Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 3351 See Uncle Ku


Angor and Laplace left the weapon exhibition hall immediately after hearing the message from Sipolov.

As soon as they came out, they saw Sipolov standing outside the small tent.

When Sipolov saw them, he nodded respectfully, and then looked at Tatiana with his inner fire.

Takiyana realized immediately, stood up straight and gave a military salute in an instant, expressing her resignation.

When Tatiana’s figure disappeared into the mist, Sipolov said, “Please follow me.”

Angel thought that Sipolov would lead them to the main tent, but Sipolov led the way in the opposite direction from the main tent.

Angel still remembers what Sipolov said before, isn’t Admiral Oleg in the main tent, why did he choose another direction?

Being suspicious, before he could even ask, he heard Sipolov whisper: “Here we are, the admiral is inside.”

Angel looked up and found that they had come to a tent in the corner of the Yingji temporary camp.

This is a mini tent that is obviously smaller than other tents. The fluffy fur covers the outside of the tent tightly, giving people an airtight feeling.

Although the curtain door of the tent is not open, mottled yellow light can be seen through the gaps in the fur.

In Crystal City, where the mist is thick and dim, and the temperature is close to zero, suddenly seeing the fur tents and the dim but warm glow, it is quite warm.

Because he had already arrived at the small tent, and Sipolov also said that Admiral Oleg was inside, although Angel was suspicious, he temporarily suppressed it and followed Sipolov into the tent. In this warm tent.

From the outside, the tent can only accommodate two or three people. But when you open the curtain and walk in, the inside is much more spacious. Not without surprise, the tents of the Yingji people basically extend the space. However, even with the extended space, it is still much smaller than other tents.

The first room after entering the tent is about the size of an ordinary log cabin in the forest.

The furnishings here are similar to those of the hut in the forest. Everything is made of wood. A square carpet is spread under the feet. A hole is cut in the center of the carpet. Smoking jug.

Surrounding the jug for warming wine, there are two floor mats. Next to the mats is a small tea table with several cups on it.

Judging from the remnants of the cup, it seems that there were people drinking here not long ago.

While Angel was observing the environment inside the tent, the small door next to the window was pushed open, and a person came out from another room.

The person who came was a middle-aged man with neatly combed hair. Although he was not wearing a military uniform, it was also a very docile uniform. It looked like a butler’s tuxedo.

Angor’s eyes showed a little surprise, because he was no stranger to the visitor, and they had met them before when they entered the house of everything.

This person is Uncle Ku.

Didn’t Sipolov say that Admiral Oleg is here? Why is it Uncle Ku who came out? Angel still remembered that Sipolov said before that Uncle Ku’s identity was more special than that of Ksenia. Could Uncle Ku be General Oleg?

Anger’s mind was full of questions, but his eyes unconsciously looked behind Uncle Ku.

Because Ksenia had been following Uncle Ku before, if Uncle Ku was here, would Ksenia also be here?

However, there is no one behind Uncle Ku. It’s right to think about it. With the degree of fear Sipolov has for Ksenia, if she were here, Sipolov probably would have thought of a way to change the land.

Uncle Ku: “Meet you again, both of you.”

Uncle Ku nodded to them with a smile, and then looked at Angel: “Did you look behind me just now, were you looking for Xenia?”

Angel did not deny it.

Uncle Ku: “Ksenia is with my master.” While speaking, Uncle Ku’s body turned into a faint flame, but soon, the flames recombined into Uncle Ku’s appearance.

Seeing this scene, combined with the “main body” that Uncle Ku mentioned before, Angel immediately realized that what was in front of him was not the real Uncle Ku, but the so-called heart-fire avatar…

The heart fire avatar can actually simulate a human form? And the degree of authenticity has reached such a delicate level that even Angel didn’t find any flaws for a while. Angor couldn’t help feeling emotional again about the various functions of the heart fire.

“I’ve heard from Admiral Oleg that he has an appointment with you, and he’s inside. I’ll take you in.” Uncle Ku didn’t exchange too many greetings, and got straight to the point.

Uncle Ku pointed to the door behind him, motioning for Angel and others to enter. At this time, there was a coughing sound from the door: “Uncle Ku, don’t forget to bring in the warm wine, I want to greet the guests.”

