Star Odyssey Chapter 5255: Full divine power fusion

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“We have encircled and suppressed it several times, but that eight colors cannot be defeated at all.”

“The source of his strength is divine power. As long as divine power exists, he cannot be defeated.”

“We have also tried sawing off those tree trunks, but even if the trunks are broken, the divine power inside is still majestic, and it is enough to continue to erode more branches before it is exhausted.”

“It hasn’t eroded the Inner and Outer Sky yet. It’s because he’s afraid of attracting the attention of the Lord. If he really dares to erode the Inner and Outer Sky, his strength will skyrocket.”

“His strength is no less than that of the original Grand Palace Master and Lu Yin.” Yun Xin said.

Shi Cai disdainfully said: “Everyone under the Lord is an ant. The Grand Palace Master has been defeated. That Lu Yin also ran away with his tail between his legs. As long as the Lord returns, everything will be restored.”

The end of his life did not speak.

The holy shadow looked at Yun Xin: “It seems that I can only submit to the Lord of Life or the Lord of Time.”

End of Life spoke: “The Lord of Life is looking for the Lord of Cause and Effect, and the Lord of Time wants to guard the long river of time. They don’t have time.”

“What should we do?” Shi Cai said impatiently, “How can we tolerate that guy being so rampant?”

The end of life said: “Although I don’t have time, I have already submitted to the Lord, and I believe there will be a reply soon.”

At this time, news came from the creatures under his command that divine power erosion appeared in another direction of the huge mother tree.

They were shocked, “The other direction? What do you mean?”

Saint Shadow’s eyes were low: “It seems that this Eight Colors has already prepared for comprehensive erosion. It is easy to be besieged in one direction. Even if the Lord does not return, he may not be able to bear the power given to him by the Lord, so he keeps changing directions.”

Yun Xin understood: “No wonder he would rather catch Wei Xi than kill me. It turned out to be for teleportation.”

Shi Cai scolded angrily: “You knew that the bird could teleport and still let it be caught?”

Yun Xin cannot refute, how could it put itself in danger just to kill Wei Xi? In fact, Wei Xi was deliberately left to Ba Color. Only Wei Xi has the value to divert Ba Color’s attention, otherwise it may not be able to survive. return.

Of course you can’t say this.

Shi Cai scolded Yun Xin a few more times, and then the discussion still came to no result, so he could only wait for the master’s reply.

Within a small distance, Lu Yin merged the green divine power with the dead silence to 80%. This is the limit that the current deity can reach after merging with Nirvana and absorbing the power of the universe frame.

From 60% to 80%, it may not seem like much, but it is also a big leap.

However, the remaining 20% ​​is difficult to fuse again. It has nothing to do with the strength of the deity, but a problem with the nature of the two forces.

If they could be integrated, Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan would have done it long ago.

The remaining 20% ​​is the maximum winning or losing point of their bet.

If anyone can determine the outcome of the bet, it is only Lu Yin. He was very sure that he could 100% perfectly integrate the two forces, but it would take a very long time, and he would have to find another way. The previous polishing method might not be applicable anymore.

The green divine power has been integrated so much that it is difficult to make any progress, so let’s integrate the divine power of other colors.

Integrating 80% of the twelve colors of divine power is also a big improvement.

As for the outside world, he didn’t pay attention.

Every once in a while, Xiangcheng would show him the scene of crushing the path-finding stone. This was equivalent to saying that he was safe, so he didn’t have to worry.


Thousands of years have passed, and Lu Yin has successfully integrated the divine power of the remaining eleven divine power lines with Death Silence to reach 80%.

It takes a long time to fuse the green divine power for the first time. With my current strength and the experience of fusing green divine power, it will be very fast to integrate it to 80%.

Similarly, the remaining 20% ​​is difficult to move.

Full divine power and deathly silence were fused to 80%. Lu Yin opened his hand, and the bow of consciousness condensed. Twelve colors of divine power flew in the palm of his hand. The years played a chord, and above the arrow tip, the twelve colors of divine power shone dreamlike. The light hurts the eyes just by looking at it.

This arrow will surpass any previous arrow.

With his current combat power that combines full divine power with deathly silence, he doesn’t know how strong he is.

But there is still a long way to go to dominate.

But facing the master of life again, it is no longer so miserable to get a chance to escape in a moment.

Looking up, the universe framework has completely collapsed.

Teleport disappears and changes direction.

Looking up in the unfamiliar starry sky, the mother tree is much closer. Now Lu Yin is no longer as uneasy as when he first escaped from the chaotic distance.

The framework of the universe collapsed completely, and even the master could not find him.

As long as he doesn’t show off, that’s fine.

Huh? That is? Sacred tree?

Lu Yin thought he had seen it wrong. He actually saw the sacred tree. It was so far away that no matter how big the sacred tree was, it would be impossible to see it. Moreover, the sacred tree was no longer a branch, but a connected trunk, or even a connected tree. Several tree trunks.

What’s going on?

He looked into the distance and subconsciously teleported closer. He teleported again and again, approaching the mother tree again and again, and gradually saw a lot more clearly.

Several trunks of the huge mother tree were soaked with divine power and became like sacred trees.

