Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 2857 Numerical range


Angel nodded with a smile, but did not comment on this. He really doesn’t need to worry about these negative effects, because he didn’t intend to use Sweet Dreams at all.

The reason why he showed seriousness was not because he was thinking about how negative effects would affect him, but because he was trying to calculate the Hoopa coefficient of Sweet Dreams.

The three negative effects currently announced by the wise master are like arsenic mixed with honey, which makes people uncomfortable. However, the so-called negative effects are just the definition of a wizard.

From a dialectical point of view, whether it is the so-called positive effect or the negative effect, it is the nature of sweet dreams as a mysterious thing.

And as long as he knows the nature of the mysterious thing, combined with the calculation method of the Hoopa coefficient left by Crowley, he can probably infer the Hoopa coefficient of Sweet Dreams.

The Hoopa coefficient is generally judged from the frequency of disordered rhythm, the intensity of disordered degree, and the breadth of the influence range of the overall property.

As for the disorder degree of Sweet Dreams, judging from the current three negative effects, it must be lower than 40.

The higher the Hoopa coefficient, the more dangerous and unsolvable it is. Conversely, the lower the Hoopa coefficient, the safer and more stable it is.

In general, the ranges of the Hoopa coefficients can be divided into three broad categories. 0-39 is controllable, 40-69 is semi-out of control, and above 70 is completely out of control, that is, out of order. And more than 100, basically belong to no solution.

The sweet dream can be preserved for a long time, and it does not actively affect the surrounding situation, which means that it is generally controllable. Then, its Hoopa coefficient will definitely not be high, below 40 is inevitable.

After getting the general range, analyze one by one.

The first negative effect is that when you are indulging in sweet dreams, you need someone to wake you up. This effect is actually not that great, and it is somewhat similar to the effect of a mysterious object that Angel saw in Crowley’s notepad.

Mystery: “Worry-Free Fluid”

Hoopa Coefficient: 5

Affiliation: An unknown Carabite

Effect: When lying on the fluid, the heart will be extremely stable and all troubles will be eliminated. But as the body sinks into the fluid, it will eventually be swallowed by the fluid in peace and disappear into the unknown.

Note 1: Never use this thing if you are alone.

Remark 2: It is currently unknown where the living beings swallowed by the worry-free fluid go. Somewhat similar to “germination”, the vital signs cannot be judged, and life or death are both possible.

Remark 3: This mysterious object has an interesting story, but it is difficult to judge whether it is true or not.

The above is Clowry’s record of this mysterious thing.

Its negative effects are a little bit similar to sweet dreams. Once you are in peace, you will forget all your worries, and at the same time become lazy and unwilling to move.

Tranquility can stop extreme emotions. However, if it is too peaceful, it will be swallowed by the fluid and disappear without a trace.

So, when using the fluid, at least two people should walk together, one person uses it, and the other is ready to pull him out at any time, so as to avoid being trapped in the fluid without realizing it.

As for Crowley’s third remark on this mysterious object, although it is not recorded in the original text, it is recorded in the supplementary volume.

It is said that Wuyou Fluid first appeared at an auction, and was finally photographed by a Carabite.

He photographed Wuyou Fluid because he has done a lot of biological experiments, and many biological materials are difficult to handle, and he is not easy to throw them away, because these useless biological materials contain his experiments If the traces are seen by outsiders, they may be able to reverse his research topic; if they go further and are seen by the enemy, it will hurt him even more.

Although it can also be thrown into the exile space, the exile space is actually connected to the void. Even though the void is huge, and the space has countless layers, it seems difficult to be locked, but if there are alchemy props of the positioning type, or even mysterious objects of the positioning type, it is not impossible to be discovered.

So, the reason for him to buy Worry-Free Fluid appeared…to perfectly dispose of these useless biological materials.

Just put the biological material on the worry-free fluid, and as the fluid slowly engulfs the material, everything disappears without a trace. And the whereabouts of these biological materials, no one can lock.

Just like so far, no one can pinpoint where the person who was swallowed by the germ has gone.

It is equivalent to saying that this Calabbit regards the worry-free fluid as a “trash can”.

This is an anecdote Crowley noted.

