Star Odyssey Chapter 700: The second change of green pupil


An Qi still wanted to say something, but everything she wanted to say was blocked by Wei Rong.

Yifeng looked on with cold eyes, this woman is too far behind Weirong, Weirong planned to drag them all into the water from the beginning, as long as the one who participated in the attack on the Zhenjie Temple did not want to run away, he himself became the leader, but the price was To be accepted by all.

The most important thing is that these people didn’t know Wei Rong’s real purpose from the very beginning. They all thought that he wanted to **** the treasures of the Interpreter Research Association for countless years. This was just one of Wei Rong’s purposes.

To put it bluntly, this Taiyuan Star Change is Wei Rong’s first-hand director, snatching treasures, gathering interpreters, and – opening up an era.

This is the helm of the Wei family’s generation.

Since ancient times, the Wei family has produced wise men. This is the reason why the Wei family has never been born with a strong Enlightenment Realm, but can monopolize the territory of Qianrong. This generation of wise men is more terrifying and more ambitious.

Amu followed behind An Qi and looked at Wei Rong in amazement. This person played tricks on everyone, but the goal was also achieved, leaving others speechless. If you cooperate with this person, the future may really be true. can be successful.

Taiyuan Star, many interpreters are trying to appease others, but the effect is not great. Wing Feng’s notice makes many people want to go to Qianrong territory.

There’s nothing Li and Delin can do to stop him.

In the ruins of the Hall of True Interpretation, Lu Yin spoke to Wang Wen alone, “Let me gather the interpreters?”.

Wang Wen nodded and said with admiration, “We have to say that Wei Rong’s hand is beautiful, not only has it been treasured for countless years by the Understanding Whisperers Research Association, but he has also kidnapped the interpreters, and the consequences are determined by their several territories. Sharing the responsibility, he himself got the greatest benefit, and he deserves to be the person who can enter my eyes, a rare person with a little IQ, not bad, not bad.”

“Wei Rong used Yifeng to kidnap the Jieyuer, you also let me kidnap the Jieyuer?” Lu Yin asked.

Wang Wendao, “Of course, Wei Rong has already paved the way for you, and he can’t be left alone to enjoy the results. I asked you to call on the Whisperers to guard the Temple of True Interpretation, plus your reputation in the universe, The prestige is there, enough for you to kidnap a group of interpreters.”

“Most of Wei Rong’s ability to abduct Jieyu is because of Yifeng’s promise” Lu Yin said.

Wang Wen pouted, “Don’t you have Delin too?”

“Delin?” Lu Yin’s eyes lit up, yes, Delin and Yifeng are both assessment tutors, with the same status, Yifeng can turn away the interpreter, and Delin can also.

“Hehe, Delin has always wanted to be the president of the Confessorists Research Association. You support her to become the president as she wishes, and let her help you abduct a group of interpreters to the Canglan Territory. If she doesn’t Yes, you know, you have done a lot of this kind of thing,” Wang Wen smiled proudly.

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered, looking at the dilapidated Zhenjie Temple and the dejected interpreters, Wei Rong could abduct a group of them, and so could himself.

“Brother Chess, the outer universe will be very lively in the future. Hurry up and strengthen yourself now, otherwise some benefits will not be distributed to you.” Wang Wen said lazily, and hung up the communication after he finished speaking. It would be too clear, but Lu Yin understood it, without Wang Wen saying it, he had already thought of something when the Zhenjie Temple collapsed.

There are several behemoths in the outer universe. The Interpreter Research Association is one, the Clover Company, the Mebis Bank, the Aurora Spaceship Company, etc. These behemoths have stood in the outer universe for countless years, and even if their territories die, they will be fine. The Interpreter Research Association is now the first to be disintegrated, which will definitely cause a series of accidents. Who will be next?

Weirong really opened an incredible beginning, but Lu Yin smiled, he liked it, how to establish a new order without getting rid of these rotten behemoths, Wei Rong has already paved the way, walking on this road He is not the only one, it depends on who walks faster. At present, it seems that he is ahead of him, because the entire eastern territory has been united.

“Hey, why is there a secret room here?” Someone exclaimed, and everyone looked at it.

Lu Yin was about to chat with Delin, and when he heard this, he looked at it, and saw that there was a complete secret room in the ruined Zhenjie Temple, which had not been opened by those practitioners, but the door of the secret room was obviously damaged. Some, it’s not that those cultivators don’t want to open it, it’s that they can’t open it.

Lu Yin walked over to take a look. Suddenly, he turned his head in disbelief and saw the appearance of a terrifying number of runes coming from west to east. times the number, it is clear that there are at most the number of runes in the Cruising Realm before that direction.

bang bang bang bang…

The bodies of dozens of interpreters burst, and a figure wrapped in black carapace swept through the void and appeared in front of the secret room. With a punch, a sound of pong swept across the four corners of the room. The interpreter flew away, the void was twisted and torn apart, and the sound turned into a thunderous explosion.

Lu Yin’s eyes changed, with a terrifying physical strength.

It’s a pity that this punch didn’t blow the door of the secret room open, but only added a crack.

The man in the black carapace continued to throw the second punch, the third punch, one punch after another, trying to blast the door of the secret room open.

