Starting with 1Million Spirit Stones Chapter 177: Continuous promotions

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Then, a shrill scream pierced the sky and resounded throughout the Dark Night City.

It’s Hubert!

He screamed like crazy, ran rampant, and went completely crazy.

Because, he found that he was really burning.

A strange five-color flame began to burn from his hands and almost reached his shoulders.

Even his feet were burning, and the area below the knees had long since completely disappeared.

However, the scariest thing is.

Even though his hands and feet were burning and almost burning out, Hubert himself felt nothing and could not detect the slightest change.

This scene is really weird.

Dignified Shura, a strong man among the earth demons, a nobleman who could be named an earl, could not even notice that his body was burning. Even though half of his body was burned away, he didn’t feel anything.

Unheard of, unseen!

Everyone present was extremely frightened.

What is that five-color flame?

Why can’t even Shura resist?

“No! I don’t want to die, please save me, please save me!”

Hubert was so frightened that he screamed and threw himself at a flying yaksha.

The Feitian Yaksha is a veteran of Dark Night City, and one of the first people to practice the “Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique”. He has already reached the level of Seven Bones.

But now, as soon as he came into contact with the five-color flames on Hubert’s body, his whole body burned quickly.

There is also no pain, not even the slightest feeling.

But in this situation, he watched helplessly as his body burned and disappeared rapidly.

This feeling, this picture, is really terrifying, too terrifying.

Far beyond everyone’s understanding, a nameless sense of fear quickly spread in everyone’s hearts.

Their eyes looking at Qin Yi became extremely frightened, as if they were seeing a demon.

“What did you do? What did you do to Hubert?” Dinath hissed.

She really couldn’t figure out what kind of power it was that allowed the dignified Shura to be played with like an ant, without even noticing that he was about to be burned into nothingness.

“Do you want to know? Go and experience it yourself!”

Qin Yi flicked his finger.

A little spark fell on Dinasi.

Immediately afterwards, it was Kemir and all the rebellious veterans present.

Every time he flicked his fingers, someone was infected by this weird flame.

Like bone-eating insects, it sticks directly to it, burning and spreading.

Without any sound, without even the slightest pain, without the slightest feeling, these powerful ones among the earth demons were burned into nothingness one after another.

Especially those three Shura, they were going crazy.

They tried all their methods and used all their trump cards, but they could not stop the burning of this flame.

Even by the end, Kemir had completely collapsed.

After half of his body disappeared, he smashed his own head with a palm and chose to commit suicide!

In just a few breaths, many villains had completely disappeared in the entire hall.

Disappearing with them were the three powerful Shura.

The empty hall suddenly became much deserted.

But at the same time, Cui Xisi and the eight guardians noticed something strange.

The spiritual power in the hall became very rich, almost to the extreme, like liquid, like heavy mercury, wrapping all of them in it.

It’s the spiritual power of those Shura, those flying Yakshas.

Under Qin Yi’s burning fire, he returned to his roots and was burned directly into the most primitive pure spiritual power.

“Why don’t you quickly activate your Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Skill?” Qin Yi Leng shouted.

Cui Xisi and the others reacted immediately, quickly running the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Technique, and wildly devouring this strong spiritual power.


A soft sound.

It was Cuisi who broke through.

She was originally in the realm of Nine Bones, King Feitian Yaksha, and had already reached the peak of her cultivation.

As if with the help of this huge spiritual power, she broke through again and directly evolved into Shura.

At the same time, the eight guardians, the eight-headed flying yaksha, also broke through at the same time, stepping from the eight-bone realm to the nine-bone realm.

However, this is only the beginning for them.


Cui Xisi actually broke through for the second time.

The aura on his body has strengthened again, and he has evolved from a first-level Shura to a second-level Shura.

At the same time, the other eight guardians also broke through for the second time, stepping into the realm of first-level Shura one after another.

In the blink of an eye, this huge spiritual power actually allowed Cui Xisi to advance three levels in a row, entering the realm of third-level Shura.

Even the eight guardians were upgraded two levels in a row, and all evolved into first-level Shura.

“Master! Thank you Master for your gift. Thank you Master for your gift!”

Cui Xisi felt the power in her body with surprise on her face. She rushed in front of Qin Yi with a single step and knelt down on the spot, kowtowing like she was worshiping a god.

Behind her, the Eight Great Shura were even more frightened and trembling, lowering their heads deeply, not daring to take any offense.

“Cui Xisi, you disappoint me!” Qin Yi said coldly, “I taught you the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique to help you step into the realm of the Flying Yaksha, and even gave you the eight-headed Flying Yaksha as my subordinates.”

“But what about you? After such a long time, you are still just the Flying Yaksha King, who can’t even deal with three Shura. You can’t even control your men and let them rebel.”

Cui Xisi quickly lowered her head, her charming body trembling slightly, “Master, please punish me!”


A slap hit her **** the face.

Bah! Snapped! Snapped!

Seven or eight slaps in a row, so powerful and heavy, that the delicate and charming face of Cui Xisi was severely beaten to pieces.

“Thank you for your forgiveness, master! Cui Xisi will definitely fulfill her mission in the future and will never disgrace the master’s reputation again!”

However, Cui Xisi was not angry at all. Instead, she lowered her head and showed a grateful expression.

She knew that if Qin Yi wanted to kill her, it would be easier than squeezing an ant to death.

It was just a few slaps and some flesh injuries. It was too simple. He just let her go gently and had no intention of punishing her at all.

“Okay, get up! For the sake of your loyalty, I will let you off this time.” Qin Yi waved his hand and said lightly.

In fact, being able to advance from the four-bone flying yaksha to the nine-bone realm by five levels in such a short period of time is already a genius.

Not only that, Cui Xisi also developed the small Dark Night City to what it is today, and its overall strength is inflating like a balloon.

However, compared with Qin Yi, this speed is no different than a snail.


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