Super Dimensional Wizard: Section 2856 Terrible negative effects


The wise master’s question did not start from the Olao he asked before, but from the experience of Angel and others.

The first thing to bear the brunt is what is the abnormal fluctuation in the slow corridor.

Angel glanced at Aidanis at the height, and seeing that she didn’t respond, he said, “The monster we encountered in that corridor is a flower-holding baby spirit from another world.”

Angel elaborated on the appearance and abilities of the Flower-Holding Infant Spirit.

The wise master also showed a surprised expression when he heard the ability of weaving webs and red wax. One absorbs energy and the other can make people go crazy. It doesn’t sound easy to deal with.

The wise master asked curiously: “How did you deal with this baby spirit holding flowers?”

“It didn’t deal with it.” Angel scratched his head, showing a lucky look: “It’s quite well-behaved, and didn’t do anything to us.”

Didn’t do anything to Angel and others?

This wise master believed it, because according to his observations, the progress of Angel and Earl Hei was not affected at all, almost all the way to the gate of the clear sky poetry room.

However, is the truth really as Angel said? Just such an understatement?

The wise master didn’t believe it, he couldn’t help looking up at Aidanis, trying to see the clues from Aidanis’ eyes… After all, the flower-bearing baby spirit must have been sent by Aidanis, she must Know the inside story.

Maybe it wasn’t the baby spirit holding the flower that was “well-behaved” at all, but something changed in the Qingkong Poetry Room that made Aidanis take care of the baby spirit flawlessly. And the baby spirit itself is also an existence with a low IQ. Without Edanis’s order, it is estimated that Angor and the others were just let go?

Facing the wise man’s questioning eyes, Aidanis was silent for a moment, and said: “What he said so far is the truth.”

After speaking, Edanis lowered her eyebrows and said nothing.

The wise master can confirm that Aidanis is not lying, but he can also be sure that there is definitely something inside this matter. Moreover, from Aidanis’s silent posture and her deliberately avoiding Angor’s eyes, the wise master can’t help but make a bold guess:

—Could it be that Edanis doesn’t know what happened?

On the surface, perhaps as Angel said, the baby spirit holding the flower behaved very well, without any abnormal movements. This is also seen by Edanis, so she said that this is the truth, it is no problem.

But the truth is sometimes like pinholes in the wetlands, which seem to be no big deal on the surface, and may even be ignored if you don’t pay attention. But inside, it may be connected with a huge underground insect kingdom.

The situation that Angel mentioned, could it be this “pinhole that connects the insect kingdom to the outside world”?

He only described the small holes on the surface, but what lies beneath the small holes, the intertwined roots, the traffic, and the layers of underground insect kingdoms are all whitewashed by his words?

Even Edanis didn’t know the specific reason.

As soon as this guess was born, it quickly occupied the ideological high ground dominated by wise men.

In fact, this guess is very bold. The past thinking dominated by wise men will not suddenly take such a big step and directly think about such a complicated situation.

But he knows Aidanis too well. Aidanis’s expression is like a writing board. Even though she keeps a cold appearance, her thoughts are completely projected on the writing board.

Aidanis was also puzzled, but she was unwilling to show it in front of the wise master, so she also followed Angel’s caliber, only talking about the superficial facts, not the internal truth.

This is why the wise ruler dares to make bold guesses.

However, even if the wise master had a guess, he didn’t continue to ask.

Because it can be seen from various signs that Angel will not answer the truth of this question. Otherwise, how could Aidanis also show doubts?

Even though the ruler of the wise thinks that his relationship with Angel may be one step closer than that of Aidanis, but because he is one step closer, the ruler of the wise needs to consider Angel’s opinion even more.

He is not going to be hostile to Angor, and in the future he hopes to use the wood spirit’s relationship to build a good relationship with Angor and the barbaric cave behind him.

The wise master has such considerations, so naturally he will not touch Angel’s bottom line.

