Talisman Emperor Chapter 1: Chen Xi


Southern Xinjiang, Songyan City.

The twilight is dark and the setting sun is like fire.

As usual, Chen Xi pushed the door and walked into Zhang’s grocery store.

Zhang’s Grocery Store is just an ordinary shop in Songyan City. It is not large in scale. It relies on self-made self-selling some talismans that cultivators need daily to maintain business. The survival of the grocery store is not a big deal, but it is better than a long stream of water, and it is barely able to gain a foothold in Songyan City.

“To make a talisman, talisman paper, talisman pen, and ink are all indispensable. It seems simple, but the doorway is very complicated. The composition of ink, when the foundation is solid, I will teach you how to make talismans.”

Only then did Chen Xi realize that there were seven or eight more immature-faced apprentices in the shop. The boss, Zhang Dayong, was exhorting, and his shriveled voice echoed in the grocery store.

“I’ll give you one month. After a month, if I’m not satisfied, then go home and play in the mud. Finally, you have to remember that if you want to become a qualified Talisman, you must study hard. Hard work is the only way for you, no one can succeed casually!”

The eyes of the seven or eight newly recruited apprentices were full of excitement and eagerness, eager to try.

“Well, Chen Xi is here.”

Zhang Dayong turned his head to see Chen Xi, and greeted him with a smile.

“Uncle Zhang, these are the thirty Fire Cloud Talismans today.” Chen Xi took out a stack of light cyan Talismans and handed them over.

Zhang Dayong waved his hand: “Don’t worry, since you are here, help me teach these little guys first. The wages are calculated separately. Well, how about the price of three primeval stones per hour?”

After thinking for a moment, Chen Xi nodded: “Okay!”

Thirty Fire Cloud Talismans can be sold for ten primeval stones, but it took him nearly five hours to make. In this way, the price is indeed rich enough.

Zhang Dayong smiled and turned to look at the group of newly recruited apprentices. With a solemn expression, he said solemnly, “The talisman is very broad and profound. In order to better get you started, your senior, Chen Xi, will know how to make talismans. I’ll show you how to make a first-grade Fire Cloud Talisman. I don’t dare to say anything else, but if you say that the basic skills of making Talisman are solid, there is no one in the entire Songyan City that is worse than Chen Xi, and even I am ashamed in this regard. Watch carefully, study hard, and don’t miss this opportunity.”


Seven or eight eyes all fell on Chen Xi, but when they saw that the other party was just a thin and pale teenager, not even a few years older than themselves, the teenagers couldn’t help but have a hint of suspicion in their eyes. Is it really as powerful as Uncle Zhang said?

Chen Xi’s expression remained unchanged, as if he didn’t notice the subtlety of the surrounding atmosphere, he went straight to the talisman table, picked up the light cyan talisman paper beside the table and flattened the table, then took a pen and dipped in ink, and swiped down.

The movements are skillful and smooth, as if they are at your fingertips.

Seeing this, the teenagers quickly gathered around.

Holding the talisman pen, Chen Xi’s temperament changed. His eyes were condensed and clear, his wrists swayed like a snake, the tip of the pen was light and lively, rustling… A slender and graceful dark red arc spread out on the talisman paper. It is like wisps of cooking smoke curling up, like flowing clouds and flowing water, comfortable and natural.

The newly recruited talisman apprentice opened his eyes wide and stared at Chen Xi’s wrist, talisman pen, and the rudimentary talisman pattern gradually revealed on the light cyan talisman paper, and his heart gradually filled with shock.

The ninth-grade talisman, the first-grade fire cloud talisman is only one of the most basic talismans, and naturally, it is also the lowest-level talisman. Originally, the teenagers didn’t think much of Chen Xi, who was only a few years older than them. However, when they saw Chen Xi making a talisman, although it was only a few movements, it was full of graceful and agile beauty and precise control. His heart was instantly conquered.

Chen Xi looked attentive, completely forgetful, and didn’t notice the changes in the eyes around him at all. Once he made a talisman, he was immersed in a mysterious and peaceful state, with only the thin and dense talisman lines on the talisman paper in his eyes.

Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the teenagers, Zhang Dayong couldn’t help but smile knowingly, not to mention these newcomers, every time he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn’t help but be amazed, just as he said, Chen Xi has indeed reached an extraordinary level in terms of his basic talisman accomplishments.

The strokes of the pen were pointed, dialed, hooked, drawn, and spun, and the force was sharp and precise. A thin sheet of light cyan pine-patterned rune paper, under the stroke of Chen Xi’s rune pen, gradually formed a dense and delicate pattern.

After a stick of incense.


The talisman paper suddenly lit up, as if breathing and breathing, and immediately returned to normal.

Chen Xi put down the talisman, and his whole body seemed to fall apart.

Before he came to the grocery store, he had already made 30 pieces of the Fire Cloud Talisman, and his true essence had already been exhausted by seventy-seven-eighty-eight, and his mental energy was also consumed a lot. At this time, completing this talisman will completely deplete his true essence. Squeezed dry, emaciated.

The newly recruited young talisman apprentices did not pay attention to this. Seeing Chen Xi complete a talisman so smoothly, the pot instantly exploded.

