Starting with 1Million Spirit Stones Chapter 117: Shameless things

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Yunze City has stood for thousands of years. Every building in the city is made of moire rock. It can be said to be indestructible and immortal for thousands of years.

Even a strong man at the peak of the foundation building stage would be unable to leave even a single trace on the moire rock with all his strength.

However, under the explosive pressure of Old Man Guixing, everything within a radius of several hundred meters collapsed and exploded.

The huge palm print tens of meters deep, like the hand of God, is clearly imprinted on the ground, and the billowing smoke and dust are blown up by the wind.

“Such a genius should have died in my hands. It’s a pity that he was a fool and provoked Old Man Guixing, the second true successor of the Star Sect five hundred years ago.”

Ling Yun held the sword in both hands and stood proudly in the void, telling a secret from the past.

The rickety old man in front of him, wrapped in linen and plain clothes, was actually a true disciple of the Star Sect five hundred years ago, and he was also the second most powerful true disciple.

Now, five hundred years have passed, but he is still in the realm of half-step golden elixir, unable to make any progress.

He even became the great elder of the Xingchen Sect, and was willing to become Tang Cheng’s protector, always protecting him and ensuring that the number one genius of the Xingchen Sect could grow and prosper.

“It turns out that he was the second true successor five hundred years ago. No wonder he is so terrifying. He can shake mountains with one palm!”

Xu Changqing looked at the huge palm print in front of him and couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

If it were him, and he received this palm directly, he would probably die without even a trace left.

The strength of the ghost star old man in front of him who is half a step into the golden elixir is already infinitely close to the real golden elixir stage. He is simply not something that the younger generation like them can compete with.

A gorgeous carriage stayed in the air.

The bead curtain was rolled up, revealing half of her stunning face, slightly confused.

“What happened in front?”

The sound of nature sounded, like clear spring water, as if the whole soul had been baptized.

“Miss, it seems that someone killed the number one true successor of Xingchen Sect, forcing Old Man Guixing to take action.” The driver’s eyebrows were downcast, like a mediocre old man, plain and simple.

“You mean Tang Cheng is dead? He must have angered the older generation! That prodigal son died a good death. Let people like Old Man Guixing be his protector. It’s really too humiliating.”

The beautiful figure behind the bead curtain speaks as warmly as jade, every word, slowly and clearly.

“Miss, he seems to be a young man. He killed Tang Cheng with one sword!” the groom replied.

“Young man? How is this possible? Even the prince cannot do this!”

The voice in the carriage clearly showed surprise and suspicion.

“This is what the old slave heard. Old Man Guixing did indeed take action, Dark Night Star Big Hand Seal. With his strength displayed, even the Golden Core Stage will be seriously injured.”

The groom said in a respectful tone.

“Old Ghost Star, the big handprint of the dark night star! Alas, what a pity. A genius who dies midway cannot be regarded as a genius.”

The bead curtain hung down again, and the cold voice seemed to be sighing quietly.

Kill the number one true successor of the Star Sect with one sword!

This is an absolutely shocking feat, requiring strength and courage that no ordinary person can match.

If she continues to grow, that person will definitely become a big shot comparable to the nine sect masters. She may even be crowned king and prime minister like her father, and become the top wealthy family in the Daqian Dynasty.

Unfortunately, his edge was too exposed.

As soon as he showed up, he was suppressed and killed by the older generation of monsters.

Old Ghost Star has already taken action with all his strength. He was a peerless genius five hundred years ago, a figure who once competed with the leader of the Star Sect for a big position.

With one palm, life and death are impermanent!

They are both peerless geniuses. One became famous in this world, while the other became famous five hundred years ago.

Whether it is strength, experience, or even killing methods, they are far superior to the other party.

Even the current prince of the Daqian Dynasty may not be able to gain much benefit from the old ghost star.

Not to mention a nobody.


A faint sigh came from the carriage.

The groom shook his head helplessly and sighed a few times.

Geniuses are common, but geniuses who can grow into giants are rare and rare in the world.

Many talented and brilliant people died on the way, their reputations disappeared, and no one even cared about them a hundred years later.

And that young man is probably the same.

“Did you see it? This is the result of provoking the Star Sect.”

“Oh, that’s a pity. Even if he was beaten to death, he might not have been punished to death, and now he wouldn’t have to end up like this.”

“Young and energetic, this person is too arrogant. He thinks he is invincible, but he doesn’t know that there is a sky outside the world, and there are people outside the world!”


Many people nearby saw this scene and started talking, lamenting the fall of a genius.

“Bah, what a **** genius! A genius who dies halfway can only be called a waste, and he is that waste!”

There was a young genius in the Dan Condensation stage who laughed arrogantly.

“Brother Wang, keep your voice down. It’s not good for you to criticize behind your back like this. What if someone hears you?” A young man next to him, who seemed to be his friend, couldn’t help but persuade him.

“What about scolding him behind his back? I scolded him and humiliated him head on, what can he do to me? He’s just a dead dog, what are you afraid of? I just spit at him, what can he do to me?”

The little genius laughed arrogantly, spat in his mouth, and prepared to spit it out.


A sound of cracking the sky.

It was as if cloth was torn, as if pieces of meat were being cut smoothly, just hearing it from a distance gave people a chilling feeling.

The smoke dispersed.

I saw a young man in black, standing with his sword put away, just like his original style.

But the little genius with a bad mouth just now was stunned on the spot, motionless.

“Shameless thing, be careful what you say next time. Ha, I’m sorry, it seems there is no next time for you.” Qin Yi chuckled lightly and turned to face Old Man Guixing.

After hearing this, everyone reacted and looked at the little genius who was at the ninth level of Condensation.

I saw that his entire face had been flattened by a sword, and he no longer had any breath.

The flesh and blood are **** and terrifying.

Even the young man standing next to him was so frightened that his face turned pale as paper, and he bent over and vomited wildly.

“You…you are not dead? I have clearly cut off all your vitality, and even the slightest breath has completely disappeared.”

Seeing this scene, Old Man Guixing’s eyes widened with disbelief.

The Dark Night Star Hand Seal just now was made with all his strength, and it could shatter mountains with one palm. Even a strong man at the ninth level of the Dan Formation Stage would definitely die.

And just now, after a palm fell, Old Man Guixing could clearly detect that the aura on Qin Yi’s body had completely disappeared.

That’s why he is so proud.

Even if five hundred years have passed, he is still the same person!


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