Uncle Ku glanced at the wine warming pot on the stove, and originally thought that he would have a drink by himself when the main body arrived, but now it seems…he can’t keep it.

Although Uncle Ku felt a little bit reluctant, he still went up and poured warm wine with a cup.

When Uncle Ku served the wine, Angel, Laplace, and Sipolov had already entered the door.

At the moment when he stepped into the door, Angel could clearly feel a layer of obstruction, which was not strong, and it disappeared as soon as he stepped forward.

However, with the disappearance of the sense of obstruction, the hustle and bustle of the outside world and some emotions floating in the air also disappeared.

Is this… a barrier?

Angel looked back, and sure enough, he saw a faint energy barrier at the connection between the doors. It is similar to the barrier released by Laplace before, but the barrier released by Laplace is mobile, but here it is fixed and covered in this hut.

The biological arms and biological weapon exhibition halls that Angor went to before did not have similar barriers, but this humble small tent has… This made it a little surprised.

The tent itself is in the extension of space, which can block most of the prying eyes, and now there is a barrier, no doubt, this is not to block most of the eyes, but for… the giant city spirit.

If you don’t want to be spied on by the giant city spirit, then this place must be a place for secret conversations.

Previously, Uncle Ku withdrew from Wanshiwu after the debut of the Changhuo Clan, most likely because of the publication of the study “Broken Mirror and Breaking Barriers”; Uncle Ku’s heart fire avatar appeared here, it is said, Oleg is also here, does that mean that they were here to talk about breaking barriers?

Because of this, they shielded the Giant City Spirit from prying eyes.

Anger’s thoughts were surging, but he wanted to think about it, but he didn’t really ask about it. After all, it had nothing to do with him. Moreover, it involves the decision-making of the Yingji clan, which is obviously a core secret. If you ask, it will only make people think that you have ulterior motives.

Temporarily holding Yima’s rein, Angel looked at the hut.

The size is about the same as the one outside, but there are no windows here, and there are no wall lamps on the walls. The only light comes from the long table in the middle.

There was a silver candlestick on the long table, and the candle flame flickered, illuminating one or two meters in front of the table.

The rest of the place is basically dark.

At both ends of the long table, there are people sitting at one end. In the dim candlelight, one can see that the other party is wearing a tall and straight military uniform, with gorgeous ribbons and medals on his body, and tassels slipping off his arms, which means that this person is still wearing a cloak.

However, the color of his cloak is black, which almost blends with the darkness of the background.

Compared with Ang Zang’s figure, is his slightly wrinkled face, obviously he is not young.

But even so, sitting in the twilight, he could still feel a power like a sharp blade… This is the unique aura cultivated by soldiers for many years.

There is no doubt that the opponent should be the one-star general of the Yingji tribe——Oleg.

At this time, Sipolov also passed Angel and the others, came to the table, saluted the mighty soldier, and uttered an incomprehensible slogan.

Judging from Sipolov’s reaction, this person is indeed Oleg.

“When you were talking to me before, you didn’t put on your cloak, but now you put it on.” A joking voice came from behind, and Uncle Ku, who was holding warm wine, walked over with a smile and put The wine glasses were placed on the long table, and they signaled Angel and Laplace to take their seats.

Oleg was exposed by his old friend, but his expression did not change,

Looking at Uncle Ku who was sitting next to him, he said lightly: “When facing a distinguished guest, it is natural to show solemnity.”

Oleg finished speaking, stood up and stretched out his hand to Angel. Angel was a little surprised. This was the first time he encountered a handshake ceremony in the Day Mirror Domain…or in other words, there are almost no handshake gifts in the extraordinary world. This kind of etiquette involves physical contact, which can easily cause pheromones to be captured by the other party. parse.

Although Angor was surprised, he didn’t show it, and shook hands kindly.

He thought that even if Oleg didn’t secretly interpret the pheromone, he would use it to test him as written in some scripts he saw… But in fact, Oleg didn’t do that at all. Do it, with a slight virtual grip, then let go of your hand.

Greeting to Angel was to shake hands, but when Oleg faced Laplace, he did not choose to shake hands, but nodded solemnly.

