Super Dimensional Wizard: Chapter 3361: Secrets in the book


As Angel entered the painting, the door slowly began to close.

Seeing that the door in the painting was about to disappear, Mo Lian suddenly stood up from her seat and walked towards the door.

Ea: “Morian?”

Jasmine settled down, then turned her head and said indifferently: “Discuss the deployment details yourself. Anyway, these details need to be corrected after all the people from all ethnic groups have gathered. It is useless to listen to the draft version of the deployment plan. “

“As for me, Shishen is with Shishen. I haven’t seen Fan for a long time. I still miss him.”

After Jasmine finished speaking, she walked into the door.

The moment she entered the door, Eya’s muttering voice came from her ear: “I didn’t hear that you and Fan had any relationship…just tell me if you want to drink Berman’s blood wine.”

Molly’s body paused for a moment. She wanted to refute, but the door in the painting was about to disappear. In the end, she still didn’t say anything, and walked into the door before it closed.

With the closing of the door, the rippling oil painting slowly returned to normal.

In the original oil painting, there was only an empty dining table and Butler Fan; but in the current oil painting, there are three figures sitting in front of the dining table.

These three were Angel, Laplace, and Molly Ann.

Fan Steward is also in the painting, but he didn’t stay at the table, but slowly walked closer.

When Butler Fan came to the edge of the screen, he slowly drew the curtains. The red curtains covered the dining room, and at the same time, covered the entire screen.

On the oil painting, everyone has disappeared, leaving only a curtain.

As the “curtain” of the oil painting covered, the attention of everyone in the cloud cave was slowly drawn back, but no one spoke.

After a long time, Prophet Jota took the lead to break the silence: “Mr. Angel…is the refiner of the logger?”

In the previous conversation between Eya and Angel, although there was no question about naming names, everyone understood the implied meaning.

Even if Angel is not a refiner, he is still a core figure related to the refinement of the logger.

Facing Jota’s question, Gleipnir frowned slightly and remained silent.

Jota: “I see, I was rude.”

Jota retracted her words, but everyone present was not stupid. Although Gleipnir did not answer anything, her silence was actually a tacit acquiescence.

Anger is most likely to be the maker of the logger… No wonder, he will become one of the founders of Dream Mirror.

If you continue to think about it, will the refiner be the creator of the Dream Crystal? This is not impossible, after all, it is absolutely impossible to refine the logger without understanding the Dream Crystal.

If Angel is really the creator of Dream Crystal…

Everyone’s thoughts began to float.

However, before their thoughts settled, Eya brought them back to reality: “It doesn’t matter who is the refiner now. You just need to know that the refiner comes from the ‘Dream Mirror’ , is the dream mirror where my teacher is.”

Eya deliberately pointed out “teacher”, and his words of respect are not only to express his attitude, but also to warn Jota and others not to engage in some small actions.

“The more important thing now is how to deal with the doomed puppets. The Dream Mirror Clan has already provided a very good plan. What we have to do now is to refine this plan and solve the problems that may be encountered in it.”

Ea brought everyone’s thoughts back on track.

Jota didn’t dare to think about anything at this time, and the little Jiujiu in his heart was intimidated by Eya’s eyes until he disappeared. Abandoning unnecessary thoughts, Jota finally began to exert the wisdom of the “prophet” and seriously perfected the control plan.

On the other side, in the oil painting.

After everyone was seated, Steward Fan drew the curtain, returned to the dining table, bowed and said, “Everyone wait a moment, I’ll go upstairs and invite Avicator down.”

After speaking, Steward Fan walked into the side passage.

Only after Steward Fan left, Angel slowly looked around.

It is not the first time he has come to the space in the painting, but this space in the painting is still a little different from Feng’s magic painting space before.

Feng’s magic painting space is almost indistinguishable from reality. The sun, moon, and stars hang high in the sky, the lonely trees in the fields, and all creatures are real. Even the wind and rain are no different from the outside world.

Even if Angel used the Eye of Narda to observe, he still couldn’t tell that this place was in the painting.

To sum it up in one word, Feng’s magic painting space is the real “world in the painting”.

The space in the painting where they are now looks extremely real, but once you carefully observe the surrounding things, all kinds of strange information will emerge from those things.

