Star Odyssey Chapter 5252: Destroy it

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The failure of this attack came from Lu Yin grabbing the surrounding gray silk, which was years. He lowered his head, his eyes full of wonder and wonder: “Is this retribution? I thought you were laughing at yourself, but it turned out to be a use of time. Interesting, really interesting. Let’s do it again.” As he spoke, he loosened the gray silk and let it go. Shang Jingyuan


Shang Jing trembled and stopped in the starry sky without moving.

Lu Yin shouted: “I’ll let you do it again.”

Shang Jing said bitterly: “I can’t do it anymore. The retribution is to use Gaotian’s death as a means of killing over the years. Gaotian can only die once, and I can only strike one blow.”

Lu Yin looked at Shang Jing. Although his eyes were fixed on it, his eyes were filled with confusion and thinking. He thought of something.

Time and cause and effect are both on the same side. The Lord saw the scene of Gao Tian’s death and fixed that scene into today’s retribution. Is this the use of time or the use of cause and effect? Or, it’s neither.

Neither, not years, not cause and effect, but – picture? Is it the past? Is it history? Time and cause and effect can be a line or two sides, but they both exist in the starry sky of the universe, so is it the universe that includes them? No, the universe is space, but the past exists in years, so what includes the past years is


Cause and effect can hit the years in the air and break the imprint of fantasy.

Nine changes need to pull out a passage of time and leave a mark of time.

He suddenly thought of Zhaoran, who had created his own trick – time photo album. Each minute and second of the current time can be divided into photo albums, so that the enemy cannot see the entire time transition clearly.

This method applies to the current time.

Since the current time can be divided into photo albums, what about the past? Same goes. It’s just that what has been divided in the past is not the photo album, but history.

If you separate the scenes of the past years and time has a face, then can you enter that face?

This is tantamount to materializing the past.

This is, entering the years.

Seeing Lu Yin deep in thought, his eyes becoming increasingly empty, Shang Jing immediately teleported to escape. But he still couldn’t escape, time had already been stripped away by Lu Yin.

It looked at Lu Yin desperately.

Lu Yin’s eyes recovered and fell on it again, with exploration and expectation: “Perhaps you really helped me a lot. But the accounts that should be settled must still be settled.”

“Excuse me, destroy it.” After saying that, he waved his hand.

Below, all the fairy feathers exploded, completely dead.

Just a single sound caused the destruction of a civilization.

Shang Jing’s pupils moved downward, watching all the immortal feathers being killed, anger, hatred, fear, despair, countless emotions gathered into one, making him want to roar.

Lu Yin spoke slowly: “Are you feeling uncomfortable? Or angry?”

“I am not a good person, and I have never thought of repaying kindness with kindness.”

“The despair that Xian Ling once brought to the ancestors of mankind is returned twice as much today. The difference is that you have no future.”

“The tragedy of the Red Lotus Tomb is the indelible history of my humanity. This history will not be erased even if the immortal feathers are destroyed. I will let you live in history.”

Shang Jing stared at Lu Yin, the overly complicated emotions making him almost crazy, and the wings on his body were falling off.

When Lu Yin thought it would fight to the death.

It lay down.

It, surrender.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, “What do you mean?”

Shang Jing’s voice was trembling, full of powerlessness and prayer: “I was wrong. The worst thing I ever did was to besiege the ninth base. Today I want to surrender and make up for my mistake.”

“You don’t hate me? I destroyed the Xianling civilization.”

“I am Zu Ling, I created Xian Ling. If necessary, I can create it. Xian Ling was born because of me.”

“You mean that only by solving you can Xian Ling be completely solved?”

Your Majesty prayed: “I will not betray, I will only surrender. I am useful. I can create fairy feathers, tell you everything you want to know, and offer you the most precious treasure.”

“What do you have?”

Shang Jing took out something as big as a palm-sized boat and said, “This is a weapon-suppressing treasure. Although I don’t know its use, it is indeed a weapon-suppressing treasure.” After saying that, the boat flew towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin did not take it, but looked at it like this.

At this time, he became more cautious.

After looking at it for a while, I saw that there was nothing wrong with it. I took it and applied a little force, but it couldn’t be crushed.

Is it a powerful treasure?

“Don’t you know its use?”

“I don’t know, I only know that it is related to the Lord of Time, but I dare not enter because there is a river of time there.”

“Can’t you just let others try? There are so many miscellaneous birds under your command.”

“I have thought about it, but I know that there is a way for the Lord of Time. Even if I confirm the purpose, I will not use it, so I have been idle.”

“Do you want to buy your life with this?”

“Use myself, use all my values ​​to buy my life. My strength, my talent, everything I know, including the past of ninth base.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “What’s the matter?”

“The one who came to us to besiege the ninth base was Lu Er.”

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and stared at Shang Jing: “Who?”

“Lu Er, the third barrier Lu Er is second only to the base leader Lu Tongtian.” Shang Jing said.

Lu Yin’s eyes flickered and he looked deeply at Shang Jing.

Lu Er? This was not the first time he heard this name.

