Technological Supremacy Chapter 463: What the cleansing market needs is not competition, but bloodbath!


“What is it?”

“Can’t you wait for me to finish this game?”

“Believe me, since I was in elementary school, I have been playing games while listening to the teacher’s lectures. There is no problem for me to do two things at the same time.”

Cao Yuan complained to Chao Anbang in the dormitory, and seemed very unhappy that his road to the glory of the king was suddenly interrupted.

Chao Anbang has been working together for three years. He knows his colleague and friend, and he knows that Cao Yuan doesn’t really like playing games, but just likes to abuse food. With superior IQ and skills, he tormented his opponents expressionlessly and played them with his hands.

Over the past three years, Chao Anbang has witnessed Cao Yuan playing around in at least a hundred kinds of games, and he has never been able to beat people but never get beaten.

This is very similar to Shen Lang, but Shen Lang has an unusual persistence for victory, and will never give up even an insignificant round, even if there is only the last trace of blood left, he must persist to the end.

Cao Yuan is different. He has a lazy personality and doesn’t care about the result at all. The battle is in full swing, and he retreats as soon as he says he wants to.

“During the meeting of the management authority today, the boss proposed that you take his place in the management authority, and Mr. Luo approved the proposal.” Chao Anbang said with concern.

Although Chao Anbang is only one year older than Cao Yuan, his personality is like a hard-working old scalper. He is filial to his parents at home and respects his colleagues at work. As soon as the news about Cao Yuan came out, Chao Anbang immediately helped him Advice, in short, he is an honest good man.

Does it seem troublesome?

Cao Yuan scratched his head. After completing the graphene project, Ji Ming once asked Cao Yuan if he was willing to take over the trititanium alloy project. Even if he was not the supervisor, he could also be his assistant.

Cao Yuan refused. After three consecutive years of high-intensity work, he felt that it was necessary to give himself a 30-year long vacation. In the future, he would tinker around the graphene project and do derivative and redevelopment projects. Specializing in specialization, Cao Yuan is afraid of trouble and does not want to become an all-around talent like An Ran or Luo Jia. His world only needs graphene and games.

As for women, Cao Yuan is waiting for the completion of the robot project with advanced intelligence. Luo Jia is in charge of the robot laboratory. I don’t want robots to appear in the world too early.

“It should be based on productivity considerations. Robots will inevitably destroy the existing social structure. Mr. Luo is Mr. Luo. He always thinks more than us. I just think robots will be very interesting, but Mr. Luo is thinking about the whole world. Society, and even all mankind…”

As soon as Cao Yuan raised his head, he saw Chao Anbang looking at him in astonishment. He immediately blocked his mouth with his right hand and said, “No way, I have spoken my mind again?”

Nodding seriously at Anbang, black lines suddenly appeared on Cao Yuan’s face.

I forgot when I developed a problem. Cao Yuan would always speak out what was in his heart when he was concentrating. This incident brought Cao Yuan a lot of trouble.

Everyone in the Graphene Lab knows that he once spoke his mind inadvertently, boasting that assistant researcher Nie Xiaoya has beautiful legs, so Nie Xiaoya jumped up and down with anticipation, thinking that something would happen, but she didn’t I know, there is actually a second half of what Cao Yuan said in his heart, “It would be great if I could attach these legs to the robot…”

In the end, it was Ji Ming who came out and transferred Nie Xiaoya to the desert laboratory in the Western Regions. That laboratory was designed to test the performance of materials in a dry and sandy environment. Poor and innocent classmate Nie Xiaoya, the longed-for love has not yet arrived From the beginning, he was dispatched to the desert of the Western Regions.

By the way, Xingchen Technology actually has female employees, but the number is relatively small. The outside world is still used to calling them monks, or steel straight men.

“I don’t want to join the administration, it’s very troublesome.” Luo Jia expressed his thoughts to Chao Anbang.

“How can you think so!” Chao Anbang was anxious, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel: “The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Obviously you only use one percent of your energy to set up the graphene laboratory. The management is well organized, and I have time to drink tea and play games every day, why can’t I take the time to manage the company?”

“There are 2.3 million people in the company, all of whom are waiting for the authority’s orders, so why can’t they be better than you playing games here?”

Cao Yuan shrugged, with a look of disapproval, and said forcefully: “What’s wrong with playing games? Shen Lang also likes to play games, and he has never seen Mr. Luo scold him as a teacher. It can be seen that Luo always encourages playing games of.”

“It’s true that Shen Lang plays games, but he won’t delay his work. There are two newcomers to the administration this time, one is you, and the other is Shen Lang.” Chao Anbang said.

“He’s only sixteen years old!” Cao Yuan muttered in surprise, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

“What’s wrong with being sixteen? You’re not too old.” Chao Anbang muttered, “I don’t care about who or how old the person who enters the management bureau. My parents educated me since I was a child. A man should rule the country and keep the country in mind…”

Cao Yuan: &…%%¥#…%¥#@

In the sultry summer night, Wen Chengling and Wen Chengfeng sat in the middle of the garden, with a round table in front of them, two glasses of cold beer, and four dishes of side dishes. not a problem.

“Perhaps we should think about it.” Wen Chengfeng said.

Wen Chengling nodded slightly, “Well, let Yinghui be responsible for more projects in the future, and train him to take over as soon as possible.”

In the first phase of Star University, Yinghui is also one of the thirteen geniuses. He majors in life sciences and learns from the Wen family brothers.

Shen Lang’s entry into the management team was a huge stimulus to everyone. Promoting the metabolism of this behemoth Star Technology and getting more young people to join the management team was just one of them. The more important thing was Ji Ming’s decision.

Ji Ming is old and strong. He presides over the tri-titanium alloy project, which attracts everyone’s attention and sparks heated discussions in the company. Many people follow Ji Ming’s example and start new challenges.