For example, when he looked at the candlestick on the dining table, a row of text messages appeared in his mind unconsciously: “Twig Candlestick: A candlestick made of bare copper, because it has been burned by the high temperature of the candle for a long time. Burnt, irregular copper-green spots appeared on the bare copper. The pattern carved on the candlestick is a branch pattern, and the copper-green spots are soaked in the branch pattern, as if the long branch has sprouted new leaves.”

Not only the candlesticks, but also the tableware next to it: “Telu tableware: tableware made of fine white porcelain, which is the favorite of the nobles in Tellu; especially the teapot full of curves, like the head of a girl in Tellu, was specially selected It is cherished by Noble Lu. Even the golden pattern outlined on it is like a girl’s innocent smile, which makes people happy.”

Similarly, there is also a detailed description of the dining table, including the specific wood used, the length, width and height, and so on…

If you look closely at the surroundings, any item, as long as you stare at it for a long time, a similar text message will definitely appear.

The text information describes in detail the shape, material, and function of this item…

This feeling is the same experience as the magic painting space.

However, as Angel observed the food around him, he also discovered that only the objects in the painting would be prompted with text messages; No text will be generated.

For example, Angel’s robe, he stared at it for a long time, but there was no information.

While Angel was staring at the robe, at this moment, a voice rang in his ears: “Foreign things, whether they are living or dead, words will not appear in the mind.”

Angel raised his head and looked, and it was Jasmine who was sitting across from him.

Before Jasmine followed, Angel was a little surprised, but, after all, this is the Dragon Banquet hosted by Secretary Long, and it is his freedom to invite whoever he wants to eat.

In addition, after Jasmine came in, she just sat on the sidelines and meditated without disturbing them, so Angel didn’t pay much attention.

It wasn’t until Jasmine spoke that Angel turned his attention to her.

Perhaps seeing doubts in Angel’s eyes, or because there is nothing else to do here, Jasmine simply explained Angel’s doubts: “Everything here is actually composed of words. .”

“Including the oil paintings we see outside, in fact, they look like pictures, but when Eya created it, it was a written text.”

In other words, the words written by Eya become the physical picture, so what is presented outside is an “oil painting”.

In fact, here is essentially a space created by words.

Because of this, all the things Angor sees here will have text information, in fact, because their original form is “a piece of text”, but with the special ability of the secret secretary dragon, the text is embodied For real.

This is also why, as soon as Angel entered here, he felt different from the magic painting space.

Because one is the space in the picture and the other is the text space.

Which one wins and loses is impossible to judge; but I have to say that this text space is quite interesting.

“So, these “Favorite tableware of the nobles of Telou” did not appear out of thin air, but was described by Eya word by word when he wrote this text? “Angel pointed to the tableware in front of him and asked curiously.

Molly Ann nodded, then shook her head: “Indeed, these tableware are described word by word, but not necessarily what Eya described.”

“Ea just built this space, he set up a skeleton; and the work of filling this skeleton with flesh and blood was partly done by himself, but also with the help of others.”

Mo Lian stood up at this moment, and walked towards a cabinet next to her in a curvaceous posture.

Opening the cabinet door, Molly Ann took out a stack of papers and a pen from inside; these papers and pens did not have any written descriptions, presumably they were brought in from the outside world.

After picking up the pen and paper, Molly Ann sat back at the dining table again: “It’s like this.”

In front of Angel and Laplace, Molly Ann picked up a pen and wrote a row of words on the white paper: “A pair of pure white silk gloves for women, with a special embroidery method, in the The surface of the silk is embroidered with the pattern of crow feathers, and the entrance of the glove is fluffy lace with shavings.”

As Molly Ann wrote the pen, the white paper disappeared before everyone saw it, replaced by a pair of white lace gloves.

Molly Ann looked at the glove, put it on her hand with satisfaction, and then looked up at Angel: “That’s how it works.”

“The items here may not all be described by Eya, but may also be supplemented by others, for example… Steward Fan.”

As soon as Mo Lian finished speaking, Steward Fan’s voice came over: “Yes, Your Excellency Mo Lian is right, the tableware was indeed written by me. The main body is only a skeleton, and the details of flesh and blood are shared. Let me take over.”