One of the list of causal seeds that Shengzang helped him get was Lu Er.

“We didn’t plan to attack the ninth base at the beginning because the ninth base was too strong. Each of the nine base owners surpassed me. The individual strength of each base was beyond what I, Xian Ling, could handle.”

“I admit that I was jealous of Nine Bases at that time, but I regarded Nine Bases as a behemoth comparable to the Lord. How could we dare to take action against a civilization of that level?”

“Teleportation is not invincible. We have a limited number of immortal feathers and cannot take risks.”

“But when Lu Er found us, everything changed.”

“The Lord wants to destroy the Nine Bases together. He has gathered nearly ten fishing civilizations and the Lord’s strongest masters. Those aloof masters of the clan, plus the traitors within the Nine Bases, this is the way to win.”

“That’s why we took action.”

“If it weren’t for Lu Er, we wouldn’t have taken action.”

Lu Yin looked at Shang Jing calmly. Has Lu Er been activated?

In the list of causal seeds, it seems that some are dead, some have never been activated, and some have already been activated.

Hunji has never been enabled.

And he sighed, it was confirmed by Chang Shu that he died in battle.

And Hong Potian is also dead.

The Red Man was activated and was a traitor, causing the second barrier to collapse.

He didn’t know what happened to the rest.

I didn’t expect to hear the news from Lu Er today.

“You didn’t lie to me?”

Shang Jing swore: “Absolutely not.”

“Give me the eyes of the ten-eyed crow.”

Shang Jing did not hesitate, dug it out from under his wings and handed it to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin appeared on the side of the general platform hell: “Go in.”

Shang Jing looked at the Dianjiangtai Hell. It recognized this. The original death of Gaotian was in the Dianjiangtai Hell.

“I want to live. I give you everything I can give.” The Lord begged.

Lu Yin looked at it: “That’s why I let you in to save your life. Do you believe me?”

Shang Jing’s pupils flashed, how could he believe it? It saw with its own eyes the scene before Gao Tian’s death, so it was able to take retribution. This was obviously to kill it and make it the same as Gao Tian.

“I can create a clan of fairy feathers to serve your human civilization and become your mounts.”

“I can pretend to surrender to the Lord and work for you.”

“I can do a lot.”

Lu Yin pointed to the general **** and stopped talking.

Shang Jing flexed his claws and his tone became deeper and deeper: “Why do you have to let me die? Is it because of the past war?”

“You humans also have wars and are dying all the time.”

“Why do you have to hold on to this?” It let out a sharp roar, and the fear of death made it go crazy. It glared at Lu Yin: “Can my life only be used as a bargaining chip for revenge? I am Shangjing, is Zu Ling, who has the ability to create immortal feathers and the strength of a strong man,

You shouldn’t have let me die, no. “After saying that, he turned around and ran away, rushing into the distance.

Lu Yin let out a breath. To be honest, he really had no intention of letting Shang Jing go.

There is nothing wrong with hatred.

For the human ancestors at that time, could their lives be measured by value and interests?

Besides, a minister does not bring much value to him. When it comes to teleportation, the Lu family has it. Although there is a distance limit, this limit is constantly being broken by the mirror light technique.

In terms of strength, Shangjing is not as good as Hunji and Qinglian Shangyu them.

How to talk about value?

Revenge is revenge, whether it is venting anger or paying tribute.

It doesn’t matter if some people say he is short-sighted.

He just wants to get rid of Xian Ling, make the Red Lotus Tomb become history, and let Xian Ling live in the past.

Only in this way can we be worthy of the people who died at that moment.

Human history can never be forgotten.

Shang Jing has never been so eager to move instantly, and never been so eager for speed.

Quick, quick, quick.

It wants to escape, the farther away the better.

Why haven’t you let it go yet?

It has already left that chaotic square inch. It has taken the Xianling clan away from the Lord and away from the past. Why not let it go?

Retribution, is there really retribution?

One hand came down, held Shang Jing’s head, and pressed it into the **** of Dianjiangtai.

The causes and effects begin to increase.

Shang Jing crashed into Dianjiangtai Hell and tried to escape.

Compared to the time when I sued heaven, it was much more difficult, and it was impossible to escape.

Lu Yin can instantly kill other immortals, but Shangjing has survived for too long, and the karma it can increase is not even lower than that of Shengqing and Shengji.

While using Shangjing to increase cause and effect, he studied the weapon-suppressing treasure.

The boat is definitely a powerful treasure. Ordinary treasures cannot withstand his power.

But what exactly is it used for? If Shang Jing knew, he would definitely tell himself. It really doesn’t know.

Lu Yin stared at the boat, studying it, and time passed slowly.

After a while, he came up with a guess. The boat was made of wood. What kind of wood could be used as a powerful weapon? So hard?

All he could think of was Shuangqing.

It is the big-faced tree and the big tree that escaped. Of course, these things are definitely not made of the material they are made of, it’s too old. And there are many pairs of boats on the other side of the Yangtze River, which can carry the ancient city of Time and walk the Yangtze River. It is only fair to use their materials to make boats.

Go. After all, I can walk in the long river of time.


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