“Brother Cao.”

I happened to meet in the elevator, Shen Lang greeted Cao Yuan with a smile, as a rare genius commander, Shen Lang’s smile was very restrained, he has a soul independent of this world, and he always watches with objective eyes Watching everything, extremely calm and firm.

Cao Yuan smiled lazily, Shen Lang’s shirt was straight, but Cao Yuan was wearing a T-shirt of Usopp the Pirate, leaning against the corner of the elevator, as if he hadn’t woken up.

“Sit down and wait for a while. The two chairs near the door are your seats. During the meeting, Mr. Luo and Mr. An will sit opposite you.”

The secretary greeted the two to sit down and asked them what to drink. Cao Yuan ordered a cup of coffee with milk and no sugar, while Shen Lang ordered black tea. As newcomers to the administration, they were inevitably a little nervous and came a little early bell.

Soon, other people arrived one after another. Because Zhang Dongning, the director of chemistry, was not in the company, he connected via video. The reason is that he is too lazy and doesn’t like to get up early.

Sitting at the top, Luo Jia looked around. Besides the stars, there were also Hong Tao and Di Wuchang in this office, Ling Feng who was in charge of electrical, Fang Yuanchu who was in charge of semiconductors, and Wen who was in charge of life sciences. The family brothers, Zhang Dongning who is in charge of chemistry, plus the newcomers Shen Lang and Cao Yuan, there are exactly eleven people.

“From today onwards, Ji Ming will no longer participate in regular meetings, and his personal database has also been deleted from the general database of the Administration Bureau. You all know Cao Yuan and Shen Lang, let’s say hello, they are already members of the Administration Bureau New member, permission level, B.” Luo Jia said simply and quickly.

Therefore, everyone congratulated Cao Yuan and Shen Lang one after another. Cao Yuan was a little shy, while Shen Lang was quite solemn. From the words and eyes, he could not see any youthful innocence, which made everyone feel ashamed. Be amazed.

“As expected of Mr. Luo’s student, it is the first time he came to this office today, but it seems that he has been sitting here for a long time.” Fang Yuanchu thought.

“It’s much better than when I was sixteen years old. At that time, I only knew how to do experiments and write reports in the laboratory, and I had never seen anything in the world.” Dr. Ling Feng thought a little annoyed.

“Welcome to the Administration Bureau. This is a newly established organization in the past two years following the rapid expansion of the company. If you have any doubts, you can ask us.” An Ran said in a deep voice.

Cao Yuan shrugged, saying that he has no problem, but Shen Lang thought for a while and asked: “Excuse me, what does B-level authority mean? Does this mean that there is a higher A-level authority?”

This question was originally best answered by Luo Jia, but Shen Lang is his student after all. The establishment of the administration requires absolute fairness and justice. Everyone should make the most reasonable decision according to their heart, rather than blindly He agreed with Luo Jia, so he gave An Ran a slight nod.

After understanding, An Ran smiled and said: “Let me explain to you, B-level authority means that you can transfer funds of no more than one billion U.S. dollars at any time without approval, and you can open any of your funds without reporting. Items that I think are important, even if they are dangerous.”

Speaking of which, out of the corner of An Ran’s eyes, he glanced at the Wen brothers inadvertently. Not many people know that the danger level of the Life Science Department is fatal. Be safe.

Smiled, An Ran continued: “In short, B-level authority means that you are already leaders with absolute power in the company, and you can control part of the company’s direction, prioritize research projects, and spend money and human resources. situation.”

“For example, suppose you think that the company should adjust the priority of space-based weapons to the front of space mining projects, then we will research space-based weapons in advance, and then aim the guns at the earth.”

“Of course, as scientists rather than warmongers, I believe you will not put the development of weapons before the development of productivity, because that is really irrational.”

“That’s not necessarily the case. I’m very interested in space-based weapons. If it weren’t for the authority to start research projects at will, I wouldn’t join the Authority. The meeting will be held at seven o’clock in the morning. Hey, hard work, these big guys Don’t you even sleep?” Cao Yuan slandered in his heart.

An Ran paused, “A-level authority is higher than B-level authority. Currently, there are two people with this authority, one is me, and the other is Li Moran. If you can continue to make contributions to the company, it is not ruled out in the future Possibility of privilege promotion.”

“As for how much A-level authority is? Let’s put it this way, A-level authority and Mr. Luo’s S-level authority are almost identical, but Li Moran and I need to authorize at the same time. That is to say, if Mr. Luo is not around , Li Moran and I will take over all company affairs with full authority to ensure the normal operation of the company. At the same time, your authority will also be promoted from B-level to A-level. What An Ran said is obviously not wrong, but how do you hear it? My back is hairy.” Luo Jia thought to himself, he was a little sensitive to the idea that he was gone.

The problem of authority is easy to explain clearly. The current scale of Xingchen Technology is terrible. Luo Jia can’t let Luo Jia talk about it anymore. We need to decentralize the power to ensure that the company will not lose control due to the leader’s problem under any circumstances.

The administration was established on this premise. Unlike Huawei’s rotating chairman system, the governance structure of Stellar Technology is in the shape of a pyramid.

The meeting of the management bureau then entered the second session. As a newly established subsidiary of the company, Shen Lang, the person in charge of Xingchen Xihua, made a project development report.

“According to my investigation, the washing chemical market has been deeply invaded by foreign capital, and domestic brands have completely fallen. What we need now is not competition, but a bloodbath!” Shen Lang started very calmly, and immediately shocked everyone.

“Never underestimate the power of capital. In 2008, the North American Johnson & Johnson Group acquired Dabao. Dabao SOD Cream, which is loved by straight steel men, has become a North American company. This is unbearable!”


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