Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 3356, teacher


The coy look in his eyes was only for a moment, and soon, Kukulus restrained the emotion in his eyes, and bowed to them lightly: “Welcome you two, Ms. Graipnir and Lord Eya have been waiting inside for a long time.”

Although they were saluting to them together, Kukurus’s eyes were still on Laplace.

Laplace said calmly: “Lead the way.”

Kurkulus nodded, first cast a glance at Kuntra, then turned and walked towards the gate.

“I’ll take my leave first.” Kuntla bowed respectfully to Angel and Laplace, and then said to Angel: “The crystal shell you need, sir, I will let Orshan Zhuo brought the samples.”

After speaking, Kuntra flapped her wings and flew down the ladder.

It was not until Kuntra left that Angel and Laplace followed Kukulus into the cloud cave shrouded in gray mist.

“Where’s Luigi?” A faint voice came from the front, and it was Kukurus who spoke.

Laplace: “Sleep.”

The sentence “sleep”, without any explanation, and without redundant elaboration, made Kukulus ponder for a long time before hesitatingly asked: “Did you go to the Crystal Field of Dreams?”

Laplace didn’t say anything, just nodded slightly, regardless of whether Kukurus in front saw it or not.

Although Kukurus didn’t look back, judging from it not continuing to ask, it must have sensed Laplace’s answer. It’s silent now, just because it doesn’t know how to communicate with Laplace.

Laplace’s identity is too special… It is necessary to maintain respect, but it is still impossible to make Kukulus completely lose face and compliment him like Alsandra.

What’s more, Laplace’s attitude is also extremely indifferent, no matter how warm the greeting is, it is easy to be labeled as a cold ass.

At this moment, Kukulus missed Luigi…

Although Luigi has a high probability of being this person, his personality is completely different from Laplace’s, and there is no obstacle in communication.

Unfortunately, Luigi went to the Crystal Field of Dreams.

Fortunately, there are no cumbersome passages in the cloud cave, and you can reach the huge space behind it when you step into the cloud cave.

At this time, there were already several figures in the huge cloud cave.

It is also worth mentioning that although the gray mist partially concealed their appearance, judging from the outlines, these figures were all humanoid without exception.

The only dragon shape is Kukulus next to Angel.

As they approached, the surrounding gray fog gradually receded, and Angel could see the environment of the cloud cave more clearly.

The environment of the cloud cave…how should I put it?

There is nothing worth mentioning, except that the place is spacious and there are basically no artificial things that can be seen as far as the eye can see.

The only thing with a somewhat “artificial” atmosphere is a long table in the middle of the cloud cave.

The figures Angel had seen before were all around this long table.

“You guys… are here.” A familiar vicissitudes voice sounded from the soul belt.

There is no doubt that it was Gleipnir who spoke. As they approached, the psychic ties that had been disconnected and hit him were reconnected.

Gleipnir sat in the corner of one side of the long table, and there were a few empty seats around him, obviously reserved for Angel and Laplace.

Anger nodded to Graipnir from a distance, and walked over with Laplace.

As they approached, Angel also saw other people near the long table.

There are six people in total.

It was on the same side as Graipnir, but instead of sitting on a chair, standing beside him was a six-meter-tall crystal man who looked like a Transformer, and looked extremely burly.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the so-called “Transformer” is just a crystal shell, and what is hidden in this giant crystal shell is a hunchback figure whose height is estimated to be no more than 1.5 meters .

It is a Jingmu tribe wearing a cloak. From the shadow of the cloak, one can vaguely see that it is a thin old man with skin collapsed like mountains.

The reason why this Jingmu old man did not sit at the long table is because there are better facilities inside the giant crystal shell.

As far as Angel took a look, he saw a soft sofa, a crystal clear round table, steaming tea and colorful fruits inside the “Big Mac” crystal shell.

This kind of treatment is much more advanced than the empty long table outside with nothing but a few teacups.

Although we don’t know who this old man of the Jingmu clan is, according to speculation, this is undoubtedly an elder of the Jingmu clan.

