Star Odyssey Chapter 5247: Honey Card

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How powerful is the power of the Lord? There is no one who knows except the Overlord himself, because apart from the Overlord, no living being is qualified for the Overlord to use its power.

Today, Lu Yin saw it.

He used the trump card he left behind a long time ago, Can Hai.

A long time ago, he left a child of the Lu family in Canhai. Every once in a while, he would ask this child of the Lu family to crush the path-finding stone. When he saw the scene in Canhai, he could not go, but he couldn’t go.

And this time, in order to avoid being chased by the master of life, he calculated the time exactly, and it happened to be the time for Can Hai to crush the pathfinding stone.

If the three Lu family disciples he left behind were not killed, he could leave through them. Now that they are killed, Can Hai’s backup force can be used.

Lu Yin has arrived at Canhai now.

The remnant sea is very far away from where we were just now. It would take a long time to reach it even by teleportation. If he had not used the pathfinding stone to see the remnant sea scene, he would not have been able to come here right away.

As soon as I arrived at Canhai, I saw the life frame falling in white, which is the power that belongs to the master of life.

Its blow actually covered the remaining sea.

What kind of terrifying power is this? This is the use of the cosmic framework. Without this cosmic framework, Lu Yin believed that even the Dominator would not be able to exert power that would affect the entire square inch.

But now they can.

Escape, the master of life is looking for him, he must escape immediately.

Escape to a place where even the power of **** cannot reach you. And that place happened to be the reason why he came to Canhai.

In the inner and outer world, as the consciousness frame collapsed, the Karma Master, Xiang Yu, and Wang Wen’s battle became more and more intense. No one expected that Lu Yin would collapse his consciousness frame, not even the Karma Master.

This human being obviously did not participate in dealing with Wang Wen, but he did not control the consciousness frame. Either he knew that he would kill him with the consciousness frame, or he gave up everything.

What is the reason?

“Qi Luck, you can’t kill me, so why bother doing unnecessary things? The fight between us has been too long. You should know that the master is difficult to kill.” The master of cause and effect shouted.

Xiang Siyu’s smile remained unchanged, but the cold light in her eyes was breathtaking: “I know, but she doesn’t believe it.”


Behind the Lord of Cause and Effect, darkness shrouded.

It turned around slowly, its pupils flickering, shocked: “The Lord of Death?”

In the darkness, a pair of eyes shone with deep light, falling on the master of cause and effect: “I have been waiting for this day for a long time, cause and effect.”


A corner of the huge mother tree was broken open, and the Lord of Cause and Effect was blasted out. The darkness of death instantly covered every square inch.

The master of cause and effect is confused, why? The original plot against the Lord of Death was caused by life, not him, so why did he attack him?

Lu Yin kept crossing the remaining sea, and besides him, there was a fish on his shoulder, Ba Rong.

Ba Rong, a fish, a fish in the realm of immortality, with a mighty appearance but as timid as a mouse. He was once thrown into Xiangcheng, where he appeared as a puppy.

After leaving Xiangcheng, it was accidentally found by Lu Yin and saw its past, but even it didn’t know where it came from.

It lives in an ocean that is so big that it exceeds any civilization in the universe it knows. And it is the realm of eternal life. At first, in that ocean, it was the bottom layer of food and could be swallowed by strong men at any time. Until it came to the bottom of the sea, it heard the sound of snoring, and then recognized its godfather. It was the godfather who taught it to practice and let it It’s one step

Step into immortality and become the overlord of one party.

Ba Rong himself didn’t know where the ocean he once lived was.

Until one day, I met Hun Ji in Xiangcheng. It heard a familiar snoring sound and called out to its godfather. Hunji responded, and then it knew that the name of the ocean where it once lived was called the Can Sea.

Hunji is its godfather.

The reason why Ba Rong can get rid of the chaos is naturally not because he travels through the universe by himself. The distance is too far. Even if he wants to get to the chaos from the residual sea in the immortal realm, it is still far away. It is transmitted through the altar.

There is an altar in the universe that can be teleported far, far away.

Liu Shaoge and the others were also teleported from Jupiter to Zanhai, but the teleportation altar was destroyed.

Now, Lu Yin wants to use Ba Rong to teleport across the altar to get away from the chaos. This is the backhand that Ba Rong has been hiding since he met Hun Ji, and no one knows about it.

Now it comes in handy.

“That’s it.” Ba Rong exclaimed, his eyes drifting up unconsciously, and he saw the white light covering the entire residual sea, not just the residual sea, but the entire universe.

Is this the power of domination? One look at it makes one tremble.

They can’t resist it at all, so run away.

Lu Yin teleported to the altar, activated it, and raised his head. The white light flooded the entire residual sea and gathered here. The master of life had come.

The next moment, Lu Yin disappeared with Ba Rong.

The next moment, the Lord of Life arrived. When it looked at the altar, the altar was shattered and was shattered by Lu Yin from the other end. The Lord of Life looked at the altar and actually forgot about this. This was the way they used to facilitate their long-distance movement when they built the cosmic framework. With the completion of the construction of the cosmic framework, this kind of altar that can transport ultra-long distances

Destroy one and lose one because the material is gone. I didn’t expect that human being would use it.

