Star Odyssey Chapter 5260: The Horse of Time

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Lu Yin hit a bamboo and his thighs were torn open. He vomited blood again. When he raised his head, he saw that the dead man had disappeared without a trace.

Gu Xun can bring him to a speed comparable to instantaneous movement. The Death Lord’s speed cannot be slower, it can only be faster. If he wanted to run away, Lu Yin couldn’t catch up with him, and he couldn’t even catch his sight.

Puffing heavily, he grabbed the bamboo and broke it.

Blood stained the clothes.

The sudden battle forced him to use all his strength. If he hadn’t strengthened a lot during this period, he would not have been able to escape in the face of the Death Lord’s killing blow.

However, the pressure brought by the Lord of Death was much less than that of the Lord of Life.

What’s going on?

If the person who had just taken action was the master of life, no matter how strong he was, he would not be able to escape. At the beginning, I only tried my best to fight for a chance to escape. Now, even if I am a lot stronger, I will not have a chance to face the master of life, because the master of life has suffered a loss, so I will definitely take action with all my strength. That is not what I can imagine


If the Master of Life still strikes with the same power as before, it will certainly be easier for him to get a chance to escape.

Looking down, it was really miserable.

However, the Lord of Death was not feeling well either. He turned his head and looked not far away. There was the Silent Sea Death Realm, complete with darkness and deathly silence.

In the end, the Lord of Death did not even take away this power of death.

Death in the Sea of ​​Silence?

Lu Yin sank into it, and all the original members of the Death Master clan were gone. He saw the sword test stone, and also saw the Divine Horse of Time.

The upside-down bone horse, with its hooves pointing upward, always faces the enemy, never giving the enemy a chance to mount it, because its back always belongs to Pan.

This is the dignity of the Horse of Time.

Lu Yin teleported to the front of the Horse of Time. Looking at the four upside-down hooves, they were covered with dust and had been buried in the Dead Sea for too long. Ever since Pan died and was dragged to the Dead Sea, it has never surrendered. Even if it was given bone language and its flesh and blood were torn apart, its bones would only surrender.


Lu Yin thought about seeing it many times, but he never thought about it after defeating the Death Lord.

“My name is Lu Yin, and I am a human being.” Lu Yin spoke slowly.

The bone horse did not move.

“I am a descendant of ninth base.”

Still not moving.

“Long time no see, the horse of time.”

The bone horse’s hooves shook, and the words “The Divine Horse of Time” seemed to awaken its ancient memories.

But it only vibrated slightly and had no reaction.

Lu Yin raised his hand and landed on the bone hoof. It was hard, but also had a warmth that was incompatible with the Dead Sea. If you look carefully, you will find many fine cracks, which were left behind by the battle.

Lu Yin looked down along the four hooves of the bone horse. The dark silence submerged the horse’s body and its head, but Lu Yin could see clearly.

The bone horse had no eyes, but he felt that it was staring at him.

Perhaps this warmth is just because I am human.

“The weapon of the world, the divine horse of time.”

“God of War, Pan.”

“We, humanity, are fighting a nine-base desperate situation, and we have to stand alone on one side.”

“He is also the senior whom I, Lu Yin, admire.” “Don’t worry, you can come out now. The Lord of Death has been beaten back by me. From now on, no one can ride on your back unless you are willing. Your back, It will always belong to the **** of war. The one held up by his four hooves is not one person, but me.

The spiritual will of similar civilization. ”

“The Horse of Time, thank you.” Lu Yin said, the surrounding dead power gradually absorbed into the body, completely exposing the bone horse.

The bone horse stands upside down in the starry sky. It looks funny, but it is not ridiculous.

It is using its only ability to protect its dignity.

This dignity is like a spark, but it can start a prairie fire.

Lu Yin looked into the distance again, where was the sword testing stone.

In this land of death in the Silent Sea, I believe there are other things related to the ancestors of Ninth Base, but he doesn’t know them, so he can only drag them away.

Get out of here first.

The power of death possessed by the Silent Sea of ​​Death is beyond any living being, and this Silent Sea of ​​Death is the Dead Sea where the Lord of Death condenses. It is difficult for even the Lord of Death to take it all back, let alone Lu Yin.

But he didn’t plan to absorb it completely, and would only use it to supplement the power of death at critical moments.

Lu Yin searched all over the Silent Sea and found nothing more related to Ninth Base. There were some things that he couldn’t recognize even in front of him.

The Sword Testing Stone stands quietly as always. Other creatures will be attacked by it if they get close, except humans.

But the Horse of Time still did not turn over and was still standing upside down.

Lu Yin guessed that it didn’t trust him. This bone horse was different from the sword test stone.

It has a mind of its own.

Looking at the bone horse, Lu Yin placed his hand on its bone hoof again, and with a wave of his hand, he dragged out the scene of years. He wanted to step back in time and see the past of this bone horse and that tragic war.

History cannot be forgotten.

Even if human civilization perishes, it will still leave a bright page in this universe.

The history on every page is a treasure.

Taking one step forward, Lu Yin saw a scene of time passing by.