Aside from these anecdotes, the solution to the negative effects of Worriless Fluid is similar to Sweet Dreams.

One needs someone to pull you out of the fluid and keep you from being swallowed. One requires someone to wake you up before you fall into eternal sleep.

The Hoopa coefficient of worry-free fluid is very clear, only 5.

In other words, for the first negative effect of Sweet Dreams, the Hoopa coefficient should also be around 5.

The second negative effect is a test of both human nature and concentration. From a certain point of view, it is similar to the “Lonely Wooden House”, but the scope of influence of the Lonely Wooden House is relatively large. It will move randomly in several worlds and change its shape, making it impossible to judge its real body. And Sweet Dream, which hardly expands its scope of influence, is an extremely stable mysterious thing.

And the Hoopa coefficient of the lonely cabin is 14.

If you only look at the second effect, the Hoopa coefficient of Sweet Dreams should be lower than it.

After Angel’s calculation, the answer is about 6.873, which is about 7, which is in line with the estimate.

However, adding the Hoopa coefficient of the first negative effect, the Hoopa coefficient of Sweet Dreams will be around 13.

And the third negative effect of Sweet Dreams is actually the most influential. From self-control to madness, the difference between them is “addiction”. Once the excessive use of Sweet Dreams leads to addiction, it will directly change a person’s personality, and because of the existence of the second negative effect, it will make the user fall into a situation where there is no redemption.

On this point, Angel did not find similar mysterious things in Culoli’s notes. However, the absence of supporting cases does not hinder the calculation of the Hoopa coefficient. The answer he calculated by himself is 11.7, which is approximately equal to 12.

In this way, the Hoopa coefficients of the three negative effects come out, and the sum is about 25.

However, this does not mean that Sweet Dreams has a Hoopa coefficient of 25. Generally, it will be lower than 25, because the three negative effects have overlapping effects, and the Hoopa coefficients in the overlapping places are common and cannot be directly superimposed.

Which places overlap depends on the overall effect, that is, the positive effect of Sweet Dreams, which must also be taken into consideration.

At this time, it just so happened that the wise master also talked about the positive effects of sweet dreams.

“After talking about the negative effects, let’s talk about its positive effects.” The wise man ruled: “Its positive effects are actually not that bad for wizards.”

“When you enter the beautiful dream woven by the sweet dream, you will recover all the consumed physical strength, energy and energy in a very short period of time. Moreover, this recovery does not limit the environment you are in, the situation you are in, And the type of energy you practice.”

That is to say, even in an energy vacuum environment, even if your energy is blocked, it will still allow you to break through the limit and recover your energy.

For example, when the clone of Gruzdiawald was trapped by the Dalmatians in the pure white chamber, if he had the sweet dream item, he would not be afraid of the energy seal of the pure white chamber.

And most importantly, the energy restored by Sweet Dream is not limited to types. That is to say, wizards can restore magic power, spiritual masters can restore mind power, demons can restore the power of the abyss, barbarians can restore the power of blood, demons can restore the power of demons… and so on.

This makes the scope of application of Sweet Dreams very large.

Moreover, Angel once heard that there are some extraordinary races in this world who possess very special energy, which is extremely powerful, but their energy is fixed from birth, and it disappears after consumption.

Could Sweet Dreams also restore this energy?

Angel asked this question.

The wise master did not hesitate, and said firmly: “Yes.”

Pause, the wise master continued: “Although I haven’t tested it, as long as you use Sweet Dream once, you can understand that its energy recovery effect is simply… unreasonable.”

This is why Sweet Dreams are a thing of mystery.

If it’s just to restore energy, there are actually many ways to do it, but the energy restoration of Sweet Dream transcends logic, legal principles, and rules, and it is completely unreasonable.

Of course, if it is only used to restore mana, then using Sweet Dreams is still a bit extravagant.

The sweet dream fell into the hands of the wise ruler, although it was not considered “mysterious dust”, but it did not exert its maximum effect.

Even if Angel gets the sweet dream, it is actually similar to the ruler of the wise.

However, because Angel and the wise master have many ways to restore energy, it is easier for them to get rid of the temptation of sweet dreams.