As for greetings, he didn’t say anything. I don’t know if I don’t want to say it, or if I don’t know how to speak.

Judging from his performance, Angel always felt that he might also know Laplace?

Put such a solemn gesture, probably because of Laplace? But before Laplace made it clear that she had never met Oleg…

Angel thought about it, and decided to put this consideration aside. Since Oleg didn’t make any clear statement, it doesn’t matter whether it’s fake greetings or real restraint. Just treat it as the truth, there is no need to ask superfluous things.

Angel and Laplace sat side by side, and opposite were Oleg and Uncle Ku.

Sipolov did not sit down, but stood beside him silently, acting as a “bartender”.

However, Laplace was drinking most of the wine, Angel didn’t drink, and immediately looked at Oleg opposite after taking his seat.

Earlier, Angel had already had a brief chat with Laplace in the psychic tie.

Oleg should be the real body.

Although Laplace has never met Oleg, it does not mean that he does not know Oleg. In addition, Oleg has been on stage before, so Laplace can easily recognize his identity.

As for the question of whether the real body or the heart fire clone, Laplace also gave a judgment: it is the real body.

Angel doesn’t care what the basis of her judgment is, it’s enough to give a conclusion anyway.

But having said that, Oleg here is the real body, so many things are interesting.

This means that Oleg, whom Sipolov went to find in the main tent before, is probably the same as Uncle Ku, a clone of Heartfire.

While the Xinhuo avatar is dealing with the leaders of the major organizations, the real body is talking with Ku Shushi, a small tent. According to the principle of equal status, this Ku Shushi may be more important than Oleg “Special”?

The most important thing is that Uncle Ku still came to see Oleg’s real body with his fiery avatar. Doesn’t this highlight the unusualness of Uncle Ku’s identity?

But Uncle Ku’s real body is accompanied by Xenia, so Xenia’s identity is probably very special.

Thinking back now, Sipolov only dared to run in the face of Ksenia, but did not dare to rush, so there is no reason for that.

And why Sipolov didn’t take them to see the main tent, but came here, I can also figure out the reason.

While Angel’s thoughts were flowing, Oleg coughed and said first: “Let’s not talk about the idle words now, let’s talk about the business. I have heard what Sipolov said just now, Angel Mister, do you want to find a fire in your heart?”

Angel nodded: “That’s right, I don’t know if there is a chance?” Oleg must have felt that there was no chance in his heart, but at this moment he couldn’t say that: “Regardless of whether there is a chance or not, take ten thousand steps back In other words, even if I try my best to send you into the Heart Fire Palace, you will never be recognized by any Heart Fire.”

As soon as Oleg said this, Angel understood that Sipolov kept the agreement and did not tell Oleg about his spiritual anger.

Angel: “I heard that a long time ago, there was a precedent for the Heart Fire of the Heart Fire Palace to be obtained by outsiders…”

Oleg waved his hand: “That’s different, the one who got the heart fire is a legendary creature.”

Oleg’s words are indeed true,

But there is a hint of guidance: only legendary creatures are eligible to get Heartfire, and Angel is far from legendary, and it is absolutely impossible to get it.

If Angel hadn’t learned the truth from Deacon Dog, he might have been led into the ditch by Oleg’s words.

But after knowing the These are all words, so there is no need to care about them. Angel didn’t get entangled in this topic, but took the initiative to take a step back: “Whether I can get Heart Fire or not, I also want to go to Heart Fire Hall to try.”

“Moreover, over the years, I heard that many foreigners have entered the Heart Fire Hall.”

Oleg: “It is true that foreigners have entered the Heart Fire Palace, but they have not succeeded.”

Angel: “I can accept my failure.”

Oleg hopes to let Angel understand that it is impossible for foreigners to get angry, but Angel puts on the attitude of “it doesn’t matter if you fail, you have to give it a try”.

Oleg and Angel were in this position, and they talked back and forth for a long time, but no one convinced the other in the end.

However, Angel also saw that Oleg didn’t want him to enter the Heart Fire Palace, but he didn’t go to the point of saying it to death.

Since there is still room left, Angel is naturally unwilling to give up.

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