Star Odyssey Chapter 619: Children’s Terrace


After watching for a while, Lu Yin didn’t move.

The besieged people noticed him long ago, and they were glad to see that he didn’t move, lest he need Yan Xiaojing’s help just like Fatty, then it would be troublesome.

With a bang, one of the divine armored guards was smashed and completely abolished, and another divine armored guard was on top, and everyone gradually became exhausted.

“Brother Lian, you rest, I’ll come.” Yan Xiaojing stepped forward, a phantom appeared behind him, exactly the same as Fatty. It should be said that the phantoms behind this group of people are all the same, the difference is that some are blurry, some are clear, and The phantom behind Yan Xiaojing was the clearest, and Lu Yin could even see the phantom’s facial features, and it was indeed a human, an old man.

What does this mean? Why is the phantom of people behind them, and can still bless them? Is this the print the fat man said?

Yan Xiaojing blessed the power of the phantom, and defeated a guard of the gods with one palm. It blurs and gradually disappears.

Lu Yin saw the pleading eyes of the fat man in the crowd, his eyes narrowed, no need to wait, he saw everything he should see, thought, and rushed over, appeared behind a guard of gods, and shot it with a palm. , Hundred Times Wave Palm, with a sound of pong, the head of the guard of God Armor flew up, followed by Lu Yin’s continuous display of Hundred Times Wave Palm. For his body, the Hundred Times Wave Palm has no burden. If he transfers three quicksands, he can even Use a higher-intensity wave palm, but to deal with the guards, a hundred times wave palm is enough.

As soon as Lu Yin made a move, he directly destroyed seven or eight guards of divine armor. Those who watched were stunned, and even Yan Xiaojing was shocked. She made a move with all her strength, but she could not destroy three guards with Yinzhao and combat skills. With physical strength to such a degree, it is definitely not the children of blood ancestors, only the children of Wuzu can do this kind of thing.

With a bang, Lu Yin killed another **** armored guard, pulled up the fat man and left, the group of people froze for a while, and then quickly followed.

“Xiaojing, Xiaojing, come and follow Fat Brother” Fatty shouted.

Half of the dozens of divine armor guards were destroyed, and Lu Yin didn’t plan to deal with the remaining half.

After running for a while, everyone escaped the pursuit of the guards and sat on the path in a state of embarrassment, gasping for breath.

Fatty thanked Lu Yin, and then hurried to Yan Xiaojing’s side to show his hospitality. Others were very unhappy, but because of Lu Yin’s existence, they didn’t dare to ridicule Fatty again. They felt a kind of shock to Lu Yin, They all guessed that this person came from the territory of Wuzu, and only those martial madmen could exercise their bodies so strongly.

Yan Xiaojing pushed Fatty away, walked over to Lu Yin, and said with a smile, “Yan Xiaojing in the Yan family in the Lower Blood Burning Region”.

Lu Yin looked at her and didn’t respond.

The fat man hurriedly came up and licked his face and smiled, “Xiao Jing, I told you, my brother is deaf and mute, he can’t hear or speak.”

Yan Xiaojing looked at Lu Yin’s eyes, looked at each other for a while, nodded, made a gesture of thanks, and then left.

Lu Yin looked at Yan Xiaojing’s back, with a good temperament and a good figure, no wonder the fat man was clinging to others.

“Brother, my friend’s wife, don’t bully” Fatty suddenly stood in front of Lu Yin and said something very serious.

Lu Yin was speechless and turned to look in another direction.

The woman he likes thinks that all men in the universe like it. This is a common problem for men. He also worried that everyone likes Ming Yan, understand.

“Seventh brother, this fat fat guy doesn’t have any self-knowledge. That woman doesn’t look like a fuel-efficient lamp, so she would like him? Just kidding.” Gui Hou mocked.

Lu Yin also thinks so.

“Xiao Jing, why didn’t you wait for Fat Brother, Fat Brother almost missed you” Fatty pestered Yan Xiaojing to tell the pain of lovesickness.

Yan Xiaojing was helpless, “You better go back, there are many dangers in the Daoyuan Sect, and it is easy to die.”

“Fat brother is not afraid, wherever Xiaojing goes, fat brother will go” Fatty declared his ambition.

Yan Xiaojing doesn’t know what to say anymore. She is also very helpless towards this fat man. If it’s a normal suitor, it’s fine. She can beat him up, but this fat man’s Huang family has a marriage contract with the Yan family since ancient times, so it should be with them. For a generation, she was indeed Fatty’s fiancee.

“I said Fatty, you’re going to die. The person that Sister Jing likes is Big Brother Qiuhan, and Big Brother Qiuhan also likes Sister Jing. They both love each other, you can’t get in.” A woman sneered, It’s that lady Kwai.

Fatty counterattacked, “Don’t think that Fatty doesn’t know, you also like Qiu Hanqing, don’t you have a chance when Fatty marries Xiaojing? If you don’t help Fatty, you still think about breaking the stage, stupid.”

Sister Kui was about to fight back, but she held back, thinking that Fatty was right.

A man on the other side was in a hurry. He liked Sister Kui, “Don’t talk nonsense, Fatty Fatty, Sister Jing and Brother Qiuhan are a match made in heaven. Together, they are the strongest family in the Burning Blood Region.”

