Technological Supremacy Chapter 239: Big events, the genius group of Star University broke out in an all-round way!


On the day before his twelfth birthday, Shen Lang accepted a task that was almost impossible for him to complete.

The three major automobile manufacturers are about to go global. How to do local marketing, create word-of-mouth, gain the trust of global consumers, quickly open up the situation, and sell domestic electric vehicles to people all over the world. Such a business plan requires years of experience in the industry , a top planning manager who has a deep understanding of the auto industry and is familiar with local consumption habits.

As for Shen Lang, even if he is talented, he is only twelve years old this year, and he lacks the necessary experience and market knowledge. If an inexperienced genius is to do the planning, the result will inevitably be empty talk.

Historically, in the examination of talking about soldiers on paper, the student with the most outstanding grades should be Zhao Kuo. It was specially given to Zhao Kuo, which shows that Zhao Kuo is definitely the ancestor in the professional field of talking on paper.

However, in the real history, Zhao Kuo is by no means as useless as the posterity made up. First of all, his opponent is the super famous military genius in the history of Qin State, the number one warrior in the Warring States Period, Bai Qi.

Zhao Kuo can’t win in vain. In the thousands of years of history, there are not many people who can win in vain. Therefore, losing the war seems to be a heinous crime, but it is actually a historical necessity.

Secondly, Zhao Guo was in an extremely dangerous environment at that time, and Zhao Guojun’s continuous tricks caused Wei Guo and others to hate Zhao Guo, let alone aid, the whole world hoped that Zhao Guo would die suddenly on the spot. Just like a gambler who is about to lose everything, Zhao Guojun put all his bets and replaced Lian Po with Zhao Kuo, hoping that this young military genius could turn the tide for him. This is a crazy behavior in itself.

Finally, according to the analysis of military experts in later generations, even if Lian Po’s military layout was followed in the Battle of Changping, he might not be able to win in the end. Both Lian Po and Zhao Kuo would lose in the end.

War is a continuation of politics. When the entire upper class is incompetent, it is completely unrealistic to expect a Zhao Kuo to bring the country out of the quagmire.

All in all, although Zhao Kuo tried his best, he was still ruthlessly nailed to the pillar of shame in history. People ridiculed Zhao Kuo for talking on paper, but ignored an important fact that talking on paper also requires strong personal ability.

When you are scratching your head for an 800-word essay, your deskmate writes a beautiful essay with a swipe of a pen. This is the difference in ability, not to mention tens of millions of words A long novel is the ultimate test of the ability to talk on paper.

Anyway, after returning to the dormitory, Shen Lang turned on his laptop and fell into long-term thinking.

He felt at a loss, felt that Luo Jia taught him this task, it was really inhuman, and he was suspected of abusing children, not to mention actual combat operations, even writing a business plan was something he was destined to be unable to complete.

Shen Lang was suffering in pain. Luo Jia, who was good at drawing blueprints, gave Shen Lang an incomparably brilliant blueprint. He realized that if he could learn from Luo Jia, he would skyrocket in the future, and finally set his sights on his lifelong dream. A dream, a cosmic dream.

However, this test was really too difficult. For the first time in his life, super genius Shen Lang felt deep despair and pain. The feeling of powerlessness almost made Shen Lang suffocate.

But at a critical moment, his roommate Zhang Qidou stepped forward and gave Shen Lang a brilliant idea.

Zhang Qidou is also one of the thirteen super geniuses. He and Shen Lang live in the same dormitory, which was deliberately arranged by Luo Jia.

Different from Shen Lang who was a homeless child since he was a child, Zhang Qidou came from Wuhan, Hubei. His parents were both senior intellectuals of Wuhan University. A family of poetry and books.

From a very young age, Zhang Qidou was carefully educated by his parents. He could read a thousand characters at the age of two and read newspapers at the age of four. Everything, I like to play with Zhang Qidou. During Zhang Qidou’s study, if he encounters a problem that he doesn’t understand, the professors will take the trouble to teach them all.

In this incomparable and special environment, Zhang Qidou grew up rapidly.

At the age of five, Zhang Qidou was able to write good articles that amazed even the professors of literature. In ancient times, he was bound to be appointed as a marquis and worshiped as a prime minister. In modern society, he will definitely become a pillar of the country with a bright future.

It was also when he was five years old that his father changed his name from Zhang Yunsheng to Zhang Qidou, which means that he is only taller than Badou, and my son is taller than Qidou.

The time has come to today, and Zhang Qidou became Shen Lang’s roommate. When Shen Lang felt desperate, Zhang Qidou curiously asked the reason.

Hearing this, Zhang Qidou, who is talented and talented, is also stupid. The three major car manufacturers are going to the world, and they will face Toyota, Honda, GM, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, a series of super giants, and Luo Jia let Shen Lang came up with a battle plan to promote this commercial war?

Is this a job for a twelve-year-old boy?

Principal Luo is probably crazy, right?

