Technological Supremacy Chapter 363: The battle between Star Technology VS Cold Spring Harbor Gene broke out!


In this world, when anyone talks about life sciences, they cannot avoid Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, one of the top ten laboratories in the world located in Long Island, New York.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory was founded and led by James Watson, the father of genes and the discoverer of the DNA double helix, known as the cradle of life sciences.

It stands to reason that the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is a well-known department with extremely strong funds and scientific research capabilities. It should have become a temple of global life sciences and be worshiped by countless researchers.

However, this is not the case. Many researchers in the field of life sciences dismissed Cold Spring Harbor, including Wen Chengfeng of Xingchen Technology.

Wen Chengfeng is a peerless genius in the field of life sciences. He single-handedly helped Xingchen Technology to open the company’s third largest department. Dedicated to Harvard University.

You must know that although Harvard University is also a leader in life science research in the world, its strength is obviously behind that of Cold Spring Harbor, which ranks first in the world. It is really puzzling for Wen Chengfeng to reject the olive branch of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory without hesitation.

The truth of the matter begins with Watson, the father of genes, the founder of the field of life sciences.

As the most outstanding genetic expert in the world, after investigating countless genetic samples, Watson finally concluded that different races of humans have different IQs.

East Asian yellows and Anglo-Saxon whites have the most powerful IQs on earth, followed by Germanic, Caucasian, and Aryan whites, followed by Arabs, Southeast Asians, Pacific Islands, and South Asians Line, South American Inca line, South American Inca and Latin mixed line.

Anyway, the old man Watson, the Nobel laureate, the father of genes, the founder of life sciences, and the top scientist in the world, has come up with the most politically incorrect field of life sciences ever. big case.

As the father of genes, old man Watson actually divided human beings into three, six, or nine classes. The level of IQ of each race of human beings is clearly written.

As for blacks, Old Man Watson believes that the difference between blacks and donkeys is actually not that big. Their IQs are at the bottom of human beings, they are not good at thinking, but impulsive, irritable, and full of animal nature, which belongs to the incompleteness of human beings. A civilized group.

Old man Watson not only classifies human beings from a purely scientific point of view, he is also very concerned about the process of human evolution. Watson is heartbroken over the fact that a large number of Chinese women have mated with black people in recent years and caused serious social problems. Several open letters have been published, reminding governments around the world to be vigilant against blacks taking advantage of their genetic disadvantages to lower the average intelligence level of human beings around the world.

IQ is flawed. According to old man Watson, those white or yellow men and women who find a black partner are like handing over their bodies to a mule. species.

At the moment of political correctness, as soon as old man Watson’s remarks came out, the global scientific research community immediately exploded.

People can’t believe that this great founder of life sciences, after studying for a lifetime, finally came up with such a mess. Clearing the line, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences even withdrew Watson’s Nobel Prize.

However, in the face of the threat from the whole world, old man Watson still has no repentance, and intensified. He opened a column to write the truth in the field of life sciences.

For example, there has recently been a trend in China. Some women think that mixed-race children are smart and beautiful. There are even white-collar women who go to North America to seek pregnancy.

In this regard, the old man Watson explained that mixed-race babies are not only not noble, but usually have a relatively low IQ. The reason why Chinese people misunderstand mixed-race babies is entirely due to survivor bias.

The first generation of Chinese people who went abroad were the best in society. At that time, it was extremely difficult for Chinese people to go abroad. Only elites could do it. These social elites left China, combined with foreigners, and gave birth to offspring , itself is the result of elite screening, not a common phenomenon.

In the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand, places where a large number of US troops are stationed, there are a large number of mixed-race children. Those mixed-race children generally live at the bottom of society, and their average IQ is also significantly lower than that of the local people.

As for appearance, it is a matter of opinion. Mixed races have dual ethnic characteristics. You may think they look good, but others may find them strange.

There are a lot of mixed races in the world. If you look at Hollywood, you will find that many stars are actually mixed races. After all, Europeans and Asians are called mixed races, and the descendants of the British Isles and Slavs are also called mixed races.

