Star Odyssey Chapter 5257: Within one palm

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The state of death is difficult to be induced by the extreme consequences of things. So Mingqing can bring out death and make him troublesome.

But the battle between the master of life and the owner of the active heart led to death with the immortal star map, and deduced the shadow of thirty-six lives into the realm of death. The pure death made people’s hearts tremble.

The Immortal Star Chart gave birth to the power of death, and things must be reversed at their extremes, so it can be done.

As the extremes of things are pushed back into the Immortal Star Map, among the thirty-six points, the alternation of light and dark becomes more frequent, but it does not lead to death. Lu Yin continued to fight, but no matter how hard he fought, he could not bring about real death.

Did you guess wrong?

He stared at the Immortal Star Map, still playing the game of turning everything against itself.

After a period of time, he suddenly thought of something. Active power surged out from his body along his arm and penetrated into the Immortal Star Map. Then he struck out with another palm and the object must be reversed. Among the thirty-six points, the one who was hit Point, it’s dark.

Death is coming.

Like a ray of light falling vertically, penetrating the vitality within Taibai Ming.

Lu Yin’s eyes lit up, as expected, he needed an introduction. The level where things must be reversed does not reach the level of **** power, so it is difficult to truly reverse **** level power. However, the Immortal Star Map once dealt with the master of active power, and deliberately used the power of death, using active power as a primer, and then

The complex must be reversed, allowing the Immortal Star Chart to show its former power of death.

And this force of death is pure death.

Since the master of life is not here, this power does not belong to it, nor does it belong to Lu Yin.

However, Lu Yin had a way to make this death belong to him.

The power of death surges out and sinks into death.

Activity power can draw out vitality.

The power of death can lead to death.

These are two completely equal yet completely opposite forces.

When the power of death and silence poured into Death, death followed the power of death and integrated into Lu Yin’s body, directly helping him strengthen the power of death and silence. If the extreme of things must react on the active force, it can increase the dead force.

Lu Yin exhaled, success, then, continue.

The second point.

The third point…

The thirty-sixth point.

When things go to extremes, they must be reversed.

The curtains of death light fell down one after another. From a distance, they looked like strange black pillars inserted into the Taibai Ming Realm, tearing apart the vitality of the Taibai Ming Realm and shaking the Taibai Ming Realm and the outside world.

Lu Yin thought to himself that it was not good, so he got up, used death as a backing, picked up the Immortal Star Chart, and ran.

The next moment, Ming Fan rushed into the real Taibai Ming territory and was stunned when he saw Lu Yin’s back disappearing.

The Immortal Star Map is gone?

Hell, can the Immortal Star Map be gone?

Except for the Lord, who can move the Immortal Star Chart? This has never happened before.

At this time, Lu Yin returned and then left again. Just like in the realm of fate, he was looking for a suitable mirage.

Mingfan just stared blankly at him returning again and again, carrying the Immortal Star Map on his back like a pot lid.

Finally, Lu Yin left.

At the moment when Lu Yin led all thirty-six points of the Immortal Star Map to death, the master of life noticed it and immediately headed towards the inner and outer sky.

Someone actually touched the Immortal Star Map.

Who can do it? Acacia rain? Lord of Death? Have they returned to the inner and outer heavens?

Could it be that the cause and effect of siege and killing is false, but dealing with oneself is real?

In the dark starry sky, a red spear pierced the void and descended. Then, green spears, blue spears, and spears came out of the void one after another. There were twelve spears in total, twelve colors, with a certain color. Stab into the front in a fixed combination.

A ripple-like darkness was stabbed in front of the apparently empty front.

“Divine power?” A deep voice sounded, and then darkness spread, shattering twelve spears in an instant and sweeping towards the distance, like a monster.

However, the shattered spears did not disappear. The twelve colors of divine power connected to the invisible distance, regrouped and rotated them.

“Taiqing formation, twelve colors of divine power, you are eight colors.”

In the distance, Ba Color walked out of the void and looked ahead: “Lord of the Dead, long time no see.”

Darkness shook the starry sky, and the twelve-color spear kept trembling and could not be fixed: “Who helped you find this? And who taught you the Taiqing Formation to trap death with divine power?”

“Who gave you the courage to sneak attack me?” The eight colors opened their arms, and lines were flying on the body surface. Behind them, the originally dark starry sky suddenly turned into a twelve-color dreamy world. As the arms waved, it was so majestic that it was difficult to see The belief in the divine power seemed to push the universe forward, blasting forward, and

Dark collision.

The horrifying commotion shook an unknown distance, “This is not a sneak attack, Lord of the Dead, it’s time to settle old scores.”

“Just you?” The darkness turned into spikes, up and down, the starry sky was completely replaced by darkness, and the twelve colors of divine power fell and entangled with countless chains, “Where did you get so much divine power?”

“Is it too much? It’s far from enough. Please enlighten me, Lord of Death.”

“Who helped you?”

The deathly power of the darkness suddenly shrank, and divine power instantly gained the upper hand. A figure stepped out, pressing death behind it, raising its head and looking into the darkness with a smile in its eyes: “Are you looking for me? Master.”

The Lord of Death was angry: “It’s you again, Qian Ji Yuyan, how dare you betray me?” Qian Ji Yuyan shrugged: “This is not betrayal, it is substitution. After all, I also want to be the Lord of Death.” said At the end, the majestic darkness penetrated forward. In front, the darkness of the Lord of Death continued to boil, suppressed by the twelve-color divine power.

