Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 2863 promise


“Why, do you have doubts about my choice?” Caroline couldn’t help asking, seeing that Angel was solemn and frowning at other times.

Angel shook his head: “No, I was just thinking about Ms. Caroline’s question.”

Caroline: “So do you have an answer?”

“Unfortunately, not yet. I need to weigh the pros and cons to make a decision whether or not to awaken Earl fans again. However, the pros and cons are involved, and I haven’t been able to fully grasp it.”

Hearing Angel’s serious answer, Caroline couldn’t help laughing: “I just asked a question to let you think ahead, but I didn’t expect you to be serious.”

In Caroline’s view, Angel will definitely not be able to awaken Earl’s fans for a second time in a short time, so there is no need to be so concerned.

You just need to keep these considerations in your heart, so as to avoid such a day in the future, you will make a choice by surprise, and you will regret it.

Angel smiled and didn’t explain much, but asked another question: “If Earl fans have a chance to awaken again now, how much will his strength increase?”

“You’re not only caring, but also beautiful.” Caroline teased at first, but she still gave Angel an answer: “It won’t grow much.”

“Transcendence, for the awakened demon, is a kind of transformation. The transformation itself does not add much strength to it, but extends its future potential.”

If you use a bucket as a metaphor, the metamorphosis is that the total amount of water in the bucket remains the same, but the capacity of the bucket increases. How far we can go in the future depends on the liberated person himself.

“Although the overall strength will not increase too much, the second awakening will still bring some changes in its abilities, such as being able to control some awakened demons, or for example, obtaining some special talents, etc…”

“However, Earl fans are really detached and successful now, and they are also a threat to you.”

“I don’t know how you control him. If he escapes successfully and escapes your control, have you thought about the consequences?”

“Also, the value of the liberated person and the value of the awakened demon are completely different. There has been speculation in the source world that the liberated person is inseparable from the secrets of the panic world, so many wizards want it Grab the liberated and conduct research.”

“However, liberated people will not leave the panic world at will, and in the panic world, it is difficult for wizards to deal with liberated people.”

“Therefore, if Earl fans really become liberators and are discovered by someone with a heart, it is very likely to endanger your life. Therefore, you don’t need to consider the second awakening of Earl fans now, wait for your strength Enough, when you can break into the panic world alone, there is still time to think about it.”

Angel nodded: “I understand.”

He could feel that Caroline was sincerely giving him advice, so even if he had other thoughts in his mind, he would not ignore Caroline’s vigilance.

While Angel and Caroline were talking, a rustling sound suddenly sounded from the wall next to them.

Caroline turned around in doubt, and immediately noticed that a dog hole appeared on the wall.

Caroline’s eyes lit up: “Is it Xiaobao? Be good Xiaobao, long time no see, come out and let me hug you.”

After a while of silence, a slightly embarrassing voice came from the dog cave: “Master Caroline, I am Geng…I am Dabao.”

“So it’s Big Treasure.” Caroline sighed, with a look of disappointment on her face: “Where is Little Treasure, where did it go?”

Geng Gui: “Xiaobao is by mother’s side.”

Caroline frowned, she didn’t like You Nu very much, because she also knew that it was not the ruler of the wise who really obeyed You Nu, but Aidanis.

However, although Caroline does not like You Nu, she will not show it in front of her children: “What about the second treasure?”

“Er Treasure… Just now he said he would come with me, but for some reason, he couldn’t say it all of a sudden.” Geng Gui muttered in a low voice.

“Suddenly not coming?” Caroline narrowed her eyes slightly, with a dangerous light shining in the slits of her eyes.

After pondering for a moment, Caroline asked: “What are you doing here, are you looking for a wise man to rule over something?”

Dabao didn’t know whether to answer or not, so he was speechless for a while.

At this time, the wise ruler chimed in: “He came here to find something to do with me and Angel.”

“What’s the matter?” Caroline turned to look at the wise ruler.

The wise man ruled: “It’s nothing serious, but Angel wants to use my sweet dream to study it, and needs Dabao to lead the way to the Mirror Domain.”

“Study sweet dreams…” Caroline nodded with comprehension. After knowing that Angel had been exposed to the mysterious level and was an alchemist, she was not surprised by this answer.

The wise man dominates: “Do you want to be together?”

Caroline shook her head: “When I was alive, I was a little interested in hearing about alchemy, but now, heh, I’m not interested.”

After finishing speaking, Caroline stood up, walked aside, and said to the wise man: “By the way, you can perceive Erbao through the magic circle, right? Tell me, where is Erbao now, I will go find Looking for him. It’s been a long time since I saw him, and I still miss this little, cute, and cute.”

Caroline walked back and forth as she spoke.

At first, Angel didn’t understand what Caroline was doing, but it wasn’t until a pitiful voice came from behind Caroline that he understood Caroline’s intentions.

