Star Odyssey Chapter 5276: Respectively

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On this day, someone in Xiangcheng broke through to the realm of immortality.

Since Lu Yin’s combat power has continued to leap forward and experienced equality again and again, the overall combat power of human civilization has increased so much that the number of immortal realms is no longer as small as before.

The threshold of immortality is no different in human civilization than in the Lord.

More and more people are breaking through to the realm of immortality.

But this person is different.

Jiang Feng.

A person who once broke through to the realm of immortality, but realized that he had taken the wrong path, fell back again, and then continued to practice.

Xiang Cheng experienced equal promotion, and he also left before his breakthrough.

Just to go your own way.

As Lu Yin continued to rise, based in the inner and outer heavens, fighting fiercely with the strongest, the most powerful and even the master, Jiang Feng fell into complete silence. Many times Lu Yin summoned strong human beings for discussions, but he did not come.

No one underestimates him.

Lu Yin will not underestimate Jiang Feng.

He was the main force during the fierce battle between the Fifth Continent and the Eternals. He was already quite strong at that time, and now it seems that he has been surpassed by many people, but the path he took has never been ordinary.

Today, he finally broke through the realm of immortality.

Looking at the huge movement in the starry sky, Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and waited quietly. Soon after, Jiang Feng arrived. His whole aura was completely different from before. How should I put it? It has the same feeling as when he broke through the immortal realm, and there is an additional feeling. This feeling seems to be dragging him into something unspeakable

in the realm.

Obviously it is just a regular realm of immortality.

But Lu Yin felt something extraordinary in him.

He is the only practitioner known today who has stepped into eternal life, fallen on his own initiative, and stepped into eternal life again.

“Uncle Jiang, how are you?” Lu Yin asked.

Jiang Feng sat on the stone bench with a smile on his face, “It feels good.”

“How is it compared to last time?”


“Same?” Lu Yin was surprised.

Jiang Feng nodded and looked at Lu Yin: “The laws of my conformity to the universe are the same as the laws of conformity to the last time I stepped into the realm of immortality.” Lu Yin looked at him. This was not surprising. Master Qingcao had said it before, He entered eternal life through a shortcut, but did not truly transcend suffering. In line with the laws of the universe and the invisible world, he understood and understood it through breathing. It seemed to be eternal life.

That is not the case.

Re-cultivation is the only way to truly enter eternal life, and everything starts from nothing, which conforms to the laws of the universe and will still be preserved.

But it couldn’t be just such a rule. His feeling was correct. Jiang Feng was completely different from his previous breakthrough into the Immortal Realm.

“The only difference is that there is an additional feeling.”

“What insights?”

Long Xi makes tea.

Jiang Feng said thank you and took a sip of tea: “Everything starts from nothing. This was my original understanding. Now, I find that everything will eventually end in nothing.”

After saying the last few words, he seemed to disappear in an instant.

But he is here, not moving.

Even if he disappears, he can’t escape Lu Yin’s eyes.

But at that moment Lu Yin was sure that he had disappeared. As if it doesn’t exist in the world.

Everything begins with nothing, and everything ends with nothing.

Jiang Feng looked at Lu Yin: “Everything in the universe, no matter how many possibilities or conjectures exist, will eventually disappear. Everything that exists comes from nothing and will eventually end in nothing.”

“No living being can transcend the universe.”

“No living being can avoid this. I don’t know how to say it, fate or law. I don’t know either.”

Lu Yin nodded without discussing.

Everyone has a different understanding of the universe, and he will not interfere with Jiang Feng’s understanding.

“So Uncle Jiang, how is your fighting strength now?”

This question is not polite, but I feel free to ask about the relationship between Lu Yin and Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng smiled and said: “As a rule, no living being is my opponent.”

Lu Yin was surprised and had a crazy tone.

He was talking about living creatures, not specifically humans.

“Even if the master is at the level of a law, he is definitely no match for me.” Jiang Feng emphasized again, causing Long Xi to look at him strangely. I wonder if someone switched him.

When did Jiang Feng become so crazy?

Seeing Lu Yin’s surprised look, Jiang Feng laughed: “You think I’m arrogant?”

Lu Yin did not deny it: “A little bit.”

“Do you think it’s out of character for me?”

“A little bit.”

“Hahahaha, actually this is me. Do you know that I also ended the doomsday, that kind of bad era, if you are not crazy, who will listen to you?”

Lu Yin nodded in agreement: “That’s true, I’ve experienced it too.”

Jiang Feng took another sip of tea: “Back to the topic, I came to you this time because I heard about the conjecture about the Age of Disorder.”

Lu Yin had previously told Qinglian Shangyu and the others about these conjectures. Since Jiang Feng was not even in the realm of immortality, it was naturally impossible for him to come and listen.

But also because of his special status, no one in Xiangcheng will look down upon him. He can tell him many things and he will know them. “What do you think, Uncle Jiang?” Lu Yin never looked down on others because of his strong combat power, especially someone like Jiang Feng, who worked his way up from the bottom, dared to practice again, and fell into the realm of immortality on his own initiative. You know, at that time, The realm of eternal life

This is already the culmination. No one knows that there will be unlimited life, domination, etc. in the future.

