Star Odyssey Chapter 63: Release the black stick


For the people of the earth, the news of the trial of the Daewoo Empire is out of reach. They only know that the doomsday was born, and then a strong man appeared to guard the gathering place for them. What happened, no one knows except a limited number of people.

Students were picked up one after another on the spaceship. There were 237 students in this trial, and only 150 returned to the spaceship alive, which means one trial, they died Eighty-seven students, when the data was reported to Sikenmaldo, his face was calm, and the death rate was not high.

Any trial has a 50% mortality rate, as long as it is controlled within 50%, of course, no one cares if it exceeds the appropriate amount, unless some powerful children die.

There are many students at the level of Granny who are in high spirits. They originally only planned to occupy one place, and they could just come back alive, but the strongest students in the academy, especially the second batch of trial students, were in a very high mood. Unhappy, each with a sullen face, how ugly it is.

Among the Earthlings, Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue joined the Daewoo Empire. One of them has cross-border combat power and the other has talent, and both can directly join the Imperial Court Thirteenth Team. Zhou Shan and Wu Sheng are also allowed to join the Daewoo Empire. , but the two refused and wanted to continue to stay on Earth.

Xiken Maldo didn’t care either. The two were far worse than Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue. Even if they joined the empire, they were just ordinary soldiers.

In addition to them, the earthlings who joined the Daewoo Empire also include the Tianzhu bitter monk Shiwuzhang, who is also the only one who joined the Daewoo Empire in an exceptional manner besides Zhang Dingtian and the others.

Lu Yin was treated for two hours before the injuries on his chest were brought under control.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue.

“How’s it going?” Lu Yin asked weakly.

Zhang Dingtian said in a low tone, “It’s over, the earth will remain the same, the Daewoo Empire will send people to continue monitoring, and will also send soldiers to clean up the zombies on the earth, Lu Yin, thank you.”

“Thank you” Bai Xue also said gratefully.

Lu Yin coughed and walked down to the ground, looking at the white clouds outside, “Are you going to leave?”.

Zhang Dingtian nodded, “Zhou Shan and Wu Sheng decided to stay on Earth. Besides the three of us, there is another Earthling who joined the Daewoo Empire, the bitter monk Shiwuzhang of Tianzhu.”

Lu Yin was surprised, “Tianzhu bitter monk? Is it very powerful?”.

Zhang Dingtian said admiringly, “This is a strange man, see for yourself, he is outside, Daewoo Empire will arrange for us to join Yutang.”

Lu Yin walked out of the treatment room and saw Tianzhu bitter monk at a glance. It was too different. He was barefoot and only half-dressed. The whole body was bronze-colored, very thin and skinny. People, what is more important is that this person raised his right hand high, I don’t know how long it has been raised, it has long been withered and deformed, becoming less like a hand, more like a branch, and the beard is tied round and round around the dry right hand. .

Anyone passing by is surprised to see it.

Lu Yin was stunned for a moment, “This, is the Tianzhu bitter monk Shiwu stick?”.

Zhang Dingtian, a strong-willed person, looked a little weird at Shi Wuzhang, not to mention Bai Xue, Lu Yin even felt that she was frightened.

“He is Shi Wuzhang, the only person on earth who did not receive anything from Qingyu and broke through to explore the realm, defeated Haidian, and has the strongest combat power in the academy,” Zhang Dingtian said solemnly.

Lu Yin wondered, “How did he become a cultivator?” It would be difficult for Shi Wuzhang to fight mutant beasts like this, not to mention mutant beasts, they have no advantage over ordinary people.

“I don’t know, he hasn’t spoken yet” Zhang Dingtian said.

“I can answer this question for you” Sikenmaldo came over, and the people around him immediately saluted.

Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue were indifferent. They joined the Daewoo Empire to become stronger. They didn’t like the Daewoo Empire. Of course, there was no hatred. After all, the evolution of the planet was brought by Qingyu, and it had nothing to do with the Daewoo Empire.

Lu Yin looked at Xikenmaldo and asked, “You don’t seem to be the same to me, why?”.

Sikenmaldo smiled, “I will explain to you, the spaceship is about to leave the earth, do you have anything to explain?”.

Lu Yin pondered for a while and said, “Go to Jinling and pick up a man named Xu San, he is my little brother.”