“What are you anxious about, don’t worry, Qiu Hanqing won’t like a woman like Sister Kui, you still have a chance, don’t get excited” Fatty waved his hand.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, but then reacted and glared at Fatty, “Damn Fatty, what did you say? Dare to insult Sister Kui.”

Sister Kui was also angry, “Damn fat man, say it again”.

The fat man rolled his eyes.

Lu Yin is funny, this fat man is really interesting.

Yan Xiaojing was impatient, “Okay, don’t talk anymore, don’t bring in the guards of the armored armor again.” After speaking, she glared at Fatty and told him to stay away, but she obviously underestimated Fatty’s face, where did she go , Where did the fat man follow, a little tired.

Lu Yin recalled what Fatty had said to him on the road, ‘Trouble until she gave up resistance’, and I have to say, Fatty is very determined and has a unique talent in this regard.

After resting for a while, everyone regained their star energy, Yan Xiaojing glanced at Lu Yin, and then said to everyone, “Continue on the road, Shenjia Gate has already passed halfway, as long as you pass Shenjia Gate, the following is Zhizitai, the legend of Zhizitai believes that Everyone has heard that it is possible to obtain combat skills, exercises, exotic treasures, bloodlines and even secret techniques.”

Yan Xiaojing’s words made everyone excited, and some even had shortness of breath.

The most important thing for them is blood and secret techniques, especially secret techniques. Even the family of the Impressors of the Universe may not have them. Any kind of secret techniques is born from the creation of the heavens and the earth, turning corruption into magic The effect of , as long as they get the secret technique, they can leap over everyone and stand in a position that countless people look up to.

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered, this place is much the same as the universe he is in, such as the division of realms, such as the absorption of star energy, such as combat skills, exercises, etc., then, the secret techniques should also be the same, a The sect, actually put the secret technique on the so-called child platform, is it because there are too many secret techniques?

Gui Hou couldn’t believe it either, “It should be fake, it’s a trick to deceive those beginner disciples, how could someone store secret techniques in a place where so many people can reach, and there is no danger, jokes, truths are secrets easy to obtain.”

Lu Yin also agrees that although he has not practiced for a long time, the people and things he has come into contact with are comparable to ordinary practitioners. So far, he has only seen Yu Zi Mi and You Zi Mi, Liu Shaoqiu, Mu Rong, Lingque, Curse Those talented geniuses of Feng have no secret techniques, so it can be seen that it is not so easy to get.

Yan Xiaojing just encouraged her, and then led everyone along the path.

The fat man followed behind her diligently, almost drooling, and many people were unhappy watching it.

Lu Yin walked at the end, no one communicated with him, everyone knew that he was deaf.

Soon, the sky will be dark again. In terms of time, it is estimated that this road will take two days and two nights, and now it has already gone halfway.

Everyone rested for a while and continued to walk forward.

From time to time, the fat man came to Lu Yin’s side to make a smile, and then went to pester Yan Xiaojing, walking back and forth, not too tired.

“Damn fat man, people running back and forth are annoying, don’t lead out the guards of the gods” Sister Kui shouted angrily.

The fat man rolled his eyes, “You learn from the fat brother, run more, and make your thighs thinner. Maybe Qiu Hanqing can accept you because of your long legs. Of course, he is definitely not as good as us. Home quiet”.

Sister Kwai was furious.

Suddenly, Lu Yin’s expression changed, and he looked behind, someone came.

After a while, Yan Xiaojing felt it in the field, looked back with a solemn expression, and a figure approached quickly.

Soon, even those without the field felt the star energy fluctuations coming from the rear. Everyone looked at a man in a gray cloth with metallic shoes on his feet, rushing towards him and quickly swept away. Passing the crowd, heading towards the heights, without even looking at the crowd.

“It’s a master in the Martial Ancestor Territory” someone said solemnly, looking at Lu Yin.

Yan Xiaojing also glanced at Lu Yin, “Keep going.”

Lu Yin stared at the back of the grey-clothed man, surprise flashed in his eyes, the moment the man passed by, the strong wind spread over the surface, making him feel extremely strong power, it was pure physical power, no weaker than his normal state .

I didn’t expect that a random person would have such strength, and he was not very old. What is this place? Is it, in the new universe? Lu Yin guessed.

The crowd didn’t say much, and continued to move forward. It wasn’t long before they found the broken armored guard. “It should be the handwriting of the person just now. These madmen in the Martial Ancestor Region are all perverts.” After a moment, his heart jumped, he glanced at Lu Yin, and he was relieved when he saw that he had no reaction. These people all thought that Lu Yin was from the Martial Ancestral Region.

“Not necessarily, the bloodline of many people in our blood ancestors can enhance the physical strength, no worse than that group of martial arts lunatics, such as the fat man’s black cow, it is very durable” Sister Kui teased.

“That’s right, Fatty is really durable” someone echoed.

The fat man rolled his eyes. Durability is an advantage, otherwise he would have died early.

What Lu Yin wants to know most now is the division of the region by these people. The blood ancestor domain and the martial ancestor domain are completely different from the boundaries and flow boundaries in the universe.

The sky will be bright soon, not far from the end of the road.

Suddenly, Lu Yin’s expression changed, and he felt a lot of guards rushing in this direction in the field. In front of the guards, there was a fast man, faster than the man in gray before. Quick, and more importantly, this man is on all fours, like a rat.


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