In addition, Angor itself is full of fog, so a little more fog is not a big deal.

Thinking of this, the wise ruler stopped dwelling on this question and started asking new questions.

“As far as I know, the Clear Sky Poetry Room only allows the descendants of Noah’s blood to enter. Why did you all enter?”

This question involves a little bit of Augustine, and it is definitely impossible for Angel to mention Augustine. However, Olao actually has part of the decision-making power, so Angel’s answer focused on Olao.

However, Angel’s answer also caused another doubt for the ruler of the wise. This doubt was also pondered by the wise man very early on: “Why does Olao value you… or, in other words, value you?”

Angel’s answer is still superficial. He briefly told the story of the first encounter between Arena and Olao, and also emphasized that he did not know Olao’s identity at that time.

It shows that Olao already valued himself at that time.

But why Olao valued himself, Angel vaguely mentioned.

The wise master also expected this, and Angel’s answer would definitely be concealed, and what he needed to do was to deduce the hidden truth from the known answers.

In terms of speculation, Angel is actually very cooperative with him. Of course, the premise is that Angel himself is not involved.

Because of this, the wise master slowly deduced some things from Angel’s answer.

It was Angel, but not only Angel, who affected the great changes in Qingkong Poetry Room. Here, there is also a key figure.

This key person is not the person present. It was a “mysterious man” who only appeared in the Qingkong Poetry Room.

As for who the “mysterious man” is, the wise master is constantly probing and questioning, trying to guess his identity…

The entire question-and-answer process lasted about twenty minutes.

The time for questioning and answering may not exceed five minutes, and more time is spent thinking about it.

In the entire question-and-answer process, at the beginning, the wise man dominated the question, and Angel would basically answer it, even if a lot of what he said was nonsense, at least he answered it.

But as the wise master discovered the existence of the “mysterious man” and asked more deeply, focusing on details and personal senses, Angel began to talk about him frequently.

When Angel avoided, Aidanis also began to intervene continuously, and she said she could not answer many questions.

When it came to the second half of the question-and-answer process, Angel directly replaced the answer with silence, and the wise master knew that this should be the limit.

The wise master stopped knowingly, and thanked Angel softly.

The wise master thanked him not only for Angel’s answer, but also for letting Aidanis enter this “game”.

Because of Angor’s overtures, Aidanis had the premise of entering the game.

And every time Aidanis stops, it provides a lot of useful information to the wise master.

Even though the wise ruler is still unable to restore all the situation in the Qingkong Poetry Room at this time, there are still many puzzles that have not been answered, but the general context, he already has a concept in his mind.

Especially after Aidanis joined, many wise rulers didn’t dare to think of ideas at first, because Aidanis’s expression, eyes, and tone of stopping yes made the idea of ​​wise rulers become more and more The logic that was bold and incomprehensible at the beginning gradually became self-consistent.

Especially the identity of the “mysterious man”, Angel did not dare to say anything, but he gave the wise man Juggernaut a lot of detailed information, plus Aidanis’s “assist”, he already knew it in his mind.

Angel’s overtures were not in vain, even though his answer was limited, the final result was gratifying.

So, the wise master is also grateful.

After the brief question and answer, the wise master temporarily suppressed his deep thinking about the “mysterious man”, and said to Angel: “Sweet Dream is in my secret room, do you plan to borrow it now, or wait a little longer?” ?”

Since he promised to lend Angel the sweet dream, he will naturally not break his promise.

Besides, it’s just a loan, not a transaction, and the wise master won’t feel bad.

Angel said without hesitation: “Just now.”

The reason why he wants to borrow Sweet Dream is very simple. He just wants to try whether Sweet Dream can be affected by the dream conch.

If possible, maybe Sweet Dreams could be the first mysterious thing to be pulled into the wilderness of dreams.

