Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 3349: Arms display


Angel asked again, where did the body that made up the Great Ax come from?

This is the first time Angel has seen a brain worm, but it is also the first time he has seen this body that looks like a “troll”. It looks like a troll, but when you carefully distinguish it, it is somewhat different.

Takiana was silent for a moment, as if she was communicating with a certain scholar outside through the distracted mind fire.

A minute later, she gave the answer. Angel was quite surprised by her answer.

Originally, Angel thought that the body of the giant ax warrior was a monster captured by the Yingji warriors, but who knew that his idea was completely wrong.

The flesh body of the giant ax warrior is a kind of artificially cultivated flesh body! According to Tatiana, the scholars of the Yingji tribe extracted the blood factor from the monster’s body through a special method, and then cultivated a complete flesh body through this blood factor.

When Tatiana said it, she was also confused. Obviously, she was just repeating it, and she didn’t know the deep meaning inside.

But after Angel heard this method, he just felt confused: Ice Kingdom… has entered the era of cloning?

This sounds like biomagnification, or what geoscientists call cloning.

Angel doesn’t know much about cloning. He just glanced at the holographic plate, and it seems that he discarded the DNA of the egg cell and used the DNA of the somatic cell to combine with the outer shell of the egg cell for biological culture.

This is known as asexual cloning.

And this cloning method seems to fit vaguely with what Tatiana said about extracting blood factors to cultivate a physical body.

Could it be that cloning technology is really used?

Angel was surprised, and his expression became more and more strange. Even Tatiana could see that Angel seemed to be thinking in an unknown direction.

Just as Angel’s Italian horse let go, Laplace’s voice suddenly came from the psychic belt.

“Are you thinking about how the blood factor can cultivate a flesh body?” Angel’s already drowsy thoughts were pulled back to their original position by Laplace. He hesitated for a moment, then nodded: “I feel like this is an incredible technology.”

“Technology? It sounds like you want to learn?” Laplace asked softly. Angel did not deny that although the cloning technology is recorded in the holographic tablet, it is only like “a certain encyclopedia”, which records a general idea without in-depth research; if there is a chance to learn, Angel does not mind Learn this technique.

I really learned that, like the disaster of Nausicaa’s broken hand, there is no need to go outside to find a suitable arm, but to directly cultivate a new arm through cloning technology.

Laplace saw Angel’s intention, she shook her head slightly: “Then you may be disappointed, this is not a technology.”

“Cultivating the body through blood factors, isn’t this technology?” Angel was stunned, what would it be if it wasn’t technology?

If you want to grow a body from a single body, you can only use biological amplification technology. Otherwise, how to achieve asexual cloning?

When Angor was wondering, Laplace said softly: “It sounds like a fantasy to be able to cultivate a physical body only through blood factors. And this outrageous story of the Arabian Nights, if it is not for technology , so what do you think of the situation?”

Angel: “It’s not technology, it can only be unknown power…” Angel suddenly paused when he said that, he seemed to understand what Laplace meant, and he raised his head suddenly Looking at Laplace: “You mean… the mysterious thing?”

Laplace nodded: “Yes, I have heard that the Yingji tribe has a mysterious thing related to flesh and blood. If there is no accident, the Yingji tribe can cultivate biological arms in large quantities. This should be used. It’s a mystery.”

The so-called arms are definitely not one or two biological soldiers. It is obviously not advisable to just hunt or capture monsters if you want every biological soldier to reach almost the same height. Moreover, if overhunting leads to the extinction of creatures, it is possible to “break the confession”.

Others buying biological arms must have already done tactical training and war planning; and this kind of planning is likely to last for a long time. If the supply is suddenly cut off, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

From this level, if the Yingji people

If you want to deal with your own buyers, try not to cut off the supply, or if you really want to cut off the supply, you have to make an announcement very early in advance.

It can be seen from all the details that if the biological arms want to maintain, it is definitely not done by killing.

If the Yingji tribe does not have biological cloning technology, then if they want to maintain the long-term output of biological arms, then it may only be related to mysterious things.