“Master Caroline, you are blocking me.” Geng Gui said aggrievedly.

Caroline snorted coldly: “Shut up! What I mean by blocking you is to tell you not to speak.”

Geng Gui: “But, but… Erbao said that he wants to retreat, and he won’t…”

Caroline turned her head and yelled, “I told you to shut up, didn’t you understand?”

Geng Gui was taken aback and fell silent.

Caroline looked at the wise master again: “Where is the second treasure?”

The wise master hesitated for a moment, but said in Caroline’s threatening eyes: “It is now in the twin towers in the east outer square of the Stairway to Hell.”

Caroline: “Exact location.”

The wise man dominates: “The clock tower on the top floor, behind the hour hand of the third clock dial from left to right.”

Caroline sneered: “I remember that the needle was also pitch black at that time, and it was really difficult to find a hole in it… I have to say, the little cutie hides really deep.”

“It just so happens that I haven’t teased those shamans for a long time. When I’m looking for it, I’ll stop by to play.”

After speaking, Caroline glanced at Angel: “If you have any questions, just ask Dabao to come over and pass the message to me. I’ll go out first to relax.”

“After sleeping for so long, I feel that my bones are a little loose.” Caroline said as she floated towards the door.

Looking at the back of Caroline leaving gracefully, Angel said silently in his heart: Just relax, why does this tone sound like killing people? Also, can the soul feel the tightness of the bones? Do souls have phantom pain too?

The atmosphere at the scene was silent for a long time, and the wise master smiled awkwardly: “Caroline is still the same, very energetic, haha.”

Angel: “It’s quite energetic, but does Ms. Caroline have a grudge against Erbao? How does it look like Erbao is hiding from her?”

The wise master shook his head: “I don’t have hatred. It’s just that the second treasure is not suitable for Caroline’s… care.”

The wise master sighed, and briefly talked about the past between Caroline and the Dumu family:

I don’t know if it’s because she stayed in the underground sewer for too long, which affected Caroline’s aesthetics, or her aesthetics is indeed unique. Anyway, since the birth of the Dumu family, she has paid great attention to it and expressed her love enthusiastically. .

The same goes for Dabao.

Don’t look at Dabao as a bit indifferent now, but in fact, when Dabao was first born, Caroline was quite fond of it.

It’s just that as time passed, Dabao’s personality became more and more stable, and he became more and more like a dull version of a wise man, so Caroline began to feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Caroline did not vent this emotion on Dabao, but believed that everything was the fault of the wise master.

Therefore, after Er Bao and Xiao Bao were born, Caroline started her own “development plan”.

Erbao and Xiaobao’s enlightenment education was basically covered by Caroline.

In a sense, Erbao and Xiaobao respect Caroline, the enlightenment mentor, more than the wise ruler.

Thousands of years ago, when Caroline died, Er Bao even shed tears—this is what Xiao Bao said—this is evident.

It’s just that even if Caroline taught Erbao and Xiaobao herself, the final result made her a little depressed. Xiaobao is okay, innocent and naughty, very clingy, Caroline likes Xiaobao the most.

The second treasure is a little bit off, it is more like a wise man than the big treasure. Moreover, the mind and the city are so deep that sometimes the wise master doesn’t even know what Erbao is thinking.

So, every time Carolyn sees Er Bao, she feels heartbroken.

However, Caroline did not give up on Erbao like she gave up on Dabao. She felt that there must be something wrong with her education, which caused Erbao to go on an “evil path”.

So, not only did she not relax in teaching Er Bao, but she became more caring as Er Bao grew up.

Every time you meet Erbao, you will catch it and teach you earnestly.

This teaching can be as short as a day or two, as long as two or three months, or even half a year.

Er Bao didn’t dare to sneak away, let alone attack Caroline. Therefore, Er Bao had only one reaction when he saw Caroline: go around.

It can be said that when facing the one-eyed family, Caroline has a “deterrence power” that even a wise ruler can’t achieve.

Er Treasure sometimes faces a wise man, and he will not be too distracted. But facing Caroline is different. As long as he is caught, he will not be distracted at all, because Caroline will assess him at any time: “What did I just say? Do you understand? Your opinion is What? You don’t understand? Then I’ll tell you again.”

As long as Erbao makes a slight mistake in answering, Caroline will redouble her self-blame, and the result of self-blame is a substantial increase in teaching time.

Therefore, when Er Bao faced Caroline, he was trembling, and he needed to be highly vigilant every second.

Because of this, Er Bao immediately ran away as soon as he sensed Caroline’s breath.

It’s the same this time. Originally, Erbao was going to come with Dabao, because currently only Erbao can successfully lock onto Laplace’s time body in the sea of ​​empty mirrors. So Dabao asked Erbao to go to the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors together, and after getting Laplace’s answer, he naturally came back together.

