Star Odyssey Chapter 618: Daoyuanzong


After walking for a long time, it was already dark. Lu Yin sat on the tree and looked up at the sky. I didn’t expect the night sky in this place to be very beautiful.

“Brother, how many days can your Daopu let you stay here?” Fatty asked suddenly, then annoyed, “Forget, you are deaf.”

Lu Yin’s heart moved, Dao Pu? It should be that futon, how many days can I stay? It means that there is a time limit, and everyone’s time is different. After thinking about it, he plans to take out Daopu and see what Fatty will say.

But the next moment, his expression changed, and he could not open the ring.

What the hell? Why can’t the congealing ring be opened? Lu Yin tried several times and it was the same. He suddenly remembered a detail. Fatty is weaker than him, but he is considered an elite genius compared to many people. , Is it because the Ningkong ring can’t be opened?

Lu Yin lay down and recalled what Fatty said in one day. First of all, this place is called Daoyuanzong. This is the gate where Daoyuanzong tests its disciples, called Shenjiamen. Fatty’s cultivation method is very strange. What, and the place where Fatty’s cultivation system is located, the imprinter seems to be a sign, or a synonym for the strong, and Fatty said that he is in the Exploration Realm, which proves that this place is connected to the universe, otherwise the realm will not be the same .

While connected, there is another cultivation system. Could it be that you have come to a very distant territory in the outer universe? No, this kind of cultivation system is very powerful, and the fat man has blessed so much combat power. It can’t be the outer universe, is it a fluid world in the inner universe? Lu Yin guessed.

“Brother, why do you think Xiaojing doesn’t accept me? Is it because I’m not handsome enough for Fat Brother? In fact, Fat Brother was very handsome when he was a child. I think back when I was ten years old…”.

Lu Yin looked at the fat man with admiration, his narcissistic and sad childhood life, no, it was a sad life, he was still alive, and he was very happy, such a person would be sorry for his fat body when he died.

“Brother Fat tells you a secret, a secret that even Xiaojing doesn’t know. Brother Fat declares that the bloodline of the fusion is Wu Niu, and the Huang family also publicizes it to the outside world. In fact, the bloodline that Fat Brother really merges is– Puffy pig” said this, Fatty’s face was extremely ugly, “I think back to the year when the blood was merged, Fatty…”.

Lu Yin doesn’t know much about bloodlines, but the Star Wars Academy has such a way to improve his strength. The seeds in the trial realm contain some bloodlines. Liuyin used it in the Tenth Academy Competition. , It should be almost the same, he stared at the fat man, Puffy pig? Bloodline? This is really – strange, so the sad life just said by the fat man is true?

Thinking of this, Lu Yin subconsciously wanted to stay away from Fatty, so he wouldn’t bring himself bad luck!

“Actually, Pongpeng pig sounds ugly, but its potential is still good. It is rumored that there is a starry beast called swallowing pig. To advance and become one of the invincible bloodlines, this is Brother Fatty’s ambition, Brother Fatty believes that life is not only about the sadness in front of you, but also hope in the distance, as well as goals, ideals, and life…”.

As soon as the fat man spoke, he couldn’t stop. He made up various life aphorisms in his brain alone. Lu Yin almost vomited when he heard it. He jumped off the tree and walked up the path.

“Hey, brother, why are you gone? Wait for me, wait for me” Fatty hurriedly followed.

After traveling all day and night, according to what Fatty said, I finally came to the middle of the Shenjiamen path. This road is too long, and there are Shenjia guards along the way. Lu Yin does not know how this Daoyuan Sect received disciples. Yes, even with the current strength, only the top 50 masters in the top 100 battle list can safely pass this road in the entire universe. This is still the case where the Daoyuan Sect has been destroyed and most of the guards have been wiped out. If it is In its heyday, it is estimated that only the top 30 powerhouses in the top 100 battle list can pass.

This area is so powerful? It is a bit exaggerated that a sect only accepts the top 30 or so powerhouses in the top 100 battle list.

“Brother, work hard, Zhizitai is right in front. As long as we enter Zhizitai, we can find all kinds of good things, and there is no danger. It is rumored that Zhizitai not only has combat skills, blood, and treasures. , strange treasures, and even secret techniques.” Fatty was excited.

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, secret art? No way!

“No, there are all secret techniques? But looking at the level of this God Armored Sect testing its disciples, maybe there are secret techniques. Anyway, I couldn’t figure out how your human star field has such a powerful sect. Fortunately, it was destroyed. Now, you must know that the tests experienced by entry-level disciples are directly proportional to the strength of the sect. Judging from this level of testing, there must be terrifying powerhouses with a combat power exceeding one million during the heyday of this sect.” Guihou said.

Hearing the secret technique ahead, Lu Yin increased his speed.

Just thousands of meters in front of the two of them, a group of young men and women were surrounded by dozens of armored guards, unable to get out or retreat, just like Fatty’s previous situation.

Fortunately, the road was narrow, and the guards of the armor surrounded one layer after another, otherwise all of them would flood up, and these people would have been finished long ago.