It is tantamount to saying that he fell from the peak voluntarily.

This kind of will and character are difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Jiang Feng pondered for a moment and looked at Lu Yin solemnly: “What I say may break your cognition. Are you willing to listen?”

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, breaking his understanding?

If it were the Grand Palace Master and his ilk, he would definitely not be willing to do so. He would almost go crazy if he told the Grand Palace Master what Wang Wen had seen. Each cultivator has his own path, and masters will not exchange knowledge with each other.

But he is different.

From the moment he embarked on the path of cultivation, he practiced so much and was so complex that he had the ability to restrain everyone, and now his cognition is the same.

Anyway, I have heard a lot of outrageous things.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Well, in my opinion, this is a paradox.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Age of Disorder conjecture is based on the balance of the universe. But if the balance can be artificially controlled, is the balance itself still a balance?”

Lu Yin’s brain was roaring, and he stared at Jiang Feng blankly, his words constantly echoing in his mind.

If balance can be controlled artificially, is it still balance?

Yes, balance is the basis for the existence of the disordered era and the foundation for the universe to give birth to the next era. If balance itself is not balanced, how can the disordered era be born?

He looked at the starry sky again, his thoughts confused at this moment.

Jiang Feng said: “Judging from the results, the birth of the era of disorder is inevitable, especially because cause and effect governs death. You have opened a new era. This era is in line with the general trend of balance in the universe, so you can carry this great fortune. ”

“But from the beginning, this is a paradox, so where does this great luck come from?”

“The era of disorder will inevitably begin. This is the conclusion reached by the master of luck throughout history, but it always feels wrong to start it artificially.”

Lu Yin took a deep breath and stared into the distance with dull eyes.

Jiang Feng didn’t bother either.

Lu Yin didn’t wake up until Long Xi brought them tea.

He looked at Jiang Feng: “What does Uncle Jiang think?”

Jiang Feng shook his head: “I can think of this, because in my opinion, no matter how the universe changes, it will eventually come to nothing, so I don’t care about the chaotic era and the domination, they are all passing by.” “But in life, There is life, there are emotions, there is hatred, and there is a future. If you define yourself as a dying person at this moment, what is the meaning of life? So if you ask me this question, you can’t get a conclusion, because I am standing.

Think about it from the perspective of a dying person, and you shouldn’t think so. ”

Lu Yin smiled bitterly: “But I have been led into the ditch by Uncle Jiang.”

Jiang Feng laughed: “No, Lu Yin, you are the smartest person I have ever seen. You can think about problems from any perspective that ordinary people cannot see. I believe you will figure it out.”

“But if you figure it out, wouldn’t it also destroy the balance?”

“It depends on whether this balance is based on the universe itself or on the creatures in the universe.”

Lu Yin shook his head: “There are too many mysteries in the universe that we cannot see through, not even the master.”

“But you are already in the game, so you must continue like this.”

“What about you?”

Jiang Feng stood up, put his hands behind his back, thought for a long time, and finally made a heavy voice: “I want to be out first.”

Lu Yin was puzzled: “Out?”

“With you, I can only enter the game.”

“Is it the same as falling from the Immortal Realm on your own?” Jiang Feng said with a smile: “Yes, I have done this kind of thing more than once. You are carrying human civilization on your back, which is good and admirable, so you enter the game, Xiangcheng People are also involved, but they can’t go all the way to the dark side.” When he said this, he looked carefully.

Lu Yin: “So I plan to take Baiyun City away from Xiangcheng, out of the game, and see if there is another possibility.”

Lu Yin looked at him blankly: “A small distance is too dangerous, it’s not necessary.”

Jiang Feng looked solemn: “There must be someone who takes a different path. Maybe if they leave Xiangcheng, Baiyun City will be destroyed, but maybe it can bring you a different understanding.”

Lu Yin stared at Jiang Feng: “Senior.”

Jiang Feng raised his hand to interrupt what Lu Yin was about to say: “I made up my mind the moment I heard the conjecture of the Age of Discord. The general trend of the universe will always fall into the hands of some kind of creature. I saw something different. You have to go.”

“There are many roads to the end. If you see one, take it by yourself. If I see one, of course I have to take it by myself.”

“If we humans can walk more roads, then it is more likely that one of us will stand at the end, and that is enough.”

Lu Yin looked at Jiang Feng with complicated eyes.

It’s not that he doesn’t know how dangerous a small distance is, and the road he has to take will definitely not be easier than his own.

Why human civilization rises is because there are always people who carry the burden forward.

“I understand.”

Jiang Feng smiled and said: “Go and say goodbye to them, you haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

In Baiyun City, Lu Yin is here.

He has dined here several times, and this time it was the most crowded place, even Bai Qing came.

There is also Kong Tianzhao.

The dragon turtle also shrank its body and stayed not far away.

Lu Yin glanced at Bai Qing several times, and from time to time he looked at Jiang Feng and then at Liu Pianran. This was really harmonious.

“What to watch while eating.” Jiang Chen reminded, “Don’t stir up trouble. It’s your last meal.” “Shut up. You’re talking so ugly.” Jiang Qingyue scolded.


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