Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 3355 Vacuum film


Latest URL: Angel nodded.

He had discussed Mirror Dragon’s strength with Luigi before. Although Kuntra is not the top existence among the cave dragons, he can still reach the level of a second-level wizard, and his full attack can even reach the peak level of a second-level wizard.

Even if Sanders meets him, he needs to be careful. The pure rock crystal cluster can defend against Kuntra’s full attack, even if it only has two hits, it is definitely considered the best.

You must know that the success or failure of the battle situation is often determined within one or two attacks.

It is nothing more than that it is so expensive.

Anger is also a little greedy for pure rock crystal clusters, but unfortunately…it’s too expensive. Fifty thousand crystals may sound good, but 50,000 crystals are only the price of one unit. If he wants to use pure rock crystal clusters to make defensive armor, he needs at least one hundred divisions, which is five million crystals. .

It is better to spend five million condensate crystals to buy pure rock crystal clusters than to buy some specific materials and refine defensive props by yourself.

Speaking of self-refining, Angel suddenly thought of a possibility: “Can this crystal shell be used as a material and added to alchemy forging?”

Kuntra thought for a moment, then shook his head: “This…should not be possible.”

“I have seen a collection compiled by Mr. De in the library. According to Mr. De’s records, crystal shells are crystals condensed by the Jingmu people through a special method. They may think that this is a kind of creation: “, but in essence, this is actually a special kind of “forging”, and the interior is a structural chain composed of crystal bonds of various properties. “

“Once this structure is mixed with any other materials, it may cause the crystal bonds inside the crystal shell to disintegrate, causing the crystal shell to lose its effect.” “Because of this, the crystal shell is difficult to forge again.” An Geer nodded in understanding. To put it bluntly, he understood the crystal shell as a finished product of alchemy. If he wanted to tamper with the finished product, it was very likely to cause damage to the finished product itself.

In order to verify Kuntra’s statement, Angel also probed into the space with his mental power, and scanned the red dan hair in all directions.

As expected, the internal structure is extremely complex, full of unknown crystal bonds. Once modified from the inside, the red dan hair will be invalid immediately.

It seems that it is impossible to use alchemy to modify the crystal shell. But… Ordinary alchemy methods don’t work, but fantasy alchemy can be tried.

Phantom Alchemy does not need to destroy the material body, but directly attaches it outside the body; for example, the various “modules” outside the mirror are loaded through Fantasy Alchemy after refining.

It’s just that the imaginary alchemy is only in its infancy for Angel, and it needs further polishing and precipitation from him if it wants to be fully applied.

Angel shook his head, temporarily put these tedious thoughts behind him, and prepared to continue looking at the name of the special crystal shell.

At this moment, Kuntra suddenly said: “Although the defensive properties of pure rock crystal clusters are good, their defense types are too average. If you want to buy defensive crystal shells, you can start from your own needs. , buy a specialized version of rock crystal clusters.”

Specialized version? Angel nodded thoughtfully.

When he scanned the names of the crystal shells in his mind before, he did see a lot of “specialized versions”, and that’s what Kuntra was talking about.

Anger moved his attention upwards and looked at an entry above the pure rock crystal cluster.

“Rock Crystal Cluster—Specialized Teleportation: Linen-colored crystal shell, after use, it will enter the ‘debt-hard’ state. In the ‘debt-hard’ state, it cannot be moved, but it can provide a strong space protection. During the medium and long-distance space transmission, he remained safe. One company has 45,000 crystals.”

After reading the so-called “Teleportation Specialization” rock crystal cluster, Angel probably understood what Kuntra meant.

There are many defensive crystal shells. Although the pure rock crystal clusters have good defense, they are too average; while the specialized version of the defensive crystal shell has certain defects, but it is extremely outstanding in its own field.

For example, this “specialized teleportation” rock crystal cluster is not necessarily useful in battle, and its shortcomings are obvious. After using it, it will be in a frozen state and cannot move; but it can resist the waves generated by space teleportation .

Medium and long-distance space transmission will produce huge space fluctuations, and only the existence of the official wizard level and above can

Enough to guard the space. Therefore, if the wizard apprentice wants to carry out long-distance transmission, he needs an official wizard to protect him.