Xikenmaldo nodded and didn’t ask more. He gave an order to the personal terminal, and then said, “I can answer you about the question just now.” After saying that, Xikenmaldo glanced at the Wuwu stick, and said yes. Lu Yin said, “This is a person with great perseverance. He sits alone in the middle of two groups of mutant beasts fighting, his body is covered in blood, his face is not afraid. After the beast group is killed, he picks up energy crystals and swallows them to explore the realm. This person has very little perseverance. See, there is unimaginable persistence in my heart.”

The three of them looked at Lu Yin in surprise. They sat alone on the battlefield where the beasts were fighting. When they were ordinary people, this guy was crazy, and he was not eaten?

“I made an exception for this person and let him join the Daewoo Empire. His perseverance has aroused the interest of some people, and he may have a bright future” Sikenmaldo said to Lu Yin.

At this moment, Shi Wuzhang raised his eyes, looked at Lu Yin with turbid eyes, got up, stepped on the cold metal floor with his bare feet, came to Lu Yin, and slowly bent over.

Lu Yin was puzzled.

“Xie-Xie” Shi Wuzhang’s voice was hoarse, and it seemed that he hadn’t spoken for a long time.

Lu Yin said, “You’re welcome, you don’t seem to be from Tianzhu.”

Shi Wuzhang stood up straight, “I was born in the Tibetan Peak of Huaxia, and I practiced in Tianzhu.” After speaking, he bent down again and saluted, and turned to leave.

Siken Maldo has also left. He will be responsible for the aftermath, and there is a lot to do.

“Come on, let’s take a tour. This is the super-large spaceship of the Daewoo Empire. The value of a spaceship is comparable to an ecological planet,” Lu Yin said.

“I’m not going, there is a gravity room and a small library here, I’m going to have a look,” Zhang Dingtian said lightly, then left.

Lu Yin looked at Bai Xue, this woman was breathtakingly beautiful and looked really comfortable.

Bai Xue had not recovered from the Liu Shaoge incident, so she apologized to Lu Yin and left.

Lu Yin is helpless, the two stuffy gourds, it’s better to leave the Shi Wuzhang behind, that guy’s shape is so intimidating, most people really don’t dare to take him out and take it out.

This super-large spaceship is called Perseverance. It is a spaceship specially designed to transport trial students. There are more than three hundred spaceships, and all the personal spaceships of the trial students have been recovered and placed on the Perseverance.

The Perseverance is divided into a training area, a mechanical area, a living area, an observation area, an operation area, etc. Lu Yin is now in the living area, and it is the topmost floor, a single-person house, even equipped with a swimming pool, medical department, etc. There are only three places in the entire Perseverance ship of this size, and he occupies one place, which is better than the sara tree.

Other students live on the next floor, with hundreds of rooms, each of which is very large, but it is very different from Lu Yin’s residence.

Lu Yin walked to the next floor. The students who lived here were mostly students, the staff lived on the other side, and the soldiers lived on the bottom floor.

The living area is surrounded by layers of transparent metal. Lu Yin tried it, and it was quite hard.

“This kind of metal can only be smashed by a strong person who walks through the starry sky. With your strength, even if you want to leave a trace, it is impossible.” Not far away, Charlotte slowly approached with a gentle smile, smiling lightly. Look at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin turned back and wondered, “Why didn’t Tianzhu see you in the first battle?”.

Charlote laughed, “Not interested.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, “As a trial student, I’m really curious about how you wouldn’t be interested in trial tasks with your strength.”

Charlotte walked to Lu Yin’s side, looked at the clouds outside through the metal, and vaguely saw the huge turtle’s tail swiping back and forth, “As long as the trial is achieved, there is no need to struggle with tasks.” Saying this, Charlotte turned her head Looking at Lu Yin, “Congratulations, you defeated Qingyu, this record is enough to make the Daewoo Empire look at you with admiration.”

Lu Yin shrugged, “It’s just a trick, I can’t beat him at all.”

“There are no tricks in this universe, victory is victory, Lu Yin, no, Brother Lu, do you know what it means to defeat a Night Royal clan member?” Charlotte smiled lightly.

Lu Yin shook his head.

Charlot looked out deeply, “It means, you have entered the sight of the Bai Ye clan, unless you don’t go to the inner universe, as long as you go, the Bai Ye clan will stare at you.”

Lu Yin moved his shoulders, “That means I’m in trouble.”


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