Talisman Emperor: Highly recommend Goddess Yanyan’s masterpiece



I solemnly recommend the masterpiece of the female frequency **** Yanyan, let’s make a contract, Lord Yaohu.

Yanyan is a female author I know, a beautiful girl with a goddess-like appearance and temperament, and this “Let’s Make a Contract, Lord Monster Fox” is also very popular on the female channel, and it is now being serialized.

Those who like female videos, and brothers and sisters who don’t like female videos, can go and have a look, take a look, favorite, vote for it, and of course, you can also hook up =·=

The following is a brief introduction:

She is a kind and ordinary human girl

He bears the hatred of the fox boy

When his and her wheel of fortune overlap

Also connected to their respective worlds

“Come on, let me be your blood covenant! Never leave you alone again!”

Shen Bing Plum Blade Cuts Fate

Mountains and mountains of fire and seas depend on life and death

Link below


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