Star Odyssey Chapter 5248: Comprehensive collapse

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Only when facing the First Ancestor, Lu Yin felt like he had found a backer, even though the First Ancestor was not as powerful as him.

“Zhuzhu, can you wait? When I control this eternal consciousness world, you can play whatever you want.” The ancestor said.

Lu Yin was helpless: “I can’t wait any longer.”

The ancestor’s heart sank: “Who?”


“That’s it, then let’s go. My value here should be greater than yours, and I can help you hold it off for a while.”

Lu Yin looked down at the entire eternal world of consciousness. At this moment, the ancestor had already walked more than half of the way, but the further back he went, the harder it became. The ancestor needed a lot of time, but the master of life would not give him this time.

As long as the master of life thinks of this starry sky, he will chase him.

“Senior, I’ll give you something.” Lu Yin let go of his hand and bowed, turning into a stream of light and sinking into the eternal consciousness, heading towards the ancestor.

The original ancestor’s body is in the Yi Tian Que. What is in the eternal consciousness world is only consciousness, but the Yi Que Sutra is also consciousness.

The bow fell in front of the ancestor’s eyes and turned into the Yi Que Sutra that kept turning.

The ancestor was confused, this feeling was very warm, “Is this?”

“The Yi Que Sutra, which is also controlled by consciousness, may be able to help seniors take another step forward.” Lu Yin said. The First Ancestor looked at Lu Yin: “Is it the master’s thing? I understand.” After saying that, he was not polite and grabbed the Mind Que Sutra. The Yi Que Sutra was directly attached to the consciousness of the ancestor. Suddenly, the entire conscious body of the ancestor was wrapped, and the nine pages of the Yi Que Sutra were surrounded.

A hazy light is emitted, and the sculptures in the eternal realm of consciousness also emit light at the same time.

At this moment, Lu Yin saw what was stopping the ancestor from moving forward. It was not memory carving, but the consciousness that dominated the clan of creatures.

Those creatures are suspended within the scroll like the sculptures, constantly changing and difficult to remember.

Lu Yin spat out, the Yi Que Sutra not only exists in consciousness, but also the Yi Tian Que and the eternal consciousness world are all things controlled by consciousness. It also has the Divine Will Imaging Technique, which is a power that can control consciousness and dominate a clan of living beings.

This moment seems to be tailor-made for the ancestor. The consciousness of the ancestor raised his feet and directly crossed the remaining half distance. Those consciousness-dominated creatures could not move, allowing the ancestor to go to the end, and his breath broke through the three rules in an instant and turned into a beam of light and sank into the starry sky.

Make ripples.

In Yitian Palace, the ancestor changed. At this moment, he seemed to have become another person.

Although there is no movement in the outside world, earth-shaking changes must have taken place in Tianque.

The most intuitive thing is that Yi Tian Que itself is more real.

Lu Yin slowly backed away, watching the eternal consciousness disappear into the starry sky, turned around, and looked into the distance.

Giving the Yi Que Sutra to the First Ancestor was a great loss of his strength. It is impossible to say that he does not feel distressed, but he gave it to the First Ancestor without any regrets.

Then next, he raised his hand, and Xiangcheng appeared, and figures walked out one after another. They were the three most powerful people, Hun Ji, Chang Chu and Qinglian Shangyu.

Only they can navigate the current chaos.

“Back?” Qinglian Shangyu looked around with complicated eyes.

For everyone, this starry sky is home, because this is the starry sky where Ninth Base was born.

“Senior Qinglian, Xiangcheng will be handed over to you next.” Lu Yin said.

Qinglian Shangyu frowned: “What do you want to do?”

Lu Yin exhaled: “The Lord of Life is targeting me. Apart from it, I feel that Xiangsiyu, Wang Wen and the others will also be targeting me. I am too much of a threat to them, so here, I want to talk to you all Separated.”

“No.” Qinglian Shangyu and the others refused immediately.

“When human civilization is in danger, you come to fight against it. You cannot be in danger but be abandoned by civilization.” Qinglian said to the emperor.

Chang Chu’s eyes were firm: “I don’t want to be a deserter again.”

Hun Ji rolled his eyes: “It doesn’t matter if I take Xiangcheng with me, everything is taken care of anyway.”

Lu Yin looked solemn: “A lot of times I couldn’t tell whether it was rational or emotional, but now I know very clearly that the decision I make must be rational.”

“I have no chance of escaping from the master’s pursuit. I collapsed my consciousness frame and fell out with the master. Wang Wen never expected that I would do that. He also had the same intention to kill me. Xiangcheng followed me. Be wise.” “Besides, Xiangcheng can’t help me, it’s better to separate.” At this point, he looked at Qinglian Shangyu: “After I leave, senior will let Ancestor Lu Yuan and others come out to protect Ancestor and take Xiangcheng. Leave, stay away from here, you were not born

The power of the Master of Fate will spread, so that he will not be found…”

He said a lot, Qinglian Shangyu and the others listened quietly, knowing very well that Lu Yin’s decision could not be changed.

This time is different from before. The pressure brought by the master is too great, too great for him to bear, otherwise he will not give up Xiangcheng. In addition to their poor combat power, the layout of Wang Wen, Xiang Siyu and others also gave Lu Yin a huge sense of crisis. They were too smart and ruthless. Even the Master of Cause and Effect had plans. Every step he took seemed to be drawn by others. Within the line, this is

The most uneasy thing about Lu Yin.

