Star Odyssey Chapter 617: Sorrowful fat man


Several huge metal arms covered the sun, and when the head slammed down, Huang San opened his mouth, and it was over. Just when the arms were pressed down, a black shadow flashed in front of him, bang bang bang bang, four consecutive loud noises, Huang San watched in astonishment as the four metal puppets flew out like sandbags. Then he felt his neck tighten and he was picked up. Then the scene in front of him kept going backwards. Soon, the metal puppets disappeared. trace.

Huang San gasped, and then had time to look around and saw the man who saved him, a man about his age.

“Brother, brother, thank you, for saving your life, Huang San will never forget it.” Huang San breathed heavily, sweating profusely, and pulled down his trousers.

Lu Yin looked at the fat man lying on the ground who was obviously weak, his eyes flashed, but he didn’t speak.

“Brother’s surname is a big name? You can easily defeat the guards of the gods. I believe it is not a nameless person. The younger brother Huang San is from the Burning Blood Region.” Fatty got up with difficulty and said politely to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin just looked at him like this, but still didn’t speak. He didn’t understand anything, so he could only pretend to be deaf and be cautious.

Fatty blinked, “Brother, Huang San, from the Burning Blood Region.”

Lu Yin still didn’t speak, and looked upward.

The fat man raised his hand and shook it in front of Lu Yin’s eyes, attracting Lu Yin’s eyes, “Brother, it’s Huang San.”

Lu Yin looked at him calmly.

Huang San was speechless, “Brothers aren’t dumb, right?”.

Lu Yin looked calm.

Huang Sanyan’s face became bitter, “It won’t be so unfortunate, I finally met a master, but he is actually a dumb, sad.”

Lu Yin raised his feet and walked to a higher place.

Huang San hurriedly followed, “Brother, even if you can’t speak, let’s make two gestures at the head office, where are you from? Which ancestor did you come from? Blood ancestor? Martial ancestor? Secret ancestor?”.

Lu Yin’s eyes changed dramatically, what? Blood ancestor? Wuzu? Mizu?

“I++, Blood Ancestor? Martial Ancestor? Secret Ancestor? The dead fat man is not talking about the ancestors, is it impossible, the universe has long lost the ancestors, and it should be super strong against a certain party. The honorable title of the person” shouted Guihou.

Lu Yin also thought of it, then looked up again, and walked slowly.

“Brother, you can’t even hear, right? Fat brother, I won’t be so unlucky, I met someone who is deaf and dumb.” Fatty wailed and chased after him.

“Brother, you really can’t hear it? Or is it just playing the fat brother? No need, the fat brother is just a small exploration realm.

“Brother, you look good, although not half as big as the fat brother”.

“Brother, let’s swoop”.

Fatty is obviously someone who can’t be idle, and keeps talking in Lu Yin’s ear. Although most of it is nonsense, he let Lu Yin know some information, such as he is in the exploration realm, such as he is looking for his fiancee, For example—this is called Daoyuanzong.

And through his words, Lu Yin found that he had never heard of what this person said, even including some strange terms.

“Brother, who is your imprint? The imprinter? The imprinter of the universe? Or the imprinter of the universe?”.

“Brother, you really can’t hear?” Fatty’s voice was an octave higher.

In the end, he confirmed that Lu Yin really couldn’t hear him, and began to feel sorry for himself, “Fatty brother, I was born in the Huang family of the Burning Blood Region. Originally, the Huang family was also a family of Yinzhao. Ancestor died and the family was weakened. If it was weak, it would be weak. I have nothing to pursue, fat brother. I can eat and wait until death. The Yan family actually has a marriage contract that has been handed down, and the fat brother feels that he has reached the peak of his life.”

“However, the Yan family doesn’t look down on my Huang family, do you know that brother, the Yan family now has a printer, a genuine family of printers, if my Huang family is still a family of printers, this marriage contract It’s still valid, but now, eh, I’m in tears when I say too much.”

“The most irritating thing is that the Qiuhan family intervenes, and Qiu Hanqing, the shameless one, actually pursues Xiaojing, and the Yan family is eager to climb the Qiuhan family. The Qiuhan family is one of the strongest families in the entire Blood Burning Domain. One, there are people who have Yuzhi’s photo in the clan, and that is Yuzhi’s photo. Even when I was at the peak of the Huang family, it is far inferior to me. Hey, the fat brother’s love road is too bumpy, although he and Xiaojing are in love with each other. , but the obstruction is too great.”

“But the fat brother will not give up. The fat brother is determined to marry Xiaojing back. That is the ideal of the fat brother in his life.”

The fat man talked for more than an hour, and Lu Yin listened to it for more than an hour. Yuzhi’s printer did not understand what the printer was, but it didn’t matter, as long as he got along with the fat man for a long time, this guy would definitely Pour out all the jelly beans.

“Brother, fat brother is suffering, when he was three years old, fat brother saw a woman’s skirt being blown up by the wind, and the fat man wanted to help others pull it down, but I don’t know which **** pushed Fat brother Well, the fat brother went straight into someone’s skirt. At that time, the fat brother was only three years old. The most important thing was that the woman was in her forties or fifty years old. Could the fat brother like it? Later, the fat brother became famous, known as the little prince in the diamond skirt, and now the legend of the fat brother is still popular in the city.”

