Starting with 1Million Spirit Stones Chapter 174: Gods and Ants

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Bang! boom! boom! boom!

Just like children in the countryside celebrating the New Year, they lit up strings of firecrackers, and bursts of explosions continued to erupt.

Countless earth demons were squeezed alive one after another.

The transparent hexahedral space is like a huge juicer, crazily squeezing tens of billions of earth demons, crushing their flesh and blood into pieces, and squeezing out rolling blood alive.

“No! No! Don’t kill me, don’t kill me! I don’t want to die!”

“Let me go! Senior, I beg for mercy, please!”

“I really don’t want to die, please spare my life”

“Help, help me, someone help me!”


Countless shouts and cries for help resounded in that confined space.

As for the people outside, they could only see the faces, with countless expressions distorting, and finally bursting out suddenly.

A hundred miles around!

Ten miles around!

Ten thousand meters in radius!

One hundred meters in radius!


Qin Yi’s space restriction is constantly compressing, actually squeezing tens of billions of earth demons into a palm-sized hexahedron.

In front of countless earth demons, he forcibly compressed the tens of billions of earth demons into a small piece.

Finally, he used the five-color strange fire to refine a flesh-and-blood elixir that was as black as ink.

It is as deep as a black hole, containing unimaginable terrifying energy!

A total of 40 to 50 billion earth demons, so many yakshas, ​​so many asuras, and even those extremely powerful asura kings no longer exist at this time, and they have all been refined into such a small black pill. medicine.

The moment he saw the elixir appear, King Mara couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva.

It’s not greed!

But fear!

Deep fear, fear from the depths of the soul!

The strength of the Blood Demon King is not inferior to him, but even the Blood Demon King is as humble and humble as an ant in front of this young man in black.

If it were him, the end would not be much better, and it might even be even more miserable.

King Mara is afraid!

For the first time in my life, I am scared!

Even when the invincible True Lord Chunyang was in front of him, he had never had such a fearful attitude. He was as reverent as a **** and fearful as an ant.

The boy in black is a god, but he himself is an ant!


Qin Yi swallowed the dark pill, like biting a stone, and the sound made his scalp numb.

After three or two entrances, he was completely devoured.

A small pill contains all the essence of tens of billions of earth demons.

Today, Qin Yi is already a dignified second-grade Yuanying, and he is also a second-grade Yuanying under the level 9 chaotic spiritual root.

His body is like a huge lake, with only fifteen dragon powers unable to fill this huge lake.

The refining of this dark elixir instantly instilled huge energy into Qin Yi’s lake.

Powerful forces surged through his body.

Fifteen dragon power, sixteen dragon power, seventeen dragon power…

Qin Yi’s cultivation level increased rapidly, reaching a total of twenty-three dragon powers.

Improved the power of eight dragons in one go!

However, his realm is still stuck at the second-grade Nascent Soul, and he has not been promoted to a breakthrough.


A long sigh.

Qin Yi had a look of compassion on his face.

He turned around.

Looking at the remaining tens of billions of earth demons, they belong to the Yama Empire and are subordinates of the nine-winged Asura King Mara.


The moment he caught Qin Yi’s gaze, King Moruo was frightened.

His knees began to weaken, his legs began to tremble, and his heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

King Maruo swallowed his saliva, gritted his teeth, and was about to kneel down and beg for mercy.


It’s too late.

Before King Mara knelt down, before he gave up his dignity and begged for mercy.

Six invisible walls, insurmountable spatial barriers, have been formed.

The tens of billions of earth demons, including him, were surrounded and locked in this huge space prison.

King Mara is roaring, struggling, and furious.

However, no sound could be heard, and any of his efforts were in vain.

Even if the Nine-Winged Asura King is the most powerful, even if he has the blood of the Demon Lord and is the biological brother of the Demon Lord Yama, he can only watch this space prison helplessly, constantly Compression, constant squeezing.

Until he lost consciousness and merged into billions of flesh and blood.

Like the Blood Demon King, he turned into a pill as black as ink.

Click, click, click…

A burst of gnawing, like teeth biting a stone with force.

This terrifying elixir condensed by tens of billions of earth demons was bitten into pieces by Qin Yi and swallowed directly.

His cultivation level once again began to skyrocket.

From twenty-three dragon powers, it soared to a full thirty dragon powers, and then barely stopped.

Second-grade Nascent Soul, thirty dragon powers!

At this time, Qin Yi finally felt that sense of satisfaction, just like a huge lake that was finally filled with water.

Everything is finally back to normal!

Thirty dragon power is comparable to the power of thirty ancient heavenly dragons. This is the power that Qin Yi, as a second-grade Nascent Soul, should have.

In the vast desert, it was a mess.

Even an army of hundreds of billions of earth demons has been completely devoured by Qin Yi like ants.

However, from this messy battlefield, the tragic smell of blood can still be vaguely smelled.

The strong murderous aura, the strong blood energy, and the extremely strong and deep resentment!

Hundreds of billions of earth demons died tragically here!

I am afraid that in hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, this desert will become a death zone in Tianyuan Continent.

Even if a strong person in the Yuan Dan stage steps into it, he will be eroded by the powerful resentment, and finally become possessed and turn into a bloodthirsty madman.

“It’s a pity that those magic weapons were all crushed by the power of space and couldn’t be sold for much money.” Qin Yi shook his head helplessly.

Those broken magic weapons were also recycled by the system, but they only sold a mere 200,000 fairy crystals, which was not even as good as the wealth of any dynasty.

You must know that here is where all the elites of the Blood Empire and the Yama Empire are gathered, with an army of hundreds of billions of earth demons.

There are forty-eight Asura kings who are comparable to the Yuan Dan stage. This huge number has exceeded the total of the four major dynasties.

However, these powerful earth demons seemed to have come specifically for plunder. They were all empty, carrying nothing except armor and weapons.

On the contrary, there are spare Qiankun rings. Many powerful earth demons wear a lot of them, as if they are waiting for the end of a war to rob human treasures everywhere.

“Forget it, there are still two Demon Lords, they should be sold for a lot of money!”

Qin Yi curled his lips, jumped into the bottomless and huge crack in the ground.


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