Zhang Qidou stroked his chin and pondered for a long time, then suddenly slapped his thigh, and said to Shen Lang, “I can’t help much with this matter, but we are here at Xingchen University! The place with the most geniuses in the world! We Call everyone, everyone will work together, and you will lead and command, if you don’t believe it, you won’t be able to complete this task!”

Zhang Qidou was born in a professor’s family. He probably witnessed many teachers asking students to help with work since he was a child, so he quickly thought of mobilizing collective power.

This idea is really great. Although Shen Lang is an extreme military genius, the job of a commander is more about the leadership ability of arranging troops, strategizing, and leading everyone to complete tasks together.

Shen Lang has leadership skills, while his classmates have powerful talents and the ability to complete difficult tasks.

So overnight, the world was shocked!

A research team composed of young geniuses was born!

At first it was just a few dozen people who had a good relationship with them, but after the news spread, the entire Star University was mobilized, and everyone came to help.

Shen Lang has a very good reputation in school and is admired by his classmates. Moreover, young people are always warm-hearted, without the interests and indifference of adults. Now that Shen Lang is in trouble, everyone is very willing to help him little effort.

To come and go, originally it was only a matter for Shen Lang alone, but now it has become an outright big scene.

It just so happens that Shen Lang was born for big occasions. He is not afraid of crowds.

In ancient times, Han Xin led as many soldiers as possible, but now Shen Lang plans the overall situation, leading the students of the whole school, like a precision engine, running crazily.

The big data group makes a detailed analysis of the car sales data of various countries in the past, and also analyzes the purchasing power index of the people of each country and whether the infrastructure is complete.

For example, many countries in Africa are short of electricity, and they will not be able to use electric vehicles if sold to them. Countries like this are secondary markets.

Cultural analysis group, the customs and habits of various countries, what channels the people get information from, how much influence various information channels have among the masses, which celebrity is suitable for being a spokesperson, etc., they make judgments on such situations , each country must write a cultural analysis report.

The opponent analysis team, combined with the market share of automobile brands in each country, determines who is the main opponent at each stage, and then studies the opponent’s weaknesses.

For example, although Fiat is one of the most important automobile groups in Europe, their assembly quality is relatively poor, and the cars they make have a strong sense of cheapness. Among Japanese cars, except for the relatively solid chassis of Mazda Group , Both Toyota and Honda have a tradition of cutting corners on the chassis, and the driving feeling is a bit floating. These situations can be used to make a fuss.

The promotion team thought of the famous Optical Division of Star Technology. This department, which was led by Lu Chengfeng and Zhang Yuechuan back then, has become the largest subsidiary of Star Technology with the strongest research and development capabilities in the world after several expansions.

Star Optics has recently developed a holographic laser projection. Due to the limitation of technological level, this holographic laser projection cannot reach the level of fully realistic illusions in science fiction movies. It can only project 3D in a fixed multi-dimensional curtain. Stereoscopic images can be regarded as a primary laser projection technology.

The promotion team thought that if this technology is used to make a holographic model of the vehicle, this model can not only show the whole car, but also decompose the electric car so that every part can be perfectly displayed in 3D When it comes out, it will be a very sci-fi existence, in line with the future definition of electric vehicles.

A 4S store itself can also be a huge laser projection screen, which will create a dreamlike magical effect!

Once a customer enters the store, it is as if they have stepped into the future. Various crazy scenes are staged in turn, and the cars of the three major automakers are constantly cruising in these scenes. The temptation to customers is really too great.

All in all, the promotion team felt that instead of selling cars, it is better to sell the concept of the future!

Weakening the existence of cars, embodying the concept of the future, and stimulating the infinite vision of the future in the depths of the human brain will be the key to this global car war!

Back then, Apple’s exclusive store, with all-glass material and simple modern design, became a classic in global marketing cases and was written into textbooks.

And now, the space-time marketing of the future world by the geniuses of Star University is much higher than Apple’s huge glass wall. Once it is released, it will definitely cause a global sensation!

The existence of a genius is destined to be different and shocking.

Even Luo Jia didn’t expect that would turn out like this in the end.

Originally, Luo Jia didn’t intend for Shen Lang to complete this job, it was just a small postgraduate entrance examination.

For this car war, he and his three major partners have been preparing for nearly two years, mobilizing thousands of global elites to make more than one set of plans.

But now, Luo Jia has carefully prepared the plan for almost two years, and it is about to be directly subverted by the 1,562 geniuses of Star University!

Star University is like the juvenile version of the Brainstorming Group. This is the first time in history that they made a move, and their collective move made Luo Jia very helpless. He prepared for so long and spent so much money to do it. The project plan is now at the point where it is about to be thrown into the trash can!

Time passed by every minute and every second. No matter day or night, Star University was brightly lit. The geniuses collectively exploded and were about to create a new history!

For this, Luo Jia only has one comment.

Nima, you are too cruel!


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