Star Odyssey Chapter 5015: Robbing people

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Outside the seventy-two realm barrier, the old blind man, Xing Zhui and the others watched the realm battle in amazement.

“This guy is more ruthless than us.”

“Yes, he is a formidable young man. Be careful when you meet him in the future.”

“It’s a pity not to be able to bring Gu out this time, otherwise the hanging world will not be decided by the years.”

“The power of the boundary battle in the hanging world is the least, and I had no intention of taking action against it that morning.”

“You have to think of other ways, Fang. The more you master, the better. Look at how crazy this guy is when he masters a Shadow Realm, so much so that even the Biyan Realm doesn’t dare to fight back.”

“I found that this morning does not seem to be targeting the cause and effect. He is targeting all those who are against him, whether it is the cause and effect or the years.”

“Well, I also discovered it, so we can’t be targeted by him. This guy is too vindictive.”

Beside him, colors were flowing. Lu Yin looked at the barrier that was getting closer and closer, and turned his head. The battle between the Qing Realm and Death continued.

He paused, landed, and walked towards Yunting without looking back, followed by Wang Miaomiao.

He took Wang Miaomiao with him, and he couldn’t beat him in the face.

The unexpected surprise brought about by Wang Miaomiao is that at this moment, he has a legitimate reason to grab – Gu.

Gu, one of the four extreme sins, was betrayed by E Zhao and imprisoned again in Liuying camp.

The reason why they are immortal is that they all have a large number of methods.

There are more than 2,000 cubic meters sold in the hanging world, accounting for almost one-fifth of the hanging world, which is quite terrifying.

Previously, the old blind man and the others took advantage of the opportunity to take back the Shadow Realm and wanted to **** Gu away, but were stopped by Shi Buzhan. Now, let him take him away. Since Xuanjie has launched a boundary war against him, it is natural for him to cause trouble for Xuanjie, and as for Suiyue Yiyi, it is even more appropriate for him to cause trouble.

Wang Miaomiao was dragged down by the Dead Sea and felt that her life had taken a completely different direction than what she had previously known.

Since entering the Inner Heaven, she has long lost the destruction and wildness of her days as a Seven God Heaven, and now that familiar feeling has returned, even though it was brought by others.

“Where are we going?” Wang Miaomiao was curious and somewhat expectant.

Lu Yin moved at extremely fast speed, “Zhang Ting.”

“One of the Yuntings? Are you leaving this inner and outer world?”

The corners of Lu Yin’s mouth curled up in a terrifying manner: “Of course not.”

At the same time, the news that Lu Yin left the Shadow Realm also spread.

Of course there is also the Great Realm Palace in the Shadow Realm.

When the outside world learned that Lu Yin left the Shadow Realm and went to Yunting, they were confused and didn’t understand what he was going to do.

The news keeps getting out.

Soon, all the major masters and the master clan also knew about it.

No one can judge Lu Yin’s destination from his current position, because Yunting can teleport through the altar.

Normally speaking, no matter what Lu Yin wanted to do, he would just stop him.

But at the beginning, all parties were suppressed in the first battle.

The Cause and Effect Alliance has even exposed the Tianmen Realm, and several masters have failed to fight and returned. Although the Years and Years Alliance has mobilized more masters, they are not sure to stop it.

They want to know Lu Yin’s purpose now.

Leaving the Sin Realm to start a world war in the Shadow Realm is understandable, and no one would ridicule his previous declaration that he would take charge of the Sin Realm. But now, if he leaves the Inner and Outer Heavens, Death will be completely disgraced.

Of course, leaving is impossible, after all, he is not at a disadvantage.

Lu Yin entered the nearby Yunting, then teleported, and then appeared again – Zhang Ting.

In Zhang Ting, many creatures stared blankly at the humanoid skeleton walking out of the altar. Damn it, isn’t this that morning?

Because the old blind man and the others wanted to take Gu away, Zhang Ting was destroyed in a battle with Shi Bu Zhan, and it has not fully recovered yet.

The guardian of Zhangting hurriedly stepped forward and saluted respectfully: “See Your Excellency Chen.”

“Where is the sale?”

The guardian of Zhangting did not hide anything and helped Lu Yin find the location of Gu, and then watched Lu Yin break the barrier from the outside and enter.

The outside world is boiling.

In the morning, I went to find a buyer.

No one expected Lu Yin to do such a thing, it felt inexplicable but reasonable.

Sui Yiyi launched a boundary battle, and he fought back. The counterattack in a boundary battle alone was not enough. Gu was finally captured by Sui Yiyi through E Zhao. Once the party controlled by the Four Extreme Sins was taken away by Sui Yiyi, inside and outside, Days and years together will have an advantage in the world war.

This is extremely important.

Otherwise, the Lord of Time would not have personally taken away E Zhao to instigate rebellion.

When Sui Suiyi learned about this, he couldn’t sit still.

Bu Qing received the death order and must leave Gu in the camp and not leave.

It immediately rushed to Zhangting.

You can’t take action without fighting, otherwise the tricks will appear.

Bu Qing’s face was gloomy, why would he target Gu this morning? Could it be because one of the realm battles is the hanging realm? Or he had already been staring at the Four Extremes Sin.

Could it be that the real goal of the Lord of Death is the Four Extreme Sins?

It can’t figure it out, but to be clear, it’s been trapped again.

In Liuying, the huge mine stretches endlessly and far away, as if it covers half of the universe.

