Star Odyssey Chapter 699: The name of Weirong


Old Monster Li was not dead, but his injuries were not minor. The blood-stained man was supported by several interpreters. He looked at Sohar, who was standing high in the sky with a blank expression, “Is this what you want?”

Sohar’s eyes changed, looking at Old Monster Li, he said in a deep voice, “It has nothing to do with this old man.”

Delin angrily accused, “Sohar, if it wasn’t for your tricks behind your back to prevent the arrival of the middle-level interpreters, these thieves wouldn’t have succeeded, and it was also because you entangled Senior Li, which led to the Palace of True Interpretation. Defeat, you are not only the sinner of Taiyuan Star, but also the sinner of the entire Interpreter Research Association.”

“Yes, sinner,” one of the commenters scolded red-eyed, regardless of Sohar’s identity.



Many people echoed.

Sometimes mistakes need to be borne by someone, and some people also need to vent their emotions. At this moment, due to Delin’s guidance, Sohar became the scapegoat. Although he was sure that Delin was behind the scenes, he couldn’t justify it.

Lu Yin looked at Sohar’s blank stare. Although this old man had some means, he was too smooth in terms of interpretation and cultivation. He didn’t have the ability to deal with the current situation. The so-called vice president is over.

Sohar trembled in the high air, staring at Delin, “I know it’s you, but I didn’t expect it to be you who hides the deepest.”

Delin shouted, “Sohar, don’t quibble, all your actions are seen by everyone. As a former vice president, you should take responsibility, not shirk.”

Sawhar’s eyes narrowed, murderous intent awe-inspiring, and glanced down. Many commentators looked at him with grief and indignation, as if they were going to eat people.

Sohar wanted to shoot, but he was like a deflated ball. He closed his eyes, and the field spread. He was looking for Temple. He couldn’t do it as the vice president, but as long as he could get Yuanbao really understands the three pages, and in the future, he can enter the inner universe and even the headquarters of the New Universe Interpreter Research Association with his powerful ability, and start over.

Strangely though, Temple is gone.

Actually, many people are looking for Temple, because he has three pages of the original treasure in his hand, which is priceless, but since the moment Sohar shot Delin, he disappeared, and the battle did not see him at all shadow.

More and more accusations came into Sohar’s ears. He wanted to kill Delin, but if he did, he would completely break with the research society and completely cut off the possibility of rejoining the research society.

Helpless, Sohar left, bewildered, grief-stricken, and murdered with Ling Lie.

Laogua Li had a complicated look, sighed, and looked back at the Hall of True Interpretation. However, in one day, the headquarters of the Research Association, which once deterred the outer universe, was completely divided, and even the Hall of True Interpretation, a symbol of status, was turned into ruins. He didn’t know it. What to do now.

Delin saw Sohar leave, her eyes flashed with joy, Sohar left, and only Mr. Jun and Yifeng could compete with her for the position of president in the research society, and Mr. Li was the honorary vice president. , are not eligible to participate in the competition.

As for Mr. Jun, he was on Sohar’s side, and he had already left, as well as Wing Feng, wait, what did Delin suddenly think of, Wing Feng?

“Senior, where is Wing Feng?” Delin looked at Old Monster Li and asked.

Old Monster Li also changed his face, yes, where is Yifeng? At that time, he fought with Sohar and asked Yifeng to support Zhenjie Temple. With Yifeng’s strength, even if he encountered the strongest enemy Impossible to disappear silently, but what about others?

At this moment, one person was startled, “It’s mentor Yifeng, mentor Yifeng contacted me.”

Many people looked at it, and Old Monster Li looked the same as Delin.

“Teacher Yifeng said that Taiyuan Star is broken and is no longer suitable for the life of the interpreter. He found a planet suitable for the interpreter in the Qianrong territory. On that planet, the light comes from an original treasure , he called on all the interpreters to go and explore,” said the interpreter who received the notice from Wing Feng, who is a junior interpreter with two-star bright eyes.


Soon, other people received notices one after another, all of which were exactly the same, calling on the interpreters to go to the Qianrong territory to explore an original treasure.

Old Monster Li and Delin looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other’s eyes.

“There is another message from Yifeng mentor, saying that as long as the interpreter settles on that planet, he can get the full support of Qianrong’s territory, and at the same time he will selflessly dedicate his years of interpreting experience, For the interpreters to visit and learn, to abandon the old-fashioned concepts,” said the interpreter excitedly.

The people around hurriedly gathered in the past to discuss. They didn’t care about what to support them. They have been offered since becoming a language interpreter, and it is almost not bad, but Yifeng’s many years of interpreting experience are invaluable, and these interpreters cannot Resist temptation.

More and more interpreters received the notification, and their hearts were excited. After all, there were very few interpreters born in Taiyuan Star. Most of them were not from Taiyuan Star, or even from the territory of Taiyuan. In the same way, only some interpreters firmly believe that Taiyuan Star is the headquarters of the interpreter research association, and to abandon Taiyuan star is to betray the interpreter research association.

For a while, the two sides began to argue, and it became more and more heated.

Old Monster Li immediately contacted Yifeng and wanted to ask what he was doing, but Yifeng didn’t answer.