The speed of doing this experiment is actually very fast, and there is no need to make too much preparation, so Angel is not prepared to delay. The sooner you finish it, the sooner you can settle a matter on your mind.

“Okay.” The wise master stood up: “Please follow me.”

The others stayed in the hall, while Angel followed the wise man into the secret room they had been in before, or… the lounge.

Angel originally thought that the wise master would continue to ask some questions when no one was around.

But the Wise Master didn’t do that.

Although he was still talking, what he said had nothing to do with the Clear Sky Poetry Room, but focused on Sweet Dreams.

Before, the Master of the Wise talked to Angel a lot about Sweet Dreams. From its birth to how it flowed into the hands of the Ruler of the Wise, the Ruler of the Wise did not hide anything.

The only thing left unsaid is where Sweet Dreams is now, and what the true effect of Sweet Dreams is.

And now, what the wise master and Angel said is the effect of the sweet dream.

“About the negative effects of sweet dreams, you have already guessed it before. You are indeed right. Once you fall into a sweet dream and no one wakes you up, you can’t wake up.”

“However, the negative effects of sweet dreams don’t stop there.”

Angel frowned: “There are other negative effects?”

The wise master nodded: “Sweet dreams are sweet dreams. In normal days, sweet dreams are easy to wake up, but sweet dreams in sweet dreams are hard to wake up.”

“This difficulty in waking up has led to three negative effects.”

“The first one is what you said, you need someone to wake you up, and you can’t wake up yourself.”

“Second, if you sleep in a sweet dream for more than a day, even if someone calls you, you will not be able to wake up.”

“However, this negative effect is only my personal judgment. Because I have tried all methods, but I can’t wake up the witch eye ghost who has slept for more than a day.”

“And if you, or others, have a way to wake up, then I don’t know.”

To put it simply, this negative effect is still doubtful. There may be other ways to wake up the sleeping person, but the wise ruler does not know the specific method.

For the time being, regardless of whether there is a way to wake up a person who has been sleeping all day, just from this negative effect, it is actually quite a test of human nature.

Because you use Sweet Dreams, you must find someone to wake you up, and if this person has a little bit of evil thoughts, maybe you will only fall into eternal sleep.

Moreover, even if you think you can trust someone, you may not really trust them.

People are fickle.

This is the same as the “lonely wooden house”. People trapped in this wooden house want to leave, but they can only fool other people to accompany the wooden house instead of themselves. And who is the easiest to fool? Naturally, it is to fool friends. The more intimate you are, the more you will be fooled.

In the lonely wooden house, at any rate, you can still be awake to witness everything, but not in sweet dreams. Once you fall asleep, you have no idea what happened in reality.

Even if you are betrayed by your friends, you don’t know it.

So, the second negative effect of Sweet Dreams is actually quite a test of human nature.

However, there is still a solution to the second negative effect after all, and the third negative effect is actually more terrifying, because——

“The third negative effect is… addiction.”

A beautiful dream is like poison, it will make you forget all your troubles, and only wish to sink in the beautiful dream.

If you become addicted because of if you know that beautiful dreams are poison, you are still willing to flock to them, and would rather sink than wake up.

And sweet dreams can make people addicted.

“Generally speaking, ordinary people may become addicted after using it once or twice.” The wise man ruled: “As for the extraordinary, look at your self-control. The more you can use Sweet Dreams.”

Angel: “How many times has the wise ruler been used so far?”

The wise man ruled: “Probably more than thirty times… At present, I am not addicted, but every time I use it, its temptation becomes stronger. Maybe after a hundred times, I will become addicted. And Or, I can’t hold on even a hundred times.”

“And once you become addicted, you will definitely go on a road of no return. Even if someone is watching every day, you will inevitably sleep for more than a day, which means that addiction is eternal sleep.”

Seeing Angor’s serious expression and even frowning, the wise ruler couldn’t help but patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: “However, you don’t have to worry too much. , use it once or twice, it will definitely not be addictive.”


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