In the distance, Old Monster Li was horrified, “Hurry up and stop him, that is President Kirlov’s secret room, which contains the secrets of the Research Society, hurry up and stop him.”

Many interpreters rushed over to attack the people in black armor. These interpreters had the strength of cruiser or even the pinnacle of cruiser, but they were knocked back by a strong wind from the people in black. Here is the In the ruins of the Zhenjie Temple, the star energy is fixed, and no combat skills can exert the maximum destructive power, except for the physical strength, the physical strength of the man in black armor is terrifying.

Old Monster Li also made a move, Xing Neng turned into a vortex visible to the naked eye, trying to roll out the man in black armor, Lu Yin’s eyes were full of light, seeing Old Monster Li’s control of Xing Neng, making Xing Neng destructive Stop strengthening, this control is no less than top combat skills, and it is the most essential attack.

Delin, and two other mid-level interpreters in charge of the control shot at the same time.

Even Sohar was vigilant in the face of the joint attack of these people. The man in black armor was suppressed by pure star energy. No matter how strong his body was, he could not support it and was pressed into the ground.

But the next moment, Lu Yin shouted, “Be careful”.

The number of runes he saw in his eyes had increased tenfold again, and a cold and icy aura spread. This aura was very familiar to Lu Yin. The Corpse King of the New Humanity Alliance, this person is the Corpse King.

It can enhance the combat power ten times ten times, and there is only one such combat skill, the corpse king.

With a low roar, terrifying fluctuations came from the ground. The strong wind ripped through the void and shook Old Monster Li and several people back. The strong and fierce wind beat them all to the point of vomiting blood, and the man in black and shell jumped up. , Raising your fist to the void is a blow, the terrifying force shreds the void, and the cracks in the space spread like black lightning, swallowing many interpreters.

The dull oppressive force is like a planet hitting Taiyuan Star, causing most people on Taiyuan Star to vomit blood and faint, accompanied by that pair of cold and ruthless green pupils.

“Green pupil, it’s the Corpse King, the second change of the Corpse King, Seventh Brother, escape!” Guihou shouted, very flustered.

Not far away, Ku Wei’s pupils shrank, and there is a cruiser corpse king who can perform the second transformation. What is the New Humanity Alliance thinking? This corpse king must have been hidden in Taiyuan Star for a long time. He looked at Kirlov’s secret room, and there must be something there that made this corpse king can’t wait to shoot.

The corpse king only punched, and the top combat power among the interpreters was severely damaged. The old monster Li was seriously injured, and this blow almost broke his body.

With a bang, the corpse king turned to face the secret room with a punch. The power of this punch was comparable to the power of the previous ten punches, and it made a huge gap in the door of the secret room.

Lu Yin put on the cosmic battle armor and rushed towards the corpse king, “Don’t move the president’s secret room”, saying that he punched out, only the physical strength is the most real here.

The corpse king turned around, raised his fist, and threw out the same punch. He didn’t have fancy combat skills, he was fighting for his body.

With a loud bang, the void exploded, and the huge space crack vertically split the sky in half. The violent wind spread in all directions, and everyone was blown away.

The Queen of the Snake, the Straight Man of Metal, Xi Qi and others were all blown away by irresistible forces, and only a few people, such as Ah Dun and Ku Wei, could stand in place.

Lu Yin took a few steps back, only feeling the pain in his fist. The power of the corpse king made him feel through the cosmic armor. Compared with the physical strength, this corpse king was already abnormally stronger.

When Lu Yin first encountered the corpse king who turned into a corpse king, Lu Yin knew that this kind of combat skill would be very terrifying for the improvement of the body, but did not expect the improvement to be so exaggerated, almost tenfold. The body of the corpse king was originally strong. , far surpassing his peers, the first change of gray pupil increases physical strength tenfold, while the second change of green pupil increases ten times more on the basis of gray pupil, which is simply hopeless.

This physical force can already destroy most of the 200,000-strong Enlightenment Realm powerhouses. If it wasn’t for the space armor, Lu Yin would not dare to rush up.

Now he is worried about whether the space armor can block the physical power of the corpse king.

“Seventh brother, you’re crazy, this is the second change of Green Eyes, it’s equal to a hundred times stronger physical strength, the physical strength of the Corpse King is not much worse than yours, you rush up to seek death, run, no one blames you “Gui Hou shouted, and it was very panicked by the corpse king.

Lu Yin gritted his teeth, “shut up”, and then rushed up and punched again. He had already transferred all the three quicksands of life, and exploded with the strongest physical strength.

The corpse king’s green pupils were cold, and he also punched out.

It was a very simple counterattack, but it broke out with an attack intensity that made everyone’s scalp numb. The thunderous noise that turned into a sound wave kept blasting, almost tearing the sky apart, and the entire Taiyuan Star fell into a doomsday scene.

The mountain forest collapsed, the magma splashed, Lu Yin and the Corpse King fell into the ground at the same time, the ruins of the True Solution Hall turned into powder, and only Kirlov’s secret room sank with them.

A huge fissure spreads along the ground, engulfing the distant mountains.

Lu Yin widened his eyes and looked at the green pupil, his fists were weak for a while, and in front of him, the corpse king punched again, Lu Yin resisted the pain in his arm and continued to attack, and the explosion of dozens of punches shattered the entire ground. , large tracts of land collapsed, and Taiyuan Star shook.


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