Technological Supremacy Chapter 465: Ion propulsion and nuclear pulse propulsion


Cao Yuan and Shen Lang are both rare geniuses, but they have completely different personalities just like day and night.

Shen Lang is like a tireless machine, full of sunny temperament, always pursuing victory, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles he encounters, he will never give up lightly, no matter his colleagues, classmates, or even strangers who have nothing to do with him , will involuntarily be attracted by Shen Lang’s magical charm and surround him.

And Cao Yuan always looks like he can’t wake up. He wears clothes with anime characters and fluffy hairstyle like a chicken coop. He holds his mobile phone when he walks and sleeps. He is not playing games. , that is, during the process of logging into the game server, he is a strong player in the keyboard world, often laughing and cursing with sharp language, but he is taciturn in the real world. And other issues.

Anyway, their style is so distinctive, it brings two completely different feelings to everyone in the bureau. Shen Lang just gave everyone a shot of stimulant, promising to wash the global chemical market for three months, followed by Cao Yuan. Putting forward an astonishing point of view, he said in frustration that if we don’t tighten up, human beings will probably never be able to get out of the solar system.

Scratching his head, Cao Yuan said: “From the perspective of the universe, although the solar system is a small galaxy, it is still bigger than we imagined. If we define walking out of the solar system as breaking away from the sun’s gravity, the distance is 50,000 to 125,000 astronomical units, which is one to two light years.”

“The fastest spacecraft in human history is Helios II launched by North America in 1976. It will take at least 4285 years to leave the solar system, but in reality, as the sun’s gravitational force continues to slow down, it will fly slower and slower, and it will actually take more time.”

“So far, Voyager 1 is the most distant spacecraft from the earth. It took more than 40 years to leave the earth 20.6 billion kilometers. It sounds amazing, but this is only one thousandth of the distance In addition, Voyager 1 also took advantage of the planetary gravitational slingshot acceleration that occurs every 175 years, which itself took advantage.”

Luo Jia nodded slightly and said: “Your calculation is correct. With the current level of technology, human beings have no way to leave the solar system, because the time is too long, so.”

“No way! Mr. Luo actually supports Cao Yuan’s judgment?”

“My God, Mr. Luo also thinks that there is no way for human beings to leave the solar system!?”

In an instant, the hearts of the people were turbulent. Cao Yuan’s frustrating point of view was not a big deal. The key point was that Luo Jia actually agreed.

Cao Yuan’s heart trembled slightly, and he looked at Luo Jia, who was sitting at the head, it seemed that Luo Jia knew what he was talking about, so he didn’t show the slightest surprise, his expression was very calm, so powerful, he deserved to be in control everything man.

Swallowing a mouthful of spit, Cao Yuan continued: “So, we need a power revolution, subvert the existing space navigation technology, and develop ion propulsion. Advancing the lab.”

Oh, so it is like this…

Rare and rare, Cao Yuan, who has always been lazy, took the initiative to invite Ying to engage in the ion propulsion project. It must be influenced by Ji Ming. After all, although Ji Ming and Cao Yuan are not teachers and students, their relationship is better than that of teachers. only.

Cao Yuan’s graphene laboratory is stabilizing, and he does have time now.

So strong, it turns out that Cao Yuan is also proficient in electromagnetic physics! ?

Everyone’s heart was filled with turmoil, only Luo Jia said nothing, because before Cao Yuan spoke, he was already working on the ion propulsion project, but recently he was busy with the work of the rocket laboratory and the space elevator, so he didn’t spend more time On the ion propulsion side.

“If Cao Yuan wants to be in charge of this project, it would be a good choice.” Luo Jia thought, “From the success of the graphene laboratory, it is not difficult to see that Cao Yuan seems lazy, but in fact he has a delicate mind. After all, the graphene experiment The laboratory is also a large project of hundreds of researchers, managing so many scientists, assigning research topics to them, and coordinating the progress of research and development is not an easy task, it requires leadership and coordination.”

Thinking of this, Luo Jia nodded lightly, “Yes, if you don’t object, Cao Yuan will set up an ion propulsion laboratory.”

Everyone nodded, indicating that they had no objections.

“I’m afraid I won’t have time to play games in the future.” Cao Yuan thought, “However, abuse of food is purely to pass the time. As expected, it’s still more important to see the stars and seas in your lifetime.”

Cao Yuan does not deny that he was influenced by Ji Ming. He is too old to work so hard. After all, he is still young. In addition, deep down in Cao Yuan’s heart, he is unwilling to lose to the young talents of Xingchen University headed by Shen Lang.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Luo Jia made a final decision and said: “Okay, after the meeting, Cao Yuan will follow me to my office, and I will bring you the ion thruster pre-research data.”

“Okay.” Cao Yuan replied habitually.

But then, his face changed drastically, everyone was startled and looked at Luo Jia in surprise.

“What? Pre-research data?”

“Ion propulsion pre-research has already started? Impossible, Mr. Luo did it alone!?”

“He is so busy, but he still has time to do pre-research?”

Luo Jia looked around the audience and saw that everyone was looking at him, expecting to explain himself, so he could only smile and said: “Actually, I’m not sure which one is the future, ion propulsion or nuclear pulse propulsion, so I made some research and analysis.”

“It would be great to have Cao Yuan’s help now. Cao Yuan is in charge of ion propulsion, and I am in charge of nuclear pulse. After the preliminary results are obtained, compare the two technologies and choose the one with the highest cost performance as the key development. Although it is a sentiment, we have to consider the cost, after all, every step in space costs money.”

Damn it!

Mr. Luo is not only doing pre-research on ion has not let go of nuclear pulse technology! ?

It’s awesome!

This pretense can get full marks!

Unsurprisingly, Luo Jia once again shocked everyone.

In simple terms, nuclear pulse propulsion is to drive the spacecraft forward by continuously creating nuclear explosions behind the spacecraft.

Theoretically, nuclear pulse propulsion can accelerate the spacecraft to an astonishing one-tenth of a light-year in the limit state, which can be called a simple and crude model of the era of the big universe.

In Luo Jia’s mind, it would be best if ion propulsion could be realized, but ion propulsion requires controllable nuclear fusion as a front-end technology, which seems to be extremely difficult at present.

If ion propulsion is not feasible in the short term, Luo Jia does not rule out blasting a future with nuclear bombs. As for some people, they are worried about the pollution caused by nuclear bombs in the universe.

Luo Jia believes that as long as human beings can get out of the solar system and get rid of the **** pollution.


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