But if you use the rock crystal cluster specialized in teleportation, you don’t need a formal wizard, and the wizard apprentice can also teleport alone.

This is its specialized effect.

Don’t think that this effect can only be used by apprentice-level existences. In fact, formal wizards can also use it, and even in terms of “effects”, it may be better than apprentices.

As an example.

Once a formal wizard is in a desperate situation and encounters an invincible crisis, there is a high probability that he will adopt a decision: forcibly open the plane lane.

Because it is forcibly opened, the space fluctuations will be more turbulent than usual. Even if the official wizards are prepared in advance, there is a certain probability that they will get lost in the space fluctuations and eventually fall into the void of the unknown plane.

What’s more, when an official wizard forcibly opens the plane lane, it is basically at a desperate time, it is impossible to prepare in advance, and the possibility of getting lost is even greater.

At this time, if there is a rock crystal cluster specialized in teleportation, it can resist a certain degree of spatial fluctuations and increase its chances of survival.

From this point of view, its effect is very large.

From Angel’s point of view, it is more attractive than the previous pure rock crystal clusters.

When the loggers are spread out and the crystals are enough, maybe you can consider buying some as a reserve.

There are many specialized versions of rock crystal clusters besides “Teleportation Specialization”. For example, “sharp specialization” and “blunt weapon specialization”, these specializations can be understood literally, aiming at penetrating power and covering power.

There are also things like “Elemental Specialization” and “Psychic Specialization”, which are aimed at elemental attacks and spiritual attacks. There are even “magic specializations” specifically for wizards.

It can be said that the specialized version of rock crystal clusters accounts for half of the names, and almost half of them are rock crystal clusters.

Moreover, they are all piled up in the second half of the title… This also means that the prices of these specialized versions are not bad.

In other words, as long as it involves defensive crystal shells, regardless of whether they are specialized or not, the price of a company is much higher than other crystal shells…

As for the reason, perhaps it is because of the commonality of the Jingmu clan, which tends to be defensive?

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have stuck the entire Jingmu tribe in a crystal castle

After reading the specialized defensive rock crystal clusters, Angel looked at other types of special crystal shells.

“Vacuum membrane: pure black crystal shell, when in a void or other harsh environment, the vacuum membrane can be used to isolate the external pressure. There are eight thousand condensed crystals.”

This crystal shell is only for species that need “oxygen”. The vacuum membrane can isolate the external void and create an oxygen environment inside, which belongs to a special type of crystal shell.

If it’s a metaphor, this is probably the extraordinary world version of the “space suit”, but this space suit can hold a huge amount of oxygen, and it can even be self-made.

“Transparent shell: a colorless crystal shell. When the transparent shell covers the object, it will suppress the breath and become invisible. Living things can also be covered, but the whole body must have no dead ends. A set of 23,000 crystals.”

This kind of crystal shell is similar to an “invisibility cloak”. As long as a covering shell is formed outside the body, it can become invisible.

Not only can it be invisible to objects, but it can also be invisible to living things, and it can also suppress energy breath.

From a practical point of view, this “transparent shell” is still very strategic. The only thing to note is that if you want to make a living thing invisible, you must cover your whole body with this kind of shell, and covering your whole body is definitely not something that can be achieved with one or two. More crystal shells are needed, and the price will also reach an astonishing price. the point.

“Green pine coffin: a light green crystal shell, which can slowly heal injuries, a division…”

Angel looked at some special crystal shells again, and judging from the single effect, they were all pretty good.

However, if these crystal shells are regarded as “alchemy finished products”, Angel will feel that there is something missing… because if he refines it himself, he can also produce similar effects.

It’s like a “transparent shell”. With Angel’s alchemy skills, one can be refined

The invisibility cloak is not difficult. If the Mad Hatter is crowned, it might become a “treasure” level invisibility cloak.

So, it seems pretty good if you take it out alone, but if you really think about it, 90% of the crystal shells are not as good as the props he refined himself.

“How do you look?” Kuntra looked at Angor: “Is there any crystal shell you want to buy?”

Perhaps seeing Angel slowly returning to his senses, Kuntra asked. Angel: “Generally speaking, these crystal shells are not bad, but what attracts me the most is…”

From Angel’s own point of view, what attracted him the most after reading the whole project, apart from sending specialized rock crystal clusters, is a

Vacuum film!

