Star Odyssey Chapter 5253: Times passed

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Shang Jing said that the usefulness of this thing is reflected in the long river of time, but it does not dare to go, lest it encounters the passage of time.

If so.

And it is made of Shuangqing materials.

Well, this thing won’t work, let’s go against the past.

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered and he stared at Xiaozhou. Going against the grain, half of the body enters the current, and it is difficult to escape. Even the Lord of Time is cautious.

If this thing could go back to ancient times, it would be of great value.

At this point, the causal increase ends.

Shang Jing rushed out violently, and Lu Yin stunned it with a flick of his finger.

Putting away the boat, he appeared in front of Shang Jing. It was time to try the newly learned method of time.

Into the years.

Gray covered Shang Jing, Lu Yin put a hand on Shang Jing, slowly pulled it away, and dragged out the years, and the years were divided into pieces that passed by, spreading out and heading into the distance.

Lu Yin looked at the years that had been dragged out, and the time spanned a long history. He looked at a scene in the past, stretched out his hand, and touched it.

A suction force came from the past and sucked him in.

Look up, is this? The second barrier battlefield?

He was walking on the land full of gunpowder smoke. In the distance, a figure faced the starry sky and slowly knelt down. That was the Red Man.

Lu Yin saw Hong Xia, but Hong Xia couldn’t see him.

He is walking through the past years.

This is the scene of the Red Man kneeling down to worship Xian Ling, but there are other civilizations besides Xian Ling.

In order to kneel down and worship Xian Ling, Hongxia Town killed countless second barrier cultivators.

Far away, Lu Yin saw a person with a shrunken head. He looked very familiar. That was Rang Yu.

Rang Yu saw the scene of Red Hero kneeling down to worship Xian Ling, and Lu Yin first learned that Red Hero kneeled down to worship Xian Ling from Rang Yu’s causal past.

But what Rang Yu saw was kneeling down to worship the unknown, Xian Ling, which he couldn’t see.

This is a picture of Shang Jing’s years. Anyone who can see Shang Jing can see it, and Lu Yin can also walk within Shang Jing’s sight.

He broke away from the past, waved his hand, and continued, he wanted to see Lu Er.

He couldn’t believe everything Shang Jing said, he could only believe it if he saw it with his own eyes.

Keep dragging out the years and keep looking at the past.

Lu Yin didn’t know how much time had passed, but it was a long time anyway. As he entered the years, there were two figures in front of him, one was Shang Jing, and the other was a human being.

The human appearance is somewhat similar to him. He is a member of the Lu family.

Lu Yin couldn’t hear what this person said to Shang Jing. He stepped into the years and saw the picture, but he couldn’t affect the past and couldn’t hear the sound.

It’s like walking in a drama that has already been filmed.

Although he couldn’t hear their conversation, Lu Yin knew that Shang Jing was not lying, and Lu Er was persuading him to besiege the ninth base.

Lu Er is a traitor who has been enabled.

It is not entirely correct to say that he is a traitor. Maybe he sincerely betrays mankind like Red Man, or maybe he is affected by the seeds of karma.

After exiting the years, Lu Yin looked at Shang Jing. He wanted to see something through this miscellaneous feathered bird, but unfortunately what he wanted to see had nothing to do with this miscellaneous feathered bird. Even in the Battle of Hongshuang, it was mainly Qiu Huang and Hong Xia. This miscellaneous bird participated, but not much.

He wants to see the battle of Mi Lord.

I want to see Iwa guarding one side.

I want to see Wang Wen, I want to see the other base owners, I want to see the shocking power of destroying civilization with one punch.

Unfortunately, I can’t even see it.

Lu Yin lowered his head, looked at Shang Jing, looked deeply, and finally, Yu Dian killed him in the Hell.

Xian Ling’s revenge has been completely avenged.

There may be immortal feathers in the outside world, which can be worshiped by death,

Xian Ling, one dead and one less, cannot be increased at all. This is a civilization doomed to destruction.

And the mark of the Supreme Lord appeared above the Hell.

The general can be summoned by paying tribute.

In fact, apart from the usefulness of summoning generals when awakening the general platform at the beginning, later summoning generals is no longer useful, because the number of opponents he faces cannot be solved. It has to be said that this is a very embarrassing position.

Next, Lu Yin took out the eye of the ten-eyed crow and merged it into the third eye on his forehead.

After integrating, Lu Yin regretted that he should not have killed Shang Jing so early, it was a waste.

This eye has a talent called – Breeding Crow.

The so-called planting crow is to plant a certain killing move of the Ten-Eyed Crow in the eyes. Once used, this killing move can be perfectly reproduced with the original power of the Ten-Eyed Crow. Just like the blow that Shang Jing hit him before, that blow belonged to the Ten-Eyed Crow, which can kill masters with unlimited lives and is the strongest combat power. Shang Jing can’t hit it by himself, but he can hit it with the help of the crow.

But there is a prerequisite for planting crows, that is, you must see the moves played by the ten-eyed crows before you can plant them into your eyes, otherwise it will be useless.

In other words, even if Lu Yin obtained this eye, because he did not see the Ten-Eyed Crow take action with his own eyes, this eye has no offensive capabilities, including the previous move, that move was Shang Jing. I saw it with my own eyes, so it can be used. Lu Yin hasn’t seen it, so I can’t use it.