“Brother Lian, replace Brother Qiu and block the two guards on the right.”

“Sister Kui, retire immediately, don’t use the seal, keep your strength”.

“Xiao Zhong, stand up to Sister Kui’s position”.

The crisp voice kept ringing, commanding the crowd. The voice came from a beautiful woman in the crowd. She was beautiful and dignified. Although she was not particularly beautiful, she had a unique temperament. Nuo, and the besieged group listened to the woman’s command, and actually held up the siege of these divine armor guards, and gradually calmed down.

However, although everyone temporarily blocked the guards of the gods, it would not be too long.

The woman’s eyes kept glancing around, trying to find a way to break through, either up or down, in short, she couldn’t die here.

Suddenly, the woman saw the two figures approaching quickly, her eyes lit up, and she was about to cry out for help.

“Sister Jing, it’s Fatty!” One of them exclaimed, while the others took time to look down and saw Fatty and Lu Yin.

“What the **** is this fat man doing? Don’t disturb our formation, we don’t want to be killed by this fat man” Someone said, a woman, who could hear that he looked down on the fat man.

Several people agreed. They said it to the woman, lest the woman mess up the formation in order to save the fat man.

Lu Yin and Fatty came all the way to the middle of the path. The group of people who were besieged had already been seen in the field, but it was not clearly stated that the group of people was not weak. There were also fluctuations in the field. Obviously, some of them realized it. field.

“Brother, it’s Xiaojing, it’s Xiaojing” Fatty shouted excitedly when he saw the group of people besieged, his eyes fixed on the indifferent woman in the middle.

Lu Yin looked, that was the Yan Xiaojing that the fat man was thinking about? Good eyesight.

“Brother, Xiaojing is in danger, let’s go help them” Fatty looked at Lu Yin pleadingly.

Lu Yin looked calm and did not express his position.

The fat man was in a hurry. He even forgot that this man was deaf and mute. He kept pointing at the besieged group of people and making rescue gestures.

Ahead, the besieged group was anxious, “What does Fatty mean, he won’t want to save us, right?”

“Don’t, the dead fat man will not only be useless, but will also disrupt the formation.”

“Sister Jing, warn Fatty Fatty to get him out of the way”.

In the crowd, Yan Xiaojing didn’t look at Fatty, but at Lu Yin next to Fatty. She knew Fatty very well, and he couldn’t save him. That gesture was obviously for another person. Is it inaudible? But what happened to the field just now? And seeing that person, Yan Xiaojing intuition that this person is not simple, under the shroud of the field, this person gives her an indescribable feeling, a bit unfathomable.

Seeing that Lu Yin still didn’t respond, the fat man became anxious, stomped his foot, “I’ll go”, and dashed towards Yan Xiaojing and the others.

Those who were besieged were in a hurry, “Don’t come here, fat fat man.”

“Fuck away, don’t hurt us”.

“Looking for death, fat man”.

The fat man didn’t pay attention to the group of people at all. He stared straight at Yan Xiaojing, and a hazy shadow appeared behind him. He punched a guard in the armor. I don’t know if it was the power of love or what. A **** armored guard, but he was also abolished, his fists were swollen and red, and his shot immediately attracted the attention of several **** armored guards, attacking him directly.

In the crowd, Yan Xiaojing frowned. There were dozens of divine armor guards, and it was useless to defeat one. She could not save Fatty, which was what those people hoped, but she couldn’t. Here, in desperation, Yan Xiaojing shot, Bai Nen’s palm crossed the crowd, printed on the body of a guard who attacked Fatty, and made a muffled sound. The guard seemed to be attacked in a series, and took a few steps back. The air wave repelled more than ten meters.

Lu Yin’s eyes lit up, his exquisite palm technique, one palm turned three palms, the most important thing is that the power of the second palm and the third palm is hidden, which is different from the wave palm and the superposition force, if it is not the field , he may not be able to find out, and this woman has just avoided the guards of the gods, she must have understood the field, this woman is not a little bit stronger than the fat man.

Several palms in a row repelled the guards besieging Fatty. Yan Xiaojing grabbed Fatty and pulled him into the crowd.

“Damn fat man, why don’t you die?” a woman cursed.

Other people’s faces don’t look good. Yan Xiaojing can’t just take action. She has to rely on her to save people at critical moments. I hated the fat man myself.

The fat man looked at Yan Xiaojing with a grin.

Yan Xiaojing panted and glanced at Fatty, “What’s the origin of that person?”.

The fat man clutched his fists and saw Lu Yin, who was still standing quietly in the distance, through the armored guards, “I don’t know, the person I met on the way was a deaf-mute.”

“Deaf-mute?” Yan Xiaojing’s eyes flashed, and she didn’t care much. It’s not just people from their Blood Burning Domain who came this way. Anyone who has a Dao Po in the entire Sixth Continent can come in. This person may not be The Burning Blood Region is not even a descendant of the blood ancestors.


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