Starting with 1Million Spirit Stones Chapter 116: Old Ghost Star

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Like the autumn wind taking away fallen leaves, like flowing water taking away flower petals.

The moment Tang Cheng’s head hit the ground, the world was silent, as if time and space were frozen, and the expressions on everyone’s faces were surprisingly consistent.

Shocked and silent!

That unbelievable expression seemed to be shouting, what happened, what was the situation, how could Tang Cheng die?

“You, you, you…you killed Tang Cheng?”

Xu Changqing’s eyes widened, and even his voice was trembling.

Killing Tang Cheng with one sword is not a matter of strength, but a matter of courage and IQ.

What is Tang Cheng’s identity?

The first true inheritance of Xingchen Sect!

Beheading Tang Cheng in public is a public declaration that you will be the enemy of the entire Star Sect.

Moreover, a feud has been formed that will never end!

“What an idiot!”

Ling Yun said coldly, but he involuntarily stepped back, as if he wanted to avoid something.

“He killed Tang Cheng! He, he really killed Tang Cheng! That was the number one true successor of the Star Sect!”

“Who is this person? He killed Tang Cheng with one sword. Both his strength and his state of mind are so powerful that it’s scary!”

“No matter how strong he is, so what? If he offends the Star Sect, he is destined to be just a genius who died prematurely.”

“It’s over, it’s over, Tang Cheng is killed, the entire Xingchen Sect will be furious, this time it’s a breakthrough.”


Qin Yi ignored everyone’s gossip and swallowed all of Tang Cheng’s spiritual power in one breath.

His cultivation level began to skyrocket crazily!

In an instant, a direct breakthrough!

In the eyes of everyone who was stunned, Qin Yi had already entered the second level of the pill formation stage, and his combat power exceeded one hundred thousand horses.

Even his physical body was further strengthened by the nourishment of the flesh and blood essence, reaching the strength of five thousand horses.

At the same time, his big sword also made an escalating sound.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, the great sword has been successfully activated.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, the great sword has been successfully upgraded to a low-grade spiritual weapon.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, the great sword has been successfully upgraded to a medium-grade spiritual weapon.”


The big sword that saw blood for the first time seemed to have taken medicine and began to upgrade crazily. It was promoted from the lowest mortal weapon to a mid-level treasure in one breath.

“Damn it, you’re a swordsman and you can actually level up.” Qin Yi couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“I’m not called Big Sword, nor am I a swordman. Do you have the guts to ask me to try it again?” the swordman scolded angrily.

“Sword Man!” Qin Yi called again, followed immediately by – “Sword Man, Sword Man, Sword Man”.

“Just wait for death! The real **** is coming.”


As the swordman’s voice fell, a rickety figure crashed down like a shooting star or a meteorite.

The entire roof of the building was thrown away.

Countless rubble flew across, and a large amount of broken wood hit.

In the billowing smoke, the rickety old man wearing old linen clothes glanced at everyone with sharp eyes.

Finally, his eyes fell on Tang Cheng’s body and Qin Yi next to him.

The expression suddenly became angry!

“You! You! You! You actually killed me, the number one true successor of the Star Sect? I want you to die!”

The rickety old man took action directly.

His skinny right hand suddenly turned into a dark night sky with thousands of stars shining.

One palm exploded, like a starry sky collapsing down, carrying endless terrifying pressure!

That kind of power, that kind of momentum, as if the entire universe and billions of stars have all become your mortal enemy in an instant.

The sun, moon and stars are all repelling you, oppressing you, and attacking you!

“That’s it! The supreme secret skill of Xingchen Sect – the Dark Night Star Mahamudra! He actually knows the Dark Night Star Mahamudra!”

Seeing this scene, Xu Changqing looked horrified and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Humph, you don’t even know him? This is Tang Cheng’s protector, the great elder of the Xingchen Sect. As early as five hundred years ago, he was already a half-step golden elixir ghost star old man.”

Ling Yun said with a sneer, looking like he was waiting for a good show.

Xingchen Sect is famous for protecting shortcomings.

Anyone who dares to kill a Xingchen disciple, even the humblest outer disciple, will be hunted for thousands of miles by the entire Xingchen Sect.

Once upon a time, a strong casual cultivator in the Pill Formation Stage had a dispute with a Star sect disciple in the Foundation Establishment Stage. He got angry and killed him directly.

As a result, the loose cultivator in the core formation stage was hunted by the Xingchen Sect for three full years. He was even forced to jump into the sea and hid on an overseas fairy island. He did not dare to return to the mainland for hundreds of years.

Although that incident was small, it shocked the entire Daqian Dynasty.

The casual cultivator in the alchemy stage used several favors and even asked a great master in the golden elixir stage to intercede, but in the end it was of no use. The Xingchen Sect doesn’t care whether you are human or not, it just pursues you to the end.

From now on, everyone knows that the disciples of the Star Sect cannot be killed.

This also makes those people from the Star Sect often have their eyes above their heads and will not take others seriously at all.

In fact, even true disciples like Tang Cheng would not carry any jade talisman for death. Because they never believed that there were still people in this world who dared to kill the true disciples of their Xingchen Sect.

Last time, only a disciple who was in the foundation-building stage died, but he was already pursued like this, causing an uproar in the Daqian Dynasty.

Not to mention, the person who died this time was a true disciple of Xingchen Sect, and it was also the famous number one true disciple Tang Cheng.

Many people who knew the inside story of Xingchen Sect couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, and looked at Qin Yi with eyes full of sympathy.

This is a feud that will never end!

No matter how strong Qin Yi is and how talented he is, he cannot withstand the revenge of the entire Star Sect.

That was a major sect that had stood for more than 8,000 years in the Daqian Dynasty. Although it ranked lower among the nine major sects, it was still a genuine major sect, with several great masters of the Golden Core stage sitting in charge.

It is rumored that the leader of Xingchen Sect is the most powerful person who has entered the extremely high realm of the Golden Core Stage.

There are even rumors that the sect leader is already attacking Yuandan Avenue.


The huge explosion sounded like a mountain falling from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Old Ghost Star’s Dark Night Stars Mahamudra is simply the pinnacle.

One palm blast crushed a large area of ​​houses into powder.

That giant hand in the starry sky left a huge palm print tens of meters deep in Yunze City, which was shocking!

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the rubble collapsed.

I don’t know how many passers-by and bystanders suffered cruelly from Chi Yu, who was directly beaten to a pulp by the old man Guixing.

This great elder of the Xingchen Sect, a half-step golden elixir master, doesn’t care who you are or what your status is, he just wants to kill someone to pay for it with his life, even if he destroys the entire Yunze City.

“Bitch, you dare to harm my disciples of the Star Sect, this is your fate – death without a burial!”

Old Ghost Star’s words were extremely cold, and every word seemed to burst out from cracks in the ice, making people feel chilled.


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