“When I was four years old, Brother Fat bought a book of the Heaven-shaking Magic with pocket money. It was recorded in the manual that he could only practice with the urine of a boy. Brother Fat decided to honor his father. My father was hanged and beaten for three days.”

“When I was five years old, Brother Fat fell in love with a very beautiful peer, he mustered up the courage to confess, and he succeeded. Brother Fat was so excited at that time, I still remember it to this day, but it was a boy who killed him that day. Isn’t it a lie for a boy to be so beautiful, and now that guy is still pestering Brother Fatty, and he has to make Brother Fatty responsible.”

“When I was six years old…”.

Lu Yin glanced at the fat man strangely. Is what this guy said made up or true? If it is true, then the experience is legendary enough, and it is good to be alive.

“Seventh brother, it’s really not easy for this dead fat man to survive, take him with you,” Gui Hou said with emotion.

The fat man was sympathized by the monkey.

With a whistle, in front, a guard of **** armor rushed out of the forest and slapped the fat man. The fat man was stunned. It was really the guard of the **** guard who was hiding too close, and the speed was so fast that the fat man could see Not agile.

Fortunately, Lu Yin was right next to the fat man, raised his hand and pulled the fat man, kicked the **** armor guard five meters away with one foot, and the fat man was shocked.

Before Lu Yin rescued him, he was so scared that he couldn’t see clearly, but now he sees clearly, “Brother, you kicked him with your feet, you’re old.”

The God Armor Guard stepped forward again, Lu Yin dodged the attack of the God Armor Guard in a flash, and pressed a single palm on the top of the God Armor Guard’s head.

It didn’t take more than ten seconds from start to finish.

The fat man opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Lu Yin, “Brother, you are definitely not an unknown person, this is the guard of the God Armor Sect of Daoyuan Sect of the Fifth Continent, fighting alone, even many elite disciples of big families. It’s not one of them, you actually killed it in a few seconds, and you didn’t use any photos or combat skills.”

The Fifth Continent? Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, and he continued to walk forward silently.

The fat man licked his face and followed, smilingly said, “Brother, you must be prepared when you come to Daoyuan Sect, where are you planning to go? Oh, forget, you can’t speak or hear, so fat brother will follow You, brother, you are such a nice person, you will definitely not mind”

Ahead, another **** armored guard wanders.

Lu Yin stopped and looked at Fatty.

The fat man blinked, “Brother, what do you mean?”.

Lu Yin looked at the guardian of the armor, and then at the fat man, and just stood there.

The fat man’s face became bitter, “Brother, you didn’t intend to let me go”.

Lu Yin walked to the side of the road, leaned against the tree, and looked at him like that. Fatty said so many strange things along the way. He didn’t understand, but it was related to fighting, so he wanted to see how Fatty fought.

“Understood, brother, you want to see if I’m qualified to follow you, okay, fat brother, I’ll give it up.” Fatty gritted his teeth and approached the **** armor guard step by step.

The guards of the **** armor quickly found the fat man and rushed forward, shaking the ground.

Fatty’s face turned pale, and when he saw the guards approaching, his eyes widened suddenly, and behind him, a vague phantom appeared. With the appearance of the phantom, Fatty’s aura changed, and an indescribable deterrent appeared. “Vientiane Fist” Fatty shouted loudly, punched out with a punch, wrapped around his arms with strange energy, let out a roar of beasts, and collided with the guard of the armored gods with a punch.


The air waves shot up and crushed the trees by the roadside. The guard of the armor was beaten back by the fat man by a dozen steps, and the fat man took the opportunity to attack again. The fat man’s face was flushed, and he punched the head of the God Armored Guard with a punch, knocking the God Armored Guard’s head into the air, while he himself smashed on the God Armored Guard and fell to the ground together with the God Armored Guard. Shadow dissipates.

Lu Yin was surprised to see this scene, just now, what was that? He could see Fatty’s strength, but with the appearance of the blurry phantom, his strength increased a lot, and his strength also increased a lot in an instant, as if he had changed.

With Fatty’s strength, it is impossible to abolish the God Armor Guard with one punch, but now he has done it. Could it be that what appeared behind him was what he just said – Yinzhao?

Lu Yin walked over slowly and looked down at Fatty.

The fat man bared his teeth and smiled bitterly, “Brother, I have tried my best to defeat a guardian of the gods, can I follow you?”.

Lu Yin stretched out his hand, the fat man held it, and Lu Yin pulled it up, rubbing his fists hard. Now, his fists were red and bulging. It seemed that those two punches were a big burden to him.

It seems ordinary, but he can defeat the guards with inexplicable power. This place makes Lu Yin very curious. He feels that he has seen a new way of cultivation.

Fatty’s outbreak can only deal with one **** armored guard. In the next period of time, Lu Yin took him up the mountain, and almost all of the **** armored guards were shot by Lu Yin.

Fatty is very curious about Lu Yin. A person who doesn’t need a photo, no combat skills, and no talent can easily defeat the God Armor Guard. How terrifying the body of such a person must be.


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