The effect of the vacuum film is definitely of little use to Angel. But the vacuum membrane is also a crystal shell, and the crystal shells have a common effect: mimicry.

If you simulate the vacuum film into the shape of a palace, and then refine a large space prop by yourself, and put the vacuum film palace into the space prop, it will become a “space” that can accommodate living things props?

Generally speaking, if an alchemist wants to accommodate living creatures in the space, he needs to place void floating algae.

Void Floating Algae is a very special kind of magic plant, which has the characteristics of nothingness in space and the characteristics of plants. It can absorb free space energy to satisfy its living conditions. In other words, it can autonomously create a space in the void where creatures and plants can live.

Unfortunately, Netherweed is too expensive and scarce.

There are void floating algae in the space of Angor’s bracelet. There are a total of 13 void floating algae, but they have created a living environment of half a meter square.

The price of 13 void floating algae in the auction house is at least six or seven thousand magic crystals.

In terms of conversion, it is much more expensive than vacuum membranes.

For this reason, in Angel’s view, the vacuum membrane can completely replace the function of “Void Floating Algae”. The price is cheaper and the living environment created is wider. It is definitely the best in terms of cost performance.

Angel said his thoughts. After listening to Kuntra, he patted his chin with his paw: “Void floating algae? I have never heard of such a thing. But according to you, the vacuum membrane should It can replace the floating algae in the void, and I think, maybe there are some kind of microorganisms that create the living environment you mentioned inside the vacuum membrane…”

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the vacuum membrane to be self-sufficient. Angor will not comment on this for the time being. Whether there are microorganisms or “void floating algae” will be decided after he comes into contact with the vacuum membrane in the future.

If it’s true, then maybe you don’t need to buy a vacuum membrane, and you can go directly to the Jingmu tribe to buy void floating algae, and the price may be cheaper.

When Angor was thinking about it, Kuntra said softly: “I will remember the vacuum membrane and the specialized crystal clusters for transmission. I will contact Alsandra later and ask him to take the purchase Buy more.”

Angel: “You don’t need to buy it now, just pay more attention.” It is obviously inappropriate for them to make a final decision before seeing the finished product after analyzing the specific situation.

If possible, Angel hopes to see the actual samples before making a decision.

Kuntra nodded: “I understand…”

After a pause, Kuntra did not continue talking about the crystal shell, but turned his head and pointed to the mountaintop not far away: “We… are here.” Angel and Laplace followed Kuntra Tela looked with her finger and saw that above the majestic mountain top, there were layers of thick clouds like a vortex, like a funnel, narrow at the bottom and wide at the top.

In the thick clouds, you can vaguely see the darkness inside, the thunder snakes scurrying around in the black clouds, and the electric light twines like vines…

And hiding behind the clouds like a natural disaster is the Donglong’s residence… Yundong. Under the leadership of Kuntra, Angel and others stopped on the top of the mountain.

Through the long ladder on the top of the mountain, they walked step by step into the higher and more magnificent cloud depths.

Looking from the outside, maybe the cloud cave is dancing wildly with thunder and lightning, but when walking in from the ladder, you can’t see any vision. Everything is very peaceful, with gray clouds under your feet, and a gate made of gray fog at the end of the ladder.

When they reached the end of the ladder, before Kuntla led them into the cloud cave, they saw a huge silver-eyed cave dragon standing in front of the gray mist door.

Angel is no stranger to this cave dragon, whether in Crystal City or in the Crystal Field of Dreams, he has seen him before.

It is the owner of the mark of the dragon **** and the leader of the new generation of cave dragons… Kukulus.

After Kukulus saw Angel and others coming, his figure slowly shrunk, and finally turned into a mini cave dragon of about two meters.

It floats toward them.

At this moment, its expression was no longer as haughty as when it was first seen. On the contrary, Angel could see a bit of awkwardness in its eyes.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t like the logger introduced by Luigi at the beginning, but now I’m going to put my face down, so it’s awkward?

Angel didn’t bother to speculate, as long as the final result was the same, it didn’t matter if there were any bumps along the way.


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