Star Odyssey Chapter 702: Distant Dream


“I’m going to Qianrong Territory to find mentor Yifeng,” an interpreter said loudly, and jumped into the starry sky after speaking.

Following his words, the interpreters left one by one. The Taiyuan Star is over, so what’s the point of staying.

Delin’s eyes are complicated, and the Interpreter study is really over.

“You don’t plan to do anything? Let them leave. Even if you become the president in the end, you won’t have many people under your command,” Lu Yin said, looking around.

Although Ah Dun was injured, he was not in serious trouble.

It’s mainly because of where Temple went, I haven’t seen it since the moment the war started, but he has three pages of the original treasure in his hand.

Delin looked at Lu Yin, “Are you really willing to support me as president?”.

“Of course” Lu Yin said.

If it was before, Delin didn’t care whether Lu Yin supported him or not. The reason why she asked Lu Yin was to use Lu Yin’s identity to expose Sohar’s conspiracy, but now it is different. Lu Yin called on the interpreters to guard the real Jiedian, fighting to the last moment, helping Old Monster Li to kill the last enemy, in the hearts of these interpreters today, he has a certain influence.

“What are the conditions?” Dereen asked.

Lu Yin lifted the cosmic armor and smiled, “The Taiyuan star is over. I know that there is a place suitable for interpreters to survive. I hope you can move the headquarters of the outer universe interpreters research association there.”

Delin’s eyes flashed, “Canglan territory?”.

Lu Yin smiled lightly, “Not bad.”

Delin immediately refused, “Impossible, Taiyuan Star is the root of the Interpreter Research Association.”

“Wrong, the interpreter is the root of the interpreter research society. Without the interpreter, everything is just empty talk” Lu Yin said.

“Like Veron, you want to memorize the Whisperer” Delin’s tone was stiff, with resentment in her eyes.

Lu Yin smiled restrained, “It’s wrong again, I’m different from him, I’m not the planner or the executor of everything.”

Deline shuddered, “What do you mean?”.

Lu Yin looked at her, “Now that the president Kirlov is not here, the vice president Sohar has been expelled, the honorary vice president Li Laoguai died, Mr. Jun fled, and Yifeng went to the Wei family again. You are the only one who is qualified to be the president of the entire Interpreter Research Association, what would they think if you let these Interpreters know that it was you who planned everything behind the scenes?”.

Delin’s face was pale, staring at Lu Yin.

“If they know again that your president has been tricked from beginning to end, causing the research society to almost disintegrate, what will they think?” Lu Yin said indifferently.

“You threatened me” Delin clenched her fist, her soft face turned gloomy.

Lu Yin’s tone was stern, “I’m threatening you, either become the president and help me bring the interpreter research society to the Canglan territory. From now on, I will support you, and the entire Eastern Border Alliance will support you, or become a interpreter. The shame of the research society and the guilt of the disintegration of the research society, you choose one.”

Delin’s body trembled, her eyes flickered, sometimes murderous, sometimes helpless and resentful.

She wanted to kill Lu Yin, but she didn’t have the ability, “Even if you don’t say it, once I bring the interpreter research club to the Canglan territory, Wei Rong will also be exposed,” Delin said in a low voice.

Lu Yin said, “Maybe, but if you don’t do it, I’ll expose it immediately.”

De Lin looked at Lu Yin and begged, “I can make you the honorary vice president of the research society, and even obey your orders for many things. Can I keep the research society in the territory of Taiyuan?”.

Lu Yin sighed, “That’s why you are too small and stupid, Taiyuan Star is just a place set by the predecessors, just a place. At the moment when the Hall of True Interpretation collapsed, this symbol has no meaning anymore, what we have to do is to erect a new symbol, you and I, the creators of a new chapter of the Interpreter Research Association, do you understand?”

Delin froze in place, thinking.

Lu Yin said lightly, “Staying in Taiyuan Star, you will always be one of the presidents of the Interpreter Research Association, and you are the most useless president. Once the internal and external universes are connected, Kirlov returns, your The value will be gone, but when you go to the realm of Canglan, you will lead the creation of the new interpreter research society. Everything the interpreter has obtained is provided by you. The person they need to respect is you, not the president of the research society. title”.

“But what can I offer? If you rashly take the research society to the Canglan territory, will there be any interpreters willing to follow?” Delin said.

Lu Yin smiled lightly, “What did Yifeng do, you can do better than him.”

Delin was surprised, “You want me to share my experience with the language?”.

The corners of Lu Yin’s mouth curled up, “Not only you, but also many interpreters have to disclose their experience, such as Old Monster Li, as one of the assessment instructors, you should know the placement of the original treasures of the Research Society, and those original treasures are also You can take it out and share it, anyway, no matter what you do, I must bring those interpreters to the Canglan Territory, and in return, the Eastern Border Alliance and I will always support you.”

Delin pondered in place, still struggling.

More and more interpreters are leaving Taiyuan Star for the territory of Qianrong.

