Starting with 1Million Spirit Stones Chapter 118: Dark Star Finger

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But now, the boy in black is still alive.

And it was intact, with no visible injuries on his body.

He even killed the young genius at the ninth level of Dan Condensation with one sword, while showing off his coolness.

“Oh, that’s talking about breath! Doesn’t that kind of thing appear when it wants to appear and disappear when it wants to disappear?”

As he spoke, Qin Yi changed his breath several times.

Suddenly like a dragon awakening, it is extremely powerful.

Suddenly it was as silent as an abyss, without missing a single trace.

What’s even more frightening is that Old Man Guixing, a peerless genius five hundred years ago and a half-step golden elixir-level powerhouse, can’t even notice it.

If Qin Yi hadn’t been standing in front of him, he would have even doubted whether Qin Yi was dead.

The realm is lower than his own, but the skill of hiding his aura is far above him.

I am afraid that he has mastered some ancient secret method and can change his own aura at will.

“Humph, you’re just a small trick, you’ll die just like you deserved to die!”

Old Ghost Star’s eyes were cold, and his skinny fingers slowly raised.

Suddenly, a finger pointed out!

Between heaven and earth, there was total darkness, as if the day had suddenly turned into a pitch-black night.

Everyone can only see endless darkness.

And in this endless dark night, a starlight appeared at the fingertips of Old Ghost Star, bright and dazzling, like a sun shrunk countless times, bursting out with dazzling and pure energy.

A thin light shot directly into Qin Yi’s forehead.

“Dark Star Finger! It is the supreme secret of Xingchen Sect, the Dark Star Finger created by the contemporary sect leader!”

Seeing this finger pointing out the stars, even Ling Yun, who was calm and composed, was shocked, became incoherent and became very excited.

“Dark Star Finger! You mean, the Dark Star Finger who was the leader of the Star Sect back then and killed the Golden Core Stage?”

Xu Changqing’s lips were trembling.

He didn’t know much about the Star Sect, but he had heard various legends about the sect leader since he was a child.

One of the legends is that the leader of the Xingchen Sect, on the East China Sea, killed the island owner of Wangui Immortal Island who was also in the Golden Core stage with one finger.

And what he used at that time was the Dark Star Finger!

“Miss, that boy didn’t die just now. However, Old Man Guixing used Dark Star Finger, and there’s no way it will happen again.” The driver who drove the carriage saw this scene and relayed the scene in front of him.

“Dark Star points? I wonder if I can take it with my current strength? Haha, it is difficult even if you think about it. After all, I am not the prince.”

The young woman in the carriage smiled bitterly and said lightly.

“Young lady can take at least three years to surpass Old Man Guixing. If young lady can get the inheritance from True Lord Chunyang this time, she can do it in less than a year.” The groom said with a smile, as if to the woman Very confident.

“I hope so! Mr. Wu, let’s go!” The woman put down the bead curtain and smiled softly.


A loud noise.

Countless huge gravels splashed out like water

The darkness of the sky dissipated instantly, and a huge crater suddenly appeared on the ground.

The hard moire rock cracks like a tortoise shell and is densely covered like a spider web, forming a huge sinkhole hundreds of meters in diameter.

And in the center of the sinkhole is the head of Old Man Guixing.

The young man in black pushed him to the ground, like a meteorite hitting the earth, and forcefully smashed out this huge sinkhole!

“Puff! Puff, puff…”

When he let go of his hand, the old man Guixing, who had been so arrogant just now, was already paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog.

My mouth was open, vomiting blood like free tap water.

In a few seconds, this peerless genius from five hundred years ago rolled his eyes and died.


Deathly silence!

It seemed as if the entire Yunze City had lost its voice at this moment.

Five hundred years ago, the second true disciple of Xingchen Sect once competed with the master of Xingchen Sect for the peerless genius.

In the realm of half-step golden elixir, it has stopped for hundreds of years, and the cultivation level is infinitely close to the real golden elixir stage.

Such a powerful old man is now dead.

The young man in black casually pressed him to death.

Like killing a chicken, like butchering a dog.

Even, it’s like crushing an ant to death or stepping on a bug.

Everything just now seemed so insignificant in his eyes.

However, in the hearts of everyone, it caused huge waves!

First, he killed Tang Cheng, the contemporary number one true successor of the Star Sect, with one sword.

Later, he took over Old Man Gui Xing’s Dark Night Star Big Hand Seal, and he could not die with just one finger of Dark Star.

Even now, he directly killed Old Man Guixing, a peerless genius who became famous five hundred years ago.

What an amazing feat?

If it hadn’t happened right in front of them, if they hadn’t witnessed it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that what had just happened was actually done by the young man in black.


Under the stunned gaze of everyone, the young man in black opened his mouth again and took a breath.

He sucked the old man Guixing alive and **** him like a human being.


A soft sound.

He actually broke through again.

In front of everyone, he was instantly promoted from the second level of the alchemy stage to the third level of the alchemy stage.

What is this concept?

The first level minor realm, and it is the first level minor realm in the pill formation stage. Even the most defiant monster will take half a year, or even one or two years, to barely break through!

But he made a breakthrough in an instant and was promoted on the spot, as easily as eating and drinking.

What’s even more frightening is that the young man in black had already been promoted once after killing Tang Cheng.

From the first level of the pill formation stage, he was promoted to the second level.

But now, just how long has passed, he has been promoted again, directly entering the third level of the Dan Formation Stage.

“Miss, miss, that boy…” The groom stuttered a little, his lips trembling.

He has traveled for thousands of years and has met countless figures of the older generation, as well as countless young geniuses, generation after generation, year after year.

However, there has never been anyone who can be as exaggerated as Qin Yi, to the extent that it is so outrageous that you can’t even use the word “defying heaven” to describe him.

“Mr. Wu, he is just a fallen genius. There is no need to pay attention to him anymore.” The woman in the carriage said coldly, no longer interested in the young man.

“No, no!” The groom was a little incoherent and wanted to explain but couldn’t.

“Not him?” the lady asked doubtfully.

“No, it’s him, the guy just now.” The groom said anxiously again, almost stamping his feet in a hurry.

“Didn’t I say it? There is no need to pay attention to the fallen people!” The lady was a little impatient.

“Miss, he is not dead yet, and he killed old man Guixing with one hand.”

At this moment, the groom mustered up the courage and said the whole sentence loudly in one breath.

Hearty and hearty, like Hong Zhong Da Lu!


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