Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 2867: Air Corridor


“This fork leads to the sea of ​​empty mirrors.”

“The reason why this fork is built is because we want to salvage the… hollow man who is going down the river.”

Following Geng Gui’s explanation, Angel understood the reason.

Generally speaking, the tidal disaster of the Sea of ​​Mirrors often arises out of nowhere. No one knows when it will appear, where it will appear, and in which direction it will rush?

However, as long as there are regular situations, there will also be special situations.

The Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors on the edge of the Mirror Field is the most special place of the Surge Disaster.

Its particularity lies in that no matter where the tidal disaster occurs on the edge of the mirror field, it will have a common rushing direction, that is – the inner circle of the mirror field.

And the location where this fork arrives is the only way to the inner circle of the mirror domain.

In the past, Idanis dealt with Noah’s family and threw them directly to the periphery of the sea of ​​empty mirrors. The positions were random, but in the end those hollow people would pass by here.

In the past, although they were able to salvage hollow people, it took a long time because they needed to be searched specially.

Even if they know the only way for the hollow people here, they still need to retreat when the flood disaster appears. They will not re-enter until the tide of disaster has receded.

At this time, they have no way to determine whether the Hollow Man is on the outside, or was washed into the inner circle by the tidal disaster.

Later, under Erbao’s suggestion, this fork in the road came into existence, and special “eyes” made by wise men were set up at various places in the fork. Once the hollow man appeared, the “eye” would be locked hollow man.

This way, they don’t have to go out of their way to find the hollow man.

As long as the “eye” prompts, they can immediately enter the mirror field to search.

Even if there is a flood and they cannot enter for a while, the “eye” can lock the hollow man for a certain period of time to prevent the hollow man from being completely lost.

Of course, the wise men ruled over the refining of this “eye”, not specifically for the hollow man.

Although he arranged a place for every hollow man, he didn’t regard the hollow man as a big deal. The main function of this “eye” is still used for: recording, analyzing and searching.

Recording and analysis are easier to understand. Taken together, it is the study of the sea of ​​empty mirrors dominated by wise men.

The search is that the wise master hopes to use his “eyes” to find some special things in the sea of ​​empty mirrors.

This kind of thing may be a hollow person, it may be an item that flows in from reality, or it may be a secret treasure born in the sea of ​​empty mirrors.

Leaving aside the hollow man, the other two, whether they are items that flow in in reality or secret treasures of the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors, as long as they can exist in the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors, it is absolutely not easy.

To put it bluntly, it is to wait for the rabbit.

It is not difficult to build this fork, but the harvest is very rich, so this is also the reason why Erbao proposed, and the wise master also agreed to build the fork.

After listening to Geng Gui’s narration, Angel also wanted to go down to have a look.

However, he didn’t want to study the sea of ​​empty mirrors, nor did he want to “find leaks”, he just wanted to see the “eye” refined by the wise master.

The “eye” refined by the wise man can perceive even through the world. How is it possible? Also, in the tide disaster of the sea of ​​empty mirrors, the hollow man can be locked for a period of time, which makes Angel very curious, what is the material of this “eye”?

Could it be the old stone?

Although he was curious in his heart, Angel did not say anything in the end. After all, if you want to study the “eye”, Geng Gui can’t be the master, and you still need the approval of a wise man.

Besides, he still cares more about sweet dreams than the eyes on the fork.

Keep going, and there will be no other forks along the way. It didn’t take long for them to see the end of the air corridor.

Angel thought that the end of the corridor would be another mirrored space shrouded in mist, but to his surprise, there stood an arch made of vines and gorgeous blooming flowers at the end of the corridor.

The arch does not have a “door panel”, but has hanging green silk ribbons as a curtain.

There is nothing behind the arch. But looking inside the noren from the front, you can see a bright light.

This kind of light is softer and less dazzling than the gas lamp in Geng Gui’s space before, just like real natural light.

The light shines through the door curtain, casting a green silk shadow in the air corridor.

As Angel approached the arch, the fragrance of the gorgeous flowers on the vines also floated over. Matching the swaying shadows on the ground, there was a feeling of faint fragrance and sparse shadows.

However, although you can see the bright light behind it through the door curtain, you can’t see what it looks like inside.