Then, you can go to the scientific community to see how many top scientists in the world are of mixed race?

I believe that after such a comparison, you will understand the truth, the offspring of mixed blood usually lower their IQ.

The ancient Egyptian dynasty created one of the most glorious civilizations in human history, but the pharaohs of Egypt are always close relatives. The Cleopatra we are familiar with, her mother is her Her own sister, and her husband is her own brother.

Egyptian pharaohs believed that the pure blood of kings could not be tarnished. From today’s point of view, this is of course absurd. Correctness, otherwise you cannot explain why purebred hounds and racehorses can inherit a strong inheritance power from inbreeding.

This is science. It may not be politically correct, or it may exceed the limit of our understanding and subvert our cognition, but no matter how you resist, science will eventually become the only and eternal truth in this world.

In general, James Watson, the spiritual leader of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, is a truly upright and tough scientist. Under his leadership, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has finally become a leader in the field of life science research , but it has also become the most despised and contemptuous object in the global scientific research community.

In this world, there are two life sciences, one is life science and the other is Cold Spring Harbor.

Cold Spring Harbor is unique. Except for Watson’s believers, those true racists, and those lunatics who advocate the power of genes, no scientist will go to Cold Spring Harbor. In the cold and boring laboratories of Cold Spring Harbor, It is a high-risk research that the global scientific research community disdains to do, and research that violates human ethics.

The authorities have never allocated even a single cent to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Cold Spring Harbor relies entirely on donations from their believers, as well as capital injections from some chaebols with ulterior motives.

Cold Spring Harbor does not announce any research results to the outside world. Although the whole world knows that Cold Spring Harbor is the best at researching life sciences, no one knows what those racist lunatics are researching.

“They are finally here.”

Dr. Jerryn looked serious and turned to the main entrance of the office.

Director Lewis seems very uncomfortable. He doesn’t like the lunatics in Cold Spring Harbor, but Jay Ryan represents the power of the White House, and he cannot be an enemy of the boss. Otherwise, the owner of the White House will definitely fire him, because The one who currently lives in the White House, he’s also crazy.

The secretary looked panicked, opened the office door, opened his mouth, and was stunned for a few seconds before announcing that the people from Cold Spring Harbor were outside. It seemed that in the secretary’s consciousness, the people from Cold Spring Harbor were not should appear here.

“Please.” Director Louis said reluctantly.

Immediately, a middle-aged man with blue pupils and sharp eyes walked into the office. He is tall, a typical Anglo-Saxon descendant, and also the proud disciple of God Watson. The current person in charge and chairman of Cold Spring Harbor, Stephen S. Reinhardt.

“Dr. Reinhardt, is your journey going well?” Jerry asked with a smile.

Reinhardt was serious, looked at the office with his eyes, and said coldly: “It went smoothly at first, but after entering the CDC, the people here avoided me far away, as if they had seen a ghost.”

Jerin approached, staring at the Ice Spring badge on Reinhardt’s black suit, and said: “Maybe they saw the badge on your chest, I can guess that at this moment, the North American Science Forum is exploding, Regarding the people from Cold Spring Harbor visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and even entering the office of Director Lewis, this matter will definitely spread quickly and attract a lot of discussion in the scientific community.”

“In this world, there are many famous laboratories, but there are very few laboratories as controversial as Cold Spring Harbor. If I were you, I wouldn’t wear this badge. I don’t have the Cold Spring badge. , can make our work progress more smoothly.”

“I refuse,” Reinhardt said.

“Reject what?”

“Refused to take my ice spring badge, although this badge will bring me a lot of trouble and controversy, and even have people throw rotten eggs in my back, but for me, this badge is the biggest thing in my life I am so proud of my service to Cold Spring Harbor, even if I die, I will carry my badge to hell.” Reinhardt said solemnly.

“Hell?” Jerry said with a wry smile: “It seems that you people of Cold Spring Harbor have long been prepared to go to hell. Regarding your persistence, I don’t know whether I should be happy or worried.”