Gu is locked in the middle of the mine.

This mine is the main source of certain metals in the inner and outer world. There are creatures mining here all the time, making huge noises. And these sounds are the way to torture Gu.

Gu has some unique talent and can hear everything in the universe. The reason why I was able to get so many people in the Xuan Realm in the first place was because of this talent.

Now that it is still in this mine, it is listening to the sound of mining every moment. Even if it is not torture, it also makes it unable to hear the sounds further away.

Lu Yin brought Wang Miaomiao to the mine and fixed his eyes directly on Gu.

At the same time, Gu raised his head, looked at the sky, grinned, and the chains on his body made a soft sound. Countless blood marks scabbed and fell off, and blood stains oozed out.

“I’ll take you away.” Lu Yin said.

The underground of the mine shook violently, and sharp white bones suddenly stabbed out from the ground, stabbing towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin casually waved his hand, and his bone arm hit the white bones, making a loud noise.

The terrifying power spread along the bone arm, shattering the bones inch by inch, and spread under the earth. Then, the entire ground was blasted open, and the huge mine was split into two.

Underground, a pair of huge eyes opened and soared into the sky.

Lu Yin calmly looked at the white bone creature that rushed out of the ground. Although this creature was also white bones, it was different from the white bones controlled by Death, because it was originally a creature with white bones as its shell, and there was flesh and blood inside.

The monstrous and ferocious aura emitted, as if melting the void, threatening the world.

In the mine, the mining creatures hurriedly avoided. As this creature appeared, it brought out countless gravel and dust from the ground and sprinkled it down.

“Who are you?” The creature shouted, staring at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin retracted his bone arm and looked at it: “This power is sorry for your image.”

“My name is Chen, the supreme sequence of death.”

The creature on the opposite side was surprised: “Supreme sequence?”

Lu Yin moved his arms and suddenly stepped out. Darkness spread. Above the Dead Sea, bamboos stood tall and tall, “a small bamboo forest.”

The creature’s pupils shrank sharply, and then ran away.

Lu Yin was stunned and stopped in place, huh? Ran?

In the back, Wang Miaomiao blinked and ran away?

No one expected that the creature actually ran away. It has three laws.

The masters who guard the four extreme sins all follow the three laws. Although it may be just the most common three laws, the three laws are the three laws. How can they run away?

In the mine, Gu smiled: “Xiao Zhulin, this is the battle technique of the famous master, the master of death. This guy has heard of it, and with your status as the highest sequence, how dare you stay here to seek death. It’s just He was just hired by Time and Time to guard him, he won’t fight tooth and nail.”

“Hey, are you really the supreme sequence of death?”

Lu Yin looked down at it: “It’s guaranteed to be fake.”

“Hahahaha, okay, cut off this **** chain for me, and I’ll go with you, but you can’t even try to get anything out of me.” Gu laughed.

Lu Yin landed in front of it.

Seeing it for the second time.

The first time was in Mo Ting, when he and Wang Chenchen entered the inner and outer heavens. At that time, Gu still shocked him greatly.

It is simply unbelievable that the Four Extreme Sins can be beaten out of the camp and collected so many in the seventy-two realms. This guy has the courage to bend for the Lord, and there is not a single good spot on his body, all of which are scars.

Whether it is willing to hand over the party to itself or not, letting it go will be troublesome to both the master and the master.

Lu Yin raised his hand and held the chain.

“This is a creature of the Sin Sect, not a real iron chain.”

“I know.”

“Oh? Are you prepared?”

“Not really, I just happened to destroy the Sin Sect and fought with some creatures of the Sin Sect during the process.”

Gu was shocked, “What did you say?”

The sin sect creature locked on Gu also trembled, a little unbelievable.

Lu Yin smiled: “The Karma Master clan has offended me. If I can’t offend the Karma Reunion Realm, why can’t I offend a Sin Sect?”

Gu looked deeply at Lu Yin: “I thought you were joking.”

Lu Yin’s bone hand fell on the shackles of the sin sect creature: “Are we familiar? I’m kidding you.” As he said that, he exerted force.


The shackles of the sin sect’s creatures were forcibly broken.

The Sin Sect creature landed on the ground and made a low and depressed voice: “Impossible, how can you destroy my Sin Sect? You are not someone you can fight against, the Sect Master.”

“What a coincidence, your sect master is out for something.” Lu Yin replied, his eyes falling on Gu.

At this moment, it still has the last restraint – years.

Using a tributary of the long river as a chain, hidden under the creatures of the Sin Sect, it can be said to be foolproof. In addition, there is a three-law creature guarding the outside world.

For the four extreme sins, the master really tried his best.

Gu looked at the humanoid skeleton close at hand: “Hey, as I just said, Fang, I won’t give it to you.”

Lu Yin didn’t care: “Yes, I said it.”

“Save me, and I may not be grateful to you.”

“As you wish.”

“Oh, you are quite interesting. Get out of the way, I don’t need you in the last one.”

Lu Yin retreated.

Gu’s eyes were sharp, and the ferocious aura seemed to come from the ancient times. With a low roar, he tore open the tributaries of the long river of time trapped on the surface of his body, and swept them in all directions along with the chaos of the years.

The mine is directly crushed.

“It’s so happy, it’s so happy, hahahaha.” Gu laughed, and then jumped towards the Liuying barrier, which was exactly where Lu Yin and the others came from.

This guy actually knew which direction they came in from.

Lu Yin followed Wang Miaomiao.


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