Laplace: “If you don’t believe me, you can ask Sipolov later.”

If you ask Tatiana, there is a high probability that you will not get an answer. First of all, she doesn’t understand it, and the scholars who ask her will not answer it; after all, their identities are still a mystery to the vast majority of Yingji people. . The mysterious thing is related to the core interests, how could it be revealed at will.

Angel nodded.

Even if he didn’t ask Sipolov, he already believed more than half of it.

Besides, judging from the current situation, maybe that brain worm is also cloned…

If so, then the so-called biological transformation research of the Yingji people was actually born around a certain mysterious thing. Scholars only need to use their imaginations and initial motivation, and then judge whether they have been mass-produced based on the effect of creation?

If this is the case, then it seems impossible for him to steal some masters from the biological transformation technology of the Yingji tribe…

Takiana didn’t know that Angor’s thoughts were surging, and she still dutifully took Angor to visit the other arms here.

After Angel learned some “insider news”, he actually didn’t have much interest in these biological transformations, but now Sipolov has not come out, so he continued to watch patiently.

However, Angor didn’t look at the combat arms anymore, but wanted to look at the so-called “auxiliary” and “special operations” arms.

In the vast majority of extraordinary worlds, there are often many more attack methods than auxiliary methods.

The wizarding world is okay, there are many auxiliary methods from tricks to spells; but there are also differences in auxiliary methods, the healing technique for healing injuries is an auxiliary, and the magic-breaking eye that can break the truth of time and space is also an auxiliary.

The scope of support is very large, Angel would like to know, what kind of support will be brought by the arms here?

With doubts, Angel looked at three different auxiliary arms in a row.

They are: Baizhuo Shuren, Roaring Ice Bear and Flower of Tu Nirvana. Among them, the Baizhuoshu people can be understood as medical soldiers, who can release many recovery methods; “Baizhuo” is interpreted as “the head of Bona Baijia” in the language of the Yingji nationality, and the Baizhushu people are indeed the same. Yingji scholars transplanted There are a lot of organs that can provide the power of life, so that the vitality contained in the treant itself reaches the extreme. It is a big breast on the battlefield alone, and not only has enough blood, but also has strong resilience. It is a strategic-level unit.

It comes from a five-star research institution——Anatoly Laboratory, but it is not easy for Anatoly Laboratory to produce a large number of Bazhuoshu people.

However, Angel didn’t care too much about Bazhuoshu people. Just like its positioning as “strategic level”, it is relatively easy to use in war, but for individuals, it is a bit too wasteful.

Moreover, if you want to use the full ability of Baizhuo Shuren, you must let it be in the earth. But wizards’ battles are not limited to the earth. It can even be said that the earth is the environment that most restricts the combat effectiveness of wizards.

The roaring ice bear, according to the label posted by the Yingji tribe, this is a unit that combines combat and support. However, the roaring ice bears purchased by the various ethnic groups are generally not used for combat, but are more inclined to its auxiliary ability: shocking minions.

Its vocal cords have been specially modified, and every time it roars, it can cause a certain shock effect to a wide range of enemies.

The so-called shock, if it is bigger, it will break your mind; if it is smaller, it will make you feel at a loss for a while.

The Roaring Ice Bear is very effective for cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers. Of course, it can also be used for riding. It can be regarded as a special “vehicle”? However, like the Baizhuo Shuren, it is restricted to the ground.

As for the third unit, the “Flower of Tu Nirvana”, this is a unit that Angel personally finds more interesting.

It is the same as Baizhuoshuren, it belongs to the transformed plant life, and its appearance is like

The “walking grass” is just the position of the grass above the head, which has been changed into a budding flower.

It has no fighting ability and weak mobility, but it has very strong mental power.

If you use the judgment standard of a wizard, its spiritual power value is about 18; if it exceeds 10 points, it is called a gifted person.

A value of 18 points is already the best existence among talented people, even Angel did not reach such a high value in the initial test.

It’s useless to have strong mental strength alone. There are also many examples in the wizarding world that have high mental strength but in the end even intermediate apprentices can’t reach it.