Fan Steward walked in from the passage on the side.

Mo Lian looked over, and specifically looked behind Steward Fan. It was empty and there was no one there.

“Where’s Avicator?” Morian asked puzzled.

Fan Steward: “Avikato went to the backyard to pick some fruit, come here immediately.”

After a pause, Steward Fan turned his head and explained to Angel and Laplace: “Avicato is the chef of this Dragon Banquet.”

Angel nodded. Originally, he thought that the space in the painting was so large, not only the second floor, but also other residents; but now, knowing that this is a text space, the hugeness of this place is It’s normal. Beginning with the sentence “This is a huge castle”, you can build a huge space.

“Avicato won’t be here for a while.” Butler Fan: “While waiting, if guests are interested in text props, they can also try to create text.”

Angel was really curious about this kind of text “prop”. When Steward Fan mentioned it, he agreed without hesitation.

Laplace, on the other hand, has no interest in it.

Because, this ability of text space was actually developed by Laplace for Eya.

According to Laplace’s narration in the psychic belt, this ability is a derivative ability of the “Book of Time” talent of the mysterious dragon, and it was also developed by Laplace with the help of Eya. Chinese Secret Collection”.

At that time, when Eya first developed “Secrets in the Book”, he used long essays to construct some small gadgets, and they were still illusory gadgets.

But now, Eya directly created the “painting”, constructed the skeleton, and filled it with flesh and blood. It can be written in one sentence, which is enough to explain the progress of his ability.

However, no matter how advanced the ability is, it is essentially a “secret treasure in the book”. Laplace had already seen it before, so he was naturally less interested.

“Having said that, at the beginning, Eya planned to develop the ability of “Secrets in the Book” to the level of creating extraordinary props and creatures with a single word. I don’t know if it has reached this level now. .” Laplace sighed in the soul belt.

Angel: “Just ask.”

Angel raised his head, taking advantage of Fan Steward’s interlude to get the pen and paper, and asked about the limit of writing.

“Extraordinary props can be created, but there are strict requirements.” Fan Steward was not surprised by Angel’s question. When creating props with words, one would definitely think of creating extraordinary props. This is human nature.

Angel: “What request?”

Fan Steward: “First, you need to use the special paper made by Master Eya to write. Only special paper can carry extraordinary power. The current white paper can only write on ordinary things.”

“Second, you can’t directly describe extraordinary props, you have to start describing each material in detail.”

In other words, only if you have an understanding of supernatural materials, and you need enough alchemy knowledge, through the matching of materials, you can finally create supernatural props. It sounds troublesome, but in fact… it is indeed troublesome.

This is equivalent to using words to describe various materials, and then using the words to make gold. If you have the skill, you can just use the materials to make gold directly…

Moreover, the text alchemy product can’t last long, because it is made of text and paper, which is very fragile. After the power attached to it is consumed, it will turn into paper ashes.

These restrictions make the text creation of extraordinary props very harsh.

Of course, text alchemy props also have their unique features, but the restrictions are too large, and various troublesome operations are too discouraging.

“As for, is it possible to create living things?” Steward Fan shook his head: “Not here. The creation of living things involves the law of life, as well as the refining of life, which requires the cooperation of a very high-standard laboratory. There are also strict restrictions on the creatures that can be created. And here is just a dragon banquet kitchen.”

Through the answer from Steward Fan, we can know that the creation of living creatures seems to have been developed by Eya, but it is also extremely limited, and the facilities here are too low-level to support the birth of living creatures.

From this point of view, so many years of study by the mysterious secretary Long are not in vain. Compared with the “Secret Collection of Books” initially developed by Laplace, it has indeed made great progress.

Fan Butler didn’t know that Angor was asking for Laplace, and thought that Angor was interested in these special writing creations, so he said: “If you are interested in the living things created by writing, Mr. , I can bring a finished product and show it to Mr.”

Angel nodded without hesitation: This is the creation of life, how could he not be interested?

Fan Steward nodded, and first handed the pen and paper to Angel: “Please wait a moment, I will go to the observation room and bring the writing creature over.”

(End of this chapter)

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