But from these known details, it can be basically determined that there is a space behind this wooden arch.

It should be a special space for sweet dreams.

At this time, Geng Gui also stopped, and said to Angel: “Inside is the Paradise Lost where the sweet dream is.”

“Paradise Lost? Is this the name given by the wise ruler?”

Geng Gui was about to answer, but heard a faint voice coming from the arch: “No, I named Paradise Lost.”

As the sound fell, a figure floated out from the arch.

Yes, it is “floating”.

Angel didn’t know exactly why it was floating, but looking at the long silver hair that was already taller than his height, Angel secretly guessed that maybe he wanted to prevent the silver hair from being dragged to the ground, so he used it to float. walk?

“Meet you again.” A cold voice came from the mouth.

Angel looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him, bowed slightly, and gave a **** salute: “Yes, I didn’t expect to meet again so soon, Ms. Laplace.”

The person who came was none other than Laplace, who gave a message to everyone not long ago.

Angel had heard from Geng Gui before that Laplace promised to follow his breath to see him, and Angel thought he would wait for a while for Laplace to arrive.

Unexpectedly, Laplace came earlier than him, and even entered “Lost Paradise”.

Laplace floated in mid-air, looking down at Angor condescendingly, without any emotional fluctuations in the strange-colored pupils: “Paradise Lost, is the name I found from a mirror memory. Why, what do you think about this name?” Have a comment?”

Angel: “No comment.”

When he heard the name Paradise Lost, he subconsciously felt that this was not the style that a wise master would adopt, so he asked it out, and it had no other meaning.

It’s just that Laplace seems to be very concerned about Paradise Lost. After Angel made it clear that he has no objection to the name, he continued to ask, “Have you heard of Paradise Lost?”

Angel looked at Laplace suspiciously: Is there any secret in this Paradise Lost?

“No, this is the first time I’ve heard of Paradise Lost.”

Laplace stared at Angel closely, and after a few seconds, he slowly lowered his eyebrows, and did not mention Paradise Lost again.

At this time, Geng Gui said: “Sir, are you going to enter Paradise Lost now?”

Angel was about to answer, but he found that Geng Gui’s expression was a little strange. He had obviously chatted with him before, but now Geng Gui buried his head very low, and was still sneaking behind him. Depend on.

He looked very afraid of Laplace.

Even asking Angel if he wanted to enter Paradise Lost, he acted in a hurry to complete the task as soon as possible, which was completely different from the previous one.

Could it be that Laplace did something to Gengar before? That’s why it’s so afraid of Laplace?

Angel didn’t ask, but looking at Geng Gui’s head that was about to be buried in his chest, he couldn’t bear it and said, “Okay, let’s go in now.”

Geng Gui quickly answered: “Okay, sir, just take out the key, and I’ll…”

Before Geng Gui finished speaking, Laplace said indifferently: “No, I’ll just take him in.”

Paradise Lost itself is solidified by Laplace, even without a key, she can enter and exit it.

Geng Gui: “But…”

Laplace turned his head to look at Geng Gui, and said in a low voice, “You can go in with us if you want.”

Geng Gui quickly waved his hand and took a few steps back: “I, I’ll just stay outside and watch. I won’t go.”

Looking at Geng Gui’s cowardice, Angel is convinced that it is indeed afraid of Laplace… No, it may not be accurate to say that it is afraid. If Geng Gui is really afraid of Laplace, the wise master will also He will not be arranged to go to Laplace.

It should be… fear and awe.

Although Angor is quite curious about why Geng Gui is afraid of Laplace, is it because of Laplace’s special status, or is it because he is naturally suppressed by Laplace, the son of the Mirror Realm? No matter what the reason was, it was impossible for Angel to ask Geng Gui in front of Laplace.

So, I can only give up.

Nodding to Geng Gui, he bowed to Laplace and said, “Then please trouble Ms. Laplace.”

Laplace didn’t say anything, and directly manipulated a strand of silver hair. Tie one end of the silver hair to Angel’s arm.

Then, a pulling force came from the silver hair.

Anger didn’t resist, and following the pulling force, he made a vertical leap and flew into the wooden arch.

