Star Odyssey Chapter 5208: The sacrifice of the universe

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A teleport appeared in front of Shi Buzhan. Shi Buzhan saw Lu Yin and turned quickly, but Lu Yin teleported again to block the front. Shi Buzhan continued to turn, and Lu Yin continued to block.

In desperation, it split into nine, changed into nine, and nine shadows rushed in nine directions.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and kept teleporting, focusing on everything he looked at. He teleported so frequently that Lu Yin’s shadow appeared in front of Shi Buzhan in nine directions.

“Human, you.”

The silver fox came after him, but he didn’t refuse Lu Yin to block Shi Bu Zhan. If Lu Yin didn’t block, Shi Bu Zhan ran away.

Shi Bu Zhan had no choice but to fight off the silver fox and find a way to escape.

But the silver fox clearly wants to die. Even if its limbs are broken, even if its body is cut open, even if its body is shattered into pieces, it will bite it without fighting and pursue it with all its might, its eyes never relaxing for a moment.

Death, the way home, they.

It’s not uncomfortable to be deceived, what’s uncomfortable is that it’s the truth.

It wishes it were just deception.

“Silver Fox, don’t seek death.” Shi Buzhan shouted. It didn’t kill him because it wasn’t sure what Lu Yin was thinking.

Lu Yin had rescued Silver Fox, but he was afraid that killing Silver Fox would anger Lu Yin and lead to death, even though it was still in danger even without Silver Fox at this moment.

The silver fox said nothing, staring at Shi Buzhan with red eyes.

I will bite you even if I die.

Shi Buzhan’s nine shadows merged together and looked at Lu Yin with a stern look: “Don’t force me to kill it.”

Lu Yin put his hands behind his back and closed his eyes.

Shi BuZhan’s eyes widened. From behind, the silver fox opened its mouth and bit it. The shadow covered Shi BuZhan and wanted to devour it in one bite.

The shadow expanded, Shi Buzhan stared at Lu Yin, the mouth behind him was closing, and gradually darkened, covering the starry sky.

The teeth stood between Shi Buzhan and Lu Yin.

Apart from Shi Buzhan’s gaze.

It raised its eyes and saw endless scales and claws.


With a soft sound, blood spread all over the world, and the silver fox was completely broken, with its body scattered in all directions.

Blood water irrigated the earth and dyed large branches red.

Shi Buzhan was also submerged in blood, and scarlet mist steamed down its body.

Lu Yin opened his eyes and saw the silver fox, but there was no body. It was completely broken into pieces.

This is where it belongs.

Every life has its own path, and Lu Yin respects it. Since he wants to die with peace of mind, he will not interfere.

“It’s dead, it’s my turn next.”

Shi Buzhan stared at Lu Yin: “It forced me, and you can save it.”

Lu Yin said calmly: “It can’t see the future, it only exists in the past, so let it go. The next step is our business.”

As he spoke, he pieced together the broken body of the silver fox. With a slight shock, the gray color flowed over the body, speeding up the years. In a blink of an eye, the body of the silver fox dried up, and finally turned into dots of stars and disappeared, together with the others. Like a silver fox.

These starlights formed a silver fox, running towards the unknown distance. It seemed to see two other silver foxes, one big and one small. It found its family.

Shi Buzhan knew that he could not escape, and suppressed his breathing. The figure gradually separated and changed nine times. At the same time, an indescribable feeling came to it. Countless voices were vaguely whispered, and another kind of halo poured into life. Allow your body to recover quickly without restriction.

Lu Yin looked at it. The sacrifice of the universe, the talent of the God of the Time Lord, can transfer his own injuries, but he doesn’t know where to transfer them.

If this is not worthy of the name of a god’s talent, the damage transfer of Zhenwu Night King’s talent is better than this.

The real power of this talent is that it can divert danger, not damage.

This is an ability that is difficult to explain. Lu Yin has specifically learned about it. According to historical records, some creatures of the Time Lord clan used this talent to escape a certain death situation and transferred the danger to other creatures. This kind of transfer cannot be done at all. The explanation is both like good luck and other beings just happened to appear, and also like some kind of arrangement, which is more coincidental than luck.

Just like the silver fox doesn’t fight when it can be found, no one knows why.

It may not even know it.

The universe is like a network that has been planned long ago. Which threads are connected to which threads and intertwined are already determined.

And this talent is like being able to fiddle with this net.

Now that Shi Buzhan had started using this talent, Lu Yin was quite curious as to where it could divert the danger.


Shi Bu Zhan’s nine transformations merged into one, instantly bursting out with terrifying combat power. At this moment, it almost reached the level of the strongest.

It’s a pity that Lu Yin was at this level and even killed Ming Qing.

Facing the backlash of Shi BuZhan’s years, he directly used Karma to suppress it and swept away. Under the law of Karma, the Dao sword rain penetrated the void and slashed at Shi BuZhan.

Shi Buzhan threw the Wanhe Tower to protect himself. In front of him, Lu Yin appeared and struck out with a palm. The six cards behind him glowed and merged into a stream of air that spread along the arm. Finally, with the force of the palm falling, a palm , shattering the Wanhe Tower, and the endless force allowed him to poke out of the Wanhe Tower and grab Shi Buzhan.

Shi Buzhan turned his tail, raised his claws, and showed endless scales.

A simple claw split the starry sky at the moment it appeared. The twisted void seemed to be filled with cracks on the painting, and it suddenly bent and pressed towards Lu Yin.

This claw is stronger than anything it has ever struck.

Lu Yin seemed to see another pair of eyes and another life behind this claw.

