit the sect?”

Marven Ye didn’t answer, not wanting to reveal the identity of Samsara.

Seeing this, Wu Anguo said, “Is it inconvenient for your son to reveal his teacher’s inheritance?”

Marven Ye said: “Yes.”

Wu’an Guodao: “Whether it’s worth it, the Taoism test just now has also clearly confirmed that you have no malicious intentions towards my Wuyuan world. You came here to kill the shackles?”

If there is malice towards the world of Wuyuan, when testing Taoism, the statue of Wuzu will manifest black energy, and all kinds of evil thoughts will be exposed, and there is nothing to hide.

However, Ye Chen didn’t have this kind of weather.

Therefore, he naturally does not have any malicious intent to destroy and destroy the world of Wuyuan.

Just simply want to cut the shackles here!

Marven Ye nodded frankly and said, “Yes, I want to go to the Zhanyu Martial Arts Field. I will give as much as I need.”

Wu Anguo waved his hand and said, “Young master is a descendant of Wuzu, and he is a friend of my Wuyuan Temple. It is not necessary to enshrine it, but it may be a little difficult for you to go to the martial arts field.”

Marven Ye: “What’s the difficulty?”

Wu’an National Road: “The martial arts field has been closed, and the key is in the hands of the hall master. Without his key, no one can open the ban on the martial field.”

“Furthermore, isn’t the son’s cultivation only the Eighth Heaven of the Supreme Realm? He hasn’t even arrived at the Nineth Heaven, and now he wants to attack the shackles?”

Ye Chen said: “I want to make some preparations in advance and get familiar with it. I don’t know why the martial arts field is closed?”

The Martial Arts Field is open for many years, and outsiders can enter and cut the shackles as long as they pay enough worship fees.

It’s just that the sacrifice is extremely expensive, and most people can’t afford it.

Furthermore, in the Wuyuan world, not everyone knows the secrets of the martial arts field, so there are very few foreigners entering this world.

Since there are few people, there is no reason why the martial arts field is closed. Ye Chen can’t understand.

Wu Anguo’s face was slightly dignified, he waved his hand to the left and right, lowered his voice, and asked Ye Chen, “Master Chen Ye, I wonder if you have heard of the Iron Throne?”

When Ye Chen heard the word “Iron Throne”, he was shocked and said, “The legend of the Iron Throne has been heard a little bit down there. Could it be that the closure of the martial arts field is related to that magic weapon?”

He never imagined that there would be cause and effect between the world of Wuyuan and the Iron Throne.

Wu’an National Road: “Exactly! Our Wuyuan Temple deduces the secret and captures the atmosphere of the birth of the Iron Throne.”

“The tool spirit of the Iron Throne wants to find his master, and he is likely to come to the world of Wuyuan!”

“Because, there is the soul of the ancestors left here. Once the ancestors recover, there is no one in the world who is more suitable to hold the Iron Throne than the ancestors.”

Ancestor Hongjun, who built the Iron Throne, was originally prepared for Wuzu.

This world of Wuyuan is the world created by Wuzu himself, and it is inextricably related to Wuzu.

If the weapon spirit of the Iron Throne really captures the aura of the Wuyuan world, it will naturally not miss it, and he will definitely come down.

Ye Chen faintly guessed something, and was shocked.

Wu’an National Road: “The aura of the Iron Throne is too powerful, and there is no world that can accommodate it except the Supreme World.”

“Once the Iron Throne comes, my world of Wuyuan will surely collapse.”

“Therefore, the Lord of the Palace shut down the Martial Art Field, just to weaken the causal aura of the Martial Ancestor, so as not to be discovered by the Iron Throne.”

Hearing this, Ye Chen understood, frowned suddenly, and said, “When will the martial arts field be reopened?”

If the arena closes, he’ll be in vain.

Wu Anguo sighed: “Who knows, maybe it will not be reopened until the Iron Throne goes to the Supreme World and finds the real master.”

Marven Ye’s face sank, and when the Iron Throne finds its owner, God knows how long it will take, he quickly said:

“Now, I want to go to the martial arts field to get a sense of the great road. I wonder if your place can make it convenient, accommodate, and open it up for me temporarily? I can pay ten times the required offerings!”

Wu Anguo frowned when he heard Ye Chen’s request.

If an ordinary person applied, he must have refused.

However, Ye Chen is a descendant of Martial Ancestor and has won the true biography of Martial Ancestor. His identity is no trivial matter, and he could not bear to refuse.

Wu An Guodao: “Oh, I can’t make up my mind either, I’ll take you to see the Lord of the Palace.” He stood up.

When Ye Chen heard there was hope, his eyes lit up and said, “Thank you!”

At the moment, Ye Chen followed Wu Anguo to Wuyuan Hall.

Wuyuan Hall, in the center of the ancestral city, is a continuous ancient palace. The building is very magnificent. The statue of Wuzu stands at the entrance of the palace. It is made of white jade and is lifelike.

Wu Anguo went in to communicate, and Ye Chen was waiting at the gate of the palace.

After a while, Wu Anguo came out with a strange expression, and said, “Young Master Chen Ye, the Lord of the Palace told you to go in.”

Marven Ye glanced at Wu Anguo, and always felt that his expression was a little awkward, as if something was wrong.


Marven Ye paid attention secretly, followed Wu Anguo and stepped into the palace of Wuyuan Palace.

As soon as he stepped into the Wuyuan Palace, Ye Chen immediately noticed something strange.

With a keen mind of the Martial Ancestor, he was surprised to find out.

Here, there is murder!

“What’s the matter? Could it be that the Palace Master of Wuyuan Palace wants to kill me? I don’t seem to have offended this person!”

Marven Ye was secretly surprised.


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