…As time passes, what he sees is gray, but Lu Yin knows that there is sunlight shining on that pony. That sunlight comes from a little boy, wearing tattered and patched clothes and no shoes. , lying stubbornly on the thin one

On the pony, the surrounding branches were whipping and laughing, and occasionally small stones fell down, cracking the boy’s head.

This is a perfectly normal scene, a scrawny pony and a beggar-like boy walking in the evening when the sun is about to set, looking at the bustling restaurants on both sides, but there is not an inch of space that belongs to them.

The little boy just held the pony and walked step by step, his back looking thin.

Lu Yin followed them.

This is ninth base, right? I just don’t know which base it belongs to? Or maybe the ninth base has not yet been born, and this is just a corner of human civilization.

No one is around to see him.

He followed like a shadow.

This is the passage of time for that pony. Lu Yin did not expect that the Pony of Time would actually grow up from an ordinary pony.

I thought it was some strange cosmic beast.

It is a pony that may die at birth.

One person and one horse, like homeless orphans, huddled in a broken house, waiting for the next day.

The hardships of life happen to too many people, but no matter how difficult it is, each person and the horse grows up stubbornly. They escape from being rounded up by horse dealers, escape from the torture of diseases, and escape from crisis after crisis.

That horse has grown up.

The little boy is still so small, skinny and bones, with only one pair of bright eyes. He looks at every pedestrian passing in front of him, not knowing what he is thinking.

Perhaps due to the blessing of fate, they ushered in a turning point in their lives.

A cultivator took a fancy to the little boy and took them back to his residence.

When hope appears, people will try their best. From then on, the little boy began to practice, and Ma also began to practice. However, the cultivator is a human being, and he cannot give the method of cultivation to Ma. Seeing the horse aging day by day and the little boy growing up day by day, he became anxious and began to look for various solutions

The law gives Matthew training.

The horse looked at him with more and more kindness. It liked to watch the boy practice on the lawn, and he transformed from a homeless child into a practitioner, even though he came back injured several times after going out. And every time after returning from injury, he would take out new cultivation methods and teach them to Ma, with desire

, anxious eyes.

Ma can finally practice.

But the boy got into trouble. He didn’t know where he found the method to train the horse, which attracted powerful enemies to this peaceful world. The cultivators fled and abandoned them, and they fell into a deadly battle.

Perhaps the enemy underestimated the boy, but the boy showed extraordinary strength and killed the powerful enemy.

Lu Yin watched calmly, how long have you been practicing? In less than ten years, this boy’s strength has surpassed many people’s imagination, including the person who led him to practice. If that person knew that the boy was so powerful, he wouldn’t have run away.

Since then, the peaceful days have disappeared.

The boy grew up and the horse began to practice.

One person and one horse traveled to the end of the world. They acted chivalrously and treacherously, and they made many friends, but they also encountered betrayal. No matter what happened, they were always together.

The boy thought of a way to get the next training method for Ma.

The horse also tried its best to lead the people to escape from the pursuit, even if the flesh and blood on its four hooves were burned, it never gave up. I don’t know if it’s for the people or the horses. They seem to have returned to the state of eating from hundreds of families when they were young. When cultivating, they have to search more and keep searching. They try their best to find various methods of cultivation. They study, ponder and work hard here and there. Minato,

There have been times when I have gone crazy, and there have been times when I have had breakthroughs.

One person and one horse often study in dark corners, like weeds that sprout from the ground even though they are not watered.

This state of affairs continued for decades, and the boy became a young man.

And Lu Yin has been following them for decades.

He could obviously skip directly through the time screen, but he didn’t know why and couldn’t let go.

Watching their growth, Lu Yin seemed to see an old friend in them – his former self.

People can be selfish, but they cannot harm others. Unless it’s an enemy.

This is Lu Yin’s idea, and this is also the idea of ​​this person and his horse.

They traveled to the ends of the earth, looking for ways to practice, and robbed resources, but they also encountered a desperate situation.

The young man was severely traumatized by that desperate situation and had to break through, but breakthrough did not happen overnight.

When the young man breaks through, only the horse can come out. It will seal off the place where the young man practices, and he will go out alone. Every fight will stain the sky with blood, and every fight may never go back.

After every fight, it would clean its body, rinse away the blood, return behind the young man, lean against him, and fall asleep smelling his breath.

Then it continues the next day.

The young man didn’t know what Ma had gone through, and the news of the battle was completely blocked.

Every time the horse comes back, something is missing.

But it touched the young man as always, letting him know that it was still there.

No one knows when horses will disappear completely.

Lu Yin didn’t know either. Even though he saw the result, the process still made him full of uneasiness.

He couldn’t help but squat behind the young man and look at the horse.

The look in the horse’s eyes has not dimmed due to the injury. Every time he sees the young man, hope wells up in his eyes, and that hot hope makes him return again and again.

“That’s enough.” Lu Yin couldn’t help but speak, but his voice could not reach the young man’s ears, nor could he reach the horse’s ears. This desperate situation was finally resolved by the young man’s breakthrough, but Tajima almost died.


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