Starting with 1Million Spirit Stones Chapter 175: Rebellion in Night City

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The dim and dark underground world once again appeared in front of Qin Yi.

In this world, it seems that it is always the time after sunset and before moonrise.

The sky was dark, close to night, but not completely dark, and some light could still be seen.

The huge underground world is hidden deep underground in Tianyuan Continent and is ruled by the powerful Earth Demon clan.

Here, there is no day and night, no alternation of seasons, no frost, rain or snow, it is always a dark world day after day.

All kinds of monsters are fighting everywhere, even the intelligent earth demons are fighting and fighting all day long.

Over the years, the demons in the underground world established two powerful empires, the Blood Empire and the Yama Empire.

However, unlike the human dynasty, the Old Demon’s empire is more like a loose alliance of nobles, with the territories of the Old Demon nobles everywhere.

They have their own cities, their own people, their own armies, and promulgate their own laws. They are completely self-contained, just like a large or small country.

The so-called Blood Empire and Yama Empire are just huge alliances built on these noble countries, ruled by two nearly invincible demon kings.


A huge city appeared in front of Qin Yi.

It’s the Dark Night City.

Compared with the vicissitudes and ruins of the past, the current Dark Night City seems to have expanded a lot and become even larger. Even the surrounding city walls are newly built, using stronger Dark Demons. Black iron.

Even, around the Dark Night City, layers of powerful formations were clearly laid out, with faint ripples flickering, enough to withstand the attacks of Shura-level experts.

In the center of Dark Night City is a huge and towering black stone castle.

Cui Xisi looked at dozens of flying yakshas with a solemn expression.

They are all high-level nobles in Dark Night City. They hold great power and control the troops. They are also the very few core retainers who know the inside story.

“Lord, for the sake of the tens of millions of people in Dark Night City, we should sever our relationship with that strong human race as soon as possible!”

“Yes, now the Earth Demon clan has officially started a war with the human race. The first batch of hundreds of billions of troops has entered Tianyuan Continent, and the recruitment order will come out soon, and then it will be our turn. .”

“It’s not just a recruitment order. Now the top management of the Blood Empire has begun a thorough investigation of all the earth demon nobles, and they want to eliminate all the earth demons in the empire who are involved with the human race!”

“Lord, we can’t wait any longer. If the top brass of the Blood Empire discovers it, it will be a capital crime, and the entire Dark Night City will be completely massacred!”

“In my opinion, it is better for us to take the initiative to inform and report everything about Qin Yi to the empire.”

“Yes, this is the way to protect yourself. Now that things have happened, no wonder we are ungrateful. The right way is to seek self-protection first.”


One by one, retainers stood up and spoke.

They relied on practicing the “Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique” taught by Qin Yi, and now each of them has evolved into a flying yaksha.

The strength of the entire Dark Night City has also become dozens of times stronger than before.

Especially the eight guardians, as Cui Xisi’s personal bodyguards, they were the first experts in the entire Dark Night City to evolve into the Flying Yaksha besides Cui Xisi.

Now, they have evolved into the eight-bone flying yaksha, and are only one step away from becoming the nine-bone flying yaksha king.

As the Lord of the Dark Night City, Cui Xisi has now been named the “Viscount of the Dark Night” and has evolved into the nine-bone flying Yaksha King, who may transform into a fully human Shura at any time.

Even the entire Dark Night City has gone from millions of earth demons to tens of millions of earth demons today.

Under the leadership of this group of flying yakshas, ​​they continued to attack cities and territories, and became stronger and stronger.

However, all of this stemmed from the action of that human boy back then.

“Impossible! I will never betray the master!” Cui Xisi said coldly, “If it hadn’t been for the master’s action, not only me, but all of you, and even the entire Dark Night City would have been finished. ”

“Don’t forget, who gave Dark Night City what it is today? Even if you are able to evolve into Feitian Yaksha, the “Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique” you practice is all a gift from the master!”

“If you don’t have a master, you are not even a yaksha!”

After hearing Cui Xisi’s words, all the retainers suddenly fell silent.

Yes, all of them, including the entire Dark Night City, relied on Qin Yi’s actions back then.

It was the human boy who single-handedly saved Dark Night City and single-handedly destroyed the entire Black Mountain family.

“City Lord, things are different now! Do you want to drag the entire Dark Night City down? I’m sorry, I don’t want to be buried with you!”

A Feitian Yaksha stood up, his eyes were cold, and he turned to leave.

“I finally evolved into Feitian Yaksha, and I don’t want to die!”

“And me! If any of you want to die, go die yourself, but don’t bring me with you!”

“I respectfully call you City Lord, that’s to give you face. I am a mighty Feitian Yaksha, do I still need to rely on a little girl like you?”

“Hmph, the military power of Dark Night City is all in our hands. Without us veterans, you would be just a polished commander.”


One after another, the flying yakshas kept getting up, and they all made their stance clear, standing directly on the opposite side of Cui Xisi.

“Cui Xisi, you have to think clearly. Even if you are in the realm of the Flying Yaksha King, plus your eight guardians, there are only nine Flying Yakshas. And here, we have more than thirty. Flying Yaksha.”

An old minister said coldly, directly forcing the palace to his face.

“What exactly do you want to do?” Cui Xisi asked coldly.

“What are you doing? Don’t you have the talisman of that powerful human race? You can notify him directly or even teleport him here. As long as we capture him and hand him over to the empire, it will be a great achievement.”

Another veteran sneered sinisterly.

“Humph, you are so audacious! You actually took up the idea of ​​​​the master! Not to mention that I can’t betray the master, even if the master does show up, what can you do against the master with just you bunch of losers? ” Trish mocked.

“Our dozens of flying yakshas alone are indeed not enough. But, what if we add three Shura masters from the empire?”

Following the old minister’s sneer, three gorgeously dressed Shura slowly walked into the hall.

Their appearance looks similar to that of the human race, and they are even more handsome and extraordinary. They have a strange aura about them, which adds a sense of mystery.

The most obvious thing is that they have a single horn on their foreheads, which distinguishes them from real humans and can be distinguished at a glance.


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