Where is this going? It doesn’t know either.

Keep looking. The teleportation range of the altar must be within the framework of the universe. Human beings, you can’t escape.

Under the unfamiliar yet familiar starry sky, Lu Yin knew that he was back. He had returned to the starry sky where he was born.

The entire starry sky is integrating into the universe. To be precise, it is integrating into the power of the Lord.

During this process, living beings are generally not allowed to enter and are easily lost in the power of the Lord. This power is comparable to the beautiful universe inside and outside the sky.

But it was very easy for Lu Yin. If he couldn’t enter even with his strength, looking at the universe, only the Lord could enter, so there was no need for the Lord to hide this small distance.

Once upon a time, in order to avoid the pursuit of fate and life, Lu Yin and Xiang Cheng disappeared in this small distance in an instant. When he looked back, he didn’t know how far away they were. Now, he is finally back.

The three universes were taken away, leaving only the conscious universe still in its original position. But there is no need to go to the conscious universe, there is nothing there.

Yi Tianque left with the ancestor and met Lu Yin in Canhai. At that time, Lu Yin told the ancestor the location of the eternal consciousness world. He didn’t know if the ancestor could find the chaotic distance.

The most important thing now is to find the eternal consciousness world and confirm the existence of the ancestor. If the ancestor is not there, he will have to control the eternal consciousness world by himself to deal with the possible pursuit of the master of life.

“This is it. It seemed like this was the place when I was teleported here.” Ba Rong was not sure either. This star dome has changed too much, and the entire universe is changing.

Lu Yin put away Ba Rong, raised his hand, bow, appeared, transformed by Yi Que Sutra.

Raise your hand, hold the bow, float in front of you, and close your eyes.

The Yi Que Sutra and the eternal realm of consciousness are all things dominated by consciousness. Only this can be found.

On the other side, the residual sea, the master of life is surprised, isn’t it? Why can’t it be found? The life frame covers a small distance and is still expanding. It is impossible for this human being to escape from this range.

He left on the altar, but this altar was originally built to build the framework of the universe. It must be within the framework of the universe. Why not?

It keeps looking.

Another moment passed, but still nothing.

Impossible, the master of life’s eyes flashed, it was absolutely impossible not to be found by him, either this person escaped from the coverage of the universe frame, or their power did not exist within the coverage.

The first option is absolutely impossible.

The second type, it has a sharp look, and the chaotic distance is the only place where it is possible not to be found, because the power that belongs to it is still fused there.

This human being comes from that starry sky.

Yes, it’s definitely there.

The place is blocked by me and others. You can’t find it just by looking for it. You can’t see it even if you get to the periphery. However, the altar can be teleported there.

It was just about to go forward when the frame of cause and effect vibrated above the framework of the universe.

The master of cause and effect is in trouble.

The Lord of Life looked up for a while, hesitated, and then turned to the inner and outer sky.

It’s about witnessing something.

In the chaotic distance, Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes, clenched his bow and found it.

Take one step forward and travel through the void in one direction.

The distance between the chaotic squares is very large, very large, otherwise it would not be possible for the Death Universe to escape the pursuit of the Lord and be searched by the unknown for so many years.

Lu Yin followed the induction of the Yi Que Sutra to search, and after a while, he came to the truly familiar starry sky. He had been here many times before, because this was the direction of the eternal consciousness.


Really back.

Although I carry the three universes with me wherever I go, it still feels like I am not home. Only when he came here, he looked in one direction and knew that the end of his sight was the direction of his hometown.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lu Yin released his consciousness, carved the scroll, and appeared. This is the eternal realm of consciousness.

At the same time, another familiar building appeared in front of us.

Lu Yin was startled, then overjoyed, Yi Tian Que, this is Yi Tian Que, the ancestor is here.

He looked towards the eternal realm of consciousness.

The Eternal Consciousness Realm can have two perspectives. One is where consciousness enters and memory is carved. At the same time, the body can also look down on the entire scroll gallery from outside.

At this moment, Lu Yin saw the ancestor.

The ancestor also saw Lu Yin. His body was in the Tianque, and he also had two perspectives. One looked up and saw the giant Lu Yin, and the other looked straight down.


Lu Yin was excited. He had never thought that he could almost suppress his emotions because of a title. They had not been separated for long, but the feeling was the same as meeting each other again after death: “Senior Ancestor.”

I couldn’t find the chaotic distance, and thought I couldn’t find the ancestor either. But now I saw the ancestor and Yi Tianque, and I felt relieved.

“Child, you have suffered a lot.” The ancestor looked at Lu Yin with eyes full of pity and guilt. Even though they were old guys who were still there, they let a child bear the burden of civilization. The kid didn’t even need to say anything, he knew it with just one look.

The suffering he suffered is unimaginable to outsiders. The burdens carried are also difficult for ordinary people to bear. Lu Yin had a father and an ancestor, but the ancestor gave him a different feeling. It was the first time he saw the weight of kneeling down and biting the string of sequence to protect human civilization. He was the true founder of human civilization in his heart.


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