Delin is also contacting Wing Feng, but no one picks up.

They have a bad feeling.

Starry sky, inside the spaceship, Wei Rong stood in the transparent metal and looked out. The dark starry sky is very beautiful. Just like everyone’s future, there are many bright lights, but few people can catch them. He saw the representative His brightest star is trying to grab it.

“I’ve finished what you asked me to do,” an indifferent voice sounded behind itself.

The corners of Wei Rong’s mouth rose, he slowly turned around, and said with a smile, “Wei Family welcomes you back, Master Yifeng.”

Appearing behind Wei Rong is Yi Feng, who was assigned by Old Monster Li to guard the Zhenjie Temple but disappeared for no apparent reason.

Looking at Wei Rong’s smile, Yi Feng’s face was indifferent, “You laugh as disgustingly as him”.

Wei Rong’s eyes flashed, “What are you talking about, my uncle or your adoptive father?”.

Yifeng’s voice was indifferent, “He’s dead, but you got his true biography, and even dared to deal with the Whisperer’s Research Association. At the beginning, he just let me join the research group and recruited the interpreter for the Wei family. What you have done is more ruthless than him.”

Wei Rong laughed, “The times are different, Master Yifeng, no, Uncle Weiyi”.

Yifeng frowned, “Call me Yifeng, I don’t need that name for a long time.”

“But it’s still in the family tree of Wei,” Wei Rong said.

Wing Feng’s body trembled and his eyes softened, “Do you know what you are doing? You are playing with fire, and you can easily burn yourself to death, including the entire Wei family.”

Wei Rong shrugged, “Since you play, you have to have fun, but I didn’t expect you to be willing to cooperate with me. It seems that my uncle has a great influence on you.”

Yifeng’s eyes miss him, “Don’t mention him to me again.”

“Okay, let’s get down to business, how many interpreters do you think are willing to come to Qianrong’s territory?” Wei Rong asked.

Yifeng said lightly, “A lot, my experience in interpreting language is invaluable, and being able to learn it for free is the dream of any interpreter.”

“That’s good, otherwise I’ll work hard to calculate Taiyuan Star, and it’s not worth taking away some treasures in the end,” Wei Rong said.

Wing Feng looked at him, “What price did you pay to unite Butterfly Shadow Territory, Saint Asia Territory, Endless Shipping and Aegis? Even the egret lord invited out.”

Wei Rong said with a smile, “They are all human beings. Humans have desires and weaknesses, so it’s not difficult.”

Yi Feng said indifferently, “Originally, it was not so easy for Taiyuan Star to find out who was behind the scenes, but if you asked me to send a notice, it was like telling everyone that you were attacking Taiyuan Star, so aren’t you afraid?”.

Wei Rong walked to the transparent metal with a light smile, “There are always people who are at the forefront of the times. It’s also possible.” Speaking of this, he looked at Yifeng, “Conquering the smooth road.”

Yifeng narrowed his eyes and looked at the starry sky, “You have more courage than him, but you don’t know the interpreter. Maybe, you will be smashed to pieces and take the Wei family with you.”

“Maybe, but you’re still here, haha” Wei Rong was not worried.

With a bang, An Qi suddenly rushed in and was about to speak when she saw Yi Feng standing behind Wei Rong, her eyes changed, and then she looked at Wei Rong, “It’s really you, why did you do this? It was said before that the treasures in the Hall of True Explanation were hidden, but now you have asked Yifeng Mentor to send that kind of notification, didn’t you tell others that we did this?”.

Wei Rong smiled lightly, “It’s not us, it’s me, don’t worry, no one can find out about you.”

Angie frowned, “You think you can’t find us if we find it? Can you block thousands of interpreters with your Wei family?”.

Wei Rong smiled, “I’ll give you an introduction before answering your question.” He pointed to mentor Yifeng, “This is mentor Yifeng, formerly known as Weiyi, an elder of our Wei family.” .

Angie was surprised, “Wing Feng mentor is a member of your Wei family?”.

Weirong nodded, “So, Taiyuan Star is no longer suitable for living after the war. Is it wrong for our Wei family to invite the elders to return to the Qianrong territory? As for the elders who selflessly dedicate their own interpretation experience, is it wrong?”

Angie said coldly, “Don’t play word games with me, everyone is not a fool, you grasped the timing too well, it is easy to be associated with the group of people who entered the Hall of True Interpretation, once you think of it, you may find it The clues will dig out all of us.”

Weirong didn’t care, “So what, An Qi, forgot what I told you before?”.

Angie’s eyes flickered, looking at Wei Rong’s confident expression, she was unconsciously attracted again.

“The times have changed, the Interpreter Research Association is only the first, but by no means the last. If we dare to do it, we must let others know that this is the attitude of the leader.” Wei Rong said loudly.

“But you’ll make us hostile to thousands of interpreters” Angie said.

Wei Rong laughed, “Thousands? You look at Taiyuan Star too highly, how many of the so many interpreters are left over from the inner universe, and how many care about Taiyuan Star? Not to mention that there are already quite a few. The critics want to come to Qianrong’s territory to follow Yifeng mentor, this behemoth has fallen, you don’t have to be afraid.”


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