And behind this giant crystal shell, there are two human-shaped crystal shells floating in mid-air, and each of them is filled with a Jingmu tribe.

Perhaps the bodyguard of the elders of the Jingmu clan?

“The old man in the largest crystal shell is the great elder of the Jingmu Clan Presbyterian Church, named Jota.” Perhaps Angel’s gaze was too obvious, and even Graipnir noticed him With their eyes, they introduced their identities to Angel through the soul tie.

“At the same time, Jota is also the current prophet of the Jingmu tribe.” Graipnir: “In terms of status, he is currently the person with the most say in the Jingmu tribe.”

It can also be understood that Jota is the lord of a country.

It’s nothing less than that, the pomp is so big, and the layout in the crystal shell is so luxurious.

As for the two Jingmu tribes behind the Prophet Jota, according to Graepnir’s introduction, one is Mosida, the other is Kulinta, and they are also members of the Jingmu tribe’s Presbyterian Church.

But don’t pay attention to them, they are only qualified to attend the meeting, not to speak. ——These are also the original words of Graipnir.

That’s what he said, but Angel still nodded to the three elders of the Jingmu clan.

The three elders of the Jingmu tribe also saluted Angel’s nod, but their eyes were very similar to those of Kukurus before, and they stayed more on Laplace.

Looking at it and thinking about it.

After greeting the members of the Jingmu clan, Angel also moved his gaze to the opposite side of the long table, which was also the focus of the party.

There were three people standing on the opposite side, to be precise, two people and one dragon. Among them, the “one dragon” was Kukulus. After bringing Angel and others into the cloud cave, he came to the other end of the long table.

In terms of position, Kukulus was also sitting at the corner of the long table, which meant that his position was even lower than the two “people” around him.

One of them was an elegant lady who was about two meters tall and was sipping hot tea.

She was wearing a long white dress with unknown flickering light spots on the skirt, like a group of fireflies flying around.

Combined with her high bun and soft face, it gives people the feeling of an upper-class lady who often attends tea parties.

When Angel saw her for the first time, a name immediately popped up in his mind… Molly Ann!

On the main display stand before, Angel had seen Mo Lian.

Moriane on the main display stand is like the queen in the dark. Wearing a black feather cloak, crow feather high heels, and a long black lace dress with multiple layers of tulle; with purple and black lip gloss, glamorous eyebrows and strong makeup, it adds a bit of sharpness.

Leaving the display stand, Jasmine seemed to put away the aura of the “Queen of Darkness” and turned into an elegant and graceful dodder.

Is this a contrasting character design created by Molly Ann?

Angel’s eyes sparkled with curiosity, and Mo Lian, who was opposite, seemed to see the inquiry in Angel’s eyes, and chuckled: “Is your name Angel?”

Angel nodded.

Mori Ann: “I just heard Grapnir mention you. You are one of the main founders of Dream Mirror. Most importantly, you are still a human being, which surprises me… Maybe you should I’ve heard of me, although I’m only Molly’s body, I’ve also inherited her love for humans.”

Morian’s voice was very soft, but it carried some kind of magical power, which made Angel listen to it unconsciously.

Although she was just saying hello to Angel, her words vaguely pointed out the biggest doubt in Angel’s heart before.

Contrasting character design? No, the current Molly Ann and the Molly Ann on the stage are basically two people.

The one on the main display stand is the ontology, while the one in the cloud cave is the time body.

This is also why, their dress and aura give people a completely different feeling.

Molly Ann finished ordering, greeted Angel, and nodded lightly with Laplace, then sipped hot tea without talking.

On the other hand, Angel looked at the last person at the long table, who was also sitting at the main seat.

After Angel entered the cloud cave, he actually saw him at first glance, but for some reason, Angel’s eyes kept wandering, but he never really looked at him directly?

Is it because of the aura that you dare not look directly? No, the person on the main seat did not exude any aura.

Or maybe his appearance is too strange to bear to look directly at? No, he is not ugly, he can even be said to be handsome, with the glasses with gold chains, he gives people a sense of elegance.

