Technological Supremacy Chapter 464: Shen Lang issued a military order


After listening to Shen Lang’s introduction, there was an uproar at the scene. Johnson & Johnson’s acquisition of Dabao was very low-key, and not many people knew about it.

This is not to say that after the property rights belong to Johnson & Johnson, Dabao cannot be used anymore, but Dabao is not a business that does not make money, and it was sold to Johnson & Johnson for no reason, which makes people feel angry. smell.

Shen Lang continued: “Not only was Dabao sold, in 2003, L’Oreal Group acquired Little Nurse, and then Little Nurse, a famous domestic brand, disappeared overnight. Lost, Johnson & Johnson has a conscience, at least Dabao has not been delisted, but within the Johnson & Johnson Group, the status of the Dabao brand is not high, just like a son raised by a stepmother.”

“Meiji, once the number one company in domestic facial masks, was sold to the L’Oreal Group in 2013 and then disappeared.”

“Meganet was sold to North American SC Johnson Group at a low price of 12 million yuan in 1990, and then quickly declined. In recent years, it was repurchased by Shanghai Jahwa Group at a high price of 500 million yuan. Drop it?”

“Zhonghua Toothpaste, this brand is not sold, but leased to Unilever for operation, and there is Baby Noodles, the sovereign party has already become Henkel of Germany, Ding Jiayi was sold to Coty Group, and Yue Sai was sold to L’Oreal and so on.”

“Generally speaking, foreign companies have shown unbelievable market dominance in the chemical industry. Except for Hudu Jahwa, domestic companies have a certain strength, and the rest cannot compete. Once we enter this field, we will directly bloodbath Just the market, whether it’s Procter & Gamble or L’Oreal, Unilever or Shiseido, wipe them out of the world.”

Just erase it from the world?


Everyone was stunned, looking at the sixteen-year-old boy with a youthful face, his sharp sword eyebrows raised lightly, hiding murderous intentions.

Dr. Ling Feng frowned, “This is not the first time you have managed a branch company. When you took over the entertainment group, why didn’t you have the arrogance you have today? Erase L’Oreal from the earth? Can this goal be achieved?”

“Of course.” Shen Lang said categorically: “Previously, seniors entered into a misunderstanding, thinking that in order to make achievements in the washing and chemical industry, they must engage in publicity storms, advertisement bombing, and find a bunch of handsome men and women. Those who have been repeatedly brainwashed.”

“However, seniors may not have thought that the reason why the washing and chemical industry wants to brainwash consumers is not because their products are too good, but because traditional cosmetics have no effect at all, so it is necessary to use spiritual suggestion to let consumers People think that their skin seems to be getting better after applying some cream.”

“But actually? Glycerin, Vaseline, these products, which are as cheap as a dozen yuan per kilogram, can also make consumers feel that they have moisturizing effects, while high-end functions such as whitening and anti-wrinkle basically belong to the category of metaphysics. It depends on fate, if the consumer has no effect after using it, it can be explained that the skin quality is not suitable.”

“This kind of explanation is completely a magic-level explanation. The dermis of human beings is tightly protected. Ninety-nine percent of the so-called active ingredients in cosmetics cannot enter the dermis at all, and even touch the dermis. No, it’s still anti-wrinkle, anti-wrinkle, large chemical companies are completely fooling consumers.”

“It’s like you eat stewed pig’s trotters and want to supplement the whitening of collagen, but you don’t know that collagen is a macromolecular structure and the human body can’t absorb it at all. Therefore, pig’s trotters cannot be supplemented with protein, but fattening is a A good hand.”

“For another example, if you eat all kinds of nutrients, you think it can increase nutrition for the brain and promote learning, but you don’t know that the brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier and can only accept carbohydrates and ketone bodies. Substances cannot enter the brain at all, let alone provide nutrition for the brain.”

“Liars are all liars.” Shen Lang said in a deep voice, “We don’t want to live in a world full of lies, and the only way to break lies is science, which is the curative effect that can be clearly seen by everyone. .”

“Thanks to the efforts of the predecessors of the Life Science Department. After testing, our metabolism control medicine has immediate effects in anti-aging, whitening, moisturizing and many other aspects. It is completely dimension-reducing to deal with the existing washing system. Strike.”