“By the way, your teacher Dr. Watson, how is he doing recently? After stepping down as the head of Cold Spring Harbor, he should be able to rest for a while, right?”

Reinhardt shook his head and said: “The reason why the teacher resigned is because this ridiculous world has brought us too much criticism. In order to relieve our pressure, the teacher can only be forced to resign.”

“But he is still the spiritual leader of Cold Spring Harbor. We will report to the teacher if we make any moves.”

“I guessed it a long time ago.” Jay Ruien raised his forehead and said: “Dr. Watson, how can you be so easy to admit defeat? Boundary.”


When Jay Ryan finished speaking, Reinhardt, who had been keeping a cold face, burst out laughing.


Reinhardt smiled and said, “If it weren’t for the stubbornness and stubbornness of our Cold Spring Harbor, you probably wouldn’t ask us for help today, would you?”

“Perhaps you have already discovered that in this world, we are the only ones who can resist the powerful offensive of Star Technology!”

“On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Xingchen Technology has a nickname, the most tough guy in the Chinese scientific research circle.”

“Star Technology is composed of a group of honest and tough scientists. They don’t talk about political correctness. The head of the team, Luo Jia, has publicly promoted the theory of China’s supremacy in speeches several times. Their partners are all local companies. Star Technology Spare no effort to help partners, conquer cities and territories around the world, with ruthless and cunning methods.”

“In North America and the Western world, we at Cold Spring Harbor are also a tough guy. We believe in nothing but science, and we don’t talk about anything but the truth. In order to stick to the truth, we can make enemies of the entire scientific research community!”

“Just a few days ago, the black rights protection organization threatened to blow up our Cold Spring Harbor, but we have no fear at all. The teacher’s research is correct. Black people are the most trashy race in the world. Even if you cut off my head, I will say so!”


Jerin and Lewis suddenly had black lines on their foreheads. It is really very possible that if they were born in the era of World War II, the lunatics in Cold Spring Harbor would be loyal followers of the head of state.

Star Technology is an upright and tough organization, and they all regard science as the only truth in this life, and they all have strong combat effectiveness. Perhaps it would be the best choice for the lunatics in Cold Spring Harbor to fight the barbarians of Star Technology Bar.

Thinking of this, Jereen said: “Dr. Reinhardt, you should know that my current role is equivalent to the authorized representative of the authorities in the scientific research community.”

“I know, you have great power now, the right to be invisible.” Reinhardt said.

Jeruien did not deny it, he nodded slightly and said: “Star Technology has opened the life science front, including Wen Chengfeng’s alma mater Harvard, we have several alternatives, if you Cold Spring Harbor come to fight, What will you do, are you sure?”

Reinhardt laughed, “Sure? To be honest, although we and Xingchen Technology have strong characteristics, we are completely different in one thing, that is, for the sake of science, we don’t talk about political correctness, At any cost.”

After hearing such an answer, both Jarian and Louis felt the hairs on their backs stand on end.

Not talking about political correctness means that the legend is very likely to be true. In order to study life sciences, Cold Spring Harbor secretly conducts illegal human experiments!

Jeruien swallowed a mouthful of spit, secret human experiment, an absolute forbidden area in the scientific world, judging by Reinhardt’s confidence, they should have achieved amazing results.

In fact Jay Ruien was completely wrong. It seemed that Cold Spring Harbor was not politically correct, and Xingchen Technology was a harmless little white rabbit.

Speaking of human experiments, the unnamed corpses under the Huangpu River may have long been lost.

“Understood.” Dr. Jay Ryan said in a deep voice: “The counterattack against Xingchen Technology in the field of life sciences is in charge of Cold Spring Harbor. It will revolve around Cold Spring Harbor.”

“I’d like to see whether China’s tough guy group is stronger, or our North American tough guy group is more ruthless!”

Reinhard sneered, disapproving, and nodded slightly.

So in the autumn of the fourth year of Star Technology’s establishment, a genetic battle between Chinese tough guys vs. North American tough guys, and Star Tech vs. Cold Spring Harbor finally broke out.

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