Damn it.

If he had known this earlier, he would have been able to travel back in time and see the Ten-Eyed Crow killing move through Shang Jing’s past. Even if it wasn’t this move, it could have been another move. It was a pity.

The Ten-Eyed Crow is said to be invincible as a single target and requires three main bases to attack

Can kill.

Before being besieged, he might have been injured.

Its peak combat power is definitely not inferior to that of the Grand Palace Master. Even its ultimate killing move threatens you. It would be nice if you could take a look at it.

But that kind of trick can’t be seen even through Shang Jing’s past. Only Hong Shuang’s three basekeepers can see it.

This is equivalent to saying that this eye is useless.

Lu Yin shook his head. Although it was a pity, he no longer thought about it. Next, he merged the lines of divine power.

When he parted with Base, he gave himself all twelve lines of divine power, which meant that he could try to fuse all twelve lines of divine power.

In fact, I shouldn’t say try, he can do it.

If he can’t do it with his current strength, then almost no one can integrate all the lines of divine power except the Lord. But the divine power is created by Ba Color, Wang Wen and the Lord’s family of creatures. It does not come from the Lord, which means the divine power itself. Not that high a rank.

Lu Yin must have reached the level of integrating all divine power.

Twelve lines of divine power appeared in front of his eyes, and his eyes swept over them one by one, finally settling on brown. Who owns this brown line of divine power is still a mystery.

But it doesn’t matter, no matter who the owner is, his current enemy has reached the level of dominance.

Start merging.

Originally Lu Yin wanted to fuse with the divine clone, but it would take a long time for the divine clone to fuse, unless he got the same opportunity as Nirvana to improve within the equality. This chance is very slim, so he can only use the original body for the time being. Fusion.

Of course, this does not prevent the fusion of divine clones in the future. After all, these divine lines have also been fused by other creatures.

In the past, he had always regarded the fusion of divine power lines as the cultivation of divine power clones

Practice, obviously your thinking is fixed.

One by one, the lines of divine power were integrated into the body, and there was no obstacle for me to do so. Nine of them were integrated in one go, which can be said to be unprecedented.

Lu Yin didn’t know how many divine power lines the eight colors were integrated into. Is it really eight? But he had fused Kujo all at once, and he could continue to fuse it over time. Kujo could only be successfully integrated in the shortest time, and it was not his own limit.

He wants to fuse all twelve lines of divine power, and then use these twelve lines of divine power to merge with the power of death.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with the bet between Wang Wen and Qianji Guiyan.

Wang Wen, Qianji Guiyan, are all the top masters under the **** level. Why do they care so much about the fusion of divine power and death? And I am only 60% fused, but I already have such destructive power. What will happen if I completely fuse one line of divine power, and then fuse all twelve lines of divine power?

He doesn’t know.

He only knew that he could give it a try, there would be no harm anyway, and he also knew that he had plenty of time now.


In the chaotic distance, Xiangcheng has already left the direction of the eternal consciousness, and Ba Color has also stayed where he once was until now.

He raised his head and looked at the starry sky: “Finally, the complete collapse is over. The Lord of Time has returned to the Ancient City of Time. The Lord of Life has left the Inner and Outer Sky. Then, it’s time.” After saying that, he walked towards the Sacred Tree step by step, and then, there was no obstacle. Stepping into the sacred tree, it seemed as if it was embedded in it.

As his body entered the sacred tree, the twelve-color divine power flowing from the sacred tree began to flow into the distance at an extremely fast speed. The beautiful twelve-color light turned into a river across the universe, beautiful and dreamy.

This is what ordinary creatures see

A river that crosses the universe, you may see the creatures of the huge mother tree, but what you see is the twelve colors of light flowing along the branches into the trunk, spreading and infecting continuously.

The sacred tree is a slightly larger branch. The branches emerge from the trunk, and the trunk is connected to the larger trunk, and then connected to the main trunk of the mother tree.

It is like saying that this huge sacred tree is just an inconspicuous branch when viewed from the mother tree.

But now, the branches of this tree are constantly being impregnated with divine power towards the entire mother tree, expanding visibly to the naked eye.

If this expansion speed is compared to that of a cultivator, it is enough to reach the speed of a master of the Three Laws.

A branch cannot have only one branch, but can have many, many branches, some big and some small.

Every branch may be the mother tree of a cosmic civilization.

As the divine power flows, it infiltrates each branch, which is equivalent to infiltrating the mother tree of each civilization.

Some civilizations knelt down and worshiped, looking up at the twelve colors of divine power flowing, saturating the entire mother tree, and then covering the starry sky.

There are also civilizations that want to stop it, but are eroded and transformed by divine power, turning into a form similar to the Eternals.

The Eternals were originally transformed based on the red divine power. Now, under the transformation of the twelve-color divine power, more and more civilizations in the universe have changed. Each one has lost their sense of pain, emotions, and personality. new species.

Just like an active heart can transform living beings into active organisms, those active organisms form a fleece civilization.

Now, these civilized beings transformed by the twelve-color divine power are completely separated from the previous civilization and have become a new species.

It’s just that these species are now scattered in various places on the branches

In the universe, it has not been discovered yet.


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