Star Odyssey Chapter 5019: Free time

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“If the war breaks out, Wang Miaomiao and Chen will die, your Wang family will lose face, and the meaning of marrying with death will be gone. Who would marry with a force that can’t help them at all?”

“Chen is morning, and Wang Miaomiao is Wang Miaomiao. Ask Shengqing if he dares to attack Wang Miaomiao.”

“Did you catch Sheng Qing?” Shi Tao suddenly thought.

Wang Wen shrugged but did not answer.

Shi Tao looked at Wang Wenyun’s calm expression and finally gave up his strength and said, “Set up your conditions.”

Wang Wen picked up the chess piece, placed it in another position, and smiled lightly: “Wouldn’t you have said this earlier?” After saying that, he turned to look at Shi Tao: “I want to go to the ancient city of years.”

Shi Tao was shocked: “The Ancient City of Time?”

Wang Wen smiled and continued to pick up the chess pieces.


“This is my condition.”

“I will not agree to this condition.”

“I didn’t ask you to agree.” Wang Wen put down the chess piece and raised his eyes without looking at Shi Tao. His eyes were as deep as an abyss: “I’m just telling you.”

Shi Tao stared at Wang Wen: “What are you going to do? The Ancient City of Time is the gathering place for our Lord to snipe and kill those who rebel against the ancient times. No one can enter except for the creatures of the Lord’s clan and the chartered creatures.”

Wang Wendao: “That’s your business.”

Shi Tao gritted his teeth: “My mistake in bringing you into the Ancient City of Time is far more serious than my current mistake. I can’t possibly help you.”

Wang Wen smiled and looked at Shi Tao: “I guessed it right, it was you who came up with the idea of ​​letting Bu Qing Lai stay in my illusory realm.”

Shi Tao did not refute.

“Still so stupid.”

“You should be clearer when talking to idiots. Well, there are four words called coercion and inducement. Coercion, I will marry Wang Miaomiao to Chen. Now it is the turn of inducement.”

Shi Tao shouted: “Wang Wen, say it again, I can’t take you into the ancient city of time, no matter what your so-called inducements are.”

“Even if I take the Lord of Death away?” Wang Wen replied.

Shi Tao was shocked, thinking he heard wrongly: “What did you say?”

Wang Wen looked at Shi Tao with a smile: “I will ensure that within a period of time, there will be no decisive force that can interfere with the actions of the four masters. For example, the Lord of Death, is this inducement okay?”

Shi Tao stared at Wang Wen in disbelief.

Take away the Lord of Death? Nowadays, the master has some power that exists in the inner and outer heavens. Some creatures in the outside world think that the master is always there, while the creatures who know part of the truth think that there is a master in every period of time, but only they know it.

Master, no one can tell who is here and who is not.

The only thing that is certain is that the Lord of Death is here.

In other words, the Lord of Death has left the power to intervene in everything in the inner and outer heavens.

As for the existence of the Lord of Death himself, Qian Jiyan may not know it.

It is precisely because of the existence of the intervening power of the Lord that they are restricted in some things, especially the existence of the Lord of Death, which makes them have to suppress themselves.

If Wang Wen can take away the Lord of Death so that the Inner and Outer Heavens will no longer have the decisive power to interfere with them, they will truly control the Inner and Outer Heavens for a period of time, and there will be so much they can do.

What morning has been destroyed long ago.

Death has long been expelled and obliterated.

Grudges should be cleared, revenge should be taken, and whatever should be done, the four masters join forces to become invincible.

Destroy the Death Path, even if the Lord of Death returns, it will be helpless, and it will definitely be rewarded by the Lord.

This move cannot truly destroy Death, but as long as the Lord of Death still exists, it can help itself.

Wang Wen withdrew his gaze, picked up the chess piece again, dropped it, and played chess with himself.

Sometimes I miss His Royal Highness Chessman.

Shi Tao stared at Wang Wen: “How can you make us believe that we can take away the Lord of Death?”

Wang Wendao: “If you can’t take me away, you don’t have to take me into the ancient city of time.”

Shi Tao’s eyes relaxed, that’s right.

“How about it? Do you want to discuss it with the Shengqing guys?” Wang Wen asked.

Of course Shi Tao needs to discuss it, but speculation that Bu Qing is in Sui Rong has also emerged.

Wang Miaomiao looks for Chen, Chen attacks the criminal world, fights against Buqing, etc. Are these series of events connected? If the Wang family united with Death, how could Wang Wen take away the Lord of Death?

Shi Tao’s mind is very confused at the moment and he needs to sort it out. Wang Wen stood up and said, “I won’t talk nonsense to you. Thirteen hundred years is the approximate period when Karma and Karma will return from the crusade against the Fourth Barrier. At that time, I will take away the Lord of Death and give you a period of complete freedom. During that period Within time, be you

We want to do whatever we want. ”

“Little Arowana, how high you can reach in the future depends on that period of time.”

“This opportunity has never been given to your predecessors.”

Shi Tao left with complicated thoughts.

Wang Wen looked at its leaving figure with a smile on his face. Since the conditions have been put forward, there is no way for them to refuse.

No matter what they are thinking now, this temptation cannot be refused.

Thirteen hundred years later.

A period of complete freedom.

I’m really looking forward to it.

In the world of crime, it has been three years since Lu Yin returned. Three years ago, he took Gu and Wang Miaomiao into the Xuan Realm to start the Fang War. He originally wanted to cooperate with Gu to defeat all the Fang Lords of Time and Cause and Effect in the Xuan Realm, so that the Xuan Realm could not become a realm to launch a Realm War, but in the end Still withdrew


The masters of the years and the cause and effect will not fight.

