Star Odyssey Chapter 5209: Original years

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Time passed slowly, Lu Yin kept checking Shi Buzhan’s cause and effect past, Shi Buzhan tried to resist, but every time he resisted, he only got a worse end, but it didn’t care and still wanted to take action.

The breath is getting weaker and weaker.

No one can help it.

In addition to looking for the Nine Changes, Lu Yin also wanted to see the sacrifices of the universe.

The holy treasure should never appear in the inner and outer heavens. It wants to run as far as it can, so how can it possibly come back?

But it just appeared, which was even weirder than the silver fox not fighting when it was found.

Lu Yin looked for a long time but couldn’t find the answer, so he asked directly: “Why did Shengzang appear?”

Shi Buzhan was surprised, but only for a moment. He lowered his head again and did not move even though the cause and effect penetrated his body.

Lu Yin stared at it, surprised? Doesn’t it know? Was it because of the sacrifice of the universe that the holy treasure happened to appear, or was it brought about by the sacrifice of the universe? If it’s the latter, it’s infiltrated.

Lu Yin asked Shi Buzhan many questions, but Shi Buzhan didn’t answer any of them.

The fighting in PoExuan Realm is getting louder and louder. Lu Yin has been waiting for the right opportunity to take action. His failure to fight when dealing with them actually makes other people let down their guard.

No matter whether it is the Grand Palace Master or Shengrou, they will never give up their vigilance towards him, and he knows this himself.

Shi Buzhan also knew that Shigui knew its situation, but Shigui could not help it.

In the Broken Disaster Mysterious Realm, the Grand Palace Master’s eyes were downcast, surrounded by Sheng Rou, Shi Gui and Yun Xin. These three guys fought more and more smoothly, each of them exposed their trump cards, making it difficult for them to defeat them. It’s really troublesome to underestimate them.

It looked into the distance, its sight penetrated the void, and saw Lu Yin.

Don’t you fight while you are still dealing with it? He wants to start from time

What did Bu Zhan gain from him? Constantly checking with cause and effect, it is impossible to find out. It is too old and stupid. It is better to help it deal with these few.

However, although he hoped that Lu Yin would deal with Shengrou and the others, the Grand Palace Master would not say that Lu Yin would naturally take action if he wanted to. If he did not move at this moment, it would be useless even if he was called to take action.

The most troublesome thing is Xiangcheng.

It glanced at the Huan Shangxu Realm. Originally, it planned to take the opportunity to enter Xiangcheng and take away Jiang Qi during the duel with Shengrou and the others. Do you really think it will keep its promise and help Lu Yin get the key? That’s the worst option.

The best thing to do is to catch General Qi yourself.

But humans are too cautious. There are two powerful beings there who never move, and Xiangcheng’s defense does not relax at all, leaving it no chance.

You can’t find Yunshan here in Qiyun Road.

Everyone is so difficult to deal with.

It should be invincible vertically and horizontally, how could this be?

The Grand Palace Master has a headache, and Shengrou and the others also have a headache. While dealing with the Grand Palace Master, they must also be wary of Lu Yin’s sudden intervention. After all, teleportation is too troublesome.

Especially Shi Gui, who was extremely anxious seeing Shi Buzhan being killed at any time but unable to rescue him.

They also thought about asking Lu Yin to help surround and kill the Grand Palace Master, but the Grand Palace Master only wanted the keys and to help Lu Yin. How could he kill the Grand Palace Master instead?

The situation is getting more and more complicated.

Their main force has actually become a weak force.

When did this happen?

The only thing that can break the situation now is Qian Ji Jui Yan. As long as Qian Ji Jui Yan stands on the same line with them, they can surround and kill any strong enemy, whether it is the Grand Palace Master or Lu Yin, but Qian Ji Jui Yan can Acting impossible.

It didn’t move from beginning to end, trying to reap the benefits.

It’s not clear that this is the case

Use, they cannot retreat into the background like a thousand tricks.

It was only now that they discovered that the smartest thing is the trick. No matter how the external situation changes, this guy remains immobile and can easily control everything. He is even more disgusting than that human Lu Yin.

How did Death become like this?

I used to be the most impulsive.

The battle resumes.

The Grand Palace Master has set off the PoE Xuan Realm, and Yun Xin naturally disagrees. The black shadow follows the Grand Palace Master closely, hugging him whenever he has time.

The consciousness of the Grand Palace Master has become a means for the three most powerful people to be vigilant at all times, for fear of being stunned.

After some time, Lu Yin stared at the past of Shi Buzhan and Karma, and suddenly saw something, his expression changed, and he stepped forward slightly.

Shi Buzhan raised his eyes, his pupils flickering, what did he see?

“Thirty-seven times.”

Lu Yin spoke and stared at Shi Buzhan: “I saw it, thirty-seven times.”

Shi Buzhan looked at him and said nothing.

Lu Yin said: “I really didn’t care at first. After all, every tributary of the river is the same and there is no difference.”

When the words “tributaries of the long river of time” appeared, Shi Buzhan’s pupils trembled and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

“But when the frame of time is broken, you continue to drag out the tributaries of the long river of time in the glorious realm of time.”

“That is not cultivation, but an inspection. In fact, it can be regarded as cultivation, right.” Lu Yin continued to speak, looking at Shi Buzhan: “That is the same tributary of the long river of time. It appears after the frame of time is broken. Twenty-one times. Based on my feeling, among all the causal pictures I have seen before, it should have appeared fifteen times. This is not the total number of times, just the number of times I have seen it.”

“That is to say, during that period just now, the same tributary of the long river of time,

I saw it thirty-seven times. ”

“So, that tributary of the Long River is very special, what is it?”

Shi Buzhan stared at Lu Yin, looked deeply, and then smiled, with ridicule, but also with bitterness: “Those are the original years.”

