Starting with 1Million Spirit Stones Chapter 176: Bonfire!

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When the Nine-Bone Flying Yaksha King evolves to the extreme, he will shed his bone spurs and bone wings and completely transform into a human form.

Except for the single horn on his head, Shura’s other appearance looks no different from that of the human race.

If Feitian Yaksha is still a small local lord, he is like a country bumpkin.

Once you evolve into Shura, you will become a true noble among the Earth Demon clan. You will be aloof and respected wherever you go.

“Viscount of the Dark Night, Trixis, do you know what kind of crime it is to have an affair with a human cultivator?” Kelly asked with a sneer.

“What other crime could it be? It’s a capital crime!”

The voluptuous Dinasi turned out to be a rare female Shura.

She walked seductively in front of a protector, caressing and playing with him wantonly, seemingly not paying attention to the protector of the Eight-bone Flying Yaksha.

“Just kill her, take her head and report it to Count Badi, and everything will be solved.”

The other Shura Hubert has a cold temperament, and his eyes are full of bloodthirsty killing intent.

As soon as these three Shura appeared, the entire situation was reversed in an instant.

Before this, Cui Xisi was the nine-bone flying yaksha king, and she had eight guardians left by Qin Yi, all of whom were eight-bone flying yakshas.

With such a powerful force, even the more than 30 flying yakshas who fight against those veterans are still capable of fighting, and their strength can even surpass their opponents.

But now, the three Shuras suddenly appeared, Kelly, Dinasi, and Hubert, and the whole situation was turned upside down.

Shura and Feitian Yaksha are separated by a whole huge realm, which is already the difference in the essence of life.

That feeling is like a wolf standing in front of a tiger. The gap is incalculable.

The Feitian Yaksha is a wolf. Even if he is as strong as the nine-bone Feitian Yaksha King like Cui Xisi, he is just a stronger wolf.

However, no matter how strong a wolf is, it cannot be a match for a tiger.

What’s more, what appeared in front of them were three Shuras and three tigers.

As soon as the three Shura appeared, the powerful pressure on them was like a wild wolf encountering a tiger. Cui Xisi’s eight guardians instantly trembled.

They were trembling, afraid, terrified. In front of these three Shura, let alone fighting, they didn’t even have the courage to take action.

Even Cui Xisi felt the pressure like a mountain.

Even though she was the city lord of Dark Night City, she still felt as insignificant as a mouse facing an elephant in front of these three Shura.

That feeling means that she is completely powerless to fight against it!

“No, no, no, Hubert, you can’t kill him directly. We should let her summon the human immortal cultivator first. Then she will carry the two heads to receive the reward, Count Badi will be happier.”

Dina Sijiao said with a smile, like a cat playing with a mouse, with a strong confidence that she has already taken control of the entire situation.

“Yes, he is just a viscount. The little Flying Yaksha is not worth our effort at all. What we want is the human cultivator, and he must have a huge secret hidden in him.”

Kelly licked her lips, with a look of bloodlust and excitement on her face.

“Impossible, stop dreaming. Everything I have is given by my master. Even if I die, I will never betray my master.” Cui Xisi said coldly.

From the day she made up her mind, she has always insisted on absolute loyalty.

Even though the power of Dark Night City has grown dozens of times, and even though she has entered the realm of the Nine-Bone Flying Yaksha King, this loyalty has not changed at all.

Because Cui Xisi knew very well that everything she had came from that man.

For Cui Xisi, Qin Yi is her **** and her savior!

“Hahaha… did you hear that? She doesn’t seem to be afraid of death!” Dinasi couldn’t help laughing.

“Huh! Stupid weakling, there are many things in this world that are ten thousand times more terrifying than death!” Hubert snorted coldly, and in his hand, a scarlet poisonous insect appeared.

“For example…”

Hubert said with a sneer.

“For example, your body is burning, but you don’t notice it at all, not even the slightest pain. In silence, you watch your body gradually burn out until it becomes Become nothingness and completely disappear from this world.”

That’s when.

A cold voice continued Hubert’s words.

He is a young man in black.

Like the three Shuras, they are among the very few human beings present.

However, unlike Shura, he does not even have a single horn representing Shura on his forehead.

Human race!

He is a human cultivator!

The moment Qin Yi appeared, the atmosphere in the room became tense instantly, and everyone’s eyes were fixed on him.


Cui Xisi couldn’t help but exclaimed, with a sense of surprise and astonishment like a dream, as if she couldn’t believe whether Qin Yi in front of her was real.

“Yes, it’s him, the strong human race!”

An old minister screamed in horror, backed away in fright, and fell to the ground.

The other veterans of the villains in Dark Night City were also panicked and frightened to the extreme.

Back then, they watched with their own eyes as the once powerful Black Mountain family was completely destroyed by Qin Yi alone.

Now that Qin Yi has come to Dark Night City again, they are naturally terrified, fearing the revenge of this powerful human race.

“Why are you panicking? He’s just a little bug from the human race, how can he turn the world upside down?”

Hubert sneered, not taking Qin Yi seriously at all.

But suddenly, he found that everyone’s eyes had shifted to him.

The expressions on every face became horrified, as if they were seeing a ghost, looking at him in fear.

“What’s wrong with you? What are you looking at? What’s there to see?” Hubert cursed in displeasure.

“No, no, Hubert, didn’t you even realize it yourself?”

Dinasi’s speaking voice became very subtle, like whispering, completely without the arrogance and wantonness just now.

“What did you find? What happened to me?” Hubert asked strangely.

At this time, Kelly swallowed her saliva and said four words with a slightly pale face – “You are burning!”


Are you burning?

Am I burning?

How is this possible? How is this possible?

Do I still know that I am burning?

Hubert couldn’t help laughing, as if he had heard a big joke.

However, the moment he lowered his head, he was stunned.

Completely stunned.

As if time stood still, as if space solidified, he froze on the spot and did not move for a long time.


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