Star Odyssey Chapter 5233: Fan Shen

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The long river of time flows, and after a brief silence, the voice sounded again.

“Calm down, we don’t have to go back, but that doesn’t mean we can’t let others go back.”



“Yes, it seems to have nothing to do recently, but it can’t mediate those little guys.”

“If we don’t let it mediate, just bring back whoever makes the most noise, like that crazy girl.”

“Hmph, your luck will never stop, it dares to replace you.”

“Then bring them back together. Including Ming Qing, Shi Gui and Qian Ji Guiyan.”

“As you wish.”

“Send the order, Fanshen goes to the inner and outer heavens to bring back Shengrou, order you to be cunning, use your mind, and make sure there are no mistakes.”

In the ancient city of Time, an oval gray sphere floated, making a dull voice: “Your Majesty.”

The oval gray sphere rushed out of the ancient city of the years and flowed down the river at an extremely fast speed.

Soon after, I met Ba Color ahead.

Base was actually ready to escape. It even put away its divine power line, fearing that if the master returned and saw it blocking the road, he would kill it by slapping it. It’s easier to explain now that the road is not blocked.

But when the oval-shaped sphere came into view, it silently drew out the line of divine power and continued to block the road, leaving only a gap for the oval-shaped sphere to let it flow downstream through the gap.

No more traffic.

But the oval sphere Fanshen didn’t make any other move, as if it didn’t see the eight colors, it passed through the gap and headed towards the inner and outer sky.

“Fanshen, it’s actually it? This is really true.” Ba Color immediately dragged out the Lord of Time and contacted Lu Yin.

In Xiangcheng, Lu Yin received the eight-color notice and was surprised: “Fanshen?”

“This is a chartered creature. There is a legend in the inner and outer heavens. It was a long time ago, and it can be traced back to the era of Shengrou.”

“I know because of Wang Wen.”

“It is said that this Fanshen is called Qianzhou and is the most powerful, but it is not good at killing, only good at dragging away.”

Lu Yin didn’t understand: “Drag away? What do you mean?”

“It has the power of a thousand boats, which means it can create thousands of boats. Each boat has its own absolute strength and is full of unimaginable stickiness. Once it is dragged into the boat, it is difficult to get rid of it.”

“It almost dragged the master out.”

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, “So powerful?”

“It’s not as exaggerated as you think. Its strength will not surpass Shengrou and the others. They are similar to each other, but the stickiness is too terrible. But this guy has a flaw. In fact, it should be said that it is a flaw. In other words, it is a flaw. It only listens to the task and does not ask about anything else. For example, if you ask it to walk in a straight line, it will never take a detour. Even if there is a fatal cliff in front of it and there is a bridge next to it, it will not turn and fall directly.

“It just passed by me, as if it didn’t see me. It should be returning to the inner and outer sky soon.”

That’s it.

The oval sphere Fanshen rushed into the inner and outer heavens at the moment Ba Se finished speaking. Lu Yin saw it immediately because it appeared directly in the sky above the realm of Karma and Destiny, very conspicuous.

He stared at the oval sphere. Is that Fanshen?

“What did it come for? Why didn’t the master return?”

Base said: “You should be lucky. Fortunately, the master has not come back. I may have thought that the news of the frame point being broken came from those guys in Shengrou. I didn’t expect it to be you, otherwise the master would have come back immediately.”

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that he had made an agreement with Shengrou and the others early. No, it was actually because they had selfish motives.

Everyone covets the free period, not only wanting to occupy the inner and outer heavens, but also perhaps looking for a way to break through the ascending passage. Therefore, even if they were based in the illusionary realm, they did not transmit the truth back to the ancient city of time.

By the time they wanted to send it back, it was already too late. I let the eight colors block the long river of time, and their news could not be sent back.

The Lord doesn’t think anyone can defeat the Lord, and Shengrou and the others are not weak. He only thinks that the frame point is broken as a result of their battles with each other.

You guessed it right, Fanshen was sent back to bring them back to the ancient city of time.

Fanshen rushed into the realm of Karma and Fate, rushed out again soon, and then went to the Taibai Fate Realm, followed by the Breaking Era Xuan Realm and the Years of Prosperity Realm, but he couldn’t find them.

Lu Yin kept staring at it.

This guy is not looking for anyone. Judging from his posture, he is looking for the most powerful ones.

In the end, it headed towards the Silent Sea and the Death Realm. The goal was obvious, a thousand tricks.

Base could know Fanshen’s situation, and so could Qianji Guiyan, so it ran away. He ran away with the Grand Palace Master.

Fan Shen rushed into the Sea of ​​Silence and found it, but he didn’t find it. Then he was suspended in the beautiful universe. He didn’t know what he was thinking.

This stay lasted for more than half a year.

Countless creatures saw it and were very curious, but they couldn’t get close to it without Fang Xingzhe’s strength. And its legend is unknown who found it, and the name Fanshen spread throughout the inner and outer world.

Some souls are moved, thinking how great it would be if Fanshen took away all the masters from the human side.

Unfortunately, this is destined to be a delusion.