Lu Yin was confused: “Original years?”

Shi Buzhan looked into the distance: “Cultivation is the foundation of the power to dominate the years. Unfortunately, you can’t cultivate it, and you will never be able to cultivate it.”

Lu Yin frowned: “Is it also the foundation of practicing the Nine Transformations?”

“Not bad.”

“The Snow Queen and the Grand Palace Master are both there, why can’t I practice?”

“They are gifts, who will give them to you? Human beings, you will never get the cultivation method of the original years, even if you see my cause and effect. You can imagine that the master has blocked this method.”

In this case, Lu Yinxin, the master is not a good person, how can he let his power leak out.

Then it’s the same as what I thought before, and the Snow Queen is right. You need to be recognized by the Time Lord Clan in the Time of Glory Realm before you can practice the Nine Transformations.

There is no point in not fighting when you catch one.

“Can I die? Human being.” Shi Buzhan suddenly asked.

Lu Yin had completely controlled its life and death without fighting when he pierced it with the Dao sword. It couldn’t even die.

“I envy you.”

Lu Yin looked at it: “Envy me?”

Shi Buzhan sighed: “It has been my long-cherished wish since childhood to persuade others not to fight with me. Unfortunately, I don’t have the courage to really fight with you.”

“Facing you, I chose to escape, which was denying my life.”

“So humans, give me a decent way to die, let me die in battle.”

Lu Yin looked towards the PoE Xuan Realm, where he could not see the outcome of the fierce battle, but according to his calculations, he could take action.



The point of Jiangtai Hell appeared next to him, “Escape by yourself.” After saying that, Jiang Shi Buzhan was thrown into the point of Jiangtai Hell, and the cause and effect continued to increase.

In the **** of Dianjiangtai, Shi Buzhan merged with the nine transformations and rushed out, but was suppressed by Lu Yin. It tried to rush out again and again, but was suppressed again and again. Lu Yin grabbed Dianjiangtai. The **** is heading towards the realm of Po’e Xuan, and finally, it will point the **** towards the realm of Po’e Xuan.

In the Broken Era Mysterious Realm, the Grand Palace Master and Shengrou raised their heads at the same time, and immediately smashed down the hell, while avoiding it at the same time.

When Shi Buzhan rushed out of the general hell, Lu Yin teleported, raised his palm, and struck out.

A palm hit Shi Bu Zhan hard, piercing its body and pressing it heavily to the ground.

Shigui was angry: “Human, stop.”

Lu Yin casually waved his hand, and terrifying power swept around, lifting up the entire void.

Shi Buzhan died in front of Shi Gui, on the most powerful battlefield of Shengrou, Yunxin, and Grand Palace Master.

Lu Yin stood beside the Hell of the general platform, glanced at Shengrou and the others, turned his back to the Grand Palace Master, and said slowly: “Senior, I’m here to help you.”

The Grand Palace Master exhaled: “You solve the problem of luck and leave the other two to me. I will bring you the key.”

“Okay, I’m sorry to bother you, senior.” After saying that, he rushed towards Yun Xin. Behind him, the stream of light danced and glowed. The air flow merged into his body, and he punched out, the Star Fist.

Facing Lu Yin, Yun Xin had no choice but to recall the black humanoid figure and headed towards Lu Yin.

The Grand Palace Master sneered, “Two juniors, let’s see how long you can last.” With that, he killed Shi Gui.

Sheng Rou and Shi Gui looked at each other and shot out the causal capsules and time barnacles, which continued to spread around the Grand Palace Master, “Human, you can help it

Regret it. ”

Yun Xin also shouted: “The Grand Palace Master is definitely not what you see. He will definitely enslave your human civilization, and your end will be worse than the people in the camp.”

Lu Yin sneered: “What about you? You just want to exterminate our human civilization. Compared to the Grand Palace Master, your Lord is the old enemy.”

The Star Fist was blasted out, a red platform loomed inside Yun Xin’s body, and a black figure came behind Lu Yin, opening his arms to hug him.

At this moment, Lu Yin opened the third eye on his forehead, turned around, looked at the Grand Palace Master, and turned around.

The Grand Palace Master’s body suddenly turned, and he was shocked. In front of his eyes, an eye stared at him, and he steadied himself.

The irregular lines spread and covered the Grand Palace Master in an instant, making it difficult for the Grand Palace Master to move.

The Grand Palace Master’s pupils shrank sharply, human?

Lu Yin teleported and appeared in front of the Grand Palace Master, “Guys, don’t hold back, there is no place for the old guy in the inner and outer world.” After saying that, he teleported away with the Grand Palace Master and appeared in – Taibai. fate.

The reason why I chose Taibai Fate Realm is because there is a life framework that has not yet been broken, but can be broken.

Lu Yin didn’t dare to break the frame of his life because he was afraid of attracting the attention of the ruler of the Ancient City of Time. Once the frame was broken too much, there would definitely be movement.

Even the anti-current camp forces advised not to break it.

They are like this, and the Grand Palace Master is even more like this.

Here, it has a lot to take into account. And Shengrou and the others may be eager to break the life frame at this moment, and the Grand Palace Master has to worry about protecting it.

Lu Yin suddenly took action against the Grand Palace Master, catching everyone by surprise.

He had previously rejected Yun Xin’s proposal to jointly deal with the Grand Palace Master, and now he was using the Grand Palace Master to deal with the Lord. No matter how he looked at it, he should not take action against the Grand Palace Master at this moment.


The Grand Palace Master resolves Shengrou and Shigui, and his decision to deal with Yunxin is the best choice for humankind.

But he actually chose to deal with the Grand Palace Master.

No one can figure it out.

“Have a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

At two o’clock in the afternoon, more updates will be provided, thank you! ! ”


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