The moment he entered the door, Laplace’s silver hair automatically turned into a shimmering silver shield, protecting Angel from the oppressive space around him.

The silver protective cover lasted for about ten seconds. When the protective cover disappeared, Angel had already arrived at a dream garden full of birds and flowers.

The reason why it is called “dream” is because everything in front of me is so beautiful that it is a bit unreal.

Here, the wind has color. The green wind brings vitality, wherever it goes, the trees rejuvenate, and the earth blooms with flowers, bringing a strong fragrance full of the meaning of the newborn scorching sun.

The purple wind blows gorgeously, as long as there are flowers passing by, the petals are like the lotus of Buddha’s anger, each petal is brought into the wind by the purple wind, and wanders with the purple wind.

There was a purple wind blowing in front of Angel, bringing countless flower petals down like rain.

When the petals fall to the ground, they sink into the earth. When the green wind comes again, they will break through the ground again.

The forest green wind and the deep purple wind are like a cycle of birth and death. But it doesn’t look cruel at all, like a whitewashed fairy tale, so dreamy and unbelievably dreamy.

In addition to these, there are other colors of wind here.

The milky white wind is wrapped in a little rain and dew; the beige wind is the “flying carpet” of birds; and the light pink wind is the hotbed of giant trees.

It can be said that this is the first time Angel has seen such a colorful and dreamy wind.

However, are these colored winds really winds? They should be mixed with other forces, right?

Angel wanted to perceive it a little bit, but Laplace was beside him, so he felt a little embarrassed.

After thinking for a while, Angel looked at Laplace: “Ms. Laplace, I have an unkind request.”

Laplace still hadn’t landed at this time, but her silver hair seemed to be woven into a throne, allowing her to float in the air in a sitting position.

Hearing Angel’s question, Laplace said lightly: “You asked Erbao to call me, didn’t you just want to ask me for help? No matter what you want me to do for you, since I You have already come here, so you might as well just say it straight. You don’t need to use such euphemistic words, I don’t like human beings.”

Laplace’s answer seemed to express his willingness to help Angel. But Angor believed that Laplace would not be helping for free.

Maybe she has other goals? Could it be that he wanted to get some other answers to the original question from him?

Anger’s unabashed expression was noticed by Laplace.

How could she not understand Angel’s thoughts, and said lightly: “It’s true that I can’t help you for free. However, I haven’t thought about what I want you to return. After all, I don’t even know what you want to do.” I don’t know.”

“I will keep every question and every request of yours in mind. The accumulation of these will ultimately determine what you need to return.”

“At the same time, during this process, if I have questions or requests, and you answer my questions and respond to my requests, I will keep them in mind. This includes your answering my questions outside , I also remember it in my heart.”

“If I judge that your contribution is greater than mine, I will compensate you instead of asking you to return.”

To put it simply, it is still an equivalent transaction.

It’s just that something needs to be repaid or compensated in the end. There is no way to make a judgment now, because both parties actually have doubts and requests.

However, with the premise of this “deal”, Angel has a lot of confidence.

With confidence in mind, naturally there is no anxiety.

Angel did not express any more tactful expressions this time, but directly said the request: “Ma’am, you should know that I have a follower of a wind-type creature, and I put it in the bracelet now. It’s released, don’t know if it’s okay?”

What Angel is talking about is naturally speed spirit.

The wind here is very strange, Angel is a little curious about it. However, it may take a lot of time for him to study on his own.

But it’s different if you switch to It’s a wind-type creature. If you want to find out the truth of the wind here, you should be much faster than him.

“Okay.” Laplace agreed without saying anything.

Although Laplace agreed, Angel did not release the speedy spirit immediately, but stared at Laplace, wanting to see if Laplace would have any questions or requests?

Just, Laplace shook his head: “You don’t need to ask me this kind of insignificant question. Since the wise man let you in, he asked you to bring it…”

Laplace pointed to Dangros on Angor’s shoulder.

“That means that he has agreed to you bringing elemental creatures into the arena, and he has agreed, so it is impossible for me to refuse.”

“This will not count towards your request.”

“Even if it really counts in the request, I don’t have anything to ask you right now. You don’t need to pursue absolute question and answer.”



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