Faced with being restricted by Qianji Guiyan’s deadly power, he couldn’t even exert half of it.

“You alone can deal with me?” The Death Lord’s voice fell, and in the starry sky, bamboos grew one after another, spreading towards the Eight Colors and Thousand Machines.

Behind the bamboo forest, the dark pupils opened, looking at the eight colors at one glance, and the tricks and tricks at the other.

The two lines of sight were like two abyss leading to death, blowing them away directly.

Base’s body collapsed in half.

And half of Qianji Guiyan’s mechanical body was also broken.

The figure of the Lord of Death stepped out of the darkness and slapped Qianji Guiyan on the head: “What do you think the Lord is? It is the sky of this universe, the sky that you can always hope for and out of reach.”

Qianji Qiyan raised his eyes, “That’s why I’m very cautious.”

The white jade-like palm grasped the darkness, and the Lord of Death turned his eyes in the darkness, and what entered his eyes was a smiling face.

“Wang – Wen.”

Wang Wen smiled brightly: “Senior, can you give us a chance to replace you? After all, we have been waiting for a long time.”

The dark eyes of the Death Lord flashed: “What you really have to deal with is me, not cause and effect.”

Wang Wen shook his head: “Don’t say that, it’s all the same.” After saying that, his pupils shrank and he stared into the darkness of the Death Lord. The darkness rushed out a cause and effect from the inside out, as if splitting the Death Lord into two. .

“The injuries left by the Lord of Cause and Effect in your body are not light.”

The Lord of Death slapped Wang Wen with his backhand. Wang Wen raised his left arm to resist, but his arm was shattered by the palm. His body was penetrated by darkness and flew backwards.

The twelve-color divine power formed an inverted triangle on the starry sky, pressing down towards the Lord of Death.

A book appeared in front of me, and I kept opening it, preparing for something.

The Lord of Death retreated. If only the three people in front of him attacked it sneakily, it would not be like this. The real injury came from the previous battle with Karma, which was left to it by Karma. Therefore, it was a conspiracy from beginning to end.

They killed Karma, and it was enough to kill him. If they failed, the injuries Karma left to it were enough for Wang Wen to deal with it.

This person is too sinister.

In the distance, Wang Wen vomited blood, turned pale, and shook his head: “What a terrifying power. I still underestimated the strength of the master.”

The Eight Colors voice came out: “This Lord of Death has not fully recovered to his peak, and was injured by the Lord of Karma, so we are all easily defeated by it. The gap is too big.”

Wang Wen said with blood at the corner of his mouth: “That’s why the ancestor Wang Xia was defeated.”

Qianjiguiyan stood up: “So, we need to be more prepared.”

Wang Wen’s clothes were stained with blood: “That’s enough.”

In the distance, in front of the Lord of Death, darkness rolled, “You are worthy of dealing with me. Where is Xiang Siyu? Let her come out.”

Wang Wen shrugged: “Sorry, it has nothing to do with her. Could it be that in the eyes of seniors, the only one who can deal with the master is the master?”

In the body of the dead body, the spikes penetrated, and a dark figure slowly emerged, raising his eyes. The dark eyes that were originally similar to the dead body became clear and bright at this moment, looking exactly like Wang Wen.

The Lord of Death looked behind with his dark eyes, gritted his teeth, “Death – Qi?”

The dark eyes showed no expression, but the Death Lord’s surprised voice still revealed how unbelievable it was inside.

Death. One hundred and eight. Disaster. Death.

The strongest master of the Death Lord clan of creatures who has cultivated the spirit of evil to the 108th level.

He once escaped from the hands of other masters in the ancient city of years, and successfully reunited with the Lord of Death just a few inches away from the chaos. He remained hidden until the Lord of Death returned and was not known to the outside world. This kind of existence can be said to be the most trusted by the Lord of Death.

The creatures of the Death Lord live on the power of death and are created by the Death Lord. How can they betray the Death Lord?

But that’s the reality.

Death Qi gave an unbelievable blow to the Death Lord, driving one hundred and eight evil spirits into the Death Lord’s body, and at the same time injected the power of fantasy.

The Lord of Death stared at the pair of dark eyes that were very close at hand. These eyes were becoming more and more familiar. They slowly looked at Wang Wen, and they were exactly the same as Wang Wen’s eyes.

Wang Wen, died.

Wang Wen.

With a bang, Death Qi’s body was blown away. Along the way, the power of Death was instantly stripped away, and it gathered towards the darkness.

But Death Qi’s body that was supposed to be in pieces actually kept getting clearer, and what finally fell into Death Lord’s eyes was a young man, a young man it had never seen before, but who was very similar to Wang Wen.

Wang Wen, a thousand tricks were played, and the eight colors passed through the Death Qi at the same time and headed towards the Death Lord. “Senior, how much more power can you use? Kill the Lord, why not? Hahahahaha.” Wang Wen’s laughter spread to all directions, and the entire star dome was shrouded in twelve colors of divine power. Continuously escaping from Death Qi’s control

, leaving Wang Wen an opportunity to fantasize and kill the Lord.

In particular, Death Qi left the power of fantasy in the body of the dead body, giving Wang Wen the chance to kill. Just when everyone thought they could succeed, within the twelve-color divine power, a figure slowly straightened up. The figure was extremely huge, so huge that it seemed as if the entire square inch was placed in the palm of the hand. The darkness condensed. Raising his hand, the universe was like It has shrunk countless times and is within one palm of its hand.


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