He had never been so anxious.

Wang Wen may have expected the chaos that appeared at this moment.

No one knows what they will do next.

Lu Yin can be used, but the entire civilization cannot be buried with him.

Now his only backup is the ancestor. Once the ancestor masters the eternal consciousness world, he may become the second consciousness master. Only then will he have any chance of survival, provided that it can be delayed until that time.

Now must be separated from human civilization.

He has done enough and does not want to fall short.

Base walked out of Xiangcheng. He was Xiangxue. Others didn’t know about this clone.

“Thank you for bringing me back. Actually, you still don’t fully trust me.”

Lu Yin did not deny that the eight colors were physiognomy. It was possible. What he said was reasonable and well-founded, but Lu Yin had experienced too much and would not believe it easily.

Ba Color took out all eleven divine power lines and floated towards Lu Yin: “This is what we agreed to do. You take me to find the divine tree, and I will give you all the divine power lines.”

“They’re yours now.”

Lu Yin took it: “What will you do if you don’t have the divine power lines?”

Base said: “The divine power line is a tool for locating anti-ancient points. It has been like this from the beginning. It is only as time goes by that it becomes more and more important as it possesses more and more divine power.”

“For me, the presence of the sacred tree is enough.”

Lu Yin recalled what he once said, can that kind of ambition really be achieved? “Also.” Ba Se faced Lu Yin: “You are right to guard against Wang Wen. He has the most ruthless heart. He will do anything to achieve his goal and doesn’t care about anything. Your life may be the next one he will harvest. object, just like he once was

If they want to harvest Hongshuang, their lives will be the same. ”

“Remember, be careful of Wang Wen.” After saying that, he left to look for the sacred tree.

Lu Yin also left without saying goodbye. Many, many people appeared in his mind, but in the end, he could only take a glance and the familiar Xiangcheng disappeared in an instant.

I don’t know when we will see each other again.

There is his wayfinding stone in Xiangcheng, and people will keep crushing it. If he feels safe, he can return. If it is not safe, or he dies, he will be farewell forever.

Before leaving, he first returned to the location of the three universes to look for the last Flowing Light Card. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find it, so he didn’t dare to waste any more time and immediately headed away from this chaos.

The method used is a jumping line of sight.

This was how I escaped from the starry sky in the first place, and now I am escaping alone in the same way.

Teleporting away and then reappearing, Lu Yin looked back and could no longer see the chaotic distance. He didn’t know where he was. He looked up and saw that the framework of the universe still existed. He didn’t know how big it was.

The next step is to actively attract the master of life.

He estimated that the master of life must have guessed that he went to that chaotic area. If he went directly instead of looking for him, he would probably find the ancestor and Xiangcheng. But if he took the initiative to attract him, the result would be What I know very well.

This is the road to death. But fortunately, a person came with me, Qingyun. The jumping vision is her talent, and Lu Yin needs her help to continuously use it. With this, he can also avoid the master’s pursuit.

Just as he was thinking about it, the causal framework collapsed.

Lu Yin’s pupils shrank and he looked in shock. The causal framework collapsed. Is the master of causality dead? Did Wang Wen, Xiang Siyu and Death Master succeed?

Before he could think about it, the luck framework collapsed.

Then, the frame of life and years collapsed, and then the frame of death, all collapsed.

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky and saw that the framework of the universe had completely collapsed. What happened?

The inner and outer heavens, the realm of karma and fate, are coming to an end.

Many creatures of the Karma Master clan watched death in despair, darkness completely enveloped them, and eventually, swallowed up, destroying the entire Karma Realm.

All the creatures in the family of Karma Masters died.

Beyond the mother tree, Xiangsiyu and Wang Wen stood calmly in the starry sky. Facing them was the master of life.

“It still ran away.” Xiang Siyu regretted.

Wang Wen smiled and said: “Thank you for saving me, otherwise I would have died due to cause and effect.”

Xiang Siyu smiled slightly: “I said I would take you to the top. You should feel the push of Discord.”

“But you also said that you would not let Karma escape.” came the voice of the Lord of Death.

Xiang Siyu was helpless: “We got to know each other when we first became the master. It has been so long. God knows what it has cultivated. The situation of mortality does not apply to the master.”

“What on earth are you doing?” The Lord of Life wrapped his white vitality around the huge mother tree and stared at Xiangsiyu and the others.

Xiang Siyu looked at the master of life: “The cause and effect of killing, don’t you see it?”

“Why?” The Lord of Life asked, staring at Wang Wen: “From the framework of the universe to the free period of the inner and outer heavens to taking action against you, all of this is within your plan. Now I just want to know why?”

Wang Wenping: “You should help us. Wouldn’t it be better to die for Karma?”

The Master of Life narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Wen.

“No matter what their reasons are, I want revenge anyway.” The voice of the Lord of Death came out, and darkness swept towards the white life force, stalemate with the Lord of Life.

The master of life is puzzled: “Even if we want to kill the cause and effect, why do we have to collapse all the frameworks of the universe?”

“Isn’t it your decision that humans will collapse their consciousness framework without hesitation?”

Wang Wen shrugged: “This is really not true. The original consciousness framework has no value, because we will always break it, but we did not expect him to be so decisive.”

The Lord of Death said in a low tone: “That human is too talented, decisive, and bolder than you and me, so we can’t keep him.” “Thank you brothers for your reward and support, I will give you more, thank you!!”


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