“Amazing! The speed, agility and precision of the pen is terrifying!”

“Wow, Senior Chen Xi succeeded in making a talisman in one go. Such a success rate can only be described as perfect!”

“In the future, I must consult with Senior Chen Xi for advice. With such a skilled brushwork, I must also practice it!”


At this moment, however, a yin and yang strange voice suddenly sounded at the door of the store.

“Hmph, what’s so great about making a first-grade basic talisman. Given five years, you can play the basic talisman just like Facial Paralyzed Chen. Why don’t you ask Facial Paralyzed Chen when he will be able to make it? Second-grade talisman? As far as his level is concerned, he can only bluff you rookies.”

At the door of the grocery store, at some point in time stood a condescending young man with long and narrow cheeks, his arms folded over his chest, and a pair of goldfish eyes full of disdain.

Hearing this, all the admiration disappeared instantly, and there was a hint of suspicion and weirdness in the eyes of the teenagers that were fiery and respectful.

It took five years to master only the first-grade basic talisman?

How bad would such a qualification be!

Facial paralysis Chen, ha, a good-looking nickname…

Wait, it’s him!

The newly arrived Fu apprentice finally remembered who Chen Xi was, and his eyes all showed a strange color.

In Songyan City, Chen Zhiming with facial paralysis is well-known and well-deserved as the first sweeping star.

On the day he was born, the Chen family, which was originally a first-class family, was destroyed by the enemy overnight, leaving only his grandfather, father, and mother.

When he was one year old, his grandfather was seriously ill and bedridden. He lost his cultivation and became a waste. The family of four was also forced to move into the civilian area of ​​Songyan City.

When he was two years old, his younger brother Chen Hao was born, and his mother Zuo Qiuxue disappeared. It is rumored that he disliked the decline of the Chen family and could not bear this poor life, so he eloped with a young and handsome son.

When he was three years old, his father Chen Jun left home and has not returned.

At the age of four, the Su family in southern Xinjiang, who was originally a relative of his fingertips, dispatched more than ten Huang Tingjing masters to stand in the sky, tearing up the marriage contract in front of all the people in Songyan City. And go.

For five consecutive years, the unfortunate things that happened to Chen Xi, one after another, became more and more sensational, Songyan City was not big at all, and soon, Chen Xi’s name of the broom star became longer. Like wings, it spreads all over Songyan City, and is known to women and children.

Because of Chen Xi’s unsmiling expression and indifferent expression since he was a child, no one has ever seen him smile. Coupled with the propaganda of some good deeds, the nickname Chen Xi has been completely resounding in Songyan City.

“Uncle Zhang, I’ll come back tomorrow.”

The atmosphere was very strange, and Chen Xi could feel it. In other words, he had grown up with this kind of gaze over the years, and he had long since become accustomed to it. He nodded at Uncle Zhang, and turned away with a calm expression.


Not long after Chen Xi left, Zhang Dayong glared at the young man at the door and scolded, “Yunhong, come with me!”

“Uncle, I…”

The young man named Yunhong was startled and opened his mouth to defend himself, but when he saw that his uncle had already walked into the back hall, he quickly trotted after him, and muttered to himself, “It’s inexplicable, so I’m just telling the truth. Well, why are you so serious?”

As soon as the two left, the newly recruited Fu apprentices couldn’t help but discuss.

“Hey, it turned out to be Chen with facial paralysis. If I had known, I wouldn’t come. I learned to make talismans with him, and I don’t know if I would get bad luck.”

“Ah! Oops, when Chen Jifu was paralyzed just now, I accidentally touched him… No, I have to go home and take a shower.”

“Haha, I’m frightening you guys. I heard from my father that the broom star, Chen, is only a scourge to their Chen family, and has nothing to do with us.”


The night is like ink and the stars are shining.

In the icy wind, Chen Xi silently let go of his fists that made his knuckles turn white, tightened the thin clothes on his body, and walked quickly towards the house~IndoMTL.com~ When approaching the door of the house, he suddenly saw a A thin figure was sitting in front of the door, and by the starlight, he could vaguely identify that it was his younger brother Chen Hao.

“Brother, you’re back.” Chen Hao, who was only twelve years old, stood up and shouted cheerfully, then he seemed to notice something was wrong and hurriedly lowered his head.

“Raise your head.” Chen Xi stepped forward, with a hint of sternness in his voice.

Chen Hao was like a child who made a mistake, but he stubbornly didn’t raise his head, and murmured, “Grandpa is waiting for you to eat, let’s go in first.” After speaking, he turned around and was about to enter the room, but was taken away by Chen Xi. Reach out and grab it behind your back.

“Fighting with someone again?”

Chen Xi stretched out his hand and raised Chen Hao’s chin, looking at the red and swollen scars on his little brother’s little face, his brows could not help frowning slightly.

Chen Hao slammed away Chen Xi’s hand, raised his head, his eyes were stubborn, and he said loudly, “They called me a savage, called my brother a bastard, and called our family to die sooner or later, of course I will beat him up. them.”

Chen Xi was stunned, looking at his stubborn younger brother, and the anger and unwillingness on his tender little face, an indescribable pain suddenly surged in his heart.


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