If you look closely, you can only say that he feels weird to Angel. Sometimes he has a high sense of presence, but sometimes people subconsciously ignore him.

The sense of presence fluctuates, causing Angel to always be unable to catch his breath.

“Hi, nice to meet you, you can call me Eya.” The man with abnormal presence stood up and bowed slightly, smiling at Angel.

His actions caused the three elders of the Jingmu clan to look suspicious.

Even Kukurus and Morian who were beside them looked sideways.

The reason is…his gesture full of etiquette was not directed at Laplace, but at Angel.

Angel is just a human being, even if he has the status of “Dream Mirror Creator”, how can he be bowed by the dignified secret secretary dragon?

Yes, this man with glasses and elegant demeanor is the secret secretary Long who made a small appearance on the main display stand before.

However, the mysterious dragon has now put away its huge dragon body and turned into a thin man.

Angel didn’t know why the secret secretary Long was so serious all of a sudden, but after the secret secretary Long spoke, he suddenly found that the previous feeling of erratic presence disappeared.

The secret secretary dragon seems to have returned to reality from an unknown dimension, and he feels no different from other people to Angel.

Since the other party put on such a posture, Angel could not be hasty, and introduced himself very solemnly.

Aya pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: “It may be my honor to meet you.”

Eya’s words once again attracted a burst of attention, but no one dared to ask.

Ea didn’t explain, and turned to look at Laplace who came with Angel.

Before, the elders of the Jingmu clan were puzzled as to why Eya’s courtesy was given to Angel instead of Laplace… But now, Eya has given the answer.

He did treat Angel with courtesy, but when he faced Laplace, he was even more courteous, even…respectful.

I saw Eya standing up, walking around the long table and coming to Laplace, solemnly touching his chest and lowering his knees: “Long time no see, teacher.”

As soon as Eya’s “teacher” came out, everyone was stunned.

The two elders of the Jingmu clan covered their mouths in shock; the prophet Jota paused in surprise. He was still holding fruit in his hand, but he also stopped, and the red fruit rolled to the ground.

Even Morian and Kukurus, who were mirror dragons, looked at the scene before them in disbelief.

Ea’s prestige in Bailong Divine Kingdom is almost only inferior to Grandpa Wan.

But such a noble Eya called out “teacher” to Laplace.

How could this not surprise them?

They may have already guessed Laplace’s identity, but they don’t know that a learned dragon like Eya actually has a teacher?

It’s not surprising that there are probably only Angel and Graipnir on the field.

Although Eya’s “teacher” made them stunned for a second, they soon understood the reason.

At the beginning, Eya’s talent was not obvious, no matter how hard he tried, compared to other owners of the “Dragon God Mark”, he looked very useless.

Even because of Eya, the authority of the “Mark of the Dragon God” has been questioned.

So many years, until Aya met Laplace. Relying on Laplace to help him analyze his talent, he finally understood the truth of his talent “Book of Time”.

At the same time, Laplace also helped Eya develop a special ability of talent: the secret treasure in the book.

Although in Laplace’s view, this is just a trivial matter. But if you bring it into Eya’s perspective, Laplace’s help not only washes away his grievances, but also helps to rectify the name of the Bailong Kingdom: the bearers of the Dragon God’s mark are all vulgar.

What’s more, Laplace also taught Eya knowledge, and it was the most important “innate enlightenment” knowledge for him.

From this point of view, it is absolutely reasonable for Eya to call Laplace “teacher”.

Others were more or less surprised, but Laplace glanced at Eya and said calmly: “I said at the beginning that I am not your teacher. Moreover, your current knowledge Reserve, I’m afraid I can’t match a hundred.”

Absolute secretary dragon, with “book” as its name and “knowledge” as its background, naturally has its strengths. Laplace didn’t think that she could compare to Arcane Secretary Long in terms of knowledge.

Perhaps Laplace doesn’t know the phrase “the master is the teacher”, but she has this concept in her heart.

“Knowledge does not mean everything. What’s more, in terms of breadth, I am inferior.” Eya stood up and bowed again: “And, no matter what, you are my teacher in my heart .”

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