But what’s interesting is that the spiritual power value of the Flower of Tu Nirvana is also linked to its ability.

It has a very interesting ability: once the flower on its head blooms, it will center on it and automatically generate a magnetic field-like effect. In the magnetic field, all creatures will undergo a mental power assessment. If the total mental power is weaker than it, they will be affected by the magnetic field and enter a state of amnesia.

As long as the magnetic field does not disappear, the state of amnesia will continue. In other words, if you throw it on the battlefield of ordinary people, as soon as it blooms, the surroundings will become hollow people.

Even if it is placed on an extraordinary battlefield, its effect can affect many extraordinary people.

It can be said that its ability is quite supermodel on the battlefield. In game terms, it is the absolute king of group control.

However, the value of such a powerful unit is also very high. It is the same as Baizhuo Shuren, and it is not sold directly to the outside world. If you want to buy it, you need to have an interview with General Oleg with “sincerity”.

This kind of transaction method is also understandable, such a big killer is enough even to deal with the Yingji tribe.

Therefore, in order to prevent the sold arms from becoming a sharp weapon against yourself, it is necessary to sell them carefully.

Angeor is undoubtedly more interested in the Flower of Tu Nirvana among the three auxiliary units. However, if he really wants to buy it, he has no idea…

But then again, Angel had previously asked Tatiana whether these arms had “self-awareness”.

Takiana’s answer is: most of them have, but most of them have extremely high obedience, so there is no need to worry about the expansion of self-awareness, which will cause the troops to lose control.

Takiana thought that Angor was worried that the arms would betray, but in fact Angor thought: “If you are conscious, maybe you can enter the dream crystal field?”

Bio-modified units would probably be stupid if they entered the Dream Crystal Field, but Angel didn’t care about their IQ. What he cared about was that most of these modified units contained organs of various creatures. Even, it may even have the organs of the dragon.

If this is the case, can they trigger the screening mechanism of the Kirishima Dragon Tomb after they enter the Crystal Field of Dreams?

Also, with so many organ transplants, can they trigger other wonderlands in the Dream Crystal Field? For example, when Mirror Dragon enters the Dream Crystal Field, it triggers the Kirishima Dragon Tomb; when they enter the Dream Crystal Field, will they also trigger related fairylands? Even, if they have multiple species of organs, can they trigger multiple fairylands at once? ?

Angel wanted to try it out.

However, it is definitely not possible at this moment. After the registration device is rolled out, maybe the Yingji tribe can be incited to take the initiative to bring these biologically modified arms to the Crystal Field of Dreams.

Next, under the leadership of Tatiana, Angel watched several special operations arms.

These units include insect nest units that can release insects, mushroom units that can release microbial gas, and mole units that can quickly transform the landscape…

These special combat arms are more abundant than Angel imagined.

Even, there are some things that move Angel’s heart.

For example, a unit called “Nest-Building Ants”. Its architectural aesthetics and urban planning capabilities simply beat Angel. Even if a hundred Angels add up, they can’t compare to them.

The most important thing is that their nesting aesthetics are innate… If nesting ants cooperate with mole worms, they can quickly create a large group of buildings, and they can be reasonably arranged on the ground and underground .

Huge underground city, exquisite and magnificent underground city… just think

It made Angel envious.

Nowadays, Dream Crystal is in a state of waste, and what is lacking is this kind of architectural talent. It is a pity that even if the mole and nest-building ants are brought into the Dream Crystal Field, it is impossible to bring in their abilities, so it is still impossible to build a city in the Dream Crystal Field in a short time.

But their architectural aesthetics can be used as a reference. Of course, Angor’s heart was moved, and he still had no plans to buy it; he was still going to prostitute for nothing, and put incitement on the agenda, so that the Yingji tribe could bring their own troops into the Crystal Field of Dreams…

Strolled around this private exhibition space again, seeing that Angel really had no intention of buying, Tatiana took Angel and Laplace and left, preparing to go to the next show.

That is, produced by Valery’s laboratory-biological transformation weapons.


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