Lu Yin said indifferently, “Taiyuan Star is no longer suitable for survival. Make a decision as soon as possible. Otherwise, most of the interpreters will be taken to the Qianrong territory by Yifeng. Even if you become the president, it will not make much sense.”

Delin looked up, jumped up and flew into the distance, “I see.”

Lu Yin looked at her back, then looked to the ground, Wang Wen’s voice sounded in his ears, “Maybe this time, your harvest is greater than Wei Rong.”

“Hope, you let me destroy the core of Taiyuan Star, making Taiyuan Star uninhabitable. Can you really bring the interpreter research society to the territory of Canglan?” Lu Yin asked.

Wang Wendao, “Of course you can, as long as you control Delin, because the interpreters are too high-ranking, they don’t need to worry about many other things except taking the risk of interpreting the language, so many interpreters are like in the greenhouse. The flowers are not so proficient in dealing with people, and they have been protected by the research society for a long time. No one dares to deal with them. Their reliance on the research society is far beyond your imagination. Once Delin moves to Canglan in the name of the research society territory, most interpreters are still willing to go.”

Lu Yin nodded. He had a deep understanding of this. When he was still weak, he was able to survive until now by relying on the Whisperer’s Research Association. Otherwise, any member of the White Ye clan would be able to solve him. Dependence is indeed great.

“Brother Chess, let me ask you a question.” Wang Wen’s tone changed, and he asked curiously, “What exactly do you want to do when you set up the Dongjiang Alliance?”.

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, “Protect a territory in the east”.

“Just a piece of territory in the east?” Wang Wen’s tone rose, obviously in disbelief.

“What do you think?” Lu Yin replied.

“In fact, the resources of the outer universe are not much worse than those of the inner universe, and the scope is much larger than that of the inner universe. Once the seventy-two territories are united, it will be a very terrifying force, especially in terms of resources. The energy is beyond your estimation,” Wang Wendao.

Lu Yin said with emotion, “Yeah, unfortunately, the outer universe is too big, and no one can integrate resources. Even the endless shipping of the top chaebols claims to be able to traverse the outer universe, but they only occasionally come to the Canglan territory. Their routine The route only passes through more than 30 territories, and it is impossible to cover the entire outer universe.”

“If it was in the past, it was indeed impossible, but now it is different. The energy inflation has separated the inner and outer universes, and many places in the seventy-two outer universes have also been separated. This has also led to many things being solved easily without some constraints. As long as you have the ability, you can annex it step by step, just like your Eastern Border Alliance. If it was before, if you sought support from the inner universe in any territory, your Eastern Border Alliance would be completely over, but not now.”

“The Eastern Border Alliance can do it, and it can also be done further west. After all, there are too few superpowers in the outer universe. Although there are many resources, they have been occupied by the inner universe. If all these resources are used to develop the outer universe, the strong ones will be born. It may not be much worse than the inner universe…”.

Wang Wen said a lot in one breath, Lu Yin listened for a long time, and finally asked, “What do you want to say?”.

Wang Wen smiled, “Have you ever thought about completely integrating the outer universe?”.

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, “I thought about it when I was dreaming.”

“It’s not a dream now”.

“Can’t do it”.

“How do you know if you don’t do it”.

“Are you here to help me?”.

Wang Wen was silent for a while, “I can help you if you stay in the Jagged Territory for a long time. The premise is that you must fully integrate the Eastern Border Alliance as a gift to welcome me, and you will be very happy with my return gift. “.

“What return gift?’ Lu Yin looks forward to.

Wang Wen smiled and didn’t say anything, but said, “Brother Chess, the outer universe is not just as simple as the integration of resources. If you can rule the outer universe, the benefits you will get are unimaginable. You will know then. Now, let’s work hard in this direction, goodbye.” After finishing speaking, he hung up the communication.

Lu Yin looked up at the sky, integrating the entire outer universe, how far away the dream was, but it was very challenging.

If the Eastern Border Alliance can be established, why can’t the seventy-two territories of the outer universe be? How can you know if you don’t try.

During the distance, in the sky, Delin looked at the many interpreters who were dazed below. Did she really want to be Lu Yin’s puppet? She thought for a while, gritted her teeth and opened the personal terminal, and soon, a voice came out, “Mr. Delin, why did you contact me so late?”.

Delin resented, “Virong, you betray our agreement.”

“Teacher Delin, you can’t talk nonsense. Our agreement at the beginning was to help you expel Sohar and take the position of the president. I did it all. Sohar has been exiled, and the whole interpreter No one in the research society can threaten you, so the position of president is yours, right?” Wei Rong said with a smile.

Delin said angrily, “You let the Research Society disintegrate and let Wing Feng take away the interpreter. Does it make sense for me to sit in this chair? Your real purpose is to **** the treasures of the Research Society, and you use me.”

Wei Rong smiled lightly, “Don’t take the teacher’s words so seriously, since you think it’s pointless, why don’t you come to Qianrong territory to help me, you are so familiar with Yifeng teacher, and the cooperation will be very pleasant, Xiner is also very happy You are welcome, after all, you are her mentor.”


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