They understand Fanshen, and so do humans, so how could they be dragged away by Fanshen. There must be precautions.

Lu Yin has stopped the action of replacing the consciousness frame. Nowadays, most of the consciousness framework has been replaced, and less than one tenth is left.

He was afraid that if he continued, he would attract the attention of the master.

There won’t be much left, it will be replaced soon, there is no need to rush.

What he has to do now is to refine the active heart in his body.

The active heart entered the body with Chen’s clone. After the initial fusion, he was unable to completely refine it, but it is different now. Fusion with the Nirvana clone, the whole body seems to have transformed, and the strength has exceeded the limit. Even if you face the owner of this active heart, you will not lose too badly if you can’t win. Now you are just facing a heart.

Sitting cross-legged, the vitality came out of his heart and spread throughout his body in an instant. The boiling white vitality blended with the energy of life, completely submerging Lu Yin.

He seemed to be immersed in the white sea, and every cell and structure in his body was feeling the jump of activity.

The active power contained in the heart is so majestic that it is unimaginable. Lu Yin suspects that it is similar to or even more powerful than his current Karma and Heavenly Way. It is second only to the master in majestic power.

He pressed one hand on his heart, and the strong force was imprinted along the body surface, making a five-finger mark and imprinting it into the active heart.

The cracks spread along the active heart.




The active heart beat more violently and kept roaring, making Lu Yin feel like the entire universe was beating.

Following a huge roar, Lu Yin’s eyes suddenly opened, and white replaced everything. His eyes seemed to have penetrated through the years, and he saw a figure approaching continuously. It rushed towards him, with a terrifying feeling of suffocation. It’s like crushing yourself.

This is the owner of the active heart.

Lu Yin saw it once, when it was fused before.

He stared at the creature, and a palm was inserted into his body again. His active heart was completely shattered. In an instant, Lu Yin felt that his whole body was being swept away by the roaring sea, and it was difficult to control himself.

And the figure expanded infinitely, replacing the heaven and earth, the stars, and everything he knew, and turned into a flash of white to swallow him up.

At this moment, another figure appeared, time and space flowed, and the two figures fought fiercely in the white.

Lu Yin looked at it in trance, that was the Lord of Life.

This is the decisive battle between the master of life and the master of this active heart.

The owner of the active heart is no match for the master of life, but the activity it possesses is so majestic that even Lu Yin finds it incredible. This is definitely not something that non-master levels can possess. In comparison, perhaps he has combined all the living creatures in the entire inner and outer world Only by throwing them all into the general **** can the increased causality and heavenly way be comparable.

Normal spiritual cultivation, such as Shengrou, Shengji, etc., are absolutely unable to reach this level of terror.

This is no longer something that can be accomplished through cultivation.

He didn’t know how the owner of the active heart possessed such vast active power, but it was precisely because of such majestic active power that he could fight against the master of life.

Lu Yin watched the active power being cut off and the creature being suppressed, but with the help of active energy, he stood up again and again.

The master of life is not serious at all, it seems to be studying something.

Finally, Lu Yin saw the power of the master of life, which was the Thirty-six Star Map. Each star map evolved into the death of a living being, and the Thirty-six Star Chart evolved into the death of thirty-six living beings. Finally, White became For black.

Death, was brought out.

Lu Yin’s pupils shrank sharply and turned pale in horror. The Master of Life could easily use the power of death. Is it the Master of Life or the Master of Death?

Ming Qing also leads death, but it is too far behind the master of life.

The Lord of Death was restrained in the face of active power, allowing the fleece civilization to become one. It was once severely damaged. How did this Lord of Life do it?

When death comes, the owner of the active heart is finished.

Its body was torn into pieces, and finally all the active power wrapped around the heart and turned into a stream of light and went away. The remaining active power could not be intercepted even by the strength of the life master.

This battle may seem simple, but the master of active power is not as simple as it seems.

Lu Yin knew very well that if he fought with it, he would definitely lose.

It has to go beyond itself.

Closer to the Lord than the Grand Palace Master.

I just don’t know how it compares to Mi Zhu.

Perhaps what Lu Yin gained most from watching this battle was seeing the power of the Lord of Life. Who would have thought that the Lord of Life could easily use the power of death.

With a cry, all the active power around Lu Yin’s body condensed in an instant, and finally entered his body and was completely absorbed.

The active heart completely disappeared.

Lu Yin opened his eyes and exhaled, and the air flow was white.

Even the remaining active power in the heart is difficult for me to absorb now. Can you imagine how strong this active heart owner must have been at his peak? And the active power he possesses at this moment is extremely terrifying.

He raised his hand, and a twelve-sided dice appeared, with the digitization of various powers recorded on it.

Due to the fusion of Nirvana, the power increased to three hundred.

What a terrifying number, representing a power second only to the Dominator.

And the cause and effect is also due to the increase of Shigui, Shengrou and others, reaching 350, and they have to surpass the power. There is no way, Shigui and Shengrou are both the strongest, in fact, how many Lu Yin himself I don’t know, just probably this many.

Consciousness is one hundred and fifty and will continue to increase.


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