The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7604: Wuzu statue


Marven Ye didn’t reveal any breath, but the other party knew at a glance that he was a stranger, thinking that he had special means of spying.

Ye Chen didn’t listen to Ren Feifei saying that he had to report something, and thought: “Could it be that Senior Ren deliberately tested me?”

After calming down, he bowed his hands to the guards and said, “I’m here at your first place, I don’t know the rules, please forgive me.”

The guard looked at him and said, “Those who come to my Wuyuan world are all trying to break through in the martial arts field. Your kid is only the eighth-level heaven of the Supreme Realm, and the ninth-level heaven hasn’t arrived yet, so what are you doing in such a hurry? ?”

Ye Chen thought about it for a while, then smiled: “I’m about to make a breakthrough, come and get acquainted in advance.”

The guards looked at each other, and the guard was a little impatient before saying: “Okay, let’s go to the ancestral city to report, you strangers, as long as you follow the rules, my Wuyuan Palace will never be in trouble. you.”

Wuyuan Hall…

When Ye Chen heard these three words, he remembered Ren Feihan’s words.

In the Wuyuan world, there is a huge force called Wuyuan Temple.

It now seems that this Wuyuan Temple is obviously the exclusive overlord of the Wuyuan world, and outsiders must report to the ancestral city of Wuyuan Temple.

At the moment, Ye Chen followed the guards to the ancestral city.

Conversing along the way, Ye Chen learned more details.

It turns out that this world of Wuyuan rarely communicates with the outside world. People living in the world of Wuyuan respect the ancestors of Wu.

After all, this big world, flowers, trees, sun, moon, stars, birds and beasts, were all created by Wuzu.

Wuzu is the supreme **** of this world!

Wuzu once left an oracle saying that after his fall, he would one day recover.

And before he recovers, no one in the Wuyuan world should go to the outside world.

Therefore, people in the Wuyuan world never go out, but they do not resist the entry of outsiders.

As long as foreigners bring enough gifts to worship and obey the rules, Wuyuan Hall is also very welcome.

After all, no matter how big the world of Wuyuan is, it can’t compare to the vastness of the real world of heaven and earth, and there are always shortages of resources and materials.

The guards repeatedly emphasized the offering of gifts.

Marven Ye was also sensible, and sent out a lot of medicinal materials without money, which made the guards overjoyed, and their attitude changed 180 degrees.

“Young Master Chen Ye, this is the ancestral city.”

The guards respectfully took Ye Chen to the ancestral city.

Marven Ye used the pseudonym of Chen Ye, looked around the ancestral city, and nodded.

One of the guards said: “According to the rules, Mr. Chen Ye, you need to go to the Martial Ancestor Square first to test the Dao Heart. This rule is the ancient emperor Yu Huang, and any girl who comes, must abide by it.”

The world of Wuyuan is a neutral force that never interferes with external causes and effects. Therefore, even if he is as arrogant as Emperor Yu, he will not have the idea of ​​occupying Wuyuan. Otherwise, the soul of Wuyuan will be disturbed, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Marven Ye nodded, and heard the guards say the rules on the way.

All those who enter the world of Wuyuan need to test Tao Xin first, mainly to test whether you are malicious.

If you have malicious intentions against the Wuyuan world and want to do anything to destroy and destroy it, you will be detected immediately, and you will have nowhere to hide.

Marven Ye followed the guards to the square.

This way, Ye Chen felt that people on the street pointed at him, as if even a three-year-old child could see that he was a stranger.

It seems that people who live in the world of Wuyuan can capture the strange aura and spot outsiders at a glance.

Fortunately, although those people were curious, no one came out to harass Ye Chen.

After coming to the square, Ye Chen clearly saw that in the center of the square stood a huge and majestic statue.

It is the statue of Wu Zu Wu Tianya!

This statue is forged from pure gold. The armor worn by Wuzu is inlaid with all kinds of precious jewels and jade, which is extremely luxurious.

Obviously, the people of the Wuyuan world are very respectful to Wuzu.

When Ye Chen came, there were still a large number of believers, offering sacrifices in front of the statue.

The guards cleaned up the scene, and the believers retreated to the side of the square, all eyes on Ye Chen, a foreigner, pointing and pointing.

A guard respectfully said: “Young Master Chen Ye, you can start the test, as long as you put your palm on the statue of Martial Ancestor.”

Marven Ye said: “Okay.”

At the moment, Ye Chen took a step forward, calmed down, and placed his palm on the statue of Martial Ancestor.

When his palm was close to the statue, he felt the heart of Dao shake in an instant, and the spiritual energy in his body was released involuntarily.


The golden statue of Wuzu shook.

After that, Ye Chen’s body also underwent amazing changes.

Pages of scriptures flew out of his body, lingering around him, constantly turning.

That’s the page of the Tianwu Wolong Sutra!

The pages of the book, each exuding the atmosphere of ancient times, resonated perfectly with Ye Chen.

Marven Ye’s spirituality was also thoroughly inspired.


His spiritual energy exploded all over his body, powerful, mighty, and full of fighting spirit, as if he was roaring, causing the surrounding wind and clouds to roll around and the sky to be turbulent.

Feeling the change in himself, Ye Chen was shocked and hurriedly retracted his palm.

He didn’t expect that when he tested Dao Xin himself, he would actually lead to the Dao Xin of Martial Ancestor and the mystery of Tianwu Wolong Sutra.

This statue of Martial Ancestor obviously bears the ancient cause and effect of Martial Ancestor. As soon as Ye Chen came into contact with it, his own aura related to Martial Ancestor was revealed.


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