But as soon as Er Bao sensed that Caroline had woken up and was in the lounge, Er Bao immediately said that she was going to practice in seclusion, and then left Da Bao and fled.

Caroline is not stupid, and when she heard Dabao’s words, she immediately understood that Erbao was hiding from her.

This behavior made Caroline very angry.

It’s rare for her to wake up, she just wants to see you, how dare she run away to my old lady?

So, after confirming that Angel had no other problems, Caroline turned and left without hesitation, ready to catch the second treasure.

“I thought that Younu was the only one who could restrain the second treasure. It turns out that besides Younu, there are also people who are afraid of it.” Angel said with emotion.

The wise man dominates: “Rather than being afraid, it is better to say awe.”

Angel was about to say something, when suddenly, the half body of a figure emerged from the wall of the lounge.

It was Caroline who had just left but returned in a hurry!

I saw that Caroline lost the arrogance she had when she left before, but replaced it with a look of surprise: “Why is Edanis outside? Also, what is the origin of those people outside? Edani How could Si sit with them, and most importantly, she didn’t get angry?!”

The wise man ruled: “Ahem, about this… It’s a long story. However, it has something to do with Angel and the others. If you are interested in the specific details, I will tell you later.”

Paused, the wise master said again: “Aren’t you going to find Erbao, Erbao actually knows the general situation. You can ask him, it’s no problem.”

“Okay, I’ll ask Er Bao.” Caroline got out of the wall again with an expression of disbelief, and disappeared.

After waiting for another two minutes, after confirming that Caroline had really left, the wise man said: “Let’s put aside Caroline’s matter first. As she said, if you have anything to do, you can go to her later Inquire. She should not fall into a deep sleep in a short time.”

Putting away the requiem stone on the table, the wise man looked at Geng Gui: “Back to the topic, did you ask the question? What was Laplace’s answer?”

Geng Gui: “I didn’t enter the Sea of ​​Empty Mirrors, but Erbao did. However, Erbao told me after he came out that Laplace agreed to Mr. Angel’s request.”

“Erbao said that after Mr. enters the mirror domain, she will find it by following the breath.”

Angel was overjoyed when he heard this.

Before, Laplace acted very decisively, and what’s more, Laplace showed indifference from the beginning to the end. Angel was really not sure that Laplace would agree.

Now that he has received a definite answer, he feels a little more at ease.

As for the problem of Sweet Dreams, he really doesn’t have any good solutions at the moment. However, he vaguely had an idea in his mind, but Angel needed to wait and see whether this idea could take shape and whether it could be further improved.

Moreover, this idea requires a deeper understanding of the Mirror Domain.

Laplace may be able to help with this.

“Since Laplace is willing to help you, are you going to enter the Mirror Realm now, or wait?” asked the wise master.

Angel thought for a while: “Wait a little longer, I don’t know how long this research will last, I’ll go out and talk to other people first.”

The wise master nodded: “Okay, I will let Geng Gui follow you. When you want to enter the mirror domain, just call its name.”

After speaking, the eyes of the wise man gradually lost focus, as if he was about to fall into deep thought.

Angel had already reached the gate, when he suddenly thought of something, he turned around and asked, “Now it’s me and the wise man, and without Aidanis present, does the wise man have any questions to ask?” ?”

There was a moment of silence.

Angel thought that the wise ruler would not speak anymore, so he turned around and prepared to leave. But the moment he stepped out of the door, the wise man said softly: “Did he mention Naraku?”

Who is “he”? The Wise Master did not speak his name.

But Angel knew that the Master of the Wise must have already guessed the person that Angel had never mentioned before——Augustin.

“I mentioned it.” Angel did not hide it this time.

Hearing this answer, the wise ruler’s eyes lit up.

Angel could clearly see that although the wise ruler looked calm on the surface, his suddenly stopped hands and uncontrollably trembling lips all showed his inner excitement.

After a long while, the wise ruler finally mustered up his courage and asked, “How is Naraku now?”

Anger was silent for a moment: “Are you sure you want to ask? Even if the answer is not satisfactory.”

Although Angel did not give an answer, his reminder can be regarded as revealing some information.

The wisdom dominated by the wise, how could it not understand Angel’s hint.

The wise ruler hesitated for a moment, closed his eyes, and made up his mind after a while, asking: “Is he still alive?”

Angel: “Alive.”

“Then will he come back?”

Angel: “I don’t know, maybe he will. But even if he comes back, whether he is the Naraku back then, or the Naraku you want to wait for, that’s another story.”

The wise man dominates: “Did he say that?”

Angel nodded: “Yes.”

The wise man bowed his head: “I understand…”

Angel took a deep look at the wise man, said nothing, pushed open the door, and walked out.


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