They can’t find the goal and can only give up.

Qi Shuiyuan, along with Buqing going to the Wang family, no longer had any masters to trouble Lu Yin.

As for Gu, before this series of events, it would have been hunted down once it was exposed, but now that it is with Lu Yin, no one really wants to cause trouble for it.

Cause and Effect are waiting to return from conquering the fourth barrier.

Sui Yuan fought with Lu Yin together.

Life has always been low-key, but luck is even more difficult to figure out.

So now Gu is considered safe and stays in the criminal world with Lu Yin.

The calmer it is, the greater the danger.

It is impossible for the Lord to let the morning bear on his head. He can only say that everyone has his own plans and the time has not yet come. Lu Yin raised his head and looked up at the beautiful universe. It was calm and not what he wanted. The world of sin could not initiate a world war. The other worlds belonging to the cause and effect could also. Among the seventy-two worlds, the cause and effect could completely command and launch a world war. ,

No less than five.

This does not include the Tianmen Realm that was just exposed before.

It is obviously inappropriate to seek trouble in one sector after another.

Lu Yin was wondering if there was any way to prevent all the realms of cause and effect from cooperating with the giant city to attack the fourth barrier.

In this case, Eternal came to the world of crime to look for Lu Yin.

Lu Yin watched Yongheng approaching and subconsciously glanced at Wang Miaomiao.

Wang Miaomiao also looked at eternity in surprise.

Eternity gradually approached, and his eyes fell on Wang Miaomiao, “Long time no see.”

Wang Miaomiao looked at Eternity with complicated eyes. In the Tianyuan Universe, one is the Lord of the Eternal Clan, and the other is the Seven Gods. Wang Miaomiao is the Forgotten God. He obeys the orders of Eternity, but he also monitors Eternity for Wang Wen. Regardless of her original stance, after countless years of getting along, she still admires Yong

Heng’s methods and strategies.

I didn’t expect that Tianyuan Universe would be like this after seeing each other again after seeing each other again.

“Long time no see, Lord Yongheng.” Wang Miaomiao said.

Yongheng smiled: “Don’t call me that, there is no longer an adult, I am just a creature of the Death Lord clan.” After saying that, he looked at Lu Yin: “Right, Your Excellency Chen.”

Wang Miaomiao looked at Lu Yin, “Do you know each other?”

Lu Yin slowly said: “I had contact with him in the Dead Sea.”

Eternal Smile: “Yes, I helped Mr. Chen cultivate the evil spirit.”

“What are you doing here?” Lu Yin asked directly.

From a distance, Gu looked curiously, and seeing that Eternal Cultivation was no threat to him at all, he sat down and stopped looking.

Facing Lu Yin, Yongheng praised: “First of all, I would like to congratulate Your Excellency Chen for becoming the Supreme Order of Death. I also admire your courage and strength for daring to fight against the other Masters.”

“Secondly, I would like to cooperate with you again.”

Previously in the Dead Sea, Yongheng had sincerely concealed Lu Yin’s clone and helped him cultivate the evil spirit. He hoped that Lu Yin would help him come to the forefront and not just be a creature of the death master clan.

In return, Lu Yin helped Yongheng join in dealing with the unknown master clan of creatures.

When he was fighting for the line of divine power under the unknown tree, Eternal also helped him, which was considered a happy cooperation.

Now, he is here again.

Lu Yin was very curious: “Why cooperate? Don’t you know that I have become the target of public criticism? If you are not careful, you will have to stay here and be buried with me.”

Young Yong said with a smile: “You can’t leave the Wang family without being young. It’s obvious that the Sui Yitong doesn’t want to clean up the mess for the Karma, but it also wants to save face. So for the time being, no one will cause trouble for you.”

“You are the safest at this moment.”

Lu Yin and Yongheng looked at each other: “But I’m not free either.”

Yongheng said: “As long as you can walk in the seventy-two realms. You don’t know what kind of trump card you hold in your hand, a trump card that can produce miraculous effects if used well.”

“Oh? What trump card?”

“Shadow Realm.” “Shadow Realm?” Lu Yin really didn’t expect this. He took back the Shadow Realm and was able to fight a battle, which was a great help. However, a battle with the Lord cannot determine the outcome. In other words, one Shadow Realm cannot determine the outcome.

Code must master five realms or even more before it has the right to speak.

Yongheng put his hands behind his back, glanced at Wang Miaomiao, and then looked at Lu Yin again: “Have you ever thought about giving up the shadow world?”

Lu Yin was stunned by Yongheng’s words, and the same was true for Wang Miaomiao.

You have the ace in your hand, the shadow world, but you want to give up the shadow world? Eternal walked a few steps, sat on the gravel, looked straight ahead, and spoke slowly: “The Shadow Realm is not the first realm that Death returns to take back. Before that, there were realms that were taken back by the Lord of Death, but that was inevitable. , because the Lord of the Dead returns,

It is impossible to get not one realm. ”

“If you get one realm, the second realm or the third realm will be blocked. This is the attitude of the four masters, an attitude of suppressing the death realm.”

“The Shadow Realm is the second or third realm. When the Lord of Death wanted to take back the Shadow Realm, the Velvet Civilization appeared and began to curb death.” “So although the Shadow Realm is just One of the forty-four realms, but it is extremely important to be stuck at this point. It can be regarded as an attitude. Your ability to take back the Shadow Realm is a matter of courage, strategy, and ability. But for the other masters, taking it away again

The Shadow Realm is even more significant. “I would like to ask, what does it feel like when the Shadow Realm is taken away by death, or by the morning that dares to challenge the family of masters of cause and effect, and by the years, but how does it feel to be deprived of it again not long after?” ”


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