The dreamlike light of the twelve-color divine power is too conspicuous.

Who did it?

He immediately thought of Ba Color, and only Ba Color would do this. This former Fifth Barrier Master was so cruel that he was willing to use the entire Fifth Barrier cultivator’s mind to gamble on a combat skill. Now he thought He must completely replace the mother tree with divine power to gain a chance to fight the master.


Only he can do this.

But how did he do it? The master has come out, why not stop it? Could it be that the master couldn’t see his purpose? Even if you didn’t know his purpose, how could you let him use his divine power to erode the mother tree?

The largest mother tree is the main foundation.

Lu Yin couldn’t figure it out, so he teleported again. After a few times, he gritted his teeth and simply teleported directly to the tree trunk that had been eroded by divine power.

The divine power will attack any creature that comes close, but Lu Yin has already practiced divine power, and it is full divine power. The divine power in this tree trunk will not only not harm him, but also become his source of strength.

And now he really needs to absorb divine power.

The divine power within the twelve divine power lines needs to be replenished.

While absorbing the divine power, he also stared at the inner and outer heavens to see what happened.

After a while, Lu Yin found that he could do nothing here except replenish his divine power, because no living being could approach this place.

He has seen creatures observing from far away, and he could have taken action, but he did not move.

Been waiting.

Until one day, he saw an acquaintance, Ming Fan.

He looked at Mingfan in surprise. This guy’s aura had strengthened a lot. It seemed that the master of life was quite satisfied with it.

The creature next to it is from the life master clan. Judging from its posture, Mingfan is very respectful. It is estimated that he comes from the ancient city of years and is not young in seniority.

It’s interesting. If you meet someone you know, you’re welcome.

In the distance, Mingfan is now very comfortable, very comfortable. The situation that he was most worried about being discovered by the master of life that he has betrayed his own race has not appeared. Not only that, but also because he saved his fellow race at the critical moment and preserved the inheritance of the master of life. The master praised it and helped it increase its strength.

It won’t be long before it reaches the level of the most powerful person, comparable to the Ming Qing.

This is a very high status. Looking at the entire universe, it is second only to the Master.

However, due to seniority, the person next to him will always be ranked above him regardless of his strength. But it doesn’t matter, as long as you reach the strongest level, you will not easily offend yourself even if you die, and you will become a being second only to the master.

And because of the appearance of Death, a hidden danger has also been thrown out, which is the key to the real Taibai Fate Realm.

If that human being doesn’t die for one day, he may enter the real Taibai Fate Realm. He can’t stop him. If the key is dead, it will be his if something goes wrong.

Ming Ming is also very satisfied with the key because of it. He thinks Ming Fan is very knowledgeable and can kill two birds with one stone.

What happened was really like a dream.

The most fortunate thing for it now is that it did not expose the relationship between Mingzuo and Lu Yin when it discovered it, giving itself leeway, otherwise the Free Period War would definitely be dead.

It was that human who deliberately gave himself the opportunity to escape with his fellow humans.

Now that human being has also run away, and he is just waiting for the master to return and clean up the mess. The inner and outer beings will still have the final say. This is more valuable than before. At first, it was only the most powerful people who were in charge of the Taibai Fate Realm, but now, everyone has to respect him even if he comes to the Ancient City of Time.

All because of that human being, human being, human being?

Mingfan stared blankly into the distance, this, this, Lu Yin?

Besides, Lu Yin has not yet been found at the end of his life, and his eyes are fixed on the branches soaked in the sacred tree: “The speed is getting faster and faster. If the master does not come back, we may not be able to saw it in time.”

“Fate, the old rule, half and half, take action.”

Mingfan did not move.

Mingshu looked at it: “Mingfan?”

Mingfan still didn’t move, just looking into the distance.

Finally followed its gaze, his pupils shrank, and he blurted out: “Human?”

Lu Yin smiled as he looked at his death, “Yes, human being.”

He turned around and ran away without any hesitation, without any thought of fighting. What it recognized was not a human being, but Lu Yin.

Who in the Dominion clan doesn’t recognize Lu Yin’s appearance?

Lu Yin, he is Lu Yin, the strongest man who once suppressed the inner and outer heavens, killed the Qing Qing, defeated the Grand Palace Master, and even escaped from being chased by the master.

This human being is not something it can fight against.

“What’s its name?” Lu Yin’s voice reached Mingfan’s ears. It suddenly turned around and found that Lu Yin was talking to Mingfan and had no intention of chasing it. And Mingfan did not escape.

Ming Fan faced Lu Yin and said respectfully: “Mate ends in ninety-eight months.”

Lu Yin nodded: “Ninety-eight months? Is it as strong as Mingqing?”

“Compared to Bu Mingqing, Mingqing’s life span is much shorter than it. It is the same generation as the Lord.”

“Well, it seems that Baiyue is really a good thing. The longer it lives, the more it will have, but it should have also cultivated its armed vitality.”

“Yes, ninety-eight months is the vitality of armed forces.”

“Can it be achieved naturally?”

“Generally not, but although it is not as good as Mingqing, it can still fight in the ancient city of time.”

Lu Yin looked at Mingshou and said, “That’s it.”


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