“Currently there are hundreds of types of skin care products on the market. It is because they have no effect that merchants have to create more new products. If you have no effect after using cream, I believe it will be better to use lotion. The lotion has no effect, and the merchants will launch essence water, beauty water, toner water, fairy water, and take advantage of consumers’ curiosity and fluke psychology to empty their wallets.”

“This is the true meaning of the IQ tax. The so-called advertising bombing is because it has no effect, so it needs to be brainwashed by advertising. Those various types also need to create more types because they have no effect, so as to attract consumers to try.”

“After understanding the routines of the decontamination industry, what we have to do is to go straight to the point, use a quick knife to cut through the mess, hit the opponent’s vitals directly, and strive to kill with one blow. In the end, we still have to rely on the effect to speak, excellent Always be excellent, it’s the same reason to talk about it.”

“The cultural field is very different. Is the piano better or the violin more beautiful? Or is the erhu more melodious? American dramas, Japanese dramas, and domestic dramas all have their own characteristics. Who can catch the audience’s attention better? These There are no answers to the questions, so we can only cultivate silently, and in a subtle way, export our culture to the world.”

“The teacher said that culture is the end of all hegemony, the pinnacle of all rights, and the right to define cultural superiority. Therefore, the road of the entertainment industry is doomed to be tortuous and long, and it cannot be achieved overnight. In a few months, I let the decontaminated world be devoid of any grass.”

Three months! ?

Even the most optimistic people dare not make such a guarantee, but Shen Lang’s accurate judgment is impressive. The reason why there are so many categories in the washing and chemical industry is because the product effect is too poor, so more categories have to be created. Otherwise, there is no way to collect IQ tax.

“This reminds me of an old saying that the world’s martial arts can only be broken quickly!” An Ran applauded and said: “I have to say, your debut today is very amazing. The ultimate master in the novel.”

“It seems that we still underestimated you. The difficulty and refinement of the entertainment industry are completely different. Once you encounter a suitable occasion, your true strength will undoubtedly be revealed. You are worthy of Mr. Luo’s student.”

Luo Jia, who was sitting at the top, said with a smile on his face: “You have to think about it clearly. Shopping malls are also battlefields. We have no accumulation in the field of washing and chemical products. Although in terms of industrial production, we have the world’s largest and most advanced chemical industry. The factory can provide all the products you need in a short period of time, but we have no marketing team and no dealer network.”

“Is the three-month period too tight? I suggest that the time be relaxed. As long as Xingchen Rihua can achieve results within half a year, it will be a very exciting result.”

Shen Lang said seriously: “I have calculated it, there is no problem.”

Since this is the case, Luo Jia didn’t say anything more, he paid great attention to the cultivation and protection of Shen Lang, fully respected his personal will, and did not give orders to him unless necessary.

Within three months, bloodbath the global chemical market?

Everyone has great expectations for Shen Lang’s next performance. If he succeeds, Shen Lang will be considered as making history, right? After all, he was only sixteen years old.

Next everyone turned their attention to Cao Yuan. As a newcomer to the administration, Cao Yuan had a three-month probationary period to prove that he is qualified to lead the tough guy group.

But unlike Shen Lang, Cao Yuan’s character is too lazy, so Luo Jia didn’t set goals or tasks for him, and let him play freely.

“This is to examine my rhythm?” Cao Yuan thought, “My scientific research ability has already been proven, so what the bosses want to know is my ability outside of scientific research, to grasp the direction of research, and to make plans for the future. Make accurate predictions and so on.”

“After all, this is the Administration, and the requirements for judgment ability are higher than scientific research ability.”

Thinking of this, Cao Yuan moved his seat back, then stood up, and said in a lazy voice: “Recently, I did some calculations and found a very tragic fact, the difficulty for human beings to get out of the solar system , much larger than imagined, we have a high probability of being trapped in the solar system forever.”

What is this?

A prophecy of tragedy?

After experiencing Shen Lang’s sunshine and aggressiveness just now, everyone suddenly realized that this guy Cao Yuan seems a bit sad…


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