If it is a special race that “cannot recover energy by itself”, even if it can exert the greatest effect, it may eventually cause the entire race to sleep forever due to excessive use of sweet dreams.

There is also a trade-off between gains and losses.

The positive effects of Sweet Dreams are generally quite good, and its scope of application is quite wide, and it is a mysterious thing that anyone can use.

Unlike Meng Conch, at present, only Angel can use it, and it is useless for others to hold it.

The value of this mysterious thing is relatively high. Even if there are strong negative effects, it will not affect its strategic value.

Because of this, Angel never thought of buying Sweet Dreams from the wise man… He might not be able to afford it, and even if he could afford it, the wise man might not necessarily sell it.

On the whole, the positive effect of Sweet Dreams has an impact on the Hoopa coefficient. In other words, the Hoopa coefficient of Sweet Dreams has a high probability of exceeding 25, but Angel does not know how much it affects.

Unless he has personally used it once, he can make a judgment.

However, because Sweet Dreams is controllable, the range of its Hoopa coefficient has been determined, which is between 25 and 39.

Generally speaking, the value of the Hoopa coefficient has no effect on the value of the mysterious object itself.

However, the closer the mysterious thing is to 39, and the closer the mysterious thing is to 69, the higher the public rating within the lawful guild will be.

The reason is actually very simple, because many wizards are devoted to the research of “disorder”, and even take the initiative to make mysterious things “disorder”, and the value of 39 is only one step away from semi-disorder, and the value of 69 is not far from absolute disorder. One step away, so they have a higher “research” value.

But according to Crowley himself, the Hoopa coefficient itself is not a “fixed value”. If it really meets the condition of disorder, it will not change from 39 to 40, and the fluctuation may be even greater. It is even said that it is not impossible to jump from the Hoopa coefficient infinitely close to 0 to the Hoopa coefficient above 70.

So, 39 and 69 are actually superstitious values, so don’t pay too much attention to them.

While Angel’s thinking was running, the wise master lightly tapped the wall, and as the wall surged, a hole like a dog hole appeared on the wall.

Angel was also interrupted by the big movement, and when he looked back, he saw the dog hole in the wall.

Angel was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously, “Which one of the three treasures is this?”

Before the wise man answered, a familiar voice came from the dog cave: “Thank you sir for keeping your promise and not causing any harm to mother. I am a great treasure.”

Angel: “Oh, so it’s you, Geng Gui.”

“It’s a big treasure.”

Angel said with a serious face: “Geng Gui.”

The voice in the dog cave was silent for a moment, then sighed: “Okay, Geng Gui.”

Angel smiled and looked at the wise man: “What is Geng Gui doing here?”

The wise ruler sat aside, smiled and said: “Little Treasure told you before that the sweet dream actually does not have a fixed form, it is sealed in a special mirror space, and I can enter it from any mirror. “

Angel nodded, he did remember this.

Because of this, when the wise master said “Sweet Dreams are kept in the secret room”, Angel subconsciously felt that the wise master had something to say to him alone, instead of really thinking that Sweet Dreams would be released. In the Chamber of Secrets.

“Actually, what Xiaobao said is wrong, I just grasped the key to that special mirror space, but the one who can really take me to that space is Geng Gui or Erbao. Dream is Yula Plath sealed it, she divided the key to enter the special mirror space into virtual and real. I hold the physical key, and I handed the mirror key to Geng Gui. Only when the virtual and real keys are combined can the mirror space be opened. ”

That is to say, to find the sweet dream, not only the consent of the wise master is required, but also the cooperation with Geng Gui or Erbao.

The so-called “the ruler of the wise can enter it from any mirror”, it depends entirely on which mirror Geng Gui or Erbao pulls the ruler of the wise into it.

After a pause, the wise ruler took out an earring from his bosom.

The earrings are composed of four geometric silver ornaments, two rectangles, one triangle, and one circle.

The triangle is the outermost outline, the two rectangles are inside the triangle, intersecting constantly, and the circle is inside the rectangle, slowly rotating with the breeze.

“This earring is the physical key.” The wise man ruled: “I will give it to you now, and Geng Gui will take you to that special mirror space.”


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