He was not careless. He clenched his right fist, fisted with stars, made a civilized star fight, and the air flow was boiling.


The endless scale claws were broken, and Shi Buzhan’s figure flew out, smacking into the distance.

Just as Lu Yin was about to chase after him, suddenly, he rolled his eyes, turned his head, and looked into the distance in astonishment. Is that Sheng Zang?

The sacrifice of the universe, the sacred treasure.

It turned out to be it.

Why does it appear in the inner and outer heavens? Looking for death?

Far away, Shengzang was also confused. Why did he appear here? It’s obviously just a few inches away, why?

Lu Yin teleported away and reappeared in front of Sheng Zang.

When Sheng Zang saw Lu Yin, his pupils shrank sharply: “Human?”

Lu Yin raised his hand to grab it.

Sheng Zang hurriedly evaded, but not even Lu Yin now, not even Lu Yin before, could escape.

Grabbing Shengzang, Lu Yin turned his head again, and Shi Buzhan had already run away.

But it can’t run.


Lu Yin teleported away again.

In the distance, Shi Buzhan tried his best to gather his breath and escape. He knew that his talent was at work, but he didn’t know how long it could delay Lu Yin, so he could only run away as much as possible.

No matter how magical the talent is, it is just a talent, just like the second chance of cause and effect. Sheng Mie used it and lost to Chen. Sheng Rou also used it and failed. The talent cannot be reversed, it is just a chance.

Unfortunately this opportunity failed.

Seeing Lu Yin blocking the front, Shi Buzhan knew that he could no longer run away.

Lu Yin teleported and disappeared.

Shi Buzhan enveloped the Wanhe Tower. With a bang, the Wanhe Tower shattered. Above it, the Karma and the Great Compassion suppressed it. Shi Buzhan was crushed to the point of vomiting blood. Then, the Karma and the Great Compassion scattered and turned into a rain of swords. Pierce it, pierce the body with one sword, blood spilled in the sky, and finally nail it into the branch with the sword, the blood flows along the branch, extremely miserable.

Lu Yin appeared in front of it.

Looking at the miserable state of his body, Shi Buzhan made a hoarse voice: “Is this considered revenge for that silver fox?”

Lu Yin said calmly: “How do you practice the Nine Transformations?”

Shi Buzhan looked at Lu Yin: “Do you think I will tell you? Or do you think I wanted to escape before because I was afraid of death?”

“Living is the instinct of life. I know you are not afraid of death, but I also have more than one way to get the answer I want.”

“Cause and effect? ​​Just try it. I don’t know if you can get the answer, but I won’t give it.”

Lu Yin didn’t stop talking nonsense. When the cause and effect penetrates into the body, he doesn’t fight it. It depends on its past cause and effect.

This is a process in which the answer is bound to be obtained, but there may not be time to see the answer, because Shi Buzhan has survived for too long.

If you don’t fight, you won’t be afraid of death. Lu Yin knew it, and he could see it in its eyes.

It has no time to fight. I advise you not to fight. Before the strongest one appears, it is one of the strongest existences in the inner and outer heavens. With its nine transformations fully activated, Shengqing, Shengji, Mingfan, etc. are no match at all. , it is undoubtedly the strongest.

If you give it time, it will definitely be the next time.

Lu Yin fought it with Chen’s clone, and was suppressed from the beginning to the end. If he hadn’t relied on bad luck and relied on Biao’s strength and Xiangsiyu’s luck, Chen’s clone wouldn’t have escaped at all. If it doesn’t fall, I must take action.

However, the world changed too fast, and its strength failed to keep up with the changes.

It is completely different from Mingfan.

For such a creature with a firm determination to fight, it is useless to deal with Mingfan. The only way is to check the cause and effect yourself.

The Dao sword pierced Shi Bu Zhan, erasing some of its past, weakening too much strength, and exiting the nine-change state. Now Shi Bu Zhan has completely lost the ability to resist.

While Lu Yin was checking the past of Shi Bu Zhan’s cause and effect, he looked towards the PoE Xuan Realm.

The Grand Palace Master has already entered, looking for Yunshan. Perhaps in order to divert the Grand Palace Master’s attention, the Lord let the Four Great Turtles, Zhenjie, Thirteenth Gate, etc. enter the Grand Palace Palace to protect themselves. Alliance battle.

The Self-Defense Alliance is not weak, and the main subordinates are equally strong. The battle at the Great World Palace is quite fierce.

If there is no strongest person in the inner and outer heavens, there must be the fiercest battlefield there.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze. Shengrou and the others had grasped the Grand Palace Master’s fighting rhythm and bottom line, and would not be easily defeated. However, it was unlikely that they would be able to defeat the Grand Palace Master. The Grand Palace Master’s fighting style came from the randomness of his fighting style. Its understanding of various powers is beyond the level of the strongest. Any change can break the desperate situation, so that it falls into a protracted war.

This was expected by Lu Yin.

If Shengrou and the others are so easy to defeat, they are not at the level of the most powerful next to the Lord.

The Grand Palace Master is essentially on the same level as them, but has just embarked on the road to dominance. If there is no master blockade to ascend and pass, the most powerful person will not be second only to the master. The Grand Palace Master is truly second to the master.

In this level, the closer you are to the master, the stronger you may be.

Master Mi has also walked this road before.

The protracted war outside will not affect human civilization. Huanji and Changju cannot move. They can just guard Xiangcheng. It is not the time for them to move yet.

Qianji Guiyan must have been watching.

Lu Yin asked Hunji and the others to guard Xiangcheng for some reason, just to guard against any mischief.

Lu Yin never trusted this bear.


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