Talisman Emperor Chapter 4: The enemy


What happened to grandpa and brother after they left for half a day?


Over the years, those who hate themselves and call themselves **** have not even had time to avoid themselves. How could they kill grandpa and brother?

Is it an enemy?

Is it the guy who killed thousands of my Chen clan?

However, after so many years, why didn’t they cut down the roots of their grandfather and grandson early? Why wait until today?

Chen Xi only felt the qi and blood in his entire body tossing, and his head was about to explode in pain!

He rushed out of the house, out of the street, and out of the city like a beast in trouble.

Grandpa and brother, nothing will happen, no…

He is screaming.

The city of Songyan in the middle of the night is still as bright as day.

The lights of various colors and colorful lights hang in every part of the whole city.

The streets were crowded with people, and a large group of people gathered outside the city gate.

Lying on the ground was a skinny old man, his clothes stained with blood, his eyes closed, obviously dead.

Besides, an eleven- or twelve-year-old child knelt down and said nothing. There were no tears on his tender face, but his eyes were gray and empty, like a puppet without a soul.

“I know him. He is Chen Hao from Tianxing University, and he is my classmate!”

“Ah! It turns out to be Broom Star’s younger brother, isn’t the old man next to him his grandfather?”

“Alas, it must be. Back then, the famous patriarch of the Chen clan in Songyan City was murdered in the wilderness outside the city. It’s pitiful! It’s a shame!”


There is a lot of talk, but no one is willing to help. Because one is Broomstar’s younger brother and the other is Broomstar’s grandfather, they don’t want to suffer bad luck.

“Everyone hurry to the side, the broom star is coming!”

A sharp voice suddenly sounded, hearing the words, the huge crowd slammed out of the way, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

Under the strange gazes of people, a thin figure charged like crazy, and it was Chen Xi.


Seeing the familiar figure lying quietly on the ground, Chen Xi completely cut off hope in his heart.

He walked to his grandfather’s body step by step, his stern face still remained unchanged, but his eyes turned red due to congestion, like a trapped beast.

“Brother…” An extremely hoarse and low-pitched familiar voice sounded, and Chen Xi’s heart trembled, but he saw his younger brother Chen Xi looked at him like a puppet, his eyes were empty.

Who is it?

Who did it?

Chen Xi’s heart became more and more painful, his fingernails were deeply embedded in the palm of his hand and blood was overflowing, but he didn’t realize it.

At this moment, the pent-up resentment that had been accumulated in my heart for many years, surged through my body like a burst of lava.

He hates himself, hates himself for being too incompetent, hates himself for being ridiculed and ridiculed around him, but unable to change…

My God!

If you want to punish, punish me alone, why don’t you spare my Chen family, my parents, and my grandfather?

Why! ?

Chen Xi was roaring frantically in his heart, almost out of control.


Chen Hao seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, closed his eyes weakly, and fainted in Chen Xi’s arms.

Chen Xi looked at the younger brother in his arms, saw the tiredness and helplessness on his tender cheeks, and suddenly woke up from his endless anger. Grandpa was already dead, and he must never let his younger brother have an accident.

He carried his younger brother and grandfather’s body on his back, staggered into the city gate, and walked home,

“The Broom Star is finally gone, ha, it’s good now, after many years, he killed his grandfather again, tsk, really bad luck is raging, unlucky.”

“Be quiet, your kid is dead, and then curse the broom star, be careful to get bad luck, and your little life will be ruined!”

“Che, and said me, don’t you also call him Broom Star?”

“Hey, I’m too lazy to talk to you.”

“Just pretend, maybe you are still thinking in your mind, when will the broom star kill his brother!”


As he walked all the way, the buzzing voices were accompanied by the bitter night wind, and drifted into Chen Xi’s ears, like sharp silver needles, piercing deeply into his heart.

But he still walks on his own, like a rock that has been beaten by the waves, the pain is in the bone marrow, and he is still stubborn.


No, I will always remember this moment.

If I don’t die, one day, I will step on the ladder, enter the clouds, embrace the nine-day galaxy, and stand tall!


Just wait and laugh at yourself.


In the suburbs, it was rainy and rainy, like silk and thread.

“RIP, Grandpa.”

In front of a solitary grave, Chen Xi stood up and said in a low voice. His voice was calm and indifferent, but there was an air of stubbornness.

From that day, Chen Xi had been kneeling in front of the grave for three days. He didn’t eat or drink, and he was indifferent to the wind and the sun. His face was extremely pale and haggard.

Seeing that Chen Xi was back to normal, Bai Wanqing, who was beside him, breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Go home first, Chen Hao woke up from a coma last night.”

Chen Xi nodded in agreement.

“Aunt Bai, thank you.”

As he approached the door of his house, Chen Xi paused and thanked Bai Wanqing solemnly. For the past three days, Bai Wanqing has been helping take care of her younger brother at home, just like her own family, which made him extremely moved.

When everyone only knew how to ridicule themselves, there was one person who was silently running around and working hard for him. Such a person deserves to be remembered by Chen Xi for the rest of his life.

Bai Wanqing didn’t seem to expect Chen Xi to thank her so solemnly, she was stunned and smiled, “As long as you live well and live better than anyone else, that is the best thank you to me.”

Chen Xi solemnly nodded again.

Bai Wanqing smiled, she didn’t linger any longer, and turned to leave.

Seeing her graceful and graceful back disappear, Chen Xi couldn’t help but feel a warm current in his heart, which lifted his spirits, and the gloom between his brows was much lessened.


The door opened, Chen Hao looked at Chen Xi outside the door, and called out softly.

Chen Xi stepped forward and firmly embraced his younger brother in his arms: “It doesn’t matter if your right hand is abolished, as long as you live, there is hope.”

That night, Chen Xi’s grandfather was attacked and killed, and Chen Hao also paid the price of one right hand, and the vitality of his right arm was abolished.

Chen Xi knew very well how much pain the loss of his right hand had brought to his younger brother. His younger brother had been obsessed with swordsmanship since he was a child, and he had made a great wish to create his own path of swordsmanship. Now that his right hand is gone, he has undoubtedly ruined his brother’s dream that he had held for many years. The pain can be imagined.

“Brother, I have decided to practice the left-handed sword!”

Chen Hao straightened his spine, his eyes were bright, his whole body seemed to be reborn from ashes, and he said firmly: “It’s also a good thing to lose my right hand, a hand and a sword can make me more focused, and my swordsmanship can be more focused. .”

Chen Xi looked at his younger brother who seemed to have grown up overnight, and at the firmness in his pupils that re-emerged, and his heart was up and down for a while, and he couldn’t help himself: “Okay! Good! Good!”

Three good words in a row have fully expressed the joy in Chen Xi’s heart.


“My grandfather and I were ambushed in the Blue Wolf Canyon. It was three masked men. Before he died, my grandfather said that they all had the cultivation of the Purple Palace.”

After dinner, Chen Xi began to ask what happened to grandfather and younger brother after they left the city. He wanted to find out who the murderer who killed grandfather was.

However, Chen Xi’s heart jumped when he heard that his younger brother was talking about three cultivators in the Purple Palace.

The journey of cultivation is divided into acquired, innate, purple palace, yellow court, Liangyi Jindan, nirvana, underworld real person, and robbery earth immortal.

The ninth level of the acquired day, the inner refining of the true essence, the access to the veins, and the life essence skyrocketed by one Jiazi. At this state, the body is strong, the essence and blood are like a tide, and there are no diseases.

Nine levels of congenital nature, breathing out the heavens and the earth, refining the mind and stamina, and the lifespan has skyrocketed for a hundred years. At this level, the mortal fetus has been washed away, and the body is full of spirit, but there are thousands of people in the world, and there are very few who can step into the innate!

As for the realm of the Purple Mansion, one steals the power of heaven and earth to open up the Purple Mansion in the dantian. Every time the realm increases, there will be an extra star of true essence in the Purple Mansion.

This realm is also known as the realm of the stars. At this realm, the lifespan has skyrocketed for five hundred years, and it can be called the foundation of cultivation, and in the true sense of entering the path of immortality.

According to Chen Xi’s knowledge, there is no one out of ten thousand who want to open up the Purple Mansion. In the huge Pine Mist City, the Purple Mansion cultivator is definitely the top powerhouse. Now that he heard that the murderers who killed his grandfather were actually three cultivators from the Purple Mansion, one can imagine the shock in Chen Xi’s heart.

He has only now cultivated to the Innate Third Realm, thanks to his grandfather Chen Tianli’s careful guidance since he was a child.

Reminiscing back then, the Chen family was the most powerful family in Songyan City. Chen Tianli, the patriarch of the Chen family, was a seven-star cultivator of the Zifu. Although his cultivation base was abolished, his inheritance was never lost. No matter how ordinary Chen Xi’s aptitude is, with Chen Tianli’s careful teaching, the advanced innate realm is no problem at all.

However, he wants to advance to the Purple Mansion cultivator, but his hope is extremely slim. After all, his cultivation base has been stuck in the Innate Third Reorganization for five years, and it is difficult to say whether he can go further.

“By the way, I have a gramophone here, recording a paragraph of the three people!” Chen Hao slapped his head suddenly, and suddenly made a sound, took out a faint blue talisman from his arms and handed it to Chen Xi.

The phonogram is a kind of auxiliary talisman. In the practice world, when monks go out, in order to avoid friends who come to visit to find themselves, they often leave a phonogram at home to remind them ~IndoMTL.com~.

This note was made by Chen Xi for his younger brother to play with, but he didn’t want it to be of great use. The thought of hearing the voice of the murderer who killed his grandfather in the next moment made Chen Xi feel excited.

True essence poured into it, and the surface of the phonogram suddenly glowed with a faint blue light.

“Young master explained that he will trap them in Songyan City, and let them live in misery under the ridicule and scorn of the world until he drives himself to death…”

“Put down the net of heaven and earth, and once they leave the city, they will be brought back! This matter is related to the marriage between the son and the one in Longyuan City. If you dare to neglect, you will kill them without mercy!”

The sharp and cold voice floated out of the gramophone like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark spitting out a letter.


The phonogram turns into a puff of